HEB 10th Annual Softball Tourney

Updated 3:41pm



Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

697 League City (1)
(bye) (64)
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) 13
Copper 1
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) 12
707 Lake Jackson (17)
(bye) (48)
(bye) (49)
575 Bellaire (16)
292 Bay City (9)
(bye) (56)
686 Woodlands 5 (41) 16
Copper 2
099 Vintage Market (24) 6
596 Grand Parkway (25) 11
646 Joe V 3 (40) 3
(bye) (57)
627 Sugarland (8)
630 Montrose (5)
(bye) (60)
Joe V's (37) 10
Iron 1
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28) 9
551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21) 15
Iron 3
599 Buffalo Speedway (44) 9
(bye) (53)
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
Wtc (13)
(bye) (52)
698 Grant Road (45) 3
Iron 4
656 Fairfield Market (20) 7
713 Clear Lake 2 (29)
054 Blackhawk (36) 7
(bye) (61)
015 Huntsville (4)
617 Lufkin (3)
(bye) (62)
RDC HRSC (35) 11
Copper 1
369 OST/Scott (30) 1
619 College St 2 (19) 13
Copper 2
348 Santa Fe (46) 11
(bye) (51)
458 Carthage (14)
473 Pasadena 3 (11)
(bye) (54)
028 Bay Colony (43) 9
063 Pearland (22) 1
020 Cypress Market (27) 6
Iron 1
540 Gulfgate (38) 13
(bye) (59)
675 Pearland Market (6)
584 El Campo (7)
(bye) (58)
497 Mason (39) 8
Iron 3
577 Kempwood (26) 7
572 Clear Lake (23)
Iron 4
257 Cleveland (42)
(bye) (55)
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
Golden Triangle (15)
(bye) (50)
657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47) 9
Mi Tienda (18) 13
615 Pin Oak (31)
541 Beechnut (34)
(bye) (63)
558 Friendswood (2)
697 League City (1)
Copper 1
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
Copper 2
575 Bellaire (16)
292 Bay City (9)
Iron 4
686 Woodlands 5 (41)
596 Grand Parkway (25)
627 Sugarland (8)
630 Montrose (5)
Joe V's (37)
551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21)
Iron 1
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) 11
Wtc (13)
656 Fairfield Market (20)
054 Blackhawk (36)
Iron 4
015 Huntsville (4)
617 Lufkin (3)
Copper 1
619 College St 2 (19)
458 Carthage (14)
473 Pasadena 3 (11)
Iron 1
063 Pearland (22)
540 Gulfgate (38)
Iron 3
675 Pearland Market (6)
584 El Campo (7)
Iron 4
497 Mason (39)
257 Cleveland (42)
Copper 2
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
Golden Triangle (15)
Copper 1
Mi Tienda (18)
541 Beechnut (34)
558 Friendswood (2)
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
686 Woodlands 5 (41)
Copper 2
627 Sugarland (8)
Joe V's (37)
Copper 1
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
Wtc (13)
Iron 3
015 Huntsville (4)
617 Lufkin (3)
Copper 1
619 College St 2 (19)
063 Pearland (22)
Iron 4
675 Pearland Market (6)
584 El Campo (7)
Iron 4
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
Golden Triangle (15)
541 Beechnut (34)
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)
Iron 3
627 Sugarland (8)
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
Copper 2
Wtc (13)
617 Lufkin (3)
Copper 1
675 Pearland Market (6)
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
Copper 2
Golden Triangle (15)
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)
Iron 4
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
617 Lufkin (3)
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
