Level Up Feb. 2018

Updated 3:40pm



Fish Tales

Benjamin Feagans x

Richard Brantley

Cactus Canyon

Ryan Schutte x

Connor Schutte

Attack From Mars

Joan McCool x

Matt Johnson

Indiana Jones

Chipper Hughes x

Sean Bueter

Attack From Mars

Shell Eck x

Kevin Bowman

Theatre Of Magic

Shawn Feagans x

Andy Bowes

Lord Of The Rings

Ovid Dillard

David Klionsky x

Game Of Thrones

John Bowes

Scott Mott x

Cactus Canyon

Chris Day

Ed Petruno x

Kathy Rusch

Fish Tales

Sean Bueter

Matt Johnson x

Indiana Jones

Kevin Bowman

John Bowes x

Game Of Thrones

Connor Schutte

Kathy Rusch x

Lord Of The Rings

Richard Brantley

Chris Day x

Attack From Mars

Ovid Dillard

Andy Bowes x

Indiana Jones

Scott Mott x

Shawn Feagans xx

Cactus Canyon

David Klionsky x

Joan McCool xx

Theatre Of Magic

Benjamin Feagans xx

Chipper Hughes x

Theatre Of Magic

Ryan Schutte x

Shell Eck xx

Ed Petruno x

Theatre Of Magic

Sean Bueter

Kevin Bowman x

Fish Tales

Connor Schutte x

Richard Brantley

Fish Tales

Ovid Dillard

Chris Day xx

Game Of Thrones

Ed Petruno xx

Chipper Hughes x

Attack From Mars

John Bowes xx

David Klionsky x

Indiana Jones

Matt Johnson x

Ryan Schutte xx

Cactus Canyon

Scott Mott xx

Andy Bowes x

Lord Of The Rings

Kathy Rusch xx

Joan McCool xx

Fish Tales

Shawn Feagans xxx

Shell Eck xx

Benjamin Feagans xx

Attack From Mars

Richard Brantley x

Sean Bueter

Cactus Canyon

Ovid Dillard x

Kevin Bowman x

Theatre Of Magic

Connor Schutte xx

Matt Johnson x

Fish Tales

David Klionsky xx

Chipper Hughes x

Lord Of The Rings

Andy Bowes x

Ryan Schutte xxx

Lord Of The Rings

Scott Mott xxx

Shell Eck xx

Game Of Thrones

Joan McCool xx

Chris Day xxx

Lord Of The Rings

Ed Petruno xx

Benjamin Feagans xxx

Indiana Jones

Kathy Rusch xx

Shawn Feagans 4x

John Bowes xx

Fish Tales

Sean Bueter

Andy Bowes xx

Lord Of The Rings

Kevin Bowman x

Matt Johnson xx

Theatre Of Magic

Ovid Dillard x

Richard Brantley xx

Attack From Mars

Chipper Hughes x

Kathy Rusch xxx

Fish Tales

John Bowes xxx

Joan McCool xx

Game Of Thrones

Connor Schutte xxx

David Klionsky xx

Attack From Mars

Shell Eck xxx

Ed Petruno xx

Indiana Jones

Scott Mott xxx

Benjamin Feagans 4x

Cactus Canyon

Chris Day xxx

Ryan Schutte 4x

Game Of Thrones

Sean Bueter x

Ovid Dillard x

Fish Tales

Kevin Bowman xx

Chipper Hughes x

Attack From Mars

Matt Johnson xxx

Richard Brantley xx

Lord Of The Rings

David Klionsky xx

Andy Bowes xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Ed Petruno xx

Joan McCool xxx

Cactus Canyon

Shell Eck xxx

Kathy Rusch 4x

Fish Tales

Scott Mott xxx

Chris Day 4x

Lord Of The Rings

Connor Schutte 4x

John Bowes xxx

Cactus Canyon

Ovid Dillard x

Chipper Hughes xx

Indiana Jones

Richard Brantley xx

David Klionsky xxx

Fish Tales

Ed Petruno xx

Kevin Bowman xxx

Game Of Thrones

Shell Eck 4x

Andy Bowes xxx

Theatre Of Magic

John Bowes 4x

Matt Johnson xxx

Attack From Mars

Joan McCool 4x

Scott Mott xxx

Sean Bueter x

Indiana Jones

Sean Bueter x

Ovid Dillard xx

Game Of Thrones

Richard Brantley xx

Ed Petruno xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Chipper Hughes xx

Andy Bowes 4x

Cactus Canyon

Matt Johnson 4x

Scott Mott xxx

Attack From Mars

David Klionsky xxx

Kevin Bowman 4x

Lord Of The Rings

Sean Bueter x

Chipper Hughes xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Ovid Dillard xx

Scott Mott 4x

Indiana Jones

David Klionsky xxx

Ed Petruno 4x

Richard Brantley xx

Cactus Canyon

Sean Bueter x

Richard Brantley xxx

Game Of Thrones

David Klionsky xxx

Chipper Hughes 4x

Ovid Dillard xx

Attack From Mars

Sean Bueter xx

Ovid Dillard xx

Theatre Of Magic

David Klionsky xxx

Richard Brantley 4x

Lord Of The Rings

Sean Bueter xxx

Ovid Dillard xx

David Klionsky xxx

Theatre Of Magic

Sean Bueter xxx

David Klionsky 4x

Ovid Dillard xx

Game Of Thrones

Ovid Dillard xx

Sean Bueter 4x

Ovid Dillard xx

Round 14

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Sean Bueter L Game Of Thrones 11:39

