
Updated 3:36pm



Evel Knievel

Cc x

Mike Dice

Bad Cats

Stevie Acevedo x

Dan Abramson


David Desalvo

Wendy x


Jaco Blang x

Sean Gilmore

8 Ball Deluxe

Darren THE MOUTH Willner

Andrew Bitterolf x

Strikes And Spares

Jason Wooly

Michael B x

Surf Champ

Brett Houston x


Strikes And Spares

Noah Poole x

Adam Laycock

Bad Cats

Mike Jacobs

Sergio Chilli x


Nick Underwood x



Raymond Ashby

Sean Franz x


Sean Gilmore

Mike Dice x


Raymond Ashby

Vanessa x


Dan Abramson x

Adam Laycock


Woody x

David Desalvo


Jason Wooly x

Darren THE MOUTH Willner

Evel Knievel

Mike Jacobs x

Sean Franz x

Surf Champ

Wendy xx

Noah Poole x

8 Ball Deluxe

Stevie Acevedo x

Jaco Blang xx

Evel Knievel

Nick Underwood x

Andrew Bitterolf xx

Bad Cats

Cc xx

Michael B x

Strikes And Spares

Sergio Chilli x

Brett Houston xx

Strikes And Spares

Sean Gilmore x

David Desalvo

Surf Champ

Adam Laycock x

Raymond Ashby

Surf Champ

Darren THE MOUTH Willner

Stevie Acevedo xx


Jason Wooly xx

Mike Dice x

8 Ball Deluxe

Dan Abramson x

Sergio Chilli xx


Sean Franz xx

Vanessa x

Evel Knievel

Michael B x

Woody xx


Mike Jacobs xx

Noah Poole x

Bad Cats

Nick Underwood xx

Jaco Blang xx


Brett Houston xxx

Wendy xx


Andrew Bitterolf xx

Cc xxx

Evel Knievel

David Desalvo

Darren THE MOUTH Willner x


Raymond Ashby

Mike Dice xx

Bad Cats

Vanessa x

Adam Laycock xx

8 Ball Deluxe

Noah Poole xx

Sean Gilmore x

Surf Champ

Michael B x

Dan Abramson xx


Sergio Chilli xxx

Andrew Bitterolf xx


Mike Jacobs xx

Wendy xxx

Strikes And Spares

Nick Underwood xxx

Sean Franz xx

Evel Knievel

Jason Wooly xx

Stevie Acevedo xxx


Woody xxx

Jaco Blang xx


David Desalvo

Raymond Ashby x

8 Ball Deluxe

Vanessa x

Michael B xx


Sean Gilmore x

Darren THE MOUTH Willner xx


Jaco Blang xxx

Mike Jacobs xx


Adam Laycock xxx

Andrew Bitterolf xx

Surf Champ

Jason Wooly xx

Sean Franz xxx

Bad Cats

Noah Poole xxx

Mike Dice xx

Dan Abramson xx

Surf Champ

David Desalvo

Vanessa xx

Bad Cats

Raymond Ashby x

Sean Gilmore xx

8 Ball Deluxe

Jason Wooly xxx

Mike Jacobs xx


Michael B xxx

Andrew Bitterolf xx

Strikes And Spares

Darren THE MOUTH Willner xxx

Dan Abramson xx

Mike Dice xx

8 Ball Deluxe

David Desalvo x

Raymond Ashby x

Strikes And Spares

Vanessa xx

Andrew Bitterolf xxx

Surf Champ

Mike Jacobs xxx

Sean Gilmore xx


Dan Abramson xxx

Mike Dice xx

Evel Knievel

Raymond Ashby x

David Desalvo xx

Strikes And Spares

Sean Gilmore xxx

Mike Dice xx

Vanessa xx

Evel Knievel

Raymond Ashby x

Vanessa xxx

8 Ball Deluxe

Mike Dice xx

David Desalvo xxx

Surf Champ

Raymond Ashby x

Mike Dice xxx

Raymond Ashby x

Round 10

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Mike Dice L Surf Champ 09:27

Round 9

Mike Dice W vs.
David Desalvo L 8 Ball Deluxe 11:34

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Vanessa L Evel Knievel 08:07