Iron 4
617 Lufkin (3)
617 Lufkin (3)
Copper 1
707 Lake Jackson (17)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
Copper 2
617 Lufkin (3)
617 Lufkin (3)
(bye) (64)
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32)
(bye) (48)
(bye) (49)
(bye) (56)
099 Vintage Market (24)
646 Joe V 3 (40)
(bye) (57)
(bye) (60)
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28)
599 Buffalo Speedway (44)
(bye) (53)
(bye) (52)
698 Grant Road (45)
713 Clear Lake 2 (29)
(bye) (61)
(bye) (62)
369 OST/Scott (30)
348 Santa Fe (46)
(bye) (51)
(bye) (54)
028 Bay Colony (43)
020 Cypress Market (27)
(bye) (59)
(bye) (58)
577 Kempwood (26)
572 Clear Lake (23)
(bye) (55)
(bye) (50)
657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47)
615 Pin Oak (31)
(bye) (63)
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32)
Copper 1
558 Friendswood (2)
(bye) (49)
Mi Tienda (18)
099 Vintage Market (24)
257 Cleveland (42)
646 Joe V 3 (40)
Copper 2
497 Mason (39)
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28)
Iron 4
540 Gulfgate (38)
599 Buffalo Speedway (44)
Iron 3
473 Pasadena 3 (11)
698 Grant Road (45)
458 Carthage (14)
713 Clear Lake 2 (29)
Iron 3
369 OST/Scott (30)
054 Blackhawk (36)
348 Santa Fe (46)
Iron 4
656 Fairfield Market (20)
028 Bay Colony (43)
551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21)
020 Cypress Market (27)
Iron 1
630 Montrose (5)
577 Kempwood (26)
Iron 3
596 Grand Parkway (25)
572 Clear Lake (23)
Copper 1
292 Bay City (9)
657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47)
Iron 4
575 Bellaire (16)
615 Pin Oak (31)
697 League City (1)
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32)
Mi Tienda (18)
099 Vintage Market (24)
Copper 1
646 Joe V 3 (40)
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28)
Iron 4
473 Pasadena 3 (11)
458 Carthage (14)
Iron 4
054 Blackhawk (36)
656 Fairfield Market (20)
028 Bay Colony (43)
Copper 1
020 Cypress Market (27)
596 Grand Parkway (25)
Copper 2
292 Bay City (9)
657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47)
Iron 1
697 League City (1)
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32)
Iron 3
015 Huntsville (4)
099 Vintage Market (24)
Copper 2
Joe V's (37)
473 Pasadena 3 (11)
Copper 1
686 Woodlands 5 (41)
458 Carthage (14)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
054 Blackhawk (36)
541 Beechnut (34)
028 Bay Colony (43)
Iron 3
584 El Campo (7)
292 Bay City (9)
Iron 3
063 Pearland (22)
697 League City (1)
619 College St 2 (19)
015 Huntsville (4)
099 Vintage Market (24)
686 Woodlands 5 (41)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
054 Blackhawk (36)
028 Bay Colony (43)
063 Pearland (22)
Iron 1
619 College St 2 (19)
099 Vintage Market (24)
Golden Triangle (15)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
Iron 1
675 Pearland Market (6)
054 Blackhawk (36)
Copper 1
Wtc (13)
063 Pearland (22)
Iron 3
627 Sugarland (8)
099 Vintage Market (24)
Iron 4
707 Lake Jackson (17)
Wtc (13)
Copper 2
063 Pearland (22)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)
Wtc (13)
Iron 4
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
705 Spring Creek Market (10)
707 Lake Jackson (17)
Iron 4
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)
707 Lake Jackson (17)


