Flip City Weekly 7/2/24: Wedgehead

Updated 6:24pm



Godzilla Premium

Aeden McRea

Dave Dimoff x

White Water

Fuchsia Troutman x

Thomas Urban


Collin Whittemore

Colin Urban x

Cactus Canyon Remake Special

PJ Bounkhoum x

Mathew Peterson


Brenna Bechtold x

Eric Lee


Nicolette Biskamp x

John Hartman

Elvira's House of Horrors Premium

Peter Durbin

Ethan Debates x


Campbell Hancock

Erik Graciosa x

Pulp Fiction

John Stein x

Sara Urban

Old Chicago

Dawnda Durbin x

Tis Lais

Wild Fyre

Mikkel Nielsen WA

David Tveite x

Dirty Harry

Doug Mandell

Zach Singer x

Monster Bash

Ben Massey

Pierce von Buttlar x

Frank Thomas Big Hurt

Ashlee von Buttlar

Nick Elliott x

Nathan Stellhorn


Tis Lais

Ashlee von Buttlar x

Dirty Harry

Collin Whittemore

John Hartman x


Nathan Stellhorn x

Sara Urban


Aeden McRea x

Campbell Hancock

John Wick Pro

Mathew Peterson

Mikkel Nielsen WA x

Cactus Canyon Remake Special

Peter Durbin x

Ben Massey

Wild Fyre

Doug Mandell

Thomas Urban x

Pulp Fiction

Eric Lee x

Nick Elliott x

The Munsters

Colin Urban x

Brenna Bechtold xx

Monster Bash

John Stein xx

Dave Dimoff x

Godzilla Premium

Pierce von Buttlar x

Fuchsia Troutman xx

Old Chicago

Ethan Debates xx

Zach Singer x

Fish Tales

Nicolette Biskamp xx

PJ Bounkhoum x

TRON: Legacy

Dawnda Durbin xx

Erik Graciosa x

David Tveite x

Indianapolis 500

Ben Massey x

Mathew Peterson


Doug Mandell

Collin Whittemore x

The Munsters

Sara Urban x

Campbell Hancock

Godzilla Premium

Tis Lais x

Zach Singer x

Dirty Harry

Dave Dimoff x

Peter Durbin xx

Fish Tales

John Hartman x

Thomas Urban xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

PJ Bounkhoum xx

Colin Urban x

TRON: Legacy

David Tveite x

Nick Elliott xx

Monster Bash

Nathan Stellhorn x

Mikkel Nielsen WA xx

Wild Fyre

Ashlee von Buttlar x

Erik Graciosa xx

John Wick Pro

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Aeden McRea x

White Water

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Nicolette Biskamp xx


Fuchsia Troutman xx

Ethan Debates xxx


John Stein xxx

Brenna Bechtold xx

Eric Lee x


Mathew Peterson

Doug Mandell x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Campbell Hancock x

