Flipper Freaks April 30

Updated 2:40pm



Family Guy

Ed Barkhausen

Dave Grant x

KISS 2015

Lance Tidmarsh x

Cassidy H


Kierra McDonald

Trevor McDonald x

Twilight Zone

Craig Manning x

Andrew Carmichael Sr.


Sara Little

Larry Ng x


Brian Formosa x

Jody Reilhan


Ken Timbrell

Emily Reilhan x

Whoa Nellie

Lauralee H x

Brendan Vaughan


Chantelle Mercier x

Josh Dupperon

No Fear

John Kremmer

Dave Mercier x

The Walking Dead

Bob Quelch x

Raymond Chau


Miles Grant

Sharon Larson x

Full Throttle

Phil Quelch x

Phoenix Ibraheem

Creature ftbl

Parker H

James Bakos x

Game Of Thrones

Jordy Vaughan x

Ryan Tidmarsh


Suzanne Floyd x

Brett H


Christian Reilhan x

Darion Cartwright


Mark Ibraheem

Erik Warkentin x

Trent Nadeau


Jody Reilhan x

Bob Quelch x

Creature ftbl

Jordy Vaughan xx

Ken Timbrell

Family Guy

Erik Warkentin xx

James Bakos x

KISS 2015

Miles Grant

Brett H x

Whoa Nellie

Ed Barkhausen x

Dave Mercier x

Full Throttle

Brendan Vaughan x

Trent Nadeau

No Fear

Darion Cartwright x

Phil Quelch x


Larry Ng xx

Suzanne Floyd x


John Kremmer

Lauralee H xx

Creature ftbl

Dave Grant xx

Chantelle Mercier x

The Walking Dead

Josh Dupperon

Kierra McDonald x


Trevor McDonald x

Raymond Chau x

Twilight Zone

Sharon Larson x

Cassidy H x

Whoa Nellie

Andrew Carmichael Sr. x

Sara Little

Game Of Thrones

Mark Ibraheem

Lance Tidmarsh xx


Emily Reilhan x

Craig Manning xx


Brian Formosa x

Phoenix Ibraheem x


Ryan Tidmarsh

Parker H x

Christian Reilhan x

Creature ftbl

Mark Ibraheem x

Cassidy H x

Whoa Nellie

Darion Cartwright xx

Bob Quelch x


Phil Quelch xx

Dave Mercier x


John Kremmer

Parker H xx


Phoenix Ibraheem x

Emily Reilhan xx

Family Guy

Ryan Tidmarsh x

Jody Reilhan x

Full Throttle

Raymond Chau x

Ken Timbrell x


Josh Dupperon x

Trevor McDonald x


Ed Barkhausen xx

James Bakos x

The Walking Dead

Brian Formosa xx

Christian Reilhan x

Game Of Thrones

Chantelle Mercier x

Miles Grant x


Brett H x

Sharon Larson xx

Twilight Zone

Trent Nadeau

Sara Little x

KISS 2015

Brendan Vaughan xx

Kierra McDonald x


Suzanne Floyd x

Andrew Carmichael Sr. xx

Full Throttle

Christian Reilhan xx

James Bakos x


Kierra McDonald x

Cassidy H xx

No Fear

Mark Ibraheem x

Miles Grant xx


Dave Mercier xx

Bob Quelch x

The Walking Dead

Ken Timbrell xx

John Kremmer

Game Of Thrones

Suzanne Floyd xx

Phoenix Ibraheem x


Trevor McDonald x

Jody Reilhan xx


Ryan Tidmarsh xx

Chantelle Mercier x

Whoa Nellie

Brett H xx

Trent Nadeau

KISS 2015

Sara Little x

Raymond Chau xx

Josh Dupperon x


Chantelle Mercier x

Trent Nadeau x

Whoa Nellie

Kierra McDonald xx

James Bakos x


Sara Little xx

Bob Quelch x

KISS 2015

Trevor McDonald x

Mark Ibraheem xx

Twilight Zone

John Kremmer

Josh Dupperon xx

Phoenix Ibraheem x

Family Guy

John Kremmer x

Chantelle Mercier x


Phoenix Ibraheem xx

James Bakos x

No Fear

Trent Nadeau xx

Trevor McDonald x

Bob Quelch x

KISS 2015

James Bakos xx

John Kremmer x


Bob Quelch xx

Chantelle Mercier x

Trevor McDonald x


Trevor McDonald xx

John Kremmer x

Chantelle Mercier x

Full Throttle

John Kremmer xx

Chantelle Mercier x

Chantelle Mercier x

Round 9

John Kremmer L vs.
Chantelle Mercier W Full Throttle 12:13

Round 8

Trevor McDonald L vs.
John Kremmer W Counterforce 11:44

Round 7

Bob Quelch L vs.
Chantelle Mercier W Butterfly 06:38

James Bakos L vs.
John Kremmer W KISS 2015 09:20

Round 6

John Kremmer L vs.
Chantelle Mercier W Family Guy 13:53

Phoenix Ibraheem L vs.
James Bakos W Counterforce 09:04

Trent Nadeau L vs.
Trevor McDonald W No Fear 09:40

Round 5

Chantelle Mercier W vs.
