FCP Upgrade U Benefit 10/19/2019

Updated 4:04pm



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Matt Fentress
Attack From Mars
Alexander Simchuk
Leslie J Martin
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Nathan Stellhorn
Lexi Whittemore
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Derek Miazga
David Morell
World Cup Soccer '94
Heather Stevenson OR
Dan McLane
Dawnda Durbin
Melissa Hartman
Attack From Mars
Tyler Vane
David Krueger
Mathew Peterson
Kevin Pearl
Iron Maiden
Sarah Flowerday
Eric "Bubble Boy" Lee
Iron Maiden
Ian Beatson
William "Hypebeast" Kerney
Iron Maiden
Noah Perkins
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz
Attack From Mars
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff
World Cup Soccer '94
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden
Esther Ahronheim
World Cup Soccer '94
Erik "MVP" Graciosa
Andrew Van Roekel
Iron Maiden
John "Hambone" Hartman
Jeff "The Hitman" Hart
Attack From Mars
Peter Durbin
Matt Fentress
World Cup Soccer '94
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel
Iron Maiden
Derek Miazga
David Morell
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Dawnda Durbin
Melissa Hartman
Iron Maiden
David Krueger
Kevin Pearl
Attack From Mars
Ian Beatson
William "Hypebeast" Kerney
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden
Esther Ahronheim
John "Hambone" Hartman
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Peter Durbin
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Derek Miazga
David Morell
Attack From Mars
David Krueger
Ian Beatson
William "Hypebeast" Kerney
Esther Ahronheim
Total Nuclear Annihilation
John "Hambone" Hartman
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin
David Morell
Ian Beatson
World Cup Soccer '94
Esther Ahronheim
David Morell
Iron Maiden
Esther Ahronheim
David Morell
Attack From Mars
Esther Ahronheim
David Morell
Alexander Simchuk
World Cup Soccer '94
Leslie J Martin
Nathan Stellhorn
Lexi Whittemore
Heather Stevenson OR
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Dan McLane
Tyler Vane
World Cup Soccer '94
Mathew Peterson
Sarah Flowerday
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Eric "Bubble Boy" Lee
Noah Perkins
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff
Attack From Mars
Erik "MVP" Graciosa
Andrew Van Roekel
Jeff "The Hitman" Hart
Leslie J Martin
Attack From Mars
Peter Durbin
Lexi Whittemore
Attack From Mars
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden
Dan McLane
Iron Maiden
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz
Mathew Peterson
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Kevin Pearl
Sarah Flowerday
World Cup Soccer '94
Melissa Hartman
Noah Perkins
World Cup Soccer '94
Dawnda Durbin
Erik "MVP" Graciosa
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel
Jeff "The Hitman" Hart
Iron Maiden
Matt Fentress
Peter Durbin
World Cup Soccer '94
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz
Iron Maiden
Mathew Peterson
Sarah Flowerday
Attack From Mars
Dawnda Durbin
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel
World Cup Soccer '94
Matt Fentress
Peter Durbin
Attack From Mars
David Krueger
Mathew Peterson
Attack From Mars
Derek Miazga
Dawnda Durbin
Total Nuclear Annihilation
John "Hambone" Hartman
Matt Fentress
Total Nuclear Annihilation
William "Hypebeast" Kerney
David Krueger
Mathew Peterson
John "Hambone" Hartman
Attack From Mars
Matt Fentress
David Krueger
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Ian Beatson
John "Hambone" Hartman
Attack From Mars
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin
David Krueger
World Cup Soccer '94
John "Hambone" Hartman
John "Hambone" Hartman
Esther Ahronheim
Esther Ahronheim


  David Morell


  Esther Ahronheim


  John "Hambone" Hartman


  David Krueger


  Ian Beatson

  Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin


  Mathew Peterson

  Matt Fentress


  Peter Durbin

  Derek Miazga

  Dawnda Durbin

  William "Hypebeast" Kerney


  Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden

  Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz

  Sarah Flowerday

  Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel


  Leslie J Martin

  Lexi Whittemore

  Dan McLane

  Kevin Pearl

  Melissa Hartman

  Noah Perkins

  Erik "MVP" Graciosa

  Jeff "The Hitman" Hart


  Alexander Simchuk

  Nathan Stellhorn

  Heather Stevenson OR

  Tyler Vane

  Eric "Bubble Boy" Lee

  Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz

  Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff

  Andrew Van Roekel


David Morell W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Attack From Mars 11:09