Round 13

Sean Bueter W vs.
David Klionsky L Theatre Of Magic 11:52

Round 12

Sean Bueter L vs.
Ovid Dillard W Lord Of The Rings 18:00

Round 11

David Klionsky W vs.
Richard Brantley L Theatre Of Magic 07:43

Sean Bueter L vs.
Ovid Dillard W Attack From Mars 11:09

Round 10

David Klionsky W vs.
Chipper Hughes L Game Of Thrones 10:29

Sean Bueter W vs.
Richard Brantley L Cactus Canyon 11:19

Round 9

David Klionsky W vs.
Ed Petruno L Indiana Jones 12:28

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Scott Mott L Theatre Of Magic 07:29

Sean Bueter W vs.
Chipper Hughes L Lord Of The Rings 13:57

Round 8

Chipper Hughes W vs.
Andy Bowes L Theatre Of Magic 11:56

David Klionsky W vs.
Kevin Bowman L Attack From Mars 04:57

Matt Johnson L vs.
Scott Mott W Cactus Canyon 09:38

Richard Brantley W vs.
Ed Petruno L Game Of Thrones 09:46

Sean Bueter W vs.
Ovid Dillard L Indiana Jones 11:51

Round 7

Ed Petruno W vs.
Kevin Bowman L Fish Tales 05:33

Joan McCool L vs.
Scott Mott W Attack From Mars 08:12

John Bowes L vs.
Matt Johnson W Theatre Of Magic 08:55

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Chipper Hughes L Cactus Canyon 14:16

Richard Brantley W vs.
David Klionsky L Indiana Jones 10:15

Shell Eck L vs.
Andy Bowes W Game Of Thrones 08:12

Round 6

Connor Schutte L vs.
John Bowes W Lord Of The Rings 06:23

David Klionsky W vs.
Andy Bowes L Lord Of The Rings 07:09

Ed Petruno W vs.
Joan McCool L Theatre Of Magic 07:31

Kevin Bowman L vs.
Chipper Hughes W Fish Tales 04:07

Matt Johnson L vs.
Richard Brantley W Attack From Mars 13:14

Scott Mott W vs.
Chris Day L Fish Tales 05:11

Sean Bueter L vs.
Ovid Dillard W Game Of Thrones 30:15

Shell Eck W vs.
Kathy Rusch L Cactus Canyon 07:25

Round 5

Chipper Hughes W vs.
Kathy Rusch L Attack From Mars 06:24

Chris Day W vs.
Ryan Schutte L Cactus Canyon 07:50

Connor Schutte L vs.
David Klionsky W Game Of Thrones 12:48

John Bowes L vs.
Joan McCool W Fish Tales 11:19

Kevin Bowman W vs.
Matt Johnson L Lord Of The Rings 11:38

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Richard Brantley L Theatre Of Magic 11:52

Scott Mott W vs.
Benjamin Feagans L Indiana Jones 00:13

Sean Bueter W vs.
Andy Bowes L Fish Tales 05:31

Shell Eck L vs.
Ed Petruno W Attack From Mars 11:36

Round 4

Andy Bowes W vs.
Ryan Schutte L Lord Of The Rings 08:54

Connor Schutte L vs.
Matt Johnson W Theatre Of Magic 09:17

David Klionsky L vs.
Chipper Hughes W Fish Tales 08:19

Ed Petruno W vs.
Benjamin Feagans L Lord Of The Rings 00:10

Joan McCool W vs.
Chris Day L Game Of Thrones 09:59

Kathy Rusch W vs.
Shawn Feagans L Indiana Jones 00:08

Ovid Dillard L vs.
Kevin Bowman W Cactus Canyon 09:09

Richard Brantley L vs.
Sean Bueter W Attack From Mars 08:50

Scott Mott L vs.
Shell Eck W Lord Of The Rings 18:56

Round 3

Connor Schutte L vs.
Richard Brantley W Fish Tales 04:36

Ed Petruno L vs.
Chipper Hughes W Game Of Thrones 08:31

John Bowes L vs.
David Klionsky W Attack From Mars 11:58

Kathy Rusch L vs.
Joan McCool W Lord Of The Rings 09:10

Matt Johnson W vs.
Ryan Schutte L Indiana Jones 07:53

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Chris Day L Fish Tales 04:50

Scott Mott L vs.
Andy Bowes W Cactus Canyon 08:00

Sean Bueter W vs.
Kevin Bowman L Theatre Of Magic 08:57

Shawn Feagans L vs.
Shell Eck W Fish Tales 00:12

Round 2

Benjamin Feagans L vs.
Chipper Hughes W Theatre Of Magic 06:48

Connor Schutte W vs.
Kathy Rusch L Game Of Thrones 15:31

David Klionsky W vs.
Joan McCool L Cactus Canyon 18:00

Kevin Bowman W vs.
John Bowes L Indiana Jones 05:47

Ovid Dillard W vs.
Andy Bowes L Attack From Mars 09:33

Richard Brantley W vs.
Chris Day L Lord Of The Rings 12:31

Ryan Schutte W vs.
Shell Eck L Theatre Of Magic 03:30

Scott Mott W vs.
Shawn Feagans L Indiana Jones 00:27

Sean Bueter W vs.
Matt Johnson L Fish Tales 08:55

Round 1

Benjamin Feagans L vs.
Richard Brantley W Fish Tales 06:30

Chipper Hughes L vs.
Sean Bueter W Indiana Jones 12:54

Chris Day W vs.
Ed Petruno L Cactus Canyon 08:28

Joan McCool L vs.
Matt Johnson W Attack From Mars 06:35

John Bowes W vs.
Scott Mott L Game Of Thrones 06:47

Ovid Dillard W vs.
David Klionsky L Lord Of The Rings 11:39

Ryan Schutte L vs.
Connor Schutte W Cactus Canyon 06:23

Shawn Feagans L vs.
Andy Bowes W Theatre Of Magic 08:55

Shell Eck L vs.
Kevin Bowman W Attack From Mars 04:53

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20