Trent Nadeau L Transformers 10:30

John Kremmer W vs.
Josh Dupperon L Twilight Zone 08:09

Kierra McDonald L vs.
James Bakos W Whoa Nellie 09:36

Sara Little L vs.
Bob Quelch W Simpsons 08:07

Trevor McDonald W vs.
Mark Ibraheem L KISS 2015 12:00

Round 4

Brett H L vs.
Trent Nadeau W Whoa Nellie 09:37

Christian Reilhan L vs.
James Bakos W Full Throttle 14:07

Dave Mercier L vs.
Bob Quelch W Transformers 15:39

Ken Timbrell L vs.
John Kremmer W The Walking Dead 09:59

Kierra McDonald W vs.
Cassidy H L Funhouse 08:33

Mark Ibraheem W vs.
Miles Grant L No Fear 10:47

Ryan Tidmarsh L vs.
Chantelle Mercier W Superman 10:37

Sara Little W vs.
Raymond Chau L KISS 2015 23:04

Suzanne Floyd L vs.
Phoenix Ibraheem W Game Of Thrones 10:40

Trevor McDonald W vs.
Jody Reilhan L Simpsons 14:20

Round 3

Brendan Vaughan L vs.
Kierra McDonald W KISS 2015 22:56

Brett H W vs.
Sharon Larson L Superman 17:17

Brian Formosa L vs.
Christian Reilhan W The Walking Dead 18:14

Chantelle Mercier W vs.
Miles Grant L Game Of Thrones 16:24

Darion Cartwright L vs.
Bob Quelch W Whoa Nellie 16:47

Ed Barkhausen L vs.
James Bakos W Funhouse 17:08

John Kremmer W vs.
Parker H L Simpsons 18:43

Josh Dupperon L vs.
Trevor McDonald W Mustang 34:58

Mark Ibraheem L vs.
Cassidy H W Creature ftbl 17:34

Phil Quelch L vs.
Dave Mercier W Butterfly 16:39

Phoenix Ibraheem W vs.
Emily Reilhan L Transformers 25:09

Raymond Chau W vs.
Ken Timbrell L Full Throttle 17:57

Ryan Tidmarsh L vs.
Jody Reilhan W Family Guy 16:03

Suzanne Floyd W vs.
Andrew Carmichael Sr. L Counterforce 20:02

Trent Nadeau W vs.
Sara Little L Twilight Zone 16:44

Round 2

Andrew Carmichael Sr. L vs.
Sara Little W Whoa Nellie 09:55

Brendan Vaughan L vs.
Trent Nadeau W Full Throttle 13:24

Brian Formosa W vs.
Phoenix Ibraheem L Butterfly 25:46

Darion Cartwright L vs.
Phil Quelch W No Fear 26:23

Dave Grant L vs.
Chantelle Mercier W Creature ftbl 11:24

Ed Barkhausen L vs.
Dave Mercier W Whoa Nellie 05:19

Emily Reilhan W vs.
Craig Manning L Mustang 17:06

Erik Warkentin L vs.
James Bakos W Family Guy 22:08

Jody Reilhan L vs.
Bob Quelch W Superman 22:44

John Kremmer W vs.
Lauralee H L Funhouse 22:09

Jordy Vaughan L vs.
Ken Timbrell W Creature ftbl 10:16

Josh Dupperon W vs.
Kierra McDonald L The Walking Dead 09:25

Larry Ng L vs.
Suzanne Floyd W Simpsons 14:43

Mark Ibraheem W vs.
Lance Tidmarsh L Game Of Thrones 11:54

Miles Grant W vs.
Brett H L KISS 2015 25:50

Ryan Tidmarsh W vs.
Parker H L Counterforce 12:01

Sharon Larson W vs.
Cassidy H L Twilight Zone 26:14

Trevor McDonald W vs.
Raymond Chau L Transformers 14:05

Round 1

Bob Quelch L vs.
Raymond Chau W The Walking Dead 10:49

Brian Formosa L vs.
Jody Reilhan W Counterforce 16:15

Chantelle Mercier L vs.
Josh Dupperon W Counterforce 06:36

Christian Reilhan L vs.
Darion Cartwright W Butterfly 05:55

Craig Manning L vs.
Andrew Carmichael Sr. W Twilight Zone 06:09

Ed Barkhausen W vs.
Dave Grant L Family Guy 15:59

John Kremmer W vs.
Dave Mercier L No Fear 16:03

Jordy Vaughan L vs.
Ryan Tidmarsh W Game Of Thrones 12:09

Ken Timbrell W vs.
Emily Reilhan L Simpsons 06:51

Kierra McDonald W vs.
Trevor McDonald L Butterfly 13:13

Lance Tidmarsh L vs.
Cassidy H W KISS 2015 09:38

Lauralee H L vs.
Brendan Vaughan W Whoa Nellie 10:10

Mark Ibraheem W vs.
Erik Warkentin L Transformers 14:14

Miles Grant W vs.
Sharon Larson L Funhouse 05:47

Parker H W vs.
James Bakos L Creature ftbl 06:35

Phil Quelch L vs.
Phoenix Ibraheem W Full Throttle 07:52

Sara Little W vs.
Larry Ng L Superman 07:32

Suzanne Floyd L vs.
Brett H W Mustang 11:42

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20