GK Stern Army March 2024

Updated 7:34pm



Monster Bash

Jon Sieker x

Dana Valatka

Star Wars

Julian Narino

David Morell x

Judge Dredd

Joe Patridge x

Dylan Snow

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Evan Amano

Leo Touza x

Twilight Zone

Nate Tayloe

Peter Romberg x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Aeden McRea

Natalie Jackson x


Collin Whittemore

Ethan Debates x


Alexander Simchuk

Phil Bailey x

Indiana Jones

Nick Higgins

Rhienium x

Theatre of Magic

Mathew Peterson

Zach Marlowe x

Jurassic Park

David Tveite x

Pierce von Buttlar

Game of Thrones

Nick Elliott x

Alex McGregor

The Addams Family

Ian Beatson x

Taylor Berrett


Andrew Seery x

Jason Burton

Melena DeLeon


Jason Burton

Dylan Snow x

Dr. Dude

Pierce von Buttlar x

Mathew Peterson

Dialed In

Dana Valatka

Collin Whittemore x

Indiana Jones

Julian Narino

Alex McGregor x

Terminator 2

Nick Higgins x

Evan Amano


Taylor Berrett

Melena DeLeon x

The Mandalorian

Nate Tayloe x

Aeden McRea

Twilight Zone

Joe Patridge xx

Nick Elliott x

Attack From Mars

Leo Touza x

Ethan Debates xx


Zach Marlowe xx

David Morell x

Junk Yard

Natalie Jackson x

Ian Beatson xx

Jurassic Park

Rhienium x

Peter Romberg xx

No Good Gofers

Andrew Seery x

Jon Sieker xx


David Tveite xx

Phil Bailey x

Alexander Simchuk

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Mathew Peterson

Jason Burton x

Pabst Can Crusher

Evan Amano x

Alexander Simchuk


Taylor Berrett

Dana Valatka x

Star Wars

Aeden McRea x

Nick Higgins x


Rhienium xx

Nate Tayloe x

Jurassic Park

Collin Whittemore x

Melena DeLeon xx


Natalie Jackson xx

Phil Bailey x

Monster Bash

Dylan Snow xx

David Morell x

The Mandalorian

Nick Elliott xx

Pierce von Buttlar x

The Addams Family

Andrew Seery xx

Alex McGregor x

Dr. Dude

Leo Touza xx

Joe Patridge xx

Bram Stokers Dracula

Jon Sieker xxx

David Tveite xx

Junk Yard

Zach Marlowe xx

Ethan Debates xxx

Tales of the Arabian Nights

Peter Romberg xx

Ian Beatson xxx

Julian Narino

No Good Gofers

Alexander Simchuk x

Taylor Berrett


Mathew Peterson x

Julian Narino


Pierce von Buttlar x

Aeden McRea xx

Theatre of Magic

Nate Tayloe xx

Dana Valatka x

Junk Yard

Phil Bailey x

Evan Amano xx

The Addams Family

Jason Burton x

Collin Whittemore xx


Nick Higgins xx

David Morell x

Dialed In

Alex McGregor xx

David Tveite xx

Judge Dredd

Zach Marlowe xx

Andrew Seery xxx

Tales of the Arabian Nights

Melena DeLeon xxx

Dylan Snow xx

Monster Bash

Rhienium xx

Natalie Jackson xxx

Iron Maiden

Nick Elliott xx

Leo Touza xxx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Peter Romberg xx

Joe Patridge xxx

Twilight Zone

Taylor Berrett x

Julian Narino

Tales of the Arabian Nights

Phil Bailey xx

Jason Burton x

Iron Maiden

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Alexander Simchuk x

Attack From Mars

Mathew Peterson xx

David Morell x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Dana Valatka x

Aeden McRea xxx


Nick Elliott xxx

Peter Romberg xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

David Tveite xx

Rhienium xxx

Monster Bash

Collin Whittemore xx

Evan Amano xxx

Game of Thrones

Zach Marlowe xxx

Nate Tayloe xx

Judge Dredd

Alex McGregor xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Dylan Snow xx

