Jan - Monthly Pinball Tournament at House of TARG

Updated 5:58pm



World Cup Soccer

Megan Sprague

Karen Delorme x

Star Wars (Data East)

Gilles Boissonneault x

Steve Cloutier

Tales From The Crypt

Chris Kachmar

Phil Birnbaum x

Iron Man

Lucas Buckingham

Amanda Cloutier x

The Walking Dead

Gabi Antaya x

Hilary Sinclair


Tommy Kachmar

Chris Dugmore x

Demolition Man

Katya Cappon

Stu Geeves x

Dr. Who

Tim Beland

Fischer Franks x


Steve Cloutier x

Chris Kachmar

Iron Man

Tim Beland

Katya Cappon x


Megan Sprague x

Hilary Sinclair

The Walking Dead

Tommy Kachmar x

Lucas Buckingham

Dr. Who

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Amanda Cloutier x


Fischer Franks xx

Gabi Antaya x

World Cup Soccer

Karen Delorme xx

Phil Birnbaum x

Terminator 2

Stu Geeves x

Chris Dugmore xx


Tim Beland

Chris Kachmar x


Lucas Buckingham x

Hilary Sinclair

World Cup Soccer

Tommy Kachmar xx

Katya Cappon x

Dr. Who

Phil Birnbaum x

Gabi Antaya xx

Terminator 2

Megan Sprague xx

Amanda Cloutier x

Iron Man

Stu Geeves x

Steve Cloutier xx


Karen Delorme xx

Chris Dugmore xxx

Bride Of Pinbot

Fischer Franks xxx

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Terminator 2

Hilary Sinclair x

Tim Beland


Katya Cappon xx

Chris Kachmar x

Bride Of Pinbot

Lucas Buckingham x

Stu Geeves xx


Phil Birnbaum x

Amanda Cloutier xx

Dr. Who

Tommy Kachmar xxx

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Iron Man

Gabi Antaya xxx

Megan Sprague xx


Karen Delorme xx

Steve Cloutier xxx

The Walking Dead

Chris Dugmore xxx

Fischer Franks 4x

Terminator 2

Phil Birnbaum x

Lucas Buckingham xx

Iron Man

Hilary Sinclair x

Chris Kachmar xx


Stu Geeves xxx

Megan Sprague xx

The Walking Dead

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Karen Delorme xxx


Amanda Cloutier xxx

Katya Cappon xx


Tommy Kachmar 4x

Gabi Antaya xxx

Bride Of Pinbot

Chris Dugmore 4x

Steve Cloutier xxx

Tim Beland


Tim Beland x

Phil Birnbaum x


Hilary Sinclair x

Katya Cappon xxx

Terminator 2

Chris Kachmar xxx

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Dr. Who

Lucas Buckingham xx

Megan Sprague xxx

World Cup Soccer

Stu Geeves xxx

Gabi Antaya 4x

Bride Of Pinbot

Karen Delorme xxx

Amanda Cloutier 4x

Steve Cloutier xxx

Bride Of Pinbot

Hilary Sinclair xx

Phil Birnbaum x

World Cup Soccer

Tim Beland xx

Lucas Buckingham xx


Gilles Boissonneault xx

Katya Cappon 4x

Dr. Who

Stu Geeves 4x

Karen Delorme xxx

The Walking Dead

Megan Sprague 4x

Steve Cloutier xxx

Chris Kachmar xxx

The Walking Dead

Phil Birnbaum x

Tim Beland xxx

World Cup Soccer

Gilles Boissonneault xx

Hilary Sinclair xxx


Lucas Buckingham xx

Steve Cloutier 4x

Terminator 2

Chris Kachmar xxx

Karen Delorme 4x


Phil Birnbaum xx

Gilles Boissonneault xx

World Cup Soccer

Lucas Buckingham xxx

Chris Kachmar xxx


Tim Beland xxx

Hilary Sinclair 4x


Gilles Boissonneault xx

Lucas Buckingham 4x

The Walking Dead

Tim Beland xxx

Chris Kachmar 4x

Phil Birnbaum xx

Iron Man

Phil Birnbaum xxx

Tim Beland xxx

Gilles Boissonneault xx

World Cup Soccer

Gilles Boissonneault xxx

Tim Beland xxx

Phil Birnbaum xxx


Phil Birnbaum xxx

Tim Beland 4x

Gilles Boissonneault xxx

Iron Man

Phil Birnbaum xxx

Gilles Boissonneault 4x

Phil Birnbaum xxx

Round 14

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Gilles Boissonneault L Iron Man 08:07

Round 13

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Tim Beland L Ghostbusters 09:09