  617 Lufkin (3)


  707 Lake Jackson (17)


  543 College St/Bryan 3 (12)


  705 Spring Creek Market (10)


  West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33)

  Wtc (13)


  099 Vintage Market (24)

  063 Pearland (22)


  Golden Triangle (15)

  675 Pearland Market (6)

  054 Blackhawk (36)

  627 Sugarland (8)


  015 Huntsville (4)

  686 Woodlands 5 (41)

  028 Bay Colony (43)

  619 College St 2 (19)


  594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32)

  Joe V's (37)

  473 Pasadena 3 (11)

  458 Carthage (14)

  541 Beechnut (34)

  584 El Campo (7)

  292 Bay City (9)

  697 League City (1)


  Mi Tienda (18)

  646 Joe V 3 (40)

  660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28)

  RDC HRSC (35)

  656 Fairfield Market (20)

  020 Cypress Market (27)

  596 Grand Parkway (25)

  657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47)


  558 Friendswood (2)

  (bye) (49)

  257 Cleveland (42)

  497 Mason (39)

  540 Gulfgate (38)

  599 Buffalo Speedway (44)

  698 Grant Road (45)

  713 Clear Lake 2 (29)

  369 OST/Scott (30)

  348 Santa Fe (46)

  551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21)

  630 Montrose (5)

  577 Kempwood (26)

  572 Clear Lake (23)

  575 Bellaire (16)

  615 Pin Oak (31)


  (bye) (64)

  (bye) (48)

  (bye) (56)

  (bye) (57)

  (bye) (60)

  (bye) (53)

  (bye) (52)

  (bye) (61)

  (bye) (62)

  (bye) (51)

  (bye) (54)

  (bye) (59)

  (bye) (58)

  (bye) (55)

  (bye) (50)

  (bye) (63)

Final - Match 2

707 Lake Jackson (17) L vs.
617 Lufkin (3) W Copper 2 00:08


617 Lufkin (3) L vs.
707 Lake Jackson (17) W Copper 1 00:10

Elimination Final

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) L Iron 4 00:05

Elimination Semi-final

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) L Cobalt 00:06

Winners Final

543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) L vs.
617 Lufkin (3) W Iron 4 49:21

Elimination 8

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) L Stadium 00:06

Wtc (13) L vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) W Iron 4 00:04

Elimination 7

099 Vintage Market (24) L vs.
707 Lake Jackson (17) W Iron 4 00:17

Wtc (13) W vs.
063 Pearland (22) L Copper 2 05:13:47

Winners Semi-finals

617 Lufkin (3) W vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) L Stadium 43:15

West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) L vs.
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) W Iron 4 06:01

Elimination 6

054 Blackhawk (36) L vs.
Wtc (13) W Copper 1 51:41

063 Pearland (22) W vs.
627 Sugarland (8) L Iron 3 51:22

099 Vintage Market (24) W vs.
Golden Triangle (15) L Stadium 05:53:29

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
675 Pearland Market (6) L Iron 1 52:51

Elimination 5

015 Huntsville (4) L vs.
099 Vintage Market (24) W Stadium 50:40

054 Blackhawk (36) W vs.
028 Bay Colony (43) L Cobalt 46:38

063 Pearland (22) W vs.
619 College St 2 (19) L Iron 1 48:35

686 Woodlands 5 (41) L vs.
707 Lake Jackson (17) W Cobalt 00:08

Winners 3

543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) W vs.
Wtc (13) L Copper 2 00:19

617 Lufkin (3) W vs.
675 Pearland Market (6) L Copper 1 20:57

705 Spring Creek Market (10) W vs.
Golden Triangle (15) L Copper 2 00:09

West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) W vs.
627 Sugarland (8) L Iron 3 00:08

Elimination 4

028 Bay Colony (43) W vs.
584 El Campo (7) L Iron 3 00:14

054 Blackhawk (36) W vs.
541 Beechnut (34) L Cobalt 00:26

099 Vintage Market (24) W vs.
Joe V's (37) L Copper 2 04:14

292 Bay City (9) L vs.
063 Pearland (22) W Iron 3 00:19

458 Carthage (14) L vs.
707 Lake Jackson (17) W Cobalt 13:25

473 Pasadena 3 (11) L vs.
686 Woodlands 5 (41) W Copper 1 01:05:24

594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) L vs.
015 Huntsville (4) W Iron 3 40:23

697 League City (1) L vs.
619 College St 2 (19) W Cobalt 00:09

Elimination 3

028 Bay Colony (43) W vs.
020 Cypress Market (27) L Copper 1 00:07

054 Blackhawk (36) W vs.
656 Fairfield Market (20) L Cobalt 00:10

099 Vintage Market (24) W vs.
646 Joe V 3 (40) L Copper 1 00:10

458 Carthage (14) W vs.
RDC HRSC (35) L Iron 4 00:06

594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) W vs.
Mi Tienda (18) L Stadium 00:28