John Hartman x

TRON: Legacy

Colin Urban x

Sara Urban xx

Cactus Canyon Remake Special

Ashlee von Buttlar xx

Nathan Stellhorn x


Eric Lee xx

Collin Whittemore x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro

David Tveite xx

Tis Lais x


Dave Dimoff x

Ben Massey xx

Elvira's House of Horrors Premium

Aeden McRea xx

Zach Singer x

The Munsters

Thomas Urban xxx

Nicolette Biskamp xx

Monster Bash

Fuchsia Troutman xxx

PJ Bounkhoum xx

Dirty Harry

Mikkel Nielsen WA xxx

Pierce von Buttlar xx

White Water

Peter Durbin xx

Brenna Bechtold xxx

Old Chicago

Nick Elliott xx

Erik Graciosa xxx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro

Mathew Peterson

John Hartman xx

Old Chicago

Collin Whittemore xx

Campbell Hancock x

John Wick Pro

Tis Lais xx

Colin Urban x

Wild Fyre

Dave Dimoff x

Zach Singer xx


Nathan Stellhorn x

Pierce von Buttlar xxx

TRON: Legacy

Aeden McRea xx

PJ Bounkhoum xxx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

David Tveite xx

Eric Lee xxx


Peter Durbin xx

Sara Urban xxx

Godzilla Premium

Ashlee von Buttlar xx

Ben Massey xxx


Nick Elliott xxx

Nicolette Biskamp xx

Doug Mandell x

Fish Tales

Mathew Peterson x

Campbell Hancock x

White Water

Colin Urban x

Doug Mandell xx

Old Chicago

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Dave Dimoff x

Indianapolis 500

Peter Durbin xx

Zach Singer xxx


Aeden McRea xxx

Tis Lais xx

John Wick Pro

David Tveite xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

Pulp Fiction

Ashlee von Buttlar xxx

Nicolette Biskamp xx

John Hartman xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro

Dave Dimoff xx

Colin Urban x

The Munsters

Mathew Peterson x

Nathan Stellhorn xxx

Wild Fyre

Tis Lais xxx

Collin Whittemore xx

Indianapolis 500

Doug Mandell xx

John Hartman xxx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Peter Durbin xx

Nicolette Biskamp xxx

Campbell Hancock x

Wild Fyre

Campbell Hancock x

Mathew Peterson xx


Dave Dimoff xxx

Doug Mandell xx

Pulp Fiction

Collin Whittemore xxx

Peter Durbin xx

Colin Urban x


Colin Urban xx

Campbell Hancock x

Godzilla Premium

Peter Durbin xxx

Doug Mandell xx

Mathew Peterson xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro

Campbell Hancock x

Doug Mandell xxx

Pulp Fiction

Colin Urban xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Godzilla Premium

Campbell Hancock xx

Mathew Peterson xx

TRON: Legacy

Campbell Hancock xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

Round 12

Campbell Hancock W vs.
Mathew Peterson L TRON: Legacy 09:05

Round 11

Campbell Hancock L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Godzilla Premium 34:44

Round 10

Campbell Hancock W vs.
Doug Mandell L Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro 16:59

Colin Urban L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Pulp Fiction 14:20

Round 9

Colin Urban L vs.
Campbell Hancock W Argosy 09:52

Peter Durbin L vs.
Doug Mandell W Godzilla Premium 09:30

Round 8

Campbell Hancock W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Wild Fyre 08:35

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Peter Durbin W Pulp Fiction 09:11

Dave Dimoff L vs.
Doug Mandell W Argosy 07:33

Round 7

Dave Dimoff L vs.
Colin Urban W Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro 16:26

Doug Mandell W vs.
John Hartman L Indianapolis 500 10:50

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L The Munsters 12:13

Peter Durbin W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Creature from the Black Lagoon 09:57

Tis Lais L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Wild Fyre 10:41

Round 6

Aeden McRea L vs.
Tis Lais W Funhouse 11:24

Ashlee von Buttlar L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Pulp Fiction 14:37

Colin Urban W vs.
Doug Mandell L White Water 11:08

David Tveite L vs.
Collin Whittemore W John Wick Pro 10:00

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Campbell Hancock W Fish Tales 07:24

Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Dave Dimoff W Old Chicago 12:53

Peter Durbin W vs.
Zach Singer L Indianapolis 500 06:59

Round 5

Aeden McRea W vs.
PJ Bounkhoum L TRON: Legacy 10:02

Ashlee von Buttlar W vs.
Ben Massey L Godzilla Premium 14:44

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Campbell Hancock W Old Chicago 09:38

Dave Dimoff W vs.
Zach Singer L Wild Fyre 13:19

David Tveite W vs.
Eric Lee L Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:27

Mathew Peterson W vs.
John Hartman L Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro 20:00

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Pierce von Buttlar L Stars 06:55

Nick Elliott L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W JAWS Pro 18:11

