Wednesday Flip Off 07/26/23

Updated 4:30pm



Eight Ball Beyond

Mark Kushino

Paul White x

Indiana Jones

Sean Irby

Celeste Corvus x

The Sopranos

Anthony Giles x

Guadalupe Bryan

Bad Cats

Chloe LeGrow

Sam Atlas x


Erica Ward

Matt Golden x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Kareem Williams x

Mika Rollin


Nate Pierce

Kadyn Marshall x


Haruka x

Eloise Slasinski

Foo Fighters

Tom Walsh

Paul Irvine x


Ben Simmons

Hayley Willoughby x


Patrick Wees

Ash Shaw x

Jurassic Park

Michael Ulmen

Billy Musselman x

Dead Pool

William Gordon x

Garth Brewe


Guadalupe Bryan x

Eloise Slasinski

Cactus Canyon

Michael Ulmen x

Mark Kushino


Tom Walsh x

Mika Rollin

Nitro Ground Shaker

Erica Ward x

Ben Simmons


Nate Pierce

Chloe LeGrow x


Sean Irby

Garth Brewe x

Indiana Jones

Patrick Wees

Billy Musselman xx

Bad Cats

William Gordon x

Hayley Willoughby xx

Black Knight

Kareem Williams x

Celeste Corvus xx

Jurassic Park

Ash Shaw x

Paul Irvine xx

Foo Fighters

Kadyn Marshall x

Anthony Giles xx


Paul White xx

Sam Atlas x

The Sopranos

Matt Golden x

Haruka xx


Nate Pierce x

Patrick Wees


Mark Kushino x

Mika Rollin


Eloise Slasinski x

Sean Irby

Black Knight

Ben Simmons

Kadyn Marshall xx


Guadalupe Bryan x

Kareem Williams xx

The Sopranos

Garth Brewe x

Michael Ulmen xx

Foo Fighters

Matt Golden xx

Chloe LeGrow x

Indiana Jones

Ash Shaw xx

Erica Ward x

Jurassic Park

Tom Walsh x

Sam Atlas xx

Cactus Canyon

William Gordon xx

Billy Musselman xx

Dead Pool

Paul White xx

Haruka xxx


Celeste Corvus xx

Hayley Willoughby xxx


Paul Irvine xx

Anthony Giles xxx


Ben Simmons x

Mika Rollin

Black Knight

Patrick Wees x

Sean Irby

Eight Ball Beyond

Guadalupe Bryan xx

Tom Walsh x

Monster Bash

Mark Kushino x

Nate Pierce xx

The Sopranos

Chloe LeGrow xx

Eloise Slasinski x


Erica Ward xx

Garth Brewe x


Kareem Williams xxx

Kadyn Marshall xx


Paul White xxx

William Gordon xx

Jurassic Park

Matt Golden xx

Celeste Corvus xxx


Paul Irvine xxx

Michael Ulmen xx

Foo Fighters

Sam Atlas xx

Billy Musselman xxx

Ash Shaw xx

Eight Ball Beyond

Sean Irby

Mika Rollin x


Tom Walsh xx

Mark Kushino x

Cactus Canyon

Ben Simmons xx

Patrick Wees x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Garth Brewe x

Eloise Slasinski xx


Michael Ulmen xxx

Chloe LeGrow xx

Black Knight

William Gordon xx

Matt Golden xxx

Indiana Jones

Kadyn Marshall xxx

Sam Atlas xx

Monster Bash

Erica Ward xxx

Guadalupe Bryan xx

Foo Fighters

Nate Pierce xx

Ash Shaw xxx

The Sopranos

Sean Irby

Mark Kushino xx


Garth Brewe xx

Patrick Wees x

Foo Fighters

Mika Rollin x

William Gordon xxx


Guadalupe Bryan xxx

Sam Atlas xx

Indiana Jones

Nate Pierce xxx

Eloise Slasinski xx


Tom Walsh xxx

Chloe LeGrow xx

Ben Simmons xx


Sean Irby

Patrick Wees xx

Cactus Canyon

Mika Rollin x

Eloise Slasinski xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Garth Brewe xxx

Sam Atlas xx

Monster Bash

Ben Simmons xx

Chloe LeGrow xxx

Mark Kushino xx

Bad Cats

Sean Irby

Mika Rollin xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Mark Kushino xxx