Round 8

Raymond Ashby W vs.
David Desalvo L Evel Knievel 08:13

Sean Gilmore L vs.
Mike Dice W Strikes And Spares 09:35

Round 7

Dan Abramson L vs.
Mike Dice W Earthshaker! 14:05

David Desalvo L vs.
Raymond Ashby W 8 Ball Deluxe 06:50

Mike Jacobs L vs.
Sean Gilmore W Surf Champ 09:10

Vanessa W vs.
Andrew Bitterolf L Strikes And Spares 06:56

Round 6

Darren THE MOUTH Willner L vs.
Dan Abramson W Strikes And Spares 06:44

David Desalvo W vs.
Vanessa L Surf Champ 10:43

Jason Wooly L vs.
Mike Jacobs W 8 Ball Deluxe 07:41

Michael B L vs.
Andrew Bitterolf W Stars 10:57

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Sean Gilmore L Bad Cats 07:20

Round 5

Adam Laycock L vs.
Andrew Bitterolf W Fathom 09:56

David Desalvo W vs.
Raymond Ashby L Knockout 08:08

Jaco Blang L vs.
Mike Jacobs W Earthshaker! 12:18

Jason Wooly W vs.
Sean Franz L Surf Champ 08:51

Noah Poole L vs.
Mike Dice W Bad Cats 10:29

Sean Gilmore W vs.
Darren THE MOUTH Willner L Stars 07:30

Vanessa W vs.
Michael B L 8 Ball Deluxe 10:04

Round 4

David Desalvo W vs.
Darren THE MOUTH Willner L Evel Knievel 06:29

Jason Wooly W vs.
Stevie Acevedo L Evel Knievel 09:39

Michael B W vs.
Dan Abramson L Surf Champ 11:03

Mike Jacobs W vs.
Wendy L Knockout 12:35

Nick Underwood L vs.
Sean Franz W Strikes And Spares 05:08

Noah Poole L vs.
Sean Gilmore W 8 Ball Deluxe 11:18

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Mike Dice L Fathom 10:41

Sergio Chilli L vs.
Andrew Bitterolf W Earthshaker! 06:10

Vanessa W vs.
Adam Laycock L Bad Cats 12:18

Woody L vs.
Jaco Blang W Stars 10:52

Round 3

Adam Laycock L vs.
Raymond Ashby W Surf Champ 11:04

Andrew Bitterolf W vs.
Cc L Knockout 07:38

Brett Houston L vs.
Wendy W Earthshaker! 10:44

Dan Abramson W vs.
Sergio Chilli L 8 Ball Deluxe 14:31

Darren THE MOUTH Willner W vs.
Stevie Acevedo L Surf Champ 08:53

Jason Wooly L vs.
Mike Dice W Stars 11:15

Michael B W vs.
Woody L Evel Knievel 11:24

Mike Jacobs L vs.
Noah Poole W Stars 09:06

Nick Underwood L vs.
Jaco Blang W Bad Cats 09:27

Sean Franz L vs.
Vanessa W Fathom 10:16

Sean Gilmore L vs.
David Desalvo W Strikes And Spares 08:27

Round 2

Cc L vs.
Michael B W Bad Cats 06:20

Dan Abramson L vs.
Adam Laycock W Knockout 07:24

Jason Wooly L vs.
Darren THE MOUTH Willner W Earthshaker! 04:51

Mike Jacobs L vs.
Sean Franz W Evel Knievel 06:40

Nick Underwood W vs.
Andrew Bitterolf L Evel Knievel 06:01

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Vanessa L Stars 08:25

Sean Gilmore W vs.
Mike Dice L Knockout 07:25

Sergio Chilli W vs.
Brett Houston L Strikes And Spares 05:45

Stevie Acevedo W vs.
Jaco Blang L 8 Ball Deluxe 11:33

Wendy L vs.
Noah Poole W Surf Champ 10:05

Woody L vs.
David Desalvo W Fathom 08:32

Round 1

Brett Houston L vs.
Woody W Surf Champ 10:07

Cc L vs.
Mike Dice W Evel Knievel 10:36

Darren THE MOUTH Willner W vs.
Andrew Bitterolf L 8 Ball Deluxe 08:36

David Desalvo W vs.
Wendy L Stars 10:24

Jaco Blang L vs.
Sean Gilmore W Fathom 09:44

Jason Wooly W vs.
Michael B L Strikes And Spares 05:21

Mike Jacobs W vs.
Sergio Chilli L Bad Cats 07:17

Nick Underwood L vs.
Vanessa W Knockout 09:32

Noah Poole L vs.
Adam Laycock W Strikes And Spares 06:49

Raymond Ashby W vs.
Sean Franz L Earthshaker! 09:55

Stevie Acevedo L vs.
Dan Abramson W Bad Cats 07:53

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20