901 Beginners

Updated 3:21pm


Jim Jake vs.
Cathy Clay Board 8 18:51:58


Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Cash Joel
Earl Kelly
Board 6
Jim Jake
Cathy Clay
Board 7
Chris Leann
Lesslie Don
Board 7
Martin Brandon
Caleb Katie
Erica Lilly
Board 8
Jessica M Nick
Gary Kelby
Board 6
Jessica Wendy
Thomas Jason
Cash Joel
Board 7
Jim Jake
Cathy Clay
Board 8
Lesslie Don
Caleb Katie
Board 8
Jessica M Nick
Jessica Wendy
Board 6
Thomas Jason
Jim Jake
Board 7
Cathy Clay
Caleb Katie
Board 6
Jessica Wendy
Jim Jake
Board 7
Jessica Wendy
Jim Jake
Board 8
Cathy Clay
Earl Kelly
Chris Leann
Board 6
Martin Brandon
Erica Lilly
Gary Kelby
Earl Kelly
Board 7
Thomas Jason
Chris Leann
Board 6
Jessica M Nick
Erica Lilly
Board 8
Lesslie Don
Gary Kelby
Board 7
Cash Joel
Thomas Jason
Board 6
Chris Leann
Lesslie Don
Board 8
Gary Kelby
Chris Leann
Board 6
Cathy Clay
Lesslie Don
Board 7
Caleb Katie
Cathy Clay
Board 7
Lesslie Don
Cathy Clay
Board 6
Jessica Wendy
Cathy Clay


  Jessica Wendy


  Lesslie Don


  Chris Leann

  Caleb Katie


  Thomas Jason

  Gary Kelby


  Earl Kelly

  Jessica M Nick

  Erica Lilly

  Cash Joel


  Martin Brandon

Elimination Final

Cathy Clay W vs.
Jessica Wendy L Board 6 12:15

Elimination Semi-final

Cathy Clay W vs.
Lesslie Don L Board 7 21:25

Winners Final

Jim Jake W vs.
Jessica Wendy L Board 7 10:16

Elimination 4

Chris Leann L vs.
Cathy Clay W Board 6 16:04

Lesslie Don W vs.
Caleb Katie L Board 7 18:34

Elimination 3

Lesslie Don W vs.
Gary Kelby L Board 8 20:16

Thomas Jason L vs.
Chris Leann W Board 6 19:01

Winners Semi-finals

Caleb Katie L vs.
Jessica Wendy W Board 6 14:39

Jim Jake W vs.
Cathy Clay L Board 7 15:11

Elimination 2

Chris Leann W vs.
Jessica M Nick L Board 6 20:31

Earl Kelly L vs.
Thomas Jason W Board 7 17:11

Erica Lilly L vs.
Lesslie Don W Board 8 19:20

Gary Kelby W vs.
Cash Joel L Board 7 21:19

Elimination 1

Chris Leann W vs.
Martin Brandon L Board 6 07:01

Winners 1

Caleb Katie W vs.
Jessica M Nick L Board 8 17:33

Cash Joel L vs.
Jim Jake W Board 7 12:15

Cathy Clay W vs.
Lesslie Don L Board 8 39:21

Jessica Wendy W vs.
Thomas Jason L Board 6 15:43

Round 1

Cathy Clay W vs.
Chris Leann L Board 7 20:40

Earl Kelly L vs.
Jim Jake W Board 6 12:45

Erica Lilly L vs.
Jessica M Nick W Board 8 17:24

Gary Kelby L vs.
Jessica Wendy W Board 6 14:36

Lesslie Don W vs.
Martin Brandon L Board 7 12:59

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20