Game of Thrones

Julian Narino x

Dana Valatka x

The Mandalorian

Alexander Simchuk x

David Morell xx


Taylor Berrett xx

Jason Burton x

No Good Gofers

Mathew Peterson xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Terminator 2

David Tveite xx

Nate Tayloe xxx

Pabst Can Crusher

Collin Whittemore xxx

Dylan Snow xx

Monster Bash

Phil Bailey xxx

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Peter Romberg xx

Tales of the Arabian Nights

Dana Valatka xx

Alexander Simchuk x

Judge Dredd

Julian Narino x

Peter Romberg xxx

Twilight Zone

David Tveite xxx

Nick Higgins xx

Dialed In

David Morell xxx

Pierce von Buttlar xx


Taylor Berrett xxx

Dylan Snow xx

Jason Burton x

Jurassic Park

Jason Burton x

Alexander Simchuk xx

Attack From Mars

Julian Narino x

Dylan Snow xxx

The Mandalorian

Dana Valatka xx

Nick Higgins xxx

Pierce von Buttlar xx

Monster Bash

Jason Burton xx

Julian Narino x

Guardians of the Galaxy

Pierce von Buttlar xxx

Alexander Simchuk xx

Dana Valatka xx

Junk Yard

Julian Narino x

Alexander Simchuk xxx

Twilight Zone

Dana Valatka xx

Jason Burton xxx

Bram Stokers Dracula

Julian Narino xx

Dana Valatka xx


Dana Valatka xx

Julian Narino xxx

Dana Valatka xx

Round 12

Dana Valatka W vs.
Julian Narino L Funhouse 07:40

Round 11

Julian Narino L vs.
Dana Valatka W Bram Stokers Dracula 10:22

Round 10

Dana Valatka W vs.
Jason Burton L Twilight Zone 15:37

Julian Narino W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Junk Yard 11:53

Round 9

Jason Burton L vs.
Julian Narino W Monster Bash 12:56

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Alexander Simchuk W Guardians of the Galaxy 12:05

Round 8

Dana Valatka W vs.
Nick Higgins L The Mandalorian 09:08

Jason Burton W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Jurassic Park 13:47

Julian Narino W vs.
Dylan Snow L Attack From Mars 10:04

Round 7

Dana Valatka L vs.
Alexander Simchuk W Tales of the Arabian Nights 14:05

David Morell L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Dialed In 09:45

David Tveite L vs.
Nick Higgins W Twilight Zone 12:01

Julian Narino W vs.
Peter Romberg L Judge Dredd 19:44

Taylor Berrett L vs.
Dylan Snow W Deadpool 13:44

Round 6

Alexander Simchuk W vs.
David Morell L The Mandalorian 14:00

Collin Whittemore L vs.
Dylan Snow W Pabst Can Crusher 13:44

David Tveite W vs.
Nate Tayloe L Terminator 2 09:22

Julian Narino L vs.
Dana Valatka W Game of Thrones 13:35

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Nick Higgins W No Good Gofers 14:24

Phil Bailey L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Monster Bash 13:05

Taylor Berrett L vs.
Jason Burton W Ghostbusters 08:30

Round 5

Alex McGregor L vs.
Nick Higgins W Judge Dredd 13:58

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Evan Amano L Monster Bash 11:54

Dana Valatka W vs.
Aeden McRea L Guardians of the Galaxy 15:45

David Tveite W vs.
Rhienium L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 13:55

Mathew Peterson L vs.
David Morell W Attack From Mars 20:03

Nick Elliott L vs.
Peter Romberg W Ghostbusters 18:46

Phil Bailey L vs.
Jason Burton W Tales of the Arabian Nights 12:53

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Alexander Simchuk W Iron Maiden 14:36

Taylor Berrett L vs.
Julian Narino W Twilight Zone 06:55

Zach Marlowe L vs.
Nate Tayloe W Game of Thrones 08:41

Round 4

Alex McGregor L vs.
David Tveite W Dialed In 12:43

Alexander Simchuk L vs.
Taylor Berrett W No Good Gofers 12:29

Jason Burton W vs.
Collin Whittemore L The Addams Family 10:12

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Julian Narino W Metallica 16:38

