FCP Quarterworld 4/25

Updated 3:41pm




Dana Valatka

Tis Lais x

Revenge From Mars

Eric Zounes

Erik Graciosa x

The Walking Dead

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer x

John Martin


David Morell x

Dan Griffin

Black Rose

Steve Montgomery x

James "COW" Adamson

Theatre of Magic

Leslie Martin x

Jill Oppenheim


Mike Maraia x

James Brunett

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

Daniel Rone

Guns 'N' Roses

Melissa Schwegel x

Jeff Hart


Kane MacAniff x

Chad Sulloway

Monster Bash

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Chris Coyle


Cameron Sanderson x

Mathew Peterson

Cirqus Voltaire

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Derek Miazga

Tales Of Arabian Nights

Zachary Reno x

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb

Lord Of The Rings

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge

Bill Bailey x

Medieval Madness

Bill Lascher x

Lex Albrandt


Dana Valatka x

Daniel Rone


Mathew Peterson x

Chris Coyle

Game Show

Jeff Hart

Jill Oppenheim x

Theatre of Magic

Chad Sulloway x

Eric Zounes

Tales Of Arabian Nights

John Martin x

James "COW" Adamson


Lex Albrandt x

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge

Demolition Man

Dan Griffin x

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb


James Brunett x

Derek Miazga

Indiana Jones

Bill Lascher x

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer xx

Elvira And The Party Monsters

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

John "Hambone" Hartman xx

The Walking Dead

David Morell xx

Erik Graciosa x

Revenge From Mars

Cameron Sanderson x

Steve Montgomery xx

Batman 66

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Melissa Schwegel xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Leslie Martin x

Tis Lais xx

Monster Bash

Bill Bailey xx

Zachary Reno x

Cirqus Voltaire

Mike Maraia xx

Kane MacAniff x


James "COW" Adamson x

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge

Medieval Madness

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb x

Derek Miazga

Elvira And The Party Monsters

Jeff Hart

Chris Coyle x


Daniel Rone x

Eric Zounes

Revenge From Mars

Bill Lascher xx

Mathew Peterson x

Lord Of The Rings

Jill Oppenheim xx

Kane MacAniff x

Monster Bash

John Martin xx

Chad Sulloway x

Indiana Jones

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xx

Leslie Martin x

Cirqus Voltaire

James Brunett xx

Erik Graciosa x

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Zachary Reno x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Demolition Man

