
Updated 8:36am



Surf Champ

Sergey Posrednikov x

Matt Lauro


Travis Echert x

Matt Wolfe

Eight Ball

Mark Williams

Claire Brummet x

Monster Bash

Flash Haze

Heather Loudon x


Eric Harris x

Isaac Ruiz

Pirates Of The Caribbean


Sergio Mirazo x

Star Wars

Geoff Simons x

Lelah Vaga

Indianna Jones

Matt Wolfe x

Isaac Ruiz


Mark Williams x

Flash Haze



Lelah Vaga x

Pirates Of The Caribbean

Matt Lauro x

Eric Harris x


Sergio Mirazo x

Travis Echert xx


Claire Brummet xx

Geoff Simons x

Eight Ball

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Heather Loudon x

Surf Champ

Flash Haze x



Isaac Ruiz

Matt Lauro xx


Eric Harris xx

Heather Loudon x


Mark Williams xx

Matt Wolfe x

Monster Bash

Sergio Mirazo xx

Geoff Simons x


Lelah Vaga xx

Claire Brummet xx

Star Wars

Travis Echert xxx

Sergey Posrednikov xx


Isaac Ruiz

Zen x


Flash Haze xx

Heather Loudon x

Surf Champ

Matt Wolfe xx

Geoff Simons x

Indianna Jones

Claire Brummet xx

Lelah Vaga xxx


Eric Harris xxx

Matt Lauro xx


Sergey Posrednikov xxx

Mark Williams xx

Sergio Mirazo xx


Isaac Ruiz x

Geoff Simons x


Zen x

Heather Loudon xx

Surf Champ

Claire Brummet xxx

Mark Williams xx

Eight Ball

Sergio Mirazo xxx

Matt Wolfe xx

Indianna Jones

Matt Lauro xxx

Flash Haze xx

Eight Ball

Isaac Ruiz xx

Geoff Simons x

Star Wars

Flash Haze xx

Heather Loudon xxx


Matt Wolfe xx

Mark Williams xxx

Zen x


Zen xx

Geoff Simons x

Monster Bash

Isaac Ruiz xxx

Flash Haze xx

Matt Wolfe xx

Indianna Jones

Geoff Simons xx

Zen xx


Matt Wolfe xx

Flash Haze xxx


Zen xx

Matt Wolfe xxx

Geoff Simons xx


Geoff Simons xx

Zen xxx

Geoff Simons xx

Round 10

Geoff Simons W vs.
Zen L Nitro 15:05

Round 9

Zen W vs.
Matt Wolfe L Stars 12:35

Round 8

Geoff Simons L vs.
Zen W Indianna Jones 33:21

Matt Wolfe W vs.
Flash Haze L Taxi 17:10

Round 7

Isaac Ruiz L vs.
Flash Haze W Monster Bash 15:48

Zen L vs.
Geoff Simons W Dragonfist 10:46

Round 6

Flash Haze W vs.
Heather Loudon L Star Wars 14:31

Isaac Ruiz L vs.
Geoff Simons W Eight Ball 08:27

Matt Wolfe W vs.
Mark Williams L Nitro 12:42

Round 5

Claire Brummet L vs.
Mark Williams W Surf Champ 16:49

Isaac Ruiz L vs.
Geoff Simons W Taxi 11:18

Matt Lauro L vs.
Flash Haze W Indianna Jones 11:28

Sergio Mirazo L vs.
Matt Wolfe W Eight Ball 11:58

Zen W vs.
Heather Loudon L Sopranos 17:23

Round 4

Claire Brummet W vs.
Lelah Vaga L Indianna Jones 14:01

Eric Harris L vs.
Matt Lauro W Sopranos 10:54

Flash Haze L vs.
Heather Loudon W Stars 10:54

Isaac Ruiz W vs.
Zen L Nitro 09:40

Matt Wolfe L vs.
Geoff Simons W Surf Champ 10:07

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Mark Williams W Taxi 10:25

Round 3

Eric Harris L vs.
Heather Loudon W Taxi 10:20

Flash Haze L vs.
Zen W Surf Champ 17:15

Isaac Ruiz W vs.
Matt Lauro L Stars 07:05

Lelah Vaga L vs.
Claire Brummet W Nitro 17:29

Mark Williams L vs.
Matt Wolfe W Sopranos 28:06

Sergio Mirazo L vs.
Geoff Simons W Monster Bash 13:58

Travis Echert L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Star Wars 14:47

Round 2

Claire Brummet L vs.
Geoff Simons W Sopranos 12:17

Mark Williams L vs.
Flash Haze W Dragonfist 13:19

Matt Lauro L vs.
Eric Harris W Pirates Of The Caribbean 14:44

Matt Wolfe L vs.
Isaac Ruiz W Indianna Jones 07:25

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Heather Loudon W Eight Ball 12:56

Sergio Mirazo W vs.
Travis Echert L Nitro 18:14

Zen W vs.
Lelah Vaga L Taxi 08:30

Round 1

Eric Harris L vs.
Isaac Ruiz W Dragonfist 08:47

Flash Haze W vs.
Heather Loudon L Monster Bash 11:30

Geoff Simons L vs.
Lelah Vaga W Star Wars 09:21

Mark Williams W vs.
Claire Brummet L Eight Ball 08:37

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Matt Lauro W Surf Champ 09:14

Travis Echert L vs.
Matt Wolfe W Stars 12:29

Zen W vs.
Sergio Mirazo L Pirates Of The Caribbean 16:54

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20