Melena DeLeon L vs.
Dylan Snow W Tales of the Arabian Nights 12:08

Nate Tayloe L vs.
Dana Valatka W Theatre of Magic 15:26

Nick Elliott W vs.
Leo Touza L Iron Maiden 12:50

Nick Higgins L vs.
David Morell W Deadpool 13:04

Peter Romberg W vs.
Joe Patridge L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 16:21

Phil Bailey W vs.
Evan Amano L Junk Yard 11:28

Pierce von Buttlar W vs.
Aeden McRea L Godzilla 13:08

Rhienium W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Monster Bash 18:58

Zach Marlowe W vs.
Andrew Seery L Judge Dredd 11:21

Round 3

Aeden McRea L vs.
Nick Higgins W Star Wars 13:47

Andrew Seery L vs.
Alex McGregor W The Addams Family 11:42

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Melena DeLeon L Jurassic Park 10:33

Dylan Snow L vs.
David Morell W Monster Bash 12:51

Evan Amano L vs.
Alexander Simchuk W Pabst Can Crusher 06:08

Jon Sieker L vs.
David Tveite W Bram Stokers Dracula 09:13

Leo Touza L vs.
Joe Patridge W Dr. Dude 07:35

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Jason Burton L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 17:02

Natalie Jackson L vs.
Phil Bailey W Deadpool 10:04

Nick Elliott L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W The Mandalorian 15:09

Peter Romberg W vs.
Ian Beatson L Tales of the Arabian Nights 16:10

Rhienium L vs.
Nate Tayloe W Metallica 09:27

Taylor Berrett W vs.
Dana Valatka L Kiss 13:06

Zach Marlowe W vs.
Ethan Debates L Junk Yard 07:58

Round 2

Andrew Seery W vs.
Jon Sieker L No Good Gofers 15:28

Dana Valatka W vs.
Collin Whittemore L Dialed In 11:55

David Tveite L vs.
Phil Bailey W Metallica 06:15

Jason Burton W vs.
Dylan Snow L Kiss 21:08

Joe Patridge L vs.
Nick Elliott W Twilight Zone 14:39

Julian Narino W vs.
Alex McGregor L Indiana Jones 10:47

Leo Touza W vs.
Ethan Debates L Attack From Mars 12:57

Natalie Jackson W vs.
Ian Beatson L Junk Yard 11:29

Nate Tayloe L vs.
Aeden McRea W The Mandalorian 08:10

Nick Higgins L vs.
Evan Amano W Terminator 2 12:06

Pierce von Buttlar L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Dr. Dude 09:22

Rhienium W vs.
Peter Romberg L Jurassic Park 13:20

Taylor Berrett W vs.
Melena DeLeon L Godzilla 11:31

Zach Marlowe L vs.
David Morell W Ghostbusters 12:52

Round 1

Aeden McRea W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Total Nuclear Annihilation 07:39

Alexander Simchuk W vs.
Phil Bailey L Godzilla 12:33

Andrew Seery L vs.
Jason Burton W Funhouse 11:44

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Ethan Debates L AC/DC 06:11

David Tveite L vs.
Pierce von Buttlar W Jurassic Park 08:57

Evan Amano W vs.
Leo Touza L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 08:50

Ian Beatson L vs.
Taylor Berrett W The Addams Family 15:35

Joe Patridge L vs.
Dylan Snow W Judge Dredd 11:16

Jon Sieker L vs.
Dana Valatka W Monster Bash 19:34

Julian Narino W vs.
David Morell L Star Wars 08:41

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Zach Marlowe L Theatre of Magic 16:22

Nate Tayloe W vs.
Peter Romberg L Twilight Zone 11:28

Nick Elliott L vs.
Alex McGregor W Game of Thrones 13:09

Nick Higgins W vs.
Rhienium L Indiana Jones 16:02

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20