Flip City Weekly 12/03/24: C Bar

Updated 1:23am



Foo Fighters

Sierra Norris x

Mike Smith PDX

Creature from the Black Lagoon

David Krueger x

Esther Ahronheim


John Hartman

Chad Sulloway x

Iron Maiden

Nick Elliott

John Grey x

Medieval Madness

Aeden McRea x

Dawnda Durbin

Pulp Fiction

David Tveite x

Stephanie Davidson

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Karma A x

Ben Massey

Guardians of the Galaxy

William Kerney

Ryan Scarbery x


Ben Pownall

Gregory Whorley x

Iron Maiden

Natalie Jackson

Laura Kirby x


CJ Milholland x

Mathew Peterson

The Mandalorian

Vincent Poudrier

Peter Durbin x

Guns N Roses

Kevin Howell OR x

David Morell

Lady Luck

Tis Lais

Rick French x

Avengers: Infinity Quest

Traci Nutter

Nathan Stellhorn x

Erik Graciosa

Iron Maiden

Erik Graciosa x

Esther Ahronheim

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ben Pownall

Natalie Jackson x

Lady Luck

David Morell

Ben Massey x

Avengers: Infinity Quest

Stephanie Davidson x

Vincent Poudrier


Dawnda Durbin x

Tis Lais

Guns N Roses

Mathew Peterson

Nick Elliott x

Pulp Fiction

William Kerney x

Traci Nutter

Creature from the Black Lagoon

John Hartman

Mike Smith PDX x

Foo Fighters

Peter Durbin x

David Krueger xx


Karma A xx

Ryan Scarbery x

The Mandalorian

Rick French x

John Grey xx


Nathan Stellhorn x

David Tveite xx


CJ Milholland x

Gregory Whorley xx

Medieval Madness

Laura Kirby xx

Chad Sulloway x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Aeden McRea xx

Kevin Howell OR x

Sierra Norris x

Foo Fighters

Traci Nutter

Tis Lais x

Medieval Madness

Esther Ahronheim

David Morell x

Pulp Fiction

Ben Pownall x

Vincent Poudrier

Guardians of the Galaxy

Mathew Peterson x

John Hartman

The Mandalorian

Natalie Jackson xx

Nick Elliott x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Nathan Stellhorn x

Stephanie Davidson xx

Avengers: Infinity Quest

Sierra Norris xx

Ryan Scarbery x


Erik Graciosa xx

William Kerney x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Kevin Howell OR x

Peter Durbin xx


CJ Milholland xx

Rick French x

Iron Maiden

Chad Sulloway x

Ben Massey xx

Lady Luck

Dawnda Durbin xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Guns N Roses

David Tveite xx

David Krueger xxx

Lady Luck

Gregory Whorley xx

John Grey xxx


Karma A xxx

Aeden McRea xx

Laura Kirby xx

Foo Fighters

Vincent Poudrier

Esther Ahronheim x


John Hartman

Traci Nutter x

Guardians of the Galaxy

David Morell xx

Rick French x

Iron Maiden

Nathan Stellhorn x

Tis Lais xx

Avengers: Infinity Quest

William Kerney xx

Mathew Peterson x


Chad Sulloway x

Kevin Howell OR xx

Medieval Madness

Ben Pownall xx

Ryan Scarbery x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Nick Elliott xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Pulp Fiction

Dawnda Durbin xxx

CJ Milholland xx

Lady Luck

Ben Massey xx

Laura Kirby xxx

The Mandalorian

Erik Graciosa xx

Stephanie Davidson xxx

Guns N Roses

Gregory Whorley xxx

Aeden McRea xx

Lady Luck

Natalie Jackson xxx

Peter Durbin xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Sierra Norris xxx

David Tveite xx

Lady Luck

John Hartman x

Vincent Poudrier

The Mandalorian

Esther Ahronheim xx

Mathew Peterson x

Guns N Roses

Rick French xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Ryan Scarbery x

Traci Nutter xx

Foo Fighters

Chad Sulloway xx

Nathan Stellhorn x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Erik Graciosa xx

Ben Pownall xxx

Medieval Madness

Tis Lais xx

CJ Milholland xxx

Iron Maiden

William Kerney xx

David Morell xxx


David Tveite xx

Peter Durbin xxx

Avengers: Infinity Quest

Nick Elliott xx

Aeden McRea xxx

Guardians of the Galaxy

Ben Massey xx

Kevin Howell OR xxx


Vincent Poudrier x

Mathew Peterson x

Pulp Fiction

Mike Smith PDX x

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Iron Maiden

John Hartman x

Ryan Scarbery xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

William Kerney xxx

Ben Massey xx


Rick French xxx

Nick Elliott xx

Guardians of the Galaxy

Chad Sulloway xx

Erik Graciosa xxx

The Mandalorian

Traci Nutter xx

David Tveite xxx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Tis Lais xxx

Esther Ahronheim xx

Medieval Madness

Mike Smith PDX xx

Mathew Peterson x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Vincent Poudrier x

John Hartman xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Traci Nutter xxx

Nick Elliott xx


Nathan Stellhorn xx

Esther Ahronheim xxx

Lady Luck

Chad Sulloway xxx

Ryan Scarbery xx

Ben Massey xx

Iron Maiden

Vincent Poudrier x

Mathew Peterson xx


Ryan Scarbery xx

Nick Elliott xxx

Avengers: Infinity Quest

Mike Smith PDX xx

Ben Massey xxx

Guns N Roses

John Hartman xxx

Nathan Stellhorn xx


Vincent Poudrier x

Mike Smith PDX xxx

The Mandalorian

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Ryan Scarbery xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Vincent Poudrier xx

