Walts Spooky Split Flipper 10/30

Updated 1:31am




Omega Sharks




Bratatouille x


Harold ramis

Piña & Gobz, LLC x

Harlem Globetrotters

The Oh Geez

Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! x

Pulp Fiction


Hold My Mashed Potatoes x

Dr. Dude

2Guys3Ballz x



Inherent Vicers x

Benjamin Mayhew

Eight Ball Deluxe

Fuck The Yankees

Furry Love x

Theatre Of Magic

Team Chainsaw x

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest

Harlem Globetrotters

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest

pin-slutz x

Surf Champ

Benjamin Mayhew

Omega Sharks x



Pee-Wee&Mickey x

Pulp Fiction

The Oh Geez x

Harold ramis


Fuck The Yankees

Hold My Mashed Potatoes xx


Bratatouille x

Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! xx

Eight Ball Deluxe


Piña & Gobz, LLC x

Dr. Dude

Team Chainsaw xx

Inherent Vicers x

Theatre Of Magic

2Guys3Ballz xx

Furry Love x

Surf Champ


Harold ramis x

Dr. Dude

Fuck The Yankees

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest x

Theatre Of Magic

Benjamin Mayhew

pin-slutz xx


Bratatouille xx

The Oh Geez x

Harlem Globetrotters

Piña & Gobz, LLC xx

Omega Sharks x

Pulp Fiction

Inherent Vicers xx

Furry Love x


Pee-Wee&Mickey x

Team Chainsaw xxx


Hold My Mashed Potatoes xx

Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! xxx



2Guys3Ballz xx


Mavis x

Fuck The Yankees


Benjamin Mayhew x

Furry Love x

Dr. Dude

The Oh Geez xx

Pee-Wee&Mickey x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Harold ramis x

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest xx

Pulp Fiction

Omega Sharks x

Bratatouille xxx

Surf Champ

Hold My Mashed Potatoes xxx

pin-slutz xx

Harlem Globetrotters

2Guys3Ballz xxx

Inherent Vicers xx

Piña & Gobz, LLC xx

Theatre Of Magic

Fuck The Yankees x

Harold ramis x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Benjamin Mayhew xx