Cameron Sanderson xx

Dana Valatka x

Theatre of Magic

Dan Griffin x

Lex Albrandt xx

Demolition Man

John "Hambone" Hartman xxx

Melissa Schwegel xx

Batman 66

David Morell xx

Tis Lais xxx


Steve Montgomery xxx

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer xx

The Who's Tommy

Mike Maraia xx

Bill Bailey xxx

The Walking Dead

Jeff Hart x

Eric Zounes

Demolition Man

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge x

Derek Miazga

Game Show

Zachary Reno xx

Erik Graciosa x

Elvira And The Party Monsters

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xx

Leslie Martin x

Cirqus Voltaire

Chad Sulloway x

James "COW" Adamson xx

Medieval Madness

Dan Griffin x

Chris Coyle xx

The Who's Tommy

Dana Valatka xx

Mathew Peterson x

Black Rose

Kane MacAniff xx

Daniel Rone x

Tales Of Arabian Nights

Bill Lascher xx

Melissa Schwegel xxx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

James Brunett xxx

Cameron Sanderson xx


Lex Albrandt xxx

David Morell xx

Revenge From Mars

Jill Oppenheim xxx

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer xx

Batman 66

Mike Maraia xxx

John Martin xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xxx

Game Show

Derek Miazga

Eric Zounes x

Medieval Madness

Leslie Martin xx

Chad Sulloway x

Batman 66

Erik Graciosa xx

Mathew Peterson x

The Walking Dead

Daniel Rone x

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge xx

The Who's Tommy

Jeff Hart xx

Dan Griffin x

Cirqus Voltaire

Cameron Sanderson xx

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb xxx

Elvira And The Party Monsters

Dana Valatka xxx

Bill Lascher xx

Revenge From Mars

James "COW" Adamson xx

Kane MacAniff xxx

Demolition Man

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer xx

Chris Coyle xxx


Zachary Reno xx

David Morell xxx

Black Rose

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xxx

John Martin xx

Monster Bash

Derek Miazga x

Mathew Peterson x


Eric Zounes xx

Dan Griffin x

The Who's Tommy

Chad Sulloway xx

Daniel Rone x


Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer xxx

James "COW" Adamson xx

Theatre of Magic

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge xxx

Jeff Hart xx

Demolition Man

Bill Lascher xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Black Rose

Zachary Reno xx

Cameron Sanderson xxx

Cirqus Voltaire

Leslie Martin xx

John Martin xxx

Monster Bash

Daniel Rone x

Dan Griffin xx

Tales Of Arabian Nights

Derek Miazga xx

Jeff Hart xx

The Simpsons Pinball Party

Chad Sulloway xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Batman 66

Leslie Martin xxx

Eric Zounes xx

The Walking Dead

Zachary Reno xxx

James "COW" Adamson xx

Mathew Peterson x

Demolition Man

Daniel Rone xx

Mathew Peterson x

Medieval Madness

Eric Zounes xx

James "COW" Adamson xxx

The Walking Dead

Dan Griffin xxx

Derek Miazga xx


Jeff Hart xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Cirqus Voltaire

Mathew Peterson xx

Eric Zounes xx


Daniel Rone xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Derek Miazga xx

Black Rose

Derek Miazga xx

Eric Zounes xxx

Theatre of Magic

Erik Graciosa xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

The Who's Tommy

Erik Graciosa xxx

Derek Miazga xx

Derek Miazga xx

Round 11

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Derek Miazga W The Who's Tommy 12:36

Round 10

Derek Miazga W vs.
Eric Zounes L Black Rose 07:14

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Theatre of Magic 15:26

Round 9

Daniel Rone L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Aerosmith 18:11

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Eric Zounes W Cirqus Voltaire 18:12

Round 8

Dan Griffin L vs.
Derek Miazga W The Walking Dead 21:55

Daniel Rone L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Demolition Man 21:48

Eric Zounes W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Medieval Madness 22:07

Jeff Hart L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Gorgar 22:00

Round 7

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Erik Graciosa W The Simpsons Pinball Party 15:12

Daniel Rone W vs.
Dan Griffin L Monster Bash 18:13

Derek Miazga L vs.
Jeff Hart W Tales Of Arabian Nights 18:29

Leslie Martin L vs.
Eric Zounes W Batman 66 12:21

Zachary Reno L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W The Walking Dead 08:39

Round 6

Bill Lascher L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Demolition Man 22:00

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Daniel Rone W The Who's Tommy 23:04

Derek Miazga L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Monster Bash 22:37

Eric Zounes L vs.
Dan Griffin W Gorgar 23:10

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge L vs.
Jeff Hart W Theatre of Magic 29:39

Leslie Martin W vs.
John Martin L Cirqus Voltaire 24:15

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Aerosmith 10:22

Zachary Reno W vs.
Cameron Sanderson L Black Rose 22:55

Round 5

Cameron Sanderson W vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L Cirqus Voltaire 08:05

Dana Valatka L vs.
Bill Lascher W Elvira And The Party Monsters 09:21

Daniel Rone W vs.
Ian "The Freezer" Fridge L The Walking Dead 09:11

Derek Miazga W vs.
Eric Zounes L Game Show 10:37

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Batman 66 14:58

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Kane MacAniff L Revenge From Mars 17:04

Jeff Hart L vs.
Dan Griffin W The Who's Tommy 17:27

Leslie Martin L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Medieval Madness 16:35

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
John Martin W Black Rose 08:51

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer W vs.
Chris Coyle L Demolition Man 22:18

Zachary Reno W vs.
David Morell L Ghostbusters 19:58

Round 4

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L vs.
Leslie Martin W Elvira And The Party Monsters 14:11

Bill Lascher W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Tales Of Arabian Nights 14:55

Chad Sulloway W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Cirqus Voltaire 23:42