Peter Durbin W vs.
Sara Urban L Argosy 06:44

Tis Lais L vs.
Colin Urban W John Wick Pro 10:23

Round 4

Aeden McRea L vs.
Zach Singer W Elvira's House of Horrors Premium 10:50

Ashlee von Buttlar L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Cactus Canyon Remake Special 16:31

Campbell Hancock L vs.
John Hartman W Creature from the Black Lagoon 11:07

Colin Urban W vs.
Sara Urban L TRON: Legacy 10:56

Dave Dimoff W vs.
Ben Massey L Stars 15:49

David Tveite L vs.
Tis Lais W Black Knight: Sword of Rage Pro 13:30

Eric Lee L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Argosy 19:30

Fuchsia Troutman L vs.
PJ Bounkhoum W Monster Bash 12:07

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Doug Mandell L Funhouse 14:26

Mikkel Nielsen WA L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Dirty Harry 14:30

Nick Elliott W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Old Chicago 12:22

Peter Durbin W vs.
Brenna Bechtold L White Water 10:30

Thomas Urban L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W The Munsters 13:41

Round 3

Ashlee von Buttlar W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Wild Fyre 13:01

Ben Massey L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Indianapolis 500 14:35

Dave Dimoff W vs.
Peter Durbin L Dirty Harry 12:09

David Tveite W vs.
Nick Elliott L TRON: Legacy 11:43

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W White Water 15:02

Doug Mandell W vs.
Collin Whittemore L JAWS Pro 20:55

Fuchsia Troutman W vs.
Ethan Debates L Stars 10:54

John Hartman W vs.
Thomas Urban L Fish Tales 20:59

John Stein L vs.
Brenna Bechtold W Argosy 08:50

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L Monster Bash 12:54

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Aeden McRea W John Wick Pro 15:57

PJ Bounkhoum L vs.
Colin Urban W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:03

Sara Urban L vs.
Campbell Hancock W The Munsters 12:14

Tis Lais L vs.
Zach Singer W Godzilla Premium 18:59

Round 2

Aeden McRea L vs.
Campbell Hancock W Stars 05:55

Colin Urban W vs.
Brenna Bechtold L The Munsters 18:33

Collin Whittemore W vs.
John Hartman L Dirty Harry 13:14

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Erik Graciosa W TRON: Legacy 16:09

Doug Mandell W vs.
Thomas Urban L Wild Fyre 05:36

Eric Lee L vs.
Nick Elliott W Pulp Fiction 08:53

Ethan Debates L vs.
Zach Singer W Old Chicago 09:57

John Stein L vs.
Dave Dimoff W Monster Bash 11:27

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L John Wick Pro 10:35

Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Sara Urban W Funhouse 08:17

Nicolette Biskamp L vs.
PJ Bounkhoum W Fish Tales 16:15

Peter Durbin L vs.
Ben Massey W Cactus Canyon Remake Special 20:42

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Fuchsia Troutman L Godzilla Premium 10:29

Tis Lais W vs.
Ashlee von Buttlar L Argosy 10:10

Round 1

Aeden McRea W vs.
Dave Dimoff L Godzilla Premium 19:05

Ashlee von Buttlar W vs.
Nick Elliott L Frank Thomas Big Hurt 11:34

Ben Massey W vs.
Pierce von Buttlar L Monster Bash 14:10

Brenna Bechtold L vs.
Eric Lee W Funhouse 11:18

Campbell Hancock W vs.
Erik Graciosa L JAWS Pro 14:45

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Colin Urban L Stars 07:29

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Tis Lais W Old Chicago 09:30

Doug Mandell W vs.
Zach Singer L Dirty Harry 12:30

Fuchsia Troutman L vs.
Thomas Urban W White Water 12:01

John Stein L vs.
Sara Urban W Pulp Fiction 11:06

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
David Tveite L Wild Fyre 07:15

Nicolette Biskamp L vs.
John Hartman W Argosy 12:13

Peter Durbin W vs.
Ethan Debates L Elvira's House of Horrors Premium 08:35

PJ Bounkhoum L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Cactus Canyon Remake Special 11:13

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20