Press Play November

Updated 9:49pm


Round 9

John Fayman vs.
Sean B

The Walking Dead

Sean Stasica

Mat x



John Fayman x

Star Trek

Ezra x

David S

Attack From Mars

Sean B

Alan x


Marcie x

Steve J

Wheel Of Fortune

David M

John Cumalat x


Sean Stasica x


The Addams Family

David S

Sean B x

Attack From Mars

David M x

Steve J

Lord Of The Rings

John Cumalat x

Marcie xx

The Walking Dead

Alan xx

John Fayman x


Ezra x

Mat xx


David S

Steve J x


Christopher x

Sean B x

Lord Of The Rings

Sean Stasica x

David M xx

Batman Dark Knight

John Cumalat xx

John Fayman x

Attack From Mars

Ezra x

Marcie xxx

The Addams Family

Mat xx

Alan xxx

Attack From Mars

David S

Sean Stasica xx

The Walking Dead

Christopher xx

Steve J x

Lord Of The Rings

Ezra x

John Fayman xx

Star Trek

Sean B x

David M xxx


Mat xx

John Cumalat xxx

Wheel Of Fortune

David S x

Sean B x

Batman Dark Knight

Ezra xx

Steve J x

Attack From Mars

Mat xx

Christopher xxx

Star Trek

Sean Stasica xxx

John Fayman xx

Lord Of The Rings

Steve J x

David S xx

The Walking Dead

Sean B x

Ezra xxx

Wheel Of Fortune

John Fayman xx

Mat xxx

Lord Of The Rings

Steve J x

Sean B xx


David S xxx

John Fayman xx

The Addams Family

Steve J xx

John Fayman xx

Sean B xx

John Fayman xx

Sean B xx

Steve J xx

Round 8

Steve J L vs.
John Fayman W The Addams Family 00:16

Round 7

David S L vs.
John Fayman W Spider-man 13:29

Steve J W vs.
Sean B L Lord Of The Rings 09:42

Round 6

John Fayman W vs.
Mat L Wheel Of Fortune 13:59

Sean B W vs.
Ezra L The Walking Dead 09:29

Steve J W vs.
David S L Lord Of The Rings 21:23

Round 5

David S L vs.
Sean B W Wheel Of Fortune 07:05

Ezra L vs.
Steve J W Batman Dark Knight 13:28

Mat W vs.
Christopher L Attack From Mars 13:16

Sean Stasica L vs.
John Fayman W Star Trek 13:32

Round 4

Christopher L vs.
Steve J W The Walking Dead 12:29

David S W vs.
Sean Stasica L Attack From Mars 12:35

Ezra W vs.
John Fayman L Lord Of The Rings 18:19

Mat W vs.
John Cumalat L Spider-man 11:55

Sean B W vs.
David M L Star Trek 11:59

Round 3

Christopher L vs.
Sean B W Spider-man 17:46

David S W vs.
Steve J L Tron 07:21

Ezra W vs.
Marcie L Attack From Mars 07:32

John Cumalat L vs.
John Fayman W Batman Dark Knight 09:49

Mat W vs.
Alan L The Addams Family 12:46

Sean Stasica W vs.
David M L Lord Of The Rings 14:15

Round 2

Alan L vs.
John Fayman W The Walking Dead 12:19

David M L vs.
Steve J W Attack From Mars 11:36

David S W vs.
Sean B L The Addams Family 13:21

Ezra W vs.
Mat L Tron 12:14

John Cumalat W vs.
Marcie L Lord Of The Rings 11:41

Sean Stasica L vs.
Christopher W Congo 10:52

Round 1

Christopher W vs.
John Fayman L Tron 10:16

David M W vs.
John Cumalat L Wheel Of Fortune 13:05

Ezra L vs.
David S W Star Trek 11:35

Marcie L vs.
Steve J W Congo 07:05

Sean B W vs.
Alan L Attack From Mars 08:54

Sean Stasica W vs.
Mat L The Walking Dead 14:25

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20