Dan Griffin W vs.
Chris Coyle L Medieval Madness 14:42

Dana Valatka L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Who's Tommy 11:13

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge L vs.
Derek Miazga W Demolition Man 10:34

James Brunett L vs.
Cameron Sanderson W The Simpsons Pinball Party 25:42

Jeff Hart L vs.
Eric Zounes W The Walking Dead 12:38

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer W Revenge From Mars 09:15

Kane MacAniff L vs.
Daniel Rone W Black Rose 15:45

Lex Albrandt L vs.
David Morell W Gorgar 29:24

Mike Maraia L vs.
John Martin W Batman 66 18:33

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak L Ghostbusters 23:34

Zachary Reno L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Game Show 18:04

Round 3

Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb L vs.
Derek Miazga W Medieval Madness 11:35

Bill Lascher L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Revenge From Mars 07:26

Cameron Sanderson L vs.
Dana Valatka W Demolition Man 22:18

Dan Griffin W vs.
Lex Albrandt L Theatre of Magic 13:50

Daniel Rone L vs.
Eric Zounes W X-Men 22:08

David Morell W vs.
Tis Lais L Batman 66 14:03

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Ian "The Freezer" Fridge W Ghostbusters 19:26

James Brunett L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Cirqus Voltaire 10:09

Jeff Hart W vs.
Chris Coyle L Elvira And The Party Monsters 17:44

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
Kane MacAniff W Lord Of The Rings 12:03

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Melissa Schwegel W Demolition Man 14:34

John Martin L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Monster Bash 10:19

Mike Maraia W vs.
Bill Bailey L The Who's Tommy 10:24

Stefan "STEFan" Novak L vs.
Leslie Martin W Indiana Jones 12:31

Steve Montgomery L vs.
Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer W Congo 10:01

Zachary Reno W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L The Simpsons Pinball Party 14:13

Round 2

Bill Bailey L vs.
Zachary Reno W Monster Bash 11:50

Bill Lascher W vs.
Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer L Indiana Jones 12:26

Cameron Sanderson W vs.
Steve Montgomery L Revenge From Mars 12:02

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Eric Zounes W Theatre of Magic 16:20

Dan Griffin L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Demolition Man 08:28

Dana Valatka L vs.
Daniel Rone W Ghostbusters 13:30

David Morell L vs.
Erik Graciosa W The Walking Dead 16:12

James Brunett L vs.
Derek Miazga W Gorgar 14:28

Jeff Hart W vs.
Jill Oppenheim L Game Show 13:46

John Martin L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Tales Of Arabian Nights 21:37

Leslie Martin W vs.
Tis Lais L The Simpsons Pinball Party 12:15

Lex Albrandt L vs.
Ian "The Freezer" Fridge W X-Men 13:53

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Chris Coyle W Congo 23:03

Mike Maraia L vs.
Kane MacAniff W Cirqus Voltaire 19:31

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Batman 66 20:27

Stefan "STEFan" Novak W vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman L Elvira And The Party Monsters 16:50

Round 1

Bill Lascher L vs.
Lex Albrandt W Medieval Madness 10:04

Cameron Sanderson L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Gorgar 19:17

Dana Valatka W vs.
Tis Lais L X-Men 18:50

David Morell L vs.
Dan Griffin W Congo 11:22

Eric Zounes W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Revenge From Mars 15:35

Ian "The Freezer" Fridge W vs.
Bill Bailey L Lord Of The Rings 13:09

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Derek Miazga W Cirqus Voltaire 10:43

Kane MacAniff L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Aerosmith 10:12

Leslie Martin L vs.
Jill Oppenheim W Theatre of Magic 10:21

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Jeff Hart W Guns 'N' Roses 21:48

Mike Maraia L vs.
James Brunett W X-Files 11:29

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Chris Coyle W Monster Bash 09:35

Paul "Ball Breaker" Schaffer L vs.
John Martin W The Walking Dead 10:31

Stefan "STEFan" Novak L vs.
Daniel Rone W The Simpsons Pinball Party 20:52

Steve Montgomery L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Black Rose 09:56

Zachary Reno L vs.
Andy "Andrew W.Kobb" Cobb W Tales Of Arabian Nights 10:53

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20