Patrick Wees xx


Sam Atlas xx

Ben Simmons xxx

Cactus Canyon

Sean Irby x

Sam Atlas xx

Jurassic Park

Mika Rollin xx

Patrick Wees xxx

Dead Pool

Sean Irby xx

Mika Rollin xx

Sam Atlas xx


Sam Atlas xxx

Sean Irby xx

Mika Rollin xx


Mika Rollin xxx

Sean Irby xx

Sean Irby xx

Round 12

Mika Rollin L vs.
Sean Irby W Godzilla 14:35

Round 11

Sam Atlas L vs.
Sean Irby W Thunderball 12:42

Round 10

Sean Irby L vs.
Mika Rollin W Dead Pool 11:31

Round 9

Mika Rollin W vs.
Patrick Wees L Jurassic Park 09:45

Sean Irby L vs.
Sam Atlas W Cactus Canyon 22:55

Round 8

Mark Kushino L vs.
Patrick Wees W Eight Ball Deluxe 12:42

Sam Atlas W vs.
Ben Simmons L Mandolorian 09:30

Sean Irby W vs.
Mika Rollin L Bad Cats 05:28

Round 7

Ben Simmons W vs.
Chloe LeGrow L Monster Bash 15:26

Garth Brewe L vs.
Sam Atlas W Nitro Ground Shaker 11:28

Mika Rollin W vs.
Eloise Slasinski L Cactus Canyon 13:50

Sean Irby W vs.
Patrick Wees L Mandolorian 18:53

Round 6

Garth Brewe L vs.
Patrick Wees W Taxi 13:52

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Sam Atlas W Godzilla 14:35

Mika Rollin W vs.
William Gordon L Foo Fighters 12:46

Nate Pierce L vs.
Eloise Slasinski W Indiana Jones 16:20

Sean Irby W vs.
Mark Kushino L The Sopranos 22:45

Tom Walsh L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Dragonfist 10:48

Round 5

Ben Simmons L vs.
Patrick Wees W Cactus Canyon 12:35

Erica Ward L vs.
Guadalupe Bryan W Monster Bash 13:44

Garth Brewe W vs.
Eloise Slasinski L Eight Ball Deluxe 09:52

Kadyn Marshall L vs.
Sam Atlas W Indiana Jones 10:02

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Mandolorian 10:45

Nate Pierce W vs.
Ash Shaw L Foo Fighters 16:53

Sean Irby W vs.
Mika Rollin L Eight Ball Beyond 18:12

Tom Walsh L vs.
Mark Kushino W Godzilla 16:29

William Gordon W vs.
Matt Golden L Black Knight 20:34

Round 4

Ben Simmons L vs.
Mika Rollin W Taxi 16:22

Chloe LeGrow L vs.
Eloise Slasinski W The Sopranos 14:45

Erica Ward L vs.
Garth Brewe W Thunderball 15:53

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Tom Walsh W Eight Ball Beyond 16:39

Kareem Williams L vs.
Kadyn Marshall W Mandolorian 17:32

Mark Kushino W vs.
Nate Pierce L Monster Bash 13:17

Matt Golden W vs.
Celeste Corvus L Jurassic Park 11:12

Patrick Wees L vs.
Sean Irby W Black Knight 19:03

Paul Irvine L vs.
Michael Ulmen W Godzilla 19:23

Paul White L vs.
William Gordon W Radical 10:18

Sam Atlas W vs.
Billy Musselman L Foo Fighters 10:43

Round 3

Ash Shaw L vs.
Erica Ward W Indiana Jones 23:42

Ben Simmons W vs.
Kadyn Marshall L Black Knight 13:58

Celeste Corvus W vs.
Hayley Willoughby L Thunderball 14:23

Eloise Slasinski L vs.
Sean Irby W Radical 23:56

Garth Brewe W vs.
Michael Ulmen L The Sopranos 16:56

Guadalupe Bryan W vs.
Kareem Williams L Taxi 23:48

Mark Kushino L vs.
Mika Rollin W Mandolorian 10:36

Matt Golden L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Foo Fighters 11:47

Nate Pierce L vs.
Patrick Wees W Godzilla 18:24

Paul Irvine W vs.
Anthony Giles L Fathom 05:21

Paul White W vs.
Haruka L Dead Pool 14:32

Tom Walsh W vs.
Sam Atlas L Jurassic Park 21:15

William Gordon L vs.
Billy Musselman W Cactus Canyon 13:29

Round 2

Ash Shaw W vs.
Paul Irvine L Jurassic Park 15:34

Erica Ward L vs.
Ben Simmons W Nitro Ground Shaker 10:19

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Eloise Slasinski W Mandolorian 13:59

Kadyn Marshall W vs.
Anthony Giles L Foo Fighters 14:08

Kareem Williams W vs.
Celeste Corvus L Black Knight 16:29

Matt Golden W vs.
Haruka L The Sopranos 19:41

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Mark Kushino W Cactus Canyon 15:12

Nate Pierce W vs.
Chloe LeGrow L Thunderball 13:49

Patrick Wees W vs.
Billy Musselman L Indiana Jones 14:50

Paul White L vs.
Sam Atlas W Taxi 15:04

Sean Irby W vs.
Garth Brewe L Dragonfist 12:27

Tom Walsh L vs.
Mika Rollin W Fathom 08:43

William Gordon W vs.
Hayley Willoughby L Bad Cats 10:36

Round 1

Anthony Giles L vs.
Guadalupe Bryan W The Sopranos 16:12

Ben Simmons W vs.
Hayley Willoughby L Godzilla 14:51

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Sam Atlas L Bad Cats 11:39

Erica Ward W vs.
Matt Golden L Fathom 16:24

Haruka L vs.
Eloise Slasinski W Taxi 23:55

Kareem Williams L vs.
Mika Rollin W Nitro Ground Shaker 13:59

Mark Kushino W vs.
Paul White L Eight Ball Beyond 12:31

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Billy Musselman L Jurassic Park 17:02

Nate Pierce W vs.
Kadyn Marshall L Dragonfist 12:42

Patrick Wees W vs.
Ash Shaw L Thunderball 22:23

Sean Irby W vs.
Celeste Corvus L Indiana Jones 10:51

Tom Walsh W vs.
Paul Irvine L Foo Fighters 12:08

William Gordon L vs.
Garth Brewe W Dead Pool 10:24

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20