FCP Bare Bones 6/12

Updated 7:44pm



The Simpsons Pinball Party

Mary Dempsey x

Leslie Martin

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Dawnda Durbin x

Erik Graciosa

Medieval Madness

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Melissa Schwegel x


Zac Wollons

Jon Jacob x


Bill Lascher

Dennis Ayres x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap


Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin

David Morell x

Theater Of Magic

Jason Burton

Stephanie Davidson x

Theater Of Magic

Mathew Peterson

Dana Valatka x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Dan McLane

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Esther Ahronheim

Brandy Young x

Medieval Madness

Bo Carlson x

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz


Scott Benoit x

Jeff Hart

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

John Fujita

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel x

Theater Of Magic

Bob Rosingana x

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Leslie Waggoner x

Matt Walton


James "COW" Adamson x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

Medieval Madness

Mike Maraia x

Caleb Reynolds

Medieval Madness

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

Caleb Reynolds x

Theater Of Magic

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap

Esther Ahronheim x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff

Jason Burton x

Medieval Madness

Mathew Peterson

John Fujita x


Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Zac Wollons x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Erik Graciosa

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz x

Medieval Madness

Dan McLane x

Bill Lascher

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin

Jeff Hart x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Matt Walton x

Leslie Martin

Medieval Madness

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Jon Jacob xx


Mary Dempsey x

Brandy Young xx

Theater Of Magic

Scott Benoit xx

David Morell x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Dana Valatka xx

James "COW" Adamson x

Theater Of Magic

Leslie Waggoner x

Dawnda Durbin xx


Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer x

Bo Carlson xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Mike Maraia x

Stephanie Davidson xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Bob Rosingana x

Dennis Ayres xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Melissa Schwegel xx

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Leslie Martin x

Mathew Peterson

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Erik Graciosa

Bill Lascher x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Medieval Madness

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin x

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer x


Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Dan McLane xx


Bob Rosingana x

Esther Ahronheim xx

Medieval Madness

Mike Maraia xx

David Morell x

Theater Of Magic

James "COW" Adamson xx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Zac Wollons x

Jason Burton xx

Theater Of Magic

Jeff Hart x

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

John Fujita x

Matt Walton xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Leslie Waggoner x

Caleb Reynolds xx

Theater Of Magic

Mary Dempsey xx

Jon Jacob xx


Bo Carlson xx

Melissa Schwegel xxx


Dawnda Durbin xxx

Dana Valatka xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Scott Benoit xxx

Brandy Young xx

Medieval Madness

Stephanie Davidson xx

Dennis Ayres xxx


Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff x

Erik Graciosa

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Mathew Peterson x

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Theater Of Magic

John Fujita x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Jeff Hart x

David Morell xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Leslie Waggoner xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Medieval Madness

Bob Rosingana x

Leslie Martin xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer xx

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap x

Theater Of Magic

Bill Lascher x

Zac Wollons xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin x

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx


Mike Maraia xx

Jason Burton xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Caleb Reynolds xxx

Mary Dempsey xx


Matt Walton xxx

Jon Jacob xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Stephanie Davidson xx

James "COW" Adamson xxx

Medieval Madness

Esther Ahronheim xx

Dana Valatka xxx

Medieval Madness

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel xx

Brandy Young xxx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Dan McLane xxx

Bo Carlson xx

Theater Of Magic

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Erik Graciosa x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Mathew Peterson xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

John Fujita x

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin x

Bill Lascher xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Bob Rosingana x

Jeff Hart xx

Medieval Madness

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap x

Mike Maraia xxx


Leslie Martin xxx

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel xx

Medieval Madness

Zac Wollons xx

David Morell xxx

Theater Of Magic

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer xx

Leslie Waggoner xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Jon Jacob xx

Bo Carlson xxx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Esther Ahronheim xxx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx


Stephanie Davidson xxx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xx

Mary Dempsey xx


Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx


John Fujita x

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Bob Rosingana x

Erik Graciosa xx

Theater Of Magic

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Jeff Hart xxx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xxx

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel xx

Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz xxx

Medieval Madness

Zac Wollons xxx

Mary Dempsey xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xx

Bill Lascher xxx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Jon Jacob xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway x

John Fujita x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Bob Rosingana xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap xx

Mary Dempsey xxx

Theater Of Magic

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xxx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Medieval Madness

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer xxx

Erik Graciosa xx


Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel xxx

Jon Jacob xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

John Fujita xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Theater Of Magic

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway x

Bob Rosingana xxx


Greg "GRAG" Dunlap xxx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Medieval Madness

Erik Graciosa xxx

Jon Jacob xx

Theater Of Magic

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway x

Jon Jacob xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

John Fujita xxx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Theater Of Magic

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway x

Medieval Madness

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway xxx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xx

Medieval Madness

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xxx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin xx

Round 13

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W Medieval Madness 07:42

Round 12

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway L vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 10:40

Round 11

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Medieval Madness 09:12

Round 10

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W Theater Of Magic 16:27

Round 9

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Jon Jacob L Theater Of Magic 04:55

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W vs.
John Fujita L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 17:41

Round 8

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Bob Rosingana L Theater Of Magic 11:29

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Jon Jacob W Medieval Madness 09:36

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap L vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W Hurricane 08:25

John Fujita L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:07

Round 7

Bob Rosingana L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:16

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway L vs.
John Fujita W The Simpsons Pinball Party 07:46

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap W vs.
Mary Dempsey L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 06:38

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W Theater Of Magic 13:53

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Medieval Madness 08:42

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel L vs.
Jon Jacob W Hurricane 08:12

Round 6

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W vs.
Jeff Hart L Theater Of Magic 10:46

