SEKY Singles October 2019

Updated 3:44pm



Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Claude Miller (1)
(bye) (32)
Heaven Baker (17)
Court 3
Daniel Miller (16)
Brian Bailey (9)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Bob Banks (5)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
Ray Hill (12)
Danny Miller (13)
(bye) (20)
(bye) (29)
Eddie Stacy (4)
Veronica Easterling (3)
(bye) (30)
Jeremy Spears (19)
Court 4
Dillon Easterling (14)
Beck Fields (11)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
Brad Collie (6)
Kevin Breeding (7)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
Jim Fields (10)
Matt Caudill (15)
Court 2
RonnieHill (18)
(bye) (31)
Chad Easterling (2)
Claude Miller (1)
Court 4
Daniel Miller (16)
Brian Bailey (9)
Court 3
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Bob Banks (5)
Court 2
Ray Hill (12)
Danny Miller (13)
Court 2
Eddie Stacy (4)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 1
Jeremy Spears (19)
Beck Fields (11)
Court 1
Brad Collie (6)
Kevin Breeding (7)
Court 3
Jim Fields (10)
Matt Caudill (15)
Court 1
Chad Easterling (2)
Claude Miller (1)
Court 2
Brian Bailey (9)
Bob Banks (5)
Court 4
Eddie Stacy (4)
Jeremy Spears (19)
Court 3
Beck Fields (11)
Kevin Breeding (7)
Court 4
Chad Easterling (2)
Brian Bailey (9)
Court 1
Eddie Stacy (4)
Beck Fields (11)
Court 4
Kevin Breeding (7)
Brian Bailey (9)
Court 1
Kevin Breeding (7)
Brian Bailey (9)
Court 4
Veronica Easterling (3)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 3
Brian Bailey (9)
Brian Bailey (9)
(bye) (32)
Heaven Baker (17)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
(bye) (28)
(bye) (21)
(bye) (20)
(bye) (29)
(bye) (30)
Dillon Easterling (14)
(bye) (22)
(bye) (27)
(bye) (26)
(bye) (23)
RonnieHill (18)
(bye) (31)
Heaven Baker (17)
Court 4
Matt Caudill (15)
(bye) (25)
Jim Fields (10)
(bye) (21)
Brad Collie (6)
(bye) (29)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Dillon Easterling (14)
Court 3
Danny Miller (13)
(bye) (27)
Ray Hill (12)
(bye) (23)
Jamie Gayheart (8)
RonnieHill (18)
Court 2
Daniel Miller (16)
Matt Caudill (15)
Court 3
Jim Fields (10)
Brad Collie (6)
Court 4
Veronica Easterling (3)
Danny Miller (13)
Court 4
Ray Hill (12)
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Court 1
RonnieHill (18)
Jim Fields (10)
Court 3
Bob Banks (5)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 1
Claude Miller (1)
Danny Miller (13)
Court 2
Chad Easterling (2)
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Court 2
Jeremy Spears (19)
Bob Banks (5)
Court 3
Veronica Easterling (3)
Chad Easterling (2)
Court 3
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 2
Beck Fields (11)
Jamie Gayheart (8)
Court 4
Eddie Stacy (4)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 3
Eddie Stacy (4)
Veronica Easterling (3)
Court 2
Kevin Breeding (7)
Veronica Easterling (3)


  Brian Bailey (9)


  Veronica Easterling (3)


  Kevin Breeding (7)


  Eddie Stacy (4)


  Beck Fields (11)

  Jamie Gayheart (8)


  Bob Banks (5)

  Chad Easterling (2)


  Jim Fields (10)

  Claude Miller (1)

  Danny Miller (13)

  Jeremy Spears (19)


  Matt Caudill (15)

  Brad Collie (6)

  Ray Hill (12)

  RonnieHill (18)


  Heaven Baker (17)

  (bye) (25)

  (bye) (21)

  (bye) (29)

  Dillon Easterling (14)

  (bye) (27)

  (bye) (23)

  Daniel Miller (16)


  (bye) (32)

  (bye) (24)

  (bye) (28)

  (bye) (20)

  (bye) (30)

  (bye) (22)

  (bye) (26)

  (bye) (31)

Final - Match 2

Veronica Easterling (3) L vs.
Brian Bailey (9) W Court 3 04:27


Brian Bailey (9) L vs.
Veronica Easterling (3) W Court 4 18:39

Elimination Final

Veronica Easterling (3) W vs.
Kevin Breeding (7) L Court 2 19:26

Elimination Semi-final

Veronica Easterling (3) W vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) L Court 3 12:54

Winners Final

Brian Bailey (9) W vs.
Kevin Breeding (7) L Court 1 10:34

Elimination 6

Jamie Gayheart (8) L vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) W Court 4 06:59