Round 12

Gilles Boissonneault L vs.
Tim Beland W World Cup Soccer 08:45

Round 11

Phil Birnbaum L vs.
Tim Beland W Iron Man 06:11

Round 10

Gilles Boissonneault W vs.
Lucas Buckingham L Ghostbusters 18:15

Tim Beland W vs.
Chris Kachmar L The Walking Dead 07:06

Round 9

Lucas Buckingham L vs.
Chris Kachmar W World Cup Soccer 08:58

Phil Birnbaum L vs.
Gilles Boissonneault W KISS 09:16

Tim Beland W vs.
Hilary Sinclair L Metallica 11:34

Round 8

Chris Kachmar W vs.
Karen Delorme L Terminator 2 07:48

Gilles Boissonneault W vs.
Hilary Sinclair L World Cup Soccer 06:06

Lucas Buckingham W vs.
Steve Cloutier L Ghostbusters 04:24

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Tim Beland L The Walking Dead 09:30

Round 7

Gilles Boissonneault W vs.
Katya Cappon L Metallica 06:18

Hilary Sinclair L vs.
Phil Birnbaum W Bride Of Pinbot 11:47

Megan Sprague L vs.
Steve Cloutier W The Walking Dead 04:16

Stu Geeves L vs.
Karen Delorme W Dr. Who 05:37

Tim Beland L vs.
Lucas Buckingham W World Cup Soccer 04:32

Round 6

Chris Kachmar L vs.
Gilles Boissonneault W Terminator 2 10:17

Hilary Sinclair W vs.
Katya Cappon L KISS 06:57

Karen Delorme W vs.
Amanda Cloutier L Bride Of Pinbot 05:24

Lucas Buckingham W vs.
Megan Sprague L Dr. Who 07:40

Stu Geeves W vs.
Gabi Antaya L World Cup Soccer 10:23

Tim Beland L vs.
Phil Birnbaum W Ghostbusters 09:58

Round 5

Amanda Cloutier L vs.
Katya Cappon W KISS 08:51

Chris Dugmore L vs.
Steve Cloutier W Bride Of Pinbot 09:24

Gilles Boissonneault W vs.
Karen Delorme L The Walking Dead 14:32

Hilary Sinclair W vs.
Chris Kachmar L Iron Man 08:50

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Lucas Buckingham L Terminator 2 10:04

Stu Geeves L vs.
Megan Sprague W Metallica 09:38

Tommy Kachmar L vs.
Gabi Antaya W Ghostbusters 08:10

Round 4

Chris Dugmore W vs.
Fischer Franks L The Walking Dead 12:17

Gabi Antaya L vs.
Megan Sprague W Iron Man 07:37

Hilary Sinclair L vs.
Tim Beland W Terminator 2 07:26

Karen Delorme W vs.
Steve Cloutier L KISS 04:43

Katya Cappon L vs.
Chris Kachmar W Ghostbusters 20:10

Lucas Buckingham W vs.
Stu Geeves L Bride Of Pinbot 09:20

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Amanda Cloutier L Metallica 10:30

Tommy Kachmar L vs.
Gilles Boissonneault W Dr. Who 08:27

Round 3

Fischer Franks L vs.
Gilles Boissonneault W Bride Of Pinbot 09:42

Karen Delorme W vs.
Chris Dugmore L Ghostbusters 06:48

Lucas Buckingham L vs.
Hilary Sinclair W Metallica 07:07

Megan Sprague L vs.
Amanda Cloutier W Terminator 2 05:16

Phil Birnbaum W vs.
Gabi Antaya L Dr. Who 12:08

Stu Geeves W vs.
Steve Cloutier L Iron Man 08:27

Tim Beland W vs.
Chris Kachmar L KISS 11:04

Tommy Kachmar L vs.
Katya Cappon W World Cup Soccer 11:56

Round 2

Fischer Franks L vs.
Gabi Antaya W KISS 07:08

Gilles Boissonneault L vs.
Amanda Cloutier W Dr. Who 07:21

Karen Delorme L vs.
Phil Birnbaum W World Cup Soccer 08:22

Megan Sprague L vs.
Hilary Sinclair W Ghostbusters 06:34

Steve Cloutier L vs.
Chris Kachmar W Metallica 12:07

Stu Geeves W vs.
Chris Dugmore L Terminator 2 07:53

Tim Beland W vs.
Katya Cappon L Iron Man 08:48

Tommy Kachmar L vs.
Lucas Buckingham W The Walking Dead 07:40

Round 1

Chris Kachmar W vs.
Phil Birnbaum L Tales From The Crypt 08:52

Gabi Antaya L vs.
Hilary Sinclair W The Walking Dead 07:51

Gilles Boissonneault L vs.
Steve Cloutier W Star Wars (Data East) 07:27

Katya Cappon W vs.
Stu Geeves L Demolition Man 07:50

Lucas Buckingham W vs.
Amanda Cloutier L Iron Man 11:12

Megan Sprague W vs.
Karen Delorme L World Cup Soccer 04:57

Tim Beland W vs.
Fischer Franks L Dr. Who 08:02

Tommy Kachmar W vs.
Chris Dugmore L Metallica 15:38

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20