Mathew Peterson xx

Nathan Stellhorn xx

Lady Luck

Nathan Stellhorn xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Vincent Poudrier xx

Guardians of the Galaxy

Vincent Poudrier xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Round 12

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Guardians of the Galaxy 12:38

Round 11

Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Lady Luck 06:46

Round 10

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Creature from the Black Lagoon 08:57

Round 9

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L The Mandalorian 09:54

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Metallica 13:57

Round 8

John Hartman L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Guns N Roses 14:55

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Ben Massey L Avengers: Infinity Quest 13:36

Ryan Scarbery W vs.
Nick Elliott L AC/DC 09:42

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Iron Maiden 18:00

Round 7

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Lady Luck 05:23

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Medieval Madness 16:13

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Metallica 15:10

Traci Nutter L vs.
Nick Elliott W Creature from the Black Lagoon 04:38

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
John Hartman L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:17

Round 6

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Guardians of the Galaxy 12:06

John Hartman W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L Iron Maiden 14:07

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Pulp Fiction 11:20

Rick French L vs.
Nick Elliott W Metallica 12:35

Tis Lais L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Total Nuclear Annihilation 11:24

Traci Nutter W vs.
David Tveite L The Mandalorian 14:23

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W AC/DC 14:11

William Kerney L vs.
Ben Massey W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:18

Round 5

Ben Massey W vs.
Kevin Howell OR L Guardians of the Galaxy 11:13

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Foo Fighters 34:28

David Tveite W vs.
Peter Durbin L Metallica 07:27

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Ben Pownall L Creature from the Black Lagoon 15:09

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Mandalorian 10:23

John Hartman L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Lady Luck 14:38

Nick Elliott W vs.
Aeden McRea L Avengers: Infinity Quest 12:28

Rick French L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Guns N Roses 13:00

Ryan Scarbery W vs.
Traci Nutter L Total Nuclear Annihilation 13:37

Tis Lais W vs.
CJ Milholland L Medieval Madness 15:58

William Kerney W vs.
David Morell L Iron Maiden 14:57

Round 4

Ben Massey W vs.
Laura Kirby L Lady Luck 08:22

Ben Pownall L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Medieval Madness 12:12

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Kevin Howell OR L Metallica 11:02

David Morell L vs.
Rick French W Guardians of the Galaxy 16:03

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
CJ Milholland W Pulp Fiction 10:31

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L The Mandalorian 15:05

Gregory Whorley L vs.
Aeden McRea W Guns N Roses 10:53

John Hartman W vs.
Traci Nutter L AC/DC 13:00

Natalie Jackson L vs.
Peter Durbin W Lady Luck 05:28

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Tis Lais L Iron Maiden 17:48

Nick Elliott L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Total Nuclear Annihilation 07:45

Sierra Norris L vs.
David Tveite W Creature from the Black Lagoon 13:27

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Foo Fighters 16:22

William Kerney L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Avengers: Infinity Quest 17:25

Round 3

Ben Pownall L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Pulp Fiction 12:56

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Ben Massey L Iron Maiden 19:42

CJ Milholland L vs.
Rick French W AC/DC 11:26

David Tveite W vs.
David Krueger L Guns N Roses 14:14

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Lady Luck 12:49

Erik Graciosa L vs.
William Kerney W AC/DC 06:06

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
David Morell L Medieval Madness 12:33

Gregory Whorley W vs.
John Grey L Lady Luck 06:43

Karma A L vs.
Aeden McRea W Metallica 09:35

Kevin Howell OR W vs.
Peter Durbin L Creature from the Black Lagoon 09:48

Mathew Peterson L vs.
John Hartman W Guardians of the Galaxy 18:21

Natalie Jackson L vs.
Nick Elliott W The Mandalorian 15:23

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Total Nuclear Annihilation 17:23

Sierra Norris L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Avengers: Infinity Quest 10:13

Traci Nutter W vs.
Tis Lais L Foo Fighters 14:27

Round 2

Aeden McRea L vs.
Kevin Howell OR W Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:41

Ben Pownall W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Guardians of the Galaxy 23:28

CJ Milholland W vs.
Gregory Whorley L Firepower 06:04

David Morell W vs.
Ben Massey L Lady Luck 13:25

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Tis Lais W Metallica 12:01

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Iron Maiden 13:52

John Hartman W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Creature from the Black Lagoon 10:26

Karma A L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Firepower 15:46

Laura Kirby L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Medieval Madness 08:32

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Nick Elliott L Guns N Roses 21:22

Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
David Tveite L AC/DC 15:51

Peter Durbin W vs.
David Krueger L Foo Fighters 13:00

Rick French W vs.
John Grey L The Mandalorian 16:03

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Avengers: Infinity Quest 26:36

William Kerney L vs.
Traci Nutter W Pulp Fiction 12:18

Round 1

Aeden McRea L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Medieval Madness 10:43

Ben Pownall W vs.
Gregory Whorley L AC/DC 09:18

CJ Milholland L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Metallica 11:46

David Krueger L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:49

David Tveite L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Pulp Fiction 18:26

John Hartman W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Firepower 12:09

Karma A L vs.
Ben Massey W Total Nuclear Annihilation 14:04

Kevin Howell OR L vs.
David Morell W Guns N Roses 14:10

Natalie Jackson W vs.
Laura Kirby L Iron Maiden 08:19

Nick Elliott W vs.
John Grey L Iron Maiden 20:53

Sierra Norris L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Foo Fighters 18:23

Tis Lais W vs.
Rick French L Lady Luck 12:57

Traci Nutter W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Avengers: Infinity Quest 20:08

Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Peter Durbin L The Mandalorian 20:28

William Kerney W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L Guardians of the Galaxy 29:19

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20