Veronica Easterling (3) W vs.
Beck Fields (11) L Court 2 14:37

Elimination 5

Bob Banks (5) L vs.
Veronica Easterling (3) W Court 3 03:30

Chad Easterling (2) L vs.
Jamie Gayheart (8) W Court 3 22:01

Winners Semi-finals

Beck Fields (11) L vs.
Kevin Breeding (7) W Court 4 15:19

Brian Bailey (9) W vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) L Court 1 22:19

Elimination 4

Danny Miller (13) L vs.
Chad Easterling (2) W Court 2 17:04

Jamie Gayheart (8) W vs.
Jeremy Spears (19) L Court 2 17:39

Jim Fields (10) L vs.
Bob Banks (5) W Court 3 16:34

Veronica Easterling (3) W vs.
Claude Miller (1) L Court 1 08:17

Elimination 3

Brad Collie (6) L vs.
Veronica Easterling (3) W Court 4 08:28

Danny Miller (13) W vs.
Ray Hill (12) L Court 4 07:53

Jamie Gayheart (8) W vs.
RonnieHill (18) L Court 1 10:40

Matt Caudill (15) L vs.
Jim Fields (10) W Court 3 12:55

Winners 2

Bob Banks (5) L vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) W Court 4 12:42

Claude Miller (1) L vs.
Brian Bailey (9) W Court 2 10:18

Jeremy Spears (19) L vs.
Beck Fields (11) W Court 3 07:50

Kevin Breeding (7) W vs.
Chad Easterling (2) L Court 4 22:04

Elimination 2

(bye) (21) L vs.
Brad Collie (6) W 27:27

(bye) (23) L vs.
Jamie Gayheart (8) W 02:18

(bye) (25) L vs.
Jim Fields (10) W 21:45

(bye) (27) L vs.
Ray Hill (12) W 25:37

(bye) (29) L vs.
Veronica Easterling (3) W 02:26

Dillon Easterling (14) L vs.
Danny Miller (13) W Court 3 09:46

Heaven Baker (17) L vs.
Matt Caudill (15) W Court 4 00:04

RonnieHill (18) W vs.
Daniel Miller (16) L Court 2 15:13

Elimination 1

(bye) (20) L vs.
(bye) (29) W 15:12

(bye) (22) L vs.
(bye) (27) W 15:12

(bye) (24) L vs.
(bye) (25) W 15:12

(bye) (26) L vs.
(bye) (23) W 15:12

(bye) (28) L vs.
(bye) (21) W 15:12

(bye) (30) L vs.
Dillon Easterling (14) W 35:07

(bye) (32) L vs.
Heaven Baker (17) W 16:58

RonnieHill (18) W vs.
(bye) (31) L 55:31

Winners 1

Beck Fields (11) W vs.
Brad Collie (6) L Court 1 11:48

Bob Banks (5) W vs.
Ray Hill (12) L Court 2 09:49

Brian Bailey (9) W vs.
Jamie Gayheart (8) L Court 3 09:00

Claude Miller (1) W vs.
Daniel Miller (16) L Court 4 07:57

Danny Miller (13) L vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) W Court 2 15:30

Kevin Breeding (7) W vs.
Jim Fields (10) L Court 3 07:13

Matt Caudill (15) L vs.
Chad Easterling (2) W Court 1 11:41

Veronica Easterling (3) L vs.
Jeremy Spears (19) W Court 1 19:03

Round 1

(bye) (21) L vs.
Ray Hill (12) W 15:12

(bye) (23) L vs.
Jim Fields (10) W 15:12

(bye) (25) L vs.
Jamie Gayheart (8) W 15:12

(bye) (27) L vs.
Brad Collie (6) W 15:12

(bye) (29) L vs.
Eddie Stacy (4) W 15:12

(bye) (31) L vs.
Chad Easterling (2) W 15:12

Beck Fields (11) W vs.
(bye) (22) L 15:12

Bob Banks (5) W vs.
(bye) (28) L 15:12

Brian Bailey (9) W vs.
(bye) (24) L 15:12

Claude Miller (1) W vs.
(bye) (32) L 15:12

Danny Miller (13) W vs.
(bye) (20) L 15:12

Heaven Baker (17) L vs.
Daniel Miller (16) W Court 3 01:32

Jeremy Spears (19) W vs.
Dillon Easterling (14) L Court 4 09:36

Kevin Breeding (7) W vs.
(bye) (26) L 15:12

Matt Caudill (15) W vs.
RonnieHill (18) L Court 2 04:40

Veronica Easterling (3) W vs.
(bye) (30) L 15:12

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20