Wednesday Flip Off 4/25/18

Updated 6:29pm




Brooke Borcherding

Dave Ritter x

Surf Champ

Sergey Posrednikov

Jon Salzman x

Batman 66

Chris Borgstadt x

Matt Golden


Ramsey Sierra x

Geoff Simons

Medieval Madness

Nick Dighiera x

Steph Hanlon

World Cup Soccer

Andrew Nunes

Allen Wood x

Eight Ball Deluxe

James Frost-Winn

Jonathan Thompson x

Monster Bash

Michael Zuino x

Elijah Nelson

White Water

Matt Slater x

Nycole Y Hyatt


Amber Marie Simon x

Zac Petersen

Theatre Of Magic

Alexa Philbeck x

Heather Loudon

Scared Stiff

Todd Larsen

Justina Russo x

Indiana Jones

Clayton Stetz

David Griffin x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Nycole Y Hyatt

Matt Golden x

Theatre Of Magic

Zac Petersen

Elijah Nelson x

World Cup Soccer

Steph Hanlon x

Brooke Borcherding

Medieval Madness

Geoff Simons x

Heather Loudon


Sergey Posrednikov

James Frost-Winn x

White Water

Andrew Nunes x

Todd Larsen

Monster Bash

Clayton Stetz x

Dave Ritter x


Justina Russo xx

Alexa Philbeck x

Ghost Busters

Amber Marie Simon x

Ramsey Sierra xx

Scared Stiff

Jon Salzman xx

Matt Slater x


Chris Borgstadt x

Jonathan Thompson xx


David Griffin xx

Michael Zuino x


Nick Dighiera x

Allen Wood xx

Who Dunnit

Nycole Y Hyatt x

Heather Loudon

Medieval Madness

Sergey Posrednikov x

Zac Petersen

Theatre Of Magic

Brooke Borcherding

Todd Larsen x

Bad Cats

Michael Zuino xx

Dave Ritter x


Elijah Nelson xx

Amber Marie Simon x


Matt Golden x

Andrew Nunes xx

Creature Lagoon

Matt Slater x

Clayton Stetz xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

James Frost-Winn xx

Geoff Simons x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Steph Hanlon x

Chris Borgstadt xx

The Addams Family

Alexa Philbeck xx

Nick Dighiera x

World Cup Soccer

Justina Russo xx

David Griffin xxx


Ramsey Sierra xx

Jonathan Thompson xxx

Batman 66

Jon Salzman xx

Allen Wood xxx

Scared Stiff

Brooke Borcherding x

Heather Loudon

Batman 66

Zac Petersen

Nick Dighiera xx


Matt Golden xx

Matt Slater x

Surf Champ

Steph Hanlon x

Geoff Simons xx


Dave Ritter x

Nycole Y Hyatt xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Sergey Posrednikov x

Amber Marie Simon xx

Who Dunnit

Todd Larsen xx

James Frost-Winn xx

Creature Lagoon

Justina Russo xxx

Andrew Nunes xx

Indiana Jones

Jon Salzman xxx

Elijah Nelson xx

Theatre Of Magic

Chris Borgstadt xxx

Clayton Stetz xx

Medieval Madness

Ramsey Sierra xx

Alexa Philbeck xxx

Michael Zuino xx


Zac Petersen x

Heather Loudon

Batman 66

Matt Slater xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Theatre Of Magic

Dave Ritter x

Steph Hanlon xx

Indiana Jones

Nick Dighiera xxx

Matt Golden xx

Surf Champ

Andrew Nunes xxx

Nycole Y Hyatt xx

World Cup Soccer

Ramsey Sierra xx

Todd Larsen xxx

Bad Cats

Geoff Simons xx

Amber Marie Simon xxx

Creature Lagoon

James Frost-Winn xx

Michael Zuino xxx


Elijah Nelson xx

Clayton Stetz xxx

Brooke Borcherding x

Creature Lagoon

Heather Loudon

Dave Ritter xx


Sergey Posrednikov x

Brooke Borcherding xx

Indiana Jones

Zac Petersen x

Nycole Y Hyatt xxx

Monster Bash

Ramsey Sierra xx

James Frost-Winn xxx


Matt Slater xxx

Steph Hanlon xx

The Addams Family

Matt Golden xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Elijah Nelson xx

White Water

Zac Petersen xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Batman 66

Dave Ritter xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Scared Stiff

Steph Hanlon xxx

Elijah Nelson xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Ramsey Sierra xx

Brooke Borcherding xxx

Heather Loudon

Indiana Jones

Heather Loudon x

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Addams Family

Ramsey Sierra xxx

Elijah Nelson xx

World Cup Soccer

Zac Petersen xxx

Geoff Simons xx

The Addams Family

Heather Loudon xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Creature Lagoon

Geoff Simons xxx

Elijah Nelson xx

Batman 66

Elijah Nelson xx

Heather Loudon xxx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Bad Cats

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Elijah Nelson xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Elijah Nelson xxx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Round 12

Elijah Nelson L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Nitro Ground Shaker 20:17

Round 11

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Elijah Nelson W Bad Cats 15:35

Round 10

Elijah Nelson W vs.
Heather Loudon L Batman 66 19:50

Round 9

Geoff Simons L vs.
Elijah Nelson W Creature Lagoon 19:07

Heather Loudon L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W The Addams Family 15:15

