Wednesday Flip Off 11/2/16

Updated 5:22pm


Round 11

Dave Stewart vs.
Sergey Posrednikov

Indina Jones

Mark Wistrom

Alex Tada x

The Lord Of The Rings

Maka Honig

Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne x

Evel Knievel

Heather "🏩" Loudon

Dwayne Collins x

Ghost Busters

Dave Stewart

Anthony Welters x

Medieval Madness

Jared Gamble

Atomic Sita x


Justina Russo x

Todd Larsen

Bride Of Pinbot

Mitchell D. Anderson x

John Robinson WA

Earth Shaker

Nycole Hyatt

Patrick Law x

Eight Ball Deluxe

William Gordon x

Sergey Posrednikov

Eight Ball Deluxe

John Robinson WA

Jared Gamble x

Ghost Busters

Nycole Hyatt x

Heather "🏩" Loudon

Earth Shaker

Dave Stewart

Todd Larsen x


Sergey Posrednikov x

Mark Wistrom

Bride Of Pinbot

Maka Honig x

Alex Tada x


Atomic Sita xx

William Gordon x

Medieval Madness

Patrick Law xx

Dwayne Collins x

The Hobbit

Justina Russo xx

Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne x

Indina Jones

Mitchell D. Anderson x

Anthony Welters xx

Bride Of Pinbot

Dave Stewart

Mark Wistrom x


Heather "🏩" Loudon x

John Robinson WA


William Gordon x

Nycole Hyatt xx

Guns And Roses

Mitchell D. Anderson x

Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne xx

Earth Shaker

Alex Tada xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Hobbit

Jared Gamble xx

Todd Larsen x


Dwayne Collins xx

Maka Honig x

Evel Knievel

Atomic Sita xxx

Anthony Welters xx


Justina Russo xxx

Patrick Law xx

Medieval Madness

John Robinson WA x

Dave Stewart

The Lord Of The Rings

Sergey Posrednikov x

Heather "🏩" Loudon xx

Guns And Roses

Maka Honig xx

Mark Wistrom x

Indina Jones

Todd Larsen x

William Gordon xx


Mitchell D. Anderson x

Dwayne Collins xxx


Anthony Welters xxx

Jared Gamble xx


Nycole Hyatt xxx

Alex Tada xx

Ghost Busters

Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne xxx

Patrick Law xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Dave Stewart

Mitchell D. Anderson xx


Todd Larsen x

Mark Wistrom xx


John Robinson WA xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Medieval Madness

William Gordon xx

Maka Honig xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Heather "🏩" Loudon xxx

Alex Tada xx

Indina Jones

Jared Gamble xx

Patrick Law xxx

Guns And Roses

Dave Stewart x

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Lord Of The Rings

Todd Larsen xx

John Robinson WA xx


William Gordon xxx

Mitchell D. Anderson xx


Jared Gamble xxx

Alex Tada xx

Mark Wistrom xx


Dave Stewart x

Alex Tada xxx

Earth Shaker

John Robinson WA xxx

Mark Wistrom xx


Todd Larsen xxx

Mitchell D. Anderson xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Hobbit

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Dave Stewart x

Evel Knievel

Mitchell D. Anderson xxx

Mark Wistrom xx

Ghost Busters

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Mark Wistrom xxx

Dave Stewart x

Indina Jones

Dave Stewart xx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Dave Stewart xx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Round 10

Dave Stewart L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Indina Jones 18:43

Round 9

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Mark Wistrom L Ghost Busters 23:49

Round 8

Mitchell D. Anderson L vs.
Mark Wistrom W Evel Knievel 18:15

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Dave Stewart W The Hobbit 20:24

Round 7

Dave Stewart W vs.
Alex Tada L Congo 17:14

John Robinson WA L vs.
Mark Wistrom W Earth Shaker 09:57

Todd Larsen L vs.
Mitchell D. Anderson W Radical 16:22

Round 6

Dave Stewart L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Guns And Roses 11:42

Jared Gamble L vs.
Alex Tada W Fathom 10:11

Todd Larsen L vs.
John Robinson WA W The Lord Of The Rings 08:54

William Gordon L vs.
Mitchell D. Anderson W Stars 07:07

Round 5

Dave Stewart W vs.
Mitchell D. Anderson L Eight Ball Deluxe 11:10

Heather "🏩" Loudon L vs.
Alex Tada W Eight Ball Deluxe 24:06

Jared Gamble W vs.
Patrick Law L Indina Jones 21:26

John Robinson WA L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Stars 16:35

Todd Larsen W vs.
Mark Wistrom L FunHouse 07:09

William Gordon W vs.
Maka Honig L Medieval Madness 23:47

Round 4

Anthony Welters L vs.
Jared Gamble W Stars 23:07

John Robinson WA L vs.
Dave Stewart W Medieval Madness 24:10

Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne L vs.
Patrick Law W Ghost Busters 11:45

Maka Honig L vs.
Mark Wistrom W Guns And Roses 14:14

Mitchell D. Anderson W vs.
Dwayne Collins L Fathom 12:58

Nycole Hyatt L vs.
Alex Tada W Radical 18:57

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Heather "🏩" Loudon L The Lord Of The Rings 25:26

Todd Larsen W vs.
William Gordon L Indina Jones 15:50

Round 3

Alex Tada L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Earth Shaker 10:59

Atomic Sita L vs.
Anthony Welters W Evel Knievel 08:02

Dave Stewart W vs.
Mark Wistrom L Bride Of Pinbot 21:02

Dwayne Collins L vs.
Maka Honig W Stars 12:22

Heather "🏩" Loudon L vs.
John Robinson WA W Congo 16:38

Jared Gamble L vs.
Todd Larsen W The Hobbit 18:21

Justina Russo L vs.
Patrick Law W Radical 12:58

Mitchell D. Anderson W vs.
Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne L Guns And Roses 07:46

William Gordon W vs.
Nycole Hyatt L FunHouse 16:04

Round 2

Atomic Sita L vs.
William Gordon W Radical 10:37

Dave Stewart W vs.
Todd Larsen L Earth Shaker 12:35

John Robinson WA W vs.
Jared Gamble L Eight Ball Deluxe 15:01

Justina Russo L vs.
Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne W The Hobbit 12:18

Maka Honig L vs.
Alex Tada W Bride Of Pinbot 15:22

Mitchell D. Anderson W vs.
Anthony Welters L Indina Jones 07:17

Nycole Hyatt L vs.
Heather "🏩" Loudon W Ghost Busters 06:00

Patrick Law L vs.
Dwayne Collins W Medieval Madness 14:35

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Mark Wistrom W Fathom 07:11

Round 1

Dave Stewart W vs.
Anthony Welters L Ghost Busters 12:07

Heather "🏩" Loudon W vs.
Dwayne Collins L Evel Knievel 13:16

Jared Gamble W vs.
Atomic Sita L Medieval Madness 11:43

Justina Russo L vs.
Todd Larsen W Stars 12:24

Maka Honig W vs.
Jonathan "🐂" Hawthorne L The Lord Of The Rings 29:25

Mark Wistrom W vs.
Alex Tada L Indina Jones 07:51

Mitchell D. Anderson L vs.
John Robinson WA W Bride Of Pinbot 13:04

Nycole Hyatt W vs.
Patrick Law L Earth Shaker 20:59

William Gordon L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Eight Ball Deluxe 23:38

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20