USA National Tournament 138

Updated 3:39pm


Elimination Final

Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) vs.
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6)

Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1)
Mat 1
Myke Willets-Chicago John Marshall, IL (32)
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 3
Mat 2
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 4
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 6
Mat 3
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 2
Greg Marshall-Tuttle, OK (25) 5
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 13
Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5) 5
Mason Marabell-Bassick, CT (28)
Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21)
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1
Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 5
Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 6
Diego Gonzales-Palo Alto, CA (29) 3
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 10
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 10
Dwier Carpenter-Uvalde, TX (30) 2
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 3
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 6
Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 6
Mat 1
Evan Winters-Northampton, PA (22) 1
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27)
Mat 2
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 7
Niall Nicolella-Easton, PA (7) 2
Mat 3
Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 9
Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 2
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 8
Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 3
Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 2
Miles Egnor-St. Ignace, MI (31) 2
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 13
Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 7
Mat 1
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 3
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 6
Mat 2
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 7
Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5)
Mat 3
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 3
Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 2
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 4
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 6
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5
Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 1
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 5
Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 1
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 6
Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 2
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 6
Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 8
Mat 1
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 4
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1
Mat 2
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 4
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 2
Mat 3
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 3
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 3
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 6
Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 4
Mat 3
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 2
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 1
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2)
Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 2
Mat 1
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6)
Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1)
Myke Willets-Chicago John Marshall, IL (32) 7
Mat 1
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 20
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 4
Mat 2
Greg Marshall-Tuttle, OK (25) 3
Mason Marabell-Bassick, CT (28) 2
Mat 3
Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21) 4
Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 3
Diego Gonzales-Palo Alto, CA (29)
Dwier Carpenter-Uvalde, TX (30) 2
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 5
Evan Winters-Northampton, PA (22) 5
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 8
Niall Nicolella-Easton, PA (7) 4
Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 6
Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 4
Miles Egnor-St. Ignace, MI (31)
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 5
Mat 1
Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 4
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 4
Mat 2
Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 2
Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21) 1
Mat 3
Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 3
Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 1
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 2
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 4
Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 3
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 9
Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5) 4
Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 2
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 7
Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 2
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 6
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 4
Mat 1
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 3
Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 3
Mat 2
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 6
Mat 3
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 3
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 4
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 3
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17)
Mat 1
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5
Mat 2
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 4
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 3
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 5
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 1
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 2
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1
Mat 2
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 4
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 3
Mat 3
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 4
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 1
Mat 2
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 3
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 3
Mat 3
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 2
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 3
Mat 1
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 4
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3)
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6)


  Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2)


  Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14)

  Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4)


  Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12)

  Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10)


  Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17)

  Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8)

  Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19)

  Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9)


  Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24)

  Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11)

  Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27)

  Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16)


  Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15)

  Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26)

  Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21)

  Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13)

  Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20)

  Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5)

  Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23)

  Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18)


  Myke Willets-Chicago John Marshall, IL (32)

  Greg Marshall-Tuttle, OK (25)

  Mason Marabell-Bassick, CT (28)

  Diego Gonzales-Palo Alto, CA (29)

  Dwier Carpenter-Uvalde, TX (30)

  Evan Winters-Northampton, PA (22)

  Niall Nicolella-Easton, PA (7)

  Miles Egnor-St. Ignace, MI (31)

Elimination Semi-final

Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 3 L vs.
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 4 W Mat 1 00:25

Winners Final

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 2 W vs.
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) L Mat 1 00:44

Elimination 6

Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 3 W vs.
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 2 L Mat 3 01:43

Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 1 L vs.
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 3 W Mat 2 00:49

Elimination 5

Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1 L vs.
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 4 W Mat 2 00:33

Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 3 L vs.
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 4 W Mat 3 01:01

Winners Semi-finals

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 4 W vs.
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 2 L Mat 3 03:15:44

Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 1 W vs.
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) L 03:16:45

Elimination 4

Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 3 L vs.
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 5 W 03:16:44

Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) L vs.
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1 W Mat 1 03:14:30

Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 1 L vs.
Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 2 W 03:16:31

Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5 W vs.
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 4 L Mat 2 03:15:00

Elimination 3

Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 6 W vs.
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 3 L Mat 3 06:05:05

Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 4 W vs.
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 3 L Mat 1 06:02:36

Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 4 W vs.
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 3 L 06:05:53

Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 3 L vs.
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5 W Mat 2 06:03:24