596 Grand Parkway (25) L vs.
292 Bay City (9) W Copper 2 01:32:36

657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47) L vs.
697 League City (1) W Iron 1 01:48:55

660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28) L vs.
473 Pasadena 3 (11) W Iron 4 00:09

Winners 2

063 Pearland (22) L vs.
675 Pearland Market (6) W Iron 4 01:27:37

584 El Campo (7) L vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) W Iron 4 13:14

617 Lufkin (3) W vs.
619 College St 2 (19) L Copper 1 01:29:02

686 Woodlands 5 (41) L vs.
627 Sugarland (8) W Copper 2 00:09

Golden Triangle (15) W vs.
541 Beechnut (34) L Stadium 24:38

Joe V's (37) L vs.
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) W Copper 1 01:54

West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) W vs.
707 Lake Jackson (17) L Cobalt 07:24

Wtc (13) W vs.
015 Huntsville (4) L Iron 3 01:48:16

Elimination 2

(bye) (49) L vs.
Mi Tienda (18) W 25:30

020 Cypress Market (27) W vs.
630 Montrose (5) L Iron 1 05:44

028 Bay Colony (43) W vs.
551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21) L Cobalt 00:20

099 Vintage Market (24) W vs.
257 Cleveland (42) L Cobalt 43:01

348 Santa Fe (46) L vs.
656 Fairfield Market (20) W Iron 4 00:25

369 OST/Scott (30) L vs.
054 Blackhawk (36) W Stadium 41:40

572 Clear Lake (23) L vs.
292 Bay City (9) W Copper 1 00:08

577 Kempwood (26) L vs.
596 Grand Parkway (25) W Iron 3 35:30

594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) W vs.
558 Friendswood (2) L Copper 1 05:24

599 Buffalo Speedway (44) L vs.
473 Pasadena 3 (11) W Iron 3 00:08

615 Pin Oak (31) L vs.
697 League City (1) W Stadium 01:14:37

646 Joe V 3 (40) W vs.
497 Mason (39) L Copper 2 15:59

657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47) W vs.
575 Bellaire (16) L Iron 4 01:13:55

660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28) W vs.
540 Gulfgate (38) L Iron 4 01:56

698 Grant Road (45) L vs.
458 Carthage (14) W Stadium 01:13

713 Clear Lake 2 (29) L vs.
RDC HRSC (35) W Iron 3 00:05

Elimination 1

(bye) (48) L vs.
(bye) (49) W 07:51

(bye) (50) L vs.
657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47) W 44:50

(bye) (52) L vs.
698 Grant Road (45) W 42:02

(bye) (54) L vs.
028 Bay Colony (43) W 49:15

(bye) (56) L vs.
099 Vintage Market (24) W 31:40

(bye) (58) L vs.
577 Kempwood (26) W 45:32

(bye) (60) L vs.
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28) W 48:18

(bye) (62) L vs.
369 OST/Scott (30) W 46:30

(bye) (64) L vs.
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) W 42:45

020 Cypress Market (27) W vs.
(bye) (59) L 45:44

348 Santa Fe (46) W vs.
(bye) (51) L 46:18

572 Clear Lake (23) W vs.
(bye) (55) L 45:17

599 Buffalo Speedway (44) W vs.
(bye) (53) L 52:18

615 Pin Oak (31) W vs.
(bye) (63) L 57:14

646 Joe V 3 (40) W vs.
(bye) (57) L 45:22

713 Clear Lake 2 (29) W vs.
(bye) (61) L 07:16

Winners 1

054 Blackhawk (36) L vs.
015 Huntsville (4) W Iron 4 02:56

257 Cleveland (42) L vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) W Copper 2 01:16:05

292 Bay City (9) L vs.
686 Woodlands 5 (41) W Iron 4 01:08:18

473 Pasadena 3 (11) L vs.
063 Pearland (22) W Iron 1 13:41

540 Gulfgate (38) L vs.
675 Pearland Market (6) W Iron 3 09:01

541 Beechnut (34) W vs.
558 Friendswood (2) L Cobalt 01:15:14

551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21) L vs.
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) 11 W Iron 1 01:04:50