Pee-Wee&Mickey x

Harlem Globetrotters

Mavis xx

Furry Love x


Omega Sharks xx

pin-slutz xx


The Oh Geez xx

Inherent Vicers xxx

Surf Champ

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest xxx

Piña & Gobz, LLC xx

Surf Champ

Fuck The Yankees x

Pee-Wee&Mickey xx


Furry Love x

Harold ramis xx

Pulp Fiction

Piña & Gobz, LLC xxx

pin-slutz xx


Benjamin Mayhew xx

Mavis xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Omega Sharks xx

The Oh Geez xxx


Furry Love xx

Fuck The Yankees x


Benjamin Mayhew xxx

Omega Sharks xx


Harold ramis xx

pin-slutz xxx

Pee-Wee&Mickey xx


Fuck The Yankees x

Omega Sharks xxx

Harlem Globetrotters

Harold ramis xx

Pee-Wee&Mickey xxx

Furry Love xx

Harlem Globetrotters

Fuck The Yankees xx

Furry Love xx

Harold ramis xx

Dr. Dude

Furry Love xxx

Harold ramis xx

Fuck The Yankees xx


Harold ramis xxx

Fuck The Yankees xx

Fuck The Yankees xx

Round 11

Harold ramis L vs.
Fuck The Yankees W Ali 06:35

Round 10

Furry Love L vs.
Harold ramis W Dr. Dude 09:20

Round 9

Fuck The Yankees L vs.
Furry Love W Harlem Globetrotters 10:31

Round 8

Fuck The Yankees W vs.
Omega Sharks L Taxi 31:00

Harold ramis W vs.
Pee-Wee&Mickey L Harlem Globetrotters 22:03

Round 7

Benjamin Mayhew L vs.
Omega Sharks W Radical 12:47

Furry Love L vs.
Fuck The Yankees W Getaway 13:04

Harold ramis W vs.
pin-slutz L Taxi 12:21

Round 6

Benjamin Mayhew W vs.
Mavis L Getaway 11:37

Fuck The Yankees W vs.
Pee-Wee&Mickey L Surf Champ 13:15

Furry Love W vs.
Harold ramis L Radical 10:14

Omega Sharks W vs.
The Oh Geez L Eight Ball Deluxe 10:30

Piña & Gobz, LLC L vs.
pin-slutz W Pulp Fiction 11:29

Round 5

Benjamin Mayhew L vs.
Pee-Wee&Mickey W Eight Ball Deluxe 14:07

Fuck The Yankees L vs.
Harold ramis W Theatre Of Magic 13:26

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest L vs.
Piña & Gobz, LLC W Surf Champ 10:29

Mavis L vs.
Furry Love W Harlem Globetrotters 10:07

Omega Sharks L vs.
pin-slutz W Getaway 11:23

The Oh Geez W vs.
Inherent Vicers L Ali 10:39

Round 4

2Guys3Ballz L vs.
Inherent Vicers W Harlem Globetrotters 05:56

Benjamin Mayhew L vs.
Furry Love W Ali 08:41

Harold ramis W vs.
Lizzy Lizerd and Guest L Eight Ball Deluxe 09:41

Hold My Mashed Potatoes L vs.
pin-slutz W Surf Champ 13:02

Mavis L vs.
Fuck The Yankees W Taxi 10:09

Omega Sharks W vs.
Bratatouille L Pulp Fiction 12:08

The Oh Geez L vs.
Pee-Wee&Mickey W Dr. Dude 09:38

Round 3

Benjamin Mayhew W vs.
pin-slutz L Theatre Of Magic 10:04

Bratatouille L vs.
The Oh Geez W Getaway 10:18

Fuck The Yankees W vs.
Lizzy Lizerd and Guest L Dr. Dude 10:45

Hold My Mashed Potatoes W vs.
Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! L Ali 08:41

Inherent Vicers L vs.
Furry Love W Pulp Fiction 14:47

Mavis W vs.
Harold ramis L Surf Champ 14:27

Pee-Wee&Mickey W vs.
Team Chainsaw L Radical 13:34

Piña & Gobz, LLC L vs.
Omega Sharks W Harlem Globetrotters 08:47

2Guys3Ballz W Taxi 11:57

Round 2

2Guys3Ballz L vs.
Furry Love W Theatre Of Magic 18:23

Benjamin Mayhew W vs.
Omega Sharks L Surf Champ 10:13

Bratatouille W vs.
Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! L Taxi 08:04

Fuck The Yankees W vs.
Hold My Mashed Potatoes L Radical 15:39

Lizzy Lizerd and Guest W vs.
pin-slutz L Harlem Globetrotters 10:17

Mavis W vs.
Pee-Wee&Mickey L Ali 06:45

Piña & Gobz, LLC W Eight Ball Deluxe 09:14

Team Chainsaw L vs.
Inherent Vicers W Dr. Dude 09:42

The Oh Geez L vs.
Harold ramis W Pulp Fiction 13:23

Round 1

2Guys3Ballz L vs.
Mavis W Dr. Dude 11:45

Fuck The Yankees W vs.
Furry Love L Eight Ball Deluxe 18:08

Harold ramis W vs.
Piña & Gobz, LLC L Getaway 11:31

Inherent Vicers L vs.
Benjamin Mayhew W Taxi 10:00

Omega Sharks W vs.
PIEBACH L Ali 07:58

Pee-Wee&Mickey W vs.
Hold My Mashed Potatoes L Pulp Fiction 13:05

pin-slutz W vs.
Bratatouille L Radical 09:41

Team Chainsaw L vs.
Lizzy Lizerd and Guest W Theatre Of Magic 09:33

The Oh Geez W vs.
Split Flipper? But I Hardly Even Know Her! L Harlem Globetrotters 09:54

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20