Winners 2

Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 2 L vs.
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 3 W Mat 3 24:25

Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1 L vs.
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 4 W Mat 2 21:36

Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 3 L vs.
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 6 W 12:41

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 8 W vs.
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 4 L Mat 1 23:57

Elimination 2

Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21) 1 L vs.
Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 3 W Mat 3 04:44

Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 4 W vs.
Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 3 L 06:07

Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 1 L vs.
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 2 W 05:14

Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 2 L vs.
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 6 W 27:18

Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 5 W vs.
Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 4 L Mat 1 02:53

Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 9 W vs.
Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5) 4 L 06:24

Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 2 L vs.
Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 7 W 22:26

Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 4 W vs.
Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 2 L Mat 2 03:07

Elimination 1

Dwier Carpenter-Uvalde, TX (30) 2 L vs.
Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 5 W 05:30

Evan Winters-Northampton, PA (22) 5 L vs.
Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) 8 W 05:05

Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 3 W vs.
Diego Gonzales-Palo Alto, CA (29) L 05:20

Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 4 W vs.
Miles Egnor-St. Ignace, MI (31) L 04:27

Mason Marabell-Bassick, CT (28) 2 L vs.
Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21) 4 W Mat 3 04:47

Myke Willets-Chicago John Marshall, IL (32) 7 L vs.
Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 20 W Mat 1 04:57

Niall Nicolella-Easton, PA (7) 4 L vs.
Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 6 W 04:56

Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 4 W vs.
Greg Marshall-Tuttle, OK (25) 3 L Mat 2 04:54

Winners 1

Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 2 L vs.
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 6 W 11:25

Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 6 W vs.
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 5 L 10:16

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) 7 W vs.
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 3 L Mat 1 09:36

Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 2 L vs.
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 4 W 11:34

Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 1 L vs.
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 6 W 11:22

Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 6 L vs.
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 7 W Mat 2 09:20

Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5) L vs.
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 3 W Mat 3 10:28

Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 1 L vs.
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 5 W 10:44

Round 1

Anthony Bresiago-Absegami, NJ (15) 3 W vs.
Korey Callahan-Chisholm, MN (18) 2 L 37:34

Avery Young-Blair Academy, NJ (3) 10 W vs.
Dwier Carpenter-Uvalde, TX (30) 2 L 07:44:47

Diego Gonzales-Palo Alto, CA (29) 3 L vs.
Henry Stripeman-Greater Heights, MO (4) 10 W 07:43:47

Edmund Stone-Kuemper Catholic, IA (21) L vs.
Cade Invergordon-Jenkins, GA (12) 1 W 07:41:37

Elijah Leen-Canon-McMillan, PA (19) 3 L vs.
Owen Lenger-Victory, NH (14) 6 W 07:47:44

Glen Gotsis-Woodbridge, DE (1) W vs.
Myke Willets-Chicago John Marshall, IL (32) L Mat 1 07:17:23

Greg Marshall-Tuttle, OK (25) 5 L vs.
Gabriel Millet-Reuther Central, WI (8) 13 W 07:20:05

Jake Drable-Ames St. Cecilia, IA (13) 5 L vs.
Joey Elisabeth-Blythewood, SC (20) 6 W 07:43:17

Liam Murdock-Dublin Village, OH (17) 3 L vs.
Maddox Hartnett-Black River Falls, WI (16) 4 W Mat 2 07:18:23

Luke Schreiner-Mentor, OH (9) 6 W vs.
Sonny Hoskins-Odessa, TX (24) 2 L Mat 3 07:18:58

Matt Hartley-Henryville, IN (27) L vs.
Jude Rogge-Barberton, OH (6) 7 W Mat 2 37:03

Max Townall-Delmarva Christian, DE (23) 2 L vs.
Elek Coates-Wadsworth, OH (10) 8 W 37:14

Miles Egnor-St. Ignace, MI (31) 2 L vs.
Joel Thornton-Lafayette, KY (2) 13 W 17:37

Morgan Reichlin-Belle Meade, TN (5) 5 W vs.
Mason Marabell-Bassick, CT (28) L 07:21:24

Niall Nicolella-Easton, PA (7) 2 L vs.
Leopold Krug-Windsor Forest, GA (26) 9 W Mat 3 38:09

Ryan McClanahan-Roseville Area, MN (11) 6 W vs.
Evan Winters-Northampton, PA (22) 1 L Mat 1 35:29

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20