Round 12
Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Guardians of the Galaxy 12:38
Round 11
Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Lady Luck 06:46
Round 10
Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Creature from the Black Lagoon 08:57
Round 9
Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L The Mandalorian 09:54
Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Metallica 13:57
Round 8
John Hartman L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Guns N Roses 14:55
Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Ben Massey L Avengers: Infinity Quest 13:36
Ryan Scarbery W vs.
Nick Elliott L AC/DC 09:42
Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Iron Maiden 18:00
Round 7
Chad Sulloway L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Lady Luck 05:23
Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Medieval Madness 16:13
Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Metallica 15:10
Traci Nutter L vs.
Nick Elliott W Creature from the Black Lagoon 04:38
Vincent Poudrier W vs.
John Hartman L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:17
Round 6
Chad Sulloway W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Guardians of the Galaxy 12:06
John Hartman W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L Iron Maiden 14:07
Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Pulp Fiction 11:20
Rick French L vs.
Nick Elliott W Metallica 12:35
Tis Lais L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Total Nuclear Annihilation 11:24
Traci Nutter W vs.
David Tveite L The Mandalorian 14:23
Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Mathew Peterson W AC/DC 14:11
William Kerney L vs.
Ben Massey W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:18
Round 5
Ben Massey W vs.
Kevin Howell OR L Guardians of the Galaxy 11:13
Chad Sulloway L vs.
Nathan Stellhorn W Foo Fighters 34:28
David Tveite W vs.
Peter Durbin L Metallica 07:27
Erik Graciosa W vs.
Ben Pownall L Creature from the Black Lagoon 15:09
Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Mandalorian 10:23
John Hartman L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Lady Luck 14:38
Nick Elliott W vs.
Aeden McRea L Avengers: Infinity Quest 12:28
Rick French L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Guns N Roses 13:00
Ryan Scarbery W vs.
Traci Nutter L Total Nuclear Annihilation 13:37
Tis Lais W vs.
CJ Milholland L Medieval Madness 15:58
William Kerney W vs.
David Morell L Iron Maiden 14:57
Round 4
Ben Massey W vs.
Laura Kirby L Lady Luck 08:22
Ben Pownall L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Medieval Madness 12:12
Chad Sulloway W vs.
Kevin Howell OR L Metallica 11:02
David Morell L vs.
Rick French W Guardians of the Galaxy 16:03
Dawnda Durbin L vs.
CJ Milholland W Pulp Fiction 10:31
Erik Graciosa W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L The Mandalorian 15:05
Gregory Whorley L vs.
Aeden McRea W Guns N Roses 10:53
John Hartman W vs.
Traci Nutter L AC/DC 13:00
Natalie Jackson L vs.
Peter Durbin W Lady Luck 05:28
Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Tis Lais L Iron Maiden 17:48
Nick Elliott L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Total Nuclear Annihilation 07:45
Sierra Norris L vs.
David Tveite W Creature from the Black Lagoon 13:27
Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Foo Fighters 16:22
William Kerney L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Avengers: Infinity Quest 17:25
Round 3
Ben Pownall L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Pulp Fiction 12:56
Chad Sulloway W vs.
Ben Massey L Iron Maiden 19:42
CJ Milholland L vs.
Rick French W AC/DC 11:26
David Tveite W vs.
David Krueger L Guns N Roses 14:14
Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Lady Luck 12:49
Erik Graciosa L vs.
William Kerney W AC/DC 06:06
Esther Ahronheim W vs.
David Morell L Medieval Madness 12:33
Gregory Whorley W vs.
John Grey L Lady Luck 06:43
Karma A L vs.
Aeden McRea W Metallica 09:35
Kevin Howell OR W vs.
Peter Durbin L Creature from the Black Lagoon 09:48
Mathew Peterson L vs.
John Hartman W Guardians of the Galaxy 18:21
Natalie Jackson L vs.
Nick Elliott W The Mandalorian 15:23
Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Total Nuclear Annihilation 17:23
Sierra Norris L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Avengers: Infinity Quest 10:13
Traci Nutter W vs.
Tis Lais L Foo Fighters 14:27
Round 2
Aeden McRea L vs.
Kevin Howell OR W Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:41
Ben Pownall W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Guardians of the Galaxy 23:28
CJ Milholland W vs.
Gregory Whorley L Firepower 06:04
David Morell W vs.
Ben Massey L Lady Luck 13:25
Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Tis Lais W Metallica 12:01
Erik Graciosa L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Iron Maiden 13:52
John Hartman W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Creature from the Black Lagoon 10:26
Karma A L vs.
Ryan Scarbery W Firepower 15:46
Laura Kirby L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Medieval Madness 08:32
Mathew Peterson W vs.
Nick Elliott L Guns N Roses 21:22
Nathan Stellhorn W vs.
David Tveite L AC/DC 15:51
Peter Durbin W vs.
David Krueger L Foo Fighters 13:00
Rick French W vs.
John Grey L The Mandalorian 16:03
Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Avengers: Infinity Quest 26:36
William Kerney L vs.
Traci Nutter W Pulp Fiction 12:18
Round 1
Aeden McRea L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Medieval Madness 10:43
Ben Pownall W vs.
Gregory Whorley L AC/DC 09:18
CJ Milholland L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Metallica 11:46
David Krueger L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:49
David Tveite L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Pulp Fiction 18:26
John Hartman W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Firepower 12:09
Karma A L vs.
Ben Massey W Total Nuclear Annihilation 14:04
Kevin Howell OR L vs.
David Morell W Guns N Roses 14:10
Natalie Jackson W vs.
Laura Kirby L Iron Maiden 08:19
Nick Elliott W vs.
John Grey L Iron Maiden 20:53
Sierra Norris L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Foo Fighters 18:23
Tis Lais W vs.
Rick French L Lady Luck 12:57
Traci Nutter W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Avengers: Infinity Quest 20:08
Vincent Poudrier W vs.
Peter Durbin L The Mandalorian 20:28
William Kerney W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L Guardians of the Galaxy 29:19