584 El Campo (7) W vs.
497 Mason (39) L Iron 4 00:12

596 Grand Parkway (25) L vs.
627 Sugarland (8) W Stadium 01:05:50

617 Lufkin (3) W vs.
RDC HRSC (35) L Copper 1 02:29

619 College St 2 (19) W vs.
458 Carthage (14) L Cobalt 00:18

630 Montrose (5) L vs.
Joe V's (37) W Stadium 00:05

697 League City (1) L vs.
West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) W Copper 1 01:09:32

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
575 Bellaire (16) L Copper 2 01:08:46

Golden Triangle (15) W vs.
Mi Tienda (18) L Copper 1 01:15:44

Wtc (13) W vs.
656 Fairfield Market (20) L Cobalt 04:13

Round 1

(bye) (49) L vs.
575 Bellaire (16) W 07:51

(bye) (51) L vs.
458 Carthage (14) W 07:51

(bye) (53) L vs.
543 College St/Bryan 3 (12) W 07:50

(bye) (55) L vs.
705 Spring Creek Market (10) W 07:51

(bye) (57) L vs.
627 Sugarland (8) W 07:51

(bye) (59) L vs.
675 Pearland Market (6) W 07:50

(bye) (61) L vs.
015 Huntsville (4) W 07:50

(bye) (63) L vs.
558 Friendswood (2) W 07:51

020 Cypress Market (27) 6 L vs.
540 Gulfgate (38) 13 W Iron 1 52:07

028 Bay Colony (43) 9 L vs.
063 Pearland (22) 1 W Stadium 55:55

292 Bay City (9) W vs.
(bye) (56) L 07:50

473 Pasadena 3 (11) W vs.
(bye) (54) L 07:50

497 Mason (39) 8 W vs.
577 Kempwood (26) 7 L Iron 3 51:19

551 Westheimer/Kirkwood (21) 15 W vs.
599 Buffalo Speedway (44) 9 L Iron 3 56:31

572 Clear Lake (23) L vs.
257 Cleveland (42) W Iron 4 50:01

584 El Campo (7) W vs.
(bye) (58) L 07:51

596 Grand Parkway (25) 11 W vs.
646 Joe V 3 (40) 3 L Stadium 01:03:12

615 Pin Oak (31) L vs.
541 Beechnut (34) W Cobalt 01:10:31

617 Lufkin (3) W vs.
(bye) (62) L 07:51

619 College St 2 (19) 13 W vs.
348 Santa Fe (46) 11 L Copper 2 57:18

630 Montrose (5) W vs.
(bye) (60) L 07:51

657 Jones/West/I10&Fry (47) 9 L vs.
Mi Tienda (18) 13 W Cobalt 48:32

686 Woodlands 5 (41) 16 W vs.
099 Vintage Market (24) 6 L Copper 2 49:46

697 League City (1) W vs.
(bye) (64) L 07:51

698 Grant Road (45) 3 L vs.
656 Fairfield Market (20) 7 W Iron 4 58:07

707 Lake Jackson (17) W vs.
(bye) (48) L 07:51

713 Clear Lake 2 (29) L vs.
054 Blackhawk (36) 7 W Cobalt 24:24

Golden Triangle (15) W vs.
(bye) (50) L 07:51

Joe V's (37) 10 W vs.
660 Conroe Market/579 Wd 2 (28) 9 L Iron 1 01:05:58

RDC HRSC (35) 11 W vs.
369 OST/Scott (30) 1 L Copper 1 57:53

West Lake Houston (614 Summerwood) (33) 13 W vs.
594 Indian Springs/722 Magnolia (32) 12 L Copper 1 01:02:10

Wtc (13) W vs.
(bye) (52) L 07:50

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20