Round 8

Heather Loudon L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Indiana Jones 15:43

Ramsey Sierra L vs.
Elijah Nelson W The Addams Family 19:23

Zac Petersen L vs.
Geoff Simons W World Cup Soccer 14:17

Round 7

Dave Ritter L vs.
Geoff Simons W Batman 66 21:41

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
Brooke Borcherding L Eight Ball Deluxe 15:44

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Elijah Nelson W Scared Stiff 13:31

Zac Petersen L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W White Water 22:17

Round 6

Heather Loudon W vs.
Dave Ritter L Creature Lagoon 13:49

Matt Golden L vs.
Geoff Simons W The Addams Family 15:58

Matt Slater L vs.
Steph Hanlon W Taxi 10:19

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Monster Bash 17:58

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Brooke Borcherding L Stars 15:03

Zac Petersen W vs.
Nycole Y Hyatt L Indiana Jones 08:52

Round 5

Andrew Nunes L vs.
Nycole Y Hyatt W Surf Champ 14:06

Dave Ritter W vs.
Steph Hanlon L Theatre Of Magic 12:24

Elijah Nelson W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Skateball 12:35

Geoff Simons W vs.
Amber Marie Simon L Bad Cats 17:31

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Michael Zuino L Creature Lagoon 15:09

Matt Slater L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Batman 66 23:09

Nick Dighiera L vs.
Matt Golden W Indiana Jones 10:58

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
Todd Larsen L World Cup Soccer 19:39

Zac Petersen L vs.
Heather Loudon W Taxi 16:20

Round 4

Brooke Borcherding L vs.
Heather Loudon W Scared Stiff 17:02

Chris Borgstadt L vs.
Clayton Stetz W Theatre Of Magic 12:05

Dave Ritter W vs.
Nycole Y Hyatt L Skateball 12:58

Jon Salzman L vs.
Elijah Nelson W Indiana Jones 19:20

Justina Russo L vs.
Andrew Nunes W Creature Lagoon 18:07

Matt Golden L vs.
Matt Slater W Radical 18:15

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
Alexa Philbeck L Medieval Madness 21:30

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Amber Marie Simon L Eight Ball Deluxe 11:59

Steph Hanlon W vs.
Geoff Simons L Surf Champ 12:34

Todd Larsen L vs.
James Frost-Winn W Who Dunnit 17:29

Zac Petersen W vs.
Nick Dighiera L Batman 66 17:50

Round 3

Alexa Philbeck L vs.
Nick Dighiera W The Addams Family 15:25

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
Todd Larsen L Theatre Of Magic 23:05

Elijah Nelson L vs.
Amber Marie Simon W Radical 19:52

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Geoff Simons W Nitro Ground Shaker 12:33

Jon Salzman W vs.
Allen Wood L Batman 66 23:24

Justina Russo W vs.
David Griffin L World Cup Soccer 16:42

Matt Golden W vs.
Andrew Nunes L Skateball 14:43

Matt Slater W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Creature Lagoon 22:19

Michael Zuino L vs.
Dave Ritter W Bad Cats 07:06

Nycole Y Hyatt L vs.
Heather Loudon W Who Dunnit 19:16

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
Jonathan Thompson L Taxi 15:16

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Zac Petersen W Medieval Madness 19:55

Steph Hanlon W vs.
Chris Borgstadt L Eight Ball Deluxe 13:17

Round 2

Amber Marie Simon W vs.
Ramsey Sierra L Ghost Busters 16:40

Andrew Nunes L vs.
Todd Larsen W White Water 16:47

Chris Borgstadt W vs.
Jonathan Thompson L Stars 14:52

Clayton Stetz L vs.
Dave Ritter W Monster Bash 10:56

David Griffin L vs.
Michael Zuino W Taxi 17:11

Geoff Simons L vs.
Heather Loudon W Medieval Madness 13:38

Jon Salzman L vs.
Matt Slater W Scared Stiff 09:44

Justina Russo L vs.
Alexa Philbeck W Playboy 25:06

Nick Dighiera W vs.
Allen Wood L Radical 07:45

Nycole Y Hyatt W vs.
Matt Golden L Nitro Ground Shaker 11:10

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Skateball 08:57

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Brooke Borcherding W World Cup Soccer 08:43

Zac Petersen W vs.
Elijah Nelson L Theatre Of Magic 24:45

Round 1

Alexa Philbeck L vs.
Heather Loudon W Theatre Of Magic 27:18

Amber Marie Simon L vs.
Zac Petersen W Skateball 15:14

Andrew Nunes W vs.
Allen Wood L World Cup Soccer 11:09

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
Dave Ritter L Taxi 13:09

Chris Borgstadt L vs.
Matt Golden W Batman 66 15:54

Clayton Stetz W vs.
David Griffin L Indiana Jones 05:31

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Jonathan Thompson L Eight Ball Deluxe 13:19

Matt Slater L vs.
Nycole Y Hyatt W White Water 09:07

Michael Zuino L vs.
Elijah Nelson W Monster Bash 24:02

Nick Dighiera L vs.
Steph Hanlon W Medieval Madness 13:58

Ramsey Sierra L vs.
Geoff Simons W Stars 09:39

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Jon Salzman L Surf Champ 16:04

Todd Larsen W vs.
Justina Russo L Scared Stiff 16:14

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20