Elimination Final

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W X-Men 09:06

Elimination Semi-final

David Krueger L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W World Cup Soccer '94 10:01

Winners Final

David Morell W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Iron Maiden 15:13

Elimination 6

David Krueger W vs.
Ian Beatson L Total Nuclear Annihilation 13:00

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin L Attack From Mars 07:46

Elimination 5

David Krueger W vs.
Mathew Peterson L X-Men 07:30

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Matt Fentress L Attack From Mars 10:05

Winners Semi-finals

Ian Beatson L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W World Cup Soccer '94 13:12

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin L vs.
David Morell W X-Men 19:57

Elimination 4

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Total Nuclear Annihilation 06:46

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Derek Miazga L Attack From Mars 12:49

Matt Fentress W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:15

Peter Durbin L vs.
David Krueger W Attack From Mars 10:18

Elimination 3

Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Iron Maiden 16:09

Peter Durbin W vs.
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden L World Cup Soccer '94 08:15

Sarah Flowerday L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Attack From Mars 07:35

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel L vs.
Matt Fentress W World Cup Soccer '94 20:01

Winners 2

David Morell W vs.
David Krueger L Attack From Mars 06:04

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman L Total Nuclear Annihilation 08:29

Ian Beatson W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L X-Men 14:09

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W vs.
Derek Miazga L Total Nuclear Annihilation 09:42

Elimination 2

Dan McLane L vs.
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz W Iron Maiden 10:58

Erik "MVP" Graciosa L vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel W X-Men 14:40

Jeff "The Hitman" Hart L vs.
Matt Fentress W Iron Maiden 19:37

Leslie J Martin L vs.
Peter Durbin W Attack From Mars 09:10

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden W Attack From Mars 08:13

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Kevin Pearl L Total Nuclear Annihilation 10:29

Noah Perkins L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W World Cup Soccer '94 08:49

Sarah Flowerday W vs.
Melissa Hartman L World Cup Soccer '94 07:28

Elimination 1

Alexander Simchuk L vs.
Leslie J Martin W World Cup Soccer '94 09:21

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
Jeff "The Hitman" Hart W X-Men 11:42

Heather Stevenson OR L vs.
Dan McLane W Total Nuclear Annihilation 05:46

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L vs.
Erik "MVP" Graciosa W Attack From Mars 20:03

Nathan Stellhorn L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W X-Men 11:13

Noah Perkins W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L X-Men 07:04

Sarah Flowerday W vs.
Eric "Bubble Boy" Lee L Total Nuclear Annihilation 06:48

Tyler Vane L vs.
Mathew Peterson W World Cup Soccer '94 13:43

Winners 1

David Morell W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Total Nuclear Annihilation 09:37

John "Hambone" Hartman W vs.
Peter Durbin L Total Nuclear Annihilation 08:31

Kevin Pearl L vs.
Ian Beatson W Attack From Mars 08:22

Matt Fentress L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W World Cup Soccer '94 16:03

Melissa Hartman L vs.
David Krueger W Iron Maiden 11:39

Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W X-Men 10:25

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz L Total Nuclear Annihilation 07:18

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel L vs.
Derek Miazga W Iron Maiden 14:44

Round 1

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Iron Maiden 10:49

Dan McLane L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W X-Men 13:04

David Krueger W vs.
Mathew Peterson L X-Men 14:38

David Morell W vs.
Heather Stevenson OR L World Cup Soccer '94 10:17

Eric "Bubble Boy" Lee L vs.
Ian Beatson W Iron Maiden 10:51

Esther Ahronheim W vs.
Erik "MVP" Graciosa L World Cup Soccer '94 13:23

Isaac "The Randomizer" Ruiz W vs.
Stacey "Stacey/DC" Moritz L Attack From Mars 11:00

Jeff "The Hitman" Hart L vs.
Peter Durbin W Attack From Mars 10:51

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L vs.
Rob "Nice Job Rob" Iggulden W World Cup Soccer '94 06:41

Kevin Pearl W vs.
Sarah Flowerday L Iron Maiden 12:09

Leslie J Martin L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W X-Men 07:02

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Derek Miazga W Total Nuclear Annihilation 15:01

Matt Fentress W vs.
Alexander Simchuk L Attack From Mars 10:23

Melissa Hartman W vs.
Tyler Vane L Attack From Mars 08:28

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
Noah Perkins L Iron Maiden 07:34

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel W vs.
Nathan Stellhorn L Total Nuclear Annihilation 16:55

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20