6/18 Beginners

Updated 11:36pm



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Brenda Kate
Board 6
Jordan Mann
Brent R Shelly
Board 7
Brently Julie
Zion Shelly
Board 6
David Austin
Katie G Jaime
Board 7
Lilly Wendy
Brenda Kate
Board 6
Brent R Shelly
David Austin
Board 7
Lilly Wendy
Brent R Shelly
Board 7
David Austin
Brent R Shelly
Board 6
David Austin
David Austin
Board 6
Brent R Shelly
David Austin
Jordan Mann
Board 6
Brently Julie
Zion Shelly
Board 7
Katie G Jaime
Brently Julie
Board 6
Lilly Wendy
Zion Shelly
Board 7
Brenda Kate
Brently Julie
Board 6
Brenda Kate
Brently Julie
Board 7
David Austin
David Austin


  David Austin


  Brent R Shelly


  Brently Julie


  Brenda Kate


  Lilly Wendy

  Zion Shelly


  Jordan Mann

  Katie G Jaime

Final - Match 2

David Austin W vs.
Brent R Shelly L Board 6 00:07


Brent R Shelly L vs.
David Austin W Board 6 20:18

Elimination Final

Brently Julie L vs.
David Austin W Board 7 20:41

Elimination Semi-final

Brently Julie W vs.
Brenda Kate L Board 6 25:22

Winners Final

Brent R Shelly W vs.
David Austin L Board 7 14:50

Elimination 2

Brently Julie W vs.
Lilly Wendy L Board 6 19:12

Zion Shelly L vs.
Brenda Kate W Board 7 17:40

Elimination 1

Jordan Mann L vs.
Brently Julie W Board 6 20:35

Zion Shelly W vs.
Katie G Jaime L Board 7 17:32

Winners Semi-finals

Brenda Kate L vs.
Brent R Shelly W Board 6 13:52

David Austin W vs.
Lilly Wendy L Board 7 12:46

Round 1

Brenda Kate W vs.
Jordan Mann L Board 6 20:05

Brent R Shelly W vs.
Brently Julie L Board 7 12:01

Katie G Jaime L vs.
Lilly Wendy W Board 7 15:33

Zion Shelly L vs.
David Austin W Board 6 12:21

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20