Bob Rosingana W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:17

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin L Hurricane 09:38

John Fujita W vs.
Greg "GRAG" Dunlap L Hurricane 07:16

Jon Jacob W vs.
Mathew Peterson L The Simpsons Pinball Party 16:02

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W vs.
Bill Lascher L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:05

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer W Guardians Of The Galaxy 11:51

Zac Wollons L vs.
Mary Dempsey W Medieval Madness 09:53

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L Guardians Of The Galaxy 07:46

Round 5

Bob Rosingana W vs.
Jeff Hart L The Simpsons Pinball Party 08:31

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Theater Of Magic 05:37

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W The Simpsons Pinball Party 08:54

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap W vs.
Mike Maraia L Medieval Madness 04:58

John Fujita W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L Guardians Of The Galaxy 09:21

Jon Jacob W vs.
Bo Carlson L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:25

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W vs.
Bill Lascher L Guardians Of The Galaxy 17:32

Leslie Martin L vs.
Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel W Hurricane 09:26

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:23

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer W vs.
Leslie Waggoner L Theater Of Magic 12:38

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W Hurricane 05:17

Zac Wollons W vs.
David Morell L Medieval Madness 12:57

Round 4

Bill Lascher W vs.
Zac Wollons L Theater Of Magic 10:42

Bob Rosingana W vs.
Leslie Martin L Medieval Madness 09:21

Caleb Reynolds L vs.
Mary Dempsey W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 09:19

Dan McLane L vs.
Bo Carlson W Guardians Of The Galaxy 10:07

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Dana Valatka L Medieval Madness 06:11

Jeff Hart W vs.
David Morell L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 15:14

John Fujita W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Theater Of Magic 13:59

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Hurricane 10:40

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L The Simpsons Pinball Party 13:39

Leslie Waggoner L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W The Simpsons Pinball Party 08:02

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W Guardians Of The Galaxy 13:21

Matt Walton L vs.
Jon Jacob W Hurricane 10:34

Mike Maraia W vs.
Jason Burton L Hurricane 08:28

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer L vs.
Greg "GRAG" Dunlap W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 05:39

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Guardians Of The Galaxy 11:27

Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel W vs.
Brandy Young L Medieval Madness 07:28

Round 3

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W vs.
Dan McLane L Hurricane 06:46

Bo Carlson W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Hurricane 09:47

Bob Rosingana W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Hurricane 09:25

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:45

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Dana Valatka W Hurricane 09:43

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Bill Lascher L The Simpsons Pinball Party 07:43

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W Theater Of Magic 11:30

Jeff Hart W vs.
Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel L Theater Of Magic 13:08

John Fujita W vs.
Matt Walton L The Simpsons Pinball Party 07:54

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W vs.
Greg "GRAG" Dunlap L The Simpsons Pinball Party 12:15

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin L vs.
Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer W Medieval Madness 13:57

Leslie Martin L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 10:23

Leslie Waggoner W vs.
Caleb Reynolds L Guardians Of The Galaxy 10:30

Mary Dempsey L vs.
Jon Jacob W Theater Of Magic 10:54

Mike Maraia L vs.
David Morell W Medieval Madness 11:16

Scott Benoit L vs.
Brandy Young W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 07:16

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Medieval Madness 09:15

Zac Wollons W vs.
Jason Burton L Guardians Of The Galaxy 17:46

Round 2

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W vs.
Jon Jacob L Medieval Madness 12:25

Bob Rosingana W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 11:27

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Zac Wollons L Hurricane 14:03

Dan McLane L vs.
Bill Lascher W Medieval Madness 10:22

Dana Valatka L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W The Simpsons Pinball Party 20:47

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:30

Greg "GRAG" Dunlap W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Theater Of Magic 12:55

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W vs.
Jason Burton L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 09:55

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W vs.
Jeff Hart L Guardians Of The Galaxy 31:13

Leslie Waggoner W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Theater Of Magic 06:10

Mary Dempsey W vs.
Brandy Young L Hurricane 09:14

Mathew Peterson W vs.
John Fujita L Medieval Madness 08:07

Matt Walton L vs.
Leslie Martin W Guardians Of The Galaxy 13:26

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel W The Simpsons Pinball Party 08:39

Mike Maraia W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L The Simpsons Pinball Party 17:17

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Caleb Reynolds L Medieval Madness 12:43

Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer W vs.
Bo Carlson L Hurricane 07:45

Scott Benoit L vs.
David Morell W Theater Of Magic 12:25

Round 1

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L vs.
Greg "GRAG" Dunlap W Guardians Of The Galaxy 13:40

Bill Lascher W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Hurricane 19:32

Bo Carlson L vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz W Medieval Madness 21:42

Bob Rosingana L vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W Theater Of Magic 11:25

Chad "The Chadow" Sulloway W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Medieval Madness 09:25

Dan McLane W vs.
Paul "Earthschaffer" Schaffer L The Simpsons Pinball Party 19:24

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Guardians Of The Galaxy 14:03

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Brandy Young L Guardians Of The Galaxy 07:09

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Hurricane 07:51

Jason Burton W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Theater Of Magic 07:34

John Fujita W vs.
Zoe "Indiana Zo-nes" Vrabel L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 19:20

Ken "Obi-#1 Ken-Obi" Martin W vs.
David Morell L 24 12:40

Leslie Waggoner L vs.
Matt Walton W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:26

Mary Dempsey L vs.
Leslie Martin W The Simpsons Pinball Party 20:04

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Dana Valatka L Theater Of Magic 20:48

Mike Maraia L vs.
Caleb Reynolds W Medieval Madness 08:00

Scott Benoit L vs.
Jeff Hart W Hurricane 08:48

Zac Wollons W vs.
Jon Jacob L 24 19:28

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20