CJSS: Consolation

Updated 4:58pm

Round 13

Joey Gravis vs.
Garrett Hays Terminator 2 03:36:38


NBA Fast Break

Ian Harrower x

Kevin Rodriguez


Everett Talbott

Dick Curtis x

Pirates Of The Carribean

Garrett Hays

Dean St Onge x

Terminator 2

Joey Gravis

Mike Lonesky x

Scared Stiff

Jake Bondar

Marion Richards x


Robert Hoggard

Lauren McNeil x

Indiana Jones

Dan Allen x

David Anderson

Star Trek TNG

Paige Ilsley x

Chad Lower


Monster Bash

Everett Talbott x

Joey Gravis


Chad Lower x

Kevin Rodriguez

Star Trek TNG

David Anderson x

Jake Bondar

Pirates Of The Carribean


Robert Hoggard x

Scared Stiff

Lauren McNeil xx

Ian Harrower x

Family Guy

Dean St Onge x

Marion Richards xx

NBA Fast Break

Paige Ilsley xx

Dick Curtis x


Dan Allen x

Mike Lonesky xx

Scared Stiff

Garrett Hays

Leslie Peake x


Jake Bondar x

Joey Gravis

Star Trek TNG

Charlotte x

Garrett Hays

Scared Stiff

Kevin Rodriguez

David Anderson xx

NBA Fast Break

Everett Talbott xx

Robert Hoggard x


Leslie Peake xx

Ian Harrower x

Terminator 2

Dean St Onge x

Dick Curtis xx

Family Guy

Chad Lower x

Dan Allen xx


Marion Richards xx

Mike Lonesky xxx

Monster Bash

Lauren McNeil xxx

Paige Ilsley xx


Garrett Hays

Kevin Rodriguez x

NBA Fast Break

Joey Gravis x

Charlotte x

Monster Bash

Ian Harrower xx

Jake Bondar x

Indiana Jones

Chad Lower x

Robert Hoggard xx

Scared Stiff

Dean St Onge x

Paige Ilsley xxx


Everett Talbott xx

Dan Allen xxx

Terminator 2

David Anderson xx

Leslie Peake xxx

Pirates Of The Carribean

Marion Richards xx

Dick Curtis xxx

Star Trek TNG

Lauren McNeil 4x

Mike Lonesky xxx

Monster Bash

Garrett Hays

Chad Lower xx

Pirates Of The Carribean

Kevin Rodriguez x

Jake Bondar xx


Dean St Onge xx

Charlotte x

Star Trek TNG

Robert Hoggard xxx

Marion Richards xx

Family Guy

Everett Talbott xx

Ian Harrower xxx


David Anderson xxx

Dick Curtis xxx

Terminator 2

Dan Allen xxx

Paige Ilsley 4x

Pirates Of The Carribean

Mike Lonesky xxx

Leslie Peake 4x

Joey Gravis x


Garrett Hays x

Joey Gravis x

Terminator 2

Charlotte xx

Kevin Rodriguez x


Everett Talbott xxx

Dean St Onge xx


Marion Richards xx

Chad Lower xxx

Monster Bash

David Anderson xxx

Robert Hoggard 4x

Star Trek TNG

Dick Curtis xxx

Dan Allen 4x

Indiana Jones

Ian Harrower xxx

Mike Lonesky 4x

Jake Bondar xx

Star Trek TNG

Kevin Rodriguez x

Joey Gravis xx

Indiana Jones

Garrett Hays x

Jake Bondar xxx

Monster Bash

Charlotte xx

Marion Richards xxx

NBA Fast Break

Dean St Onge xxx

Chad Lower xxx


Dick Curtis 4x

Ian Harrower xxx

Pirates Of The Carribean

Everett Talbott 4x

David Anderson xxx


Garrett Hays xx

Kevin Rodriguez x

Scared Stiff

Joey Gravis xx

Charlotte xxx


Dean St Onge 4x

Jake Bondar xxx

Pirates Of The Carribean

David Anderson xxx

Chad Lower 4x


Ian Harrower 4x

Marion Richards xxx

Indiana Jones

Kevin Rodriguez xx

Joey Gravis xx

NBA Fast Break

Garrett Hays xx

David Anderson 4x

Terminator 2

Charlotte 4x

Jake Bondar xxx

Marion Richards xxx


Garrett Hays xxx

Joey Gravis xx

NBA Fast Break

Marion Richards xxx

Jake Bondar 4x

Kevin Rodriguez xx

Pirates Of The Carribean

Kevin Rodriguez xx

Joey Gravis xxx

Terminator 2

Garrett Hays xxx

Marion Richards 4x

Monster Bash

Kevin Rodriguez xxx

Joey Gravis xxx

Garrett Hays xxx

Terminator 2

Joey Gravis xxx

Garrett Hays xxx

Kevin Rodriguez xxx

Round 12

Kevin Rodriguez L vs.
Joey Gravis W Monster Bash 26:18

Round 11

Garrett Hays W vs.
Marion Richards L Terminator 2 25:03

Kevin Rodriguez W vs.
Joey Gravis L Pirates Of The Carribean 12:50

Round 10

Garrett Hays L vs.
Joey Gravis W Sopranos 26:40

Marion Richards W vs.
Jake Bondar L NBA Fast Break 28:35

Round 9

Charlotte L vs.
Jake Bondar W Terminator 2 11:47

Garrett Hays W vs.
David Anderson L NBA Fast Break 16:24

Kevin Rodriguez L vs.
Joey Gravis W Indiana Jones 14:44

Round 8

David Anderson W vs.
Chad Lower L Pirates Of The Carribean 21:56

Dean St Onge L vs.
Jake Bondar W Xmen 18:24

Garrett Hays L vs.
Kevin Rodriguez W Sopranos 24:36

Ian Harrower L vs.
Marion Richards W Hobbit 18:26

Joey Gravis W vs.
Charlotte L Scared Stiff 08:40

Round 7

Charlotte W vs.
Marion Richards L Monster Bash 12:39

Dean St Onge L vs.
Chad Lower W NBA Fast Break 11:31

Dick Curtis L vs.
Ian Harrower W Xmen 07:21

Everett Talbott L vs.
David Anderson W Pirates Of The Carribean 06:39

Garrett Hays W vs.
Jake Bondar L Indiana Jones 16:10

Kevin Rodriguez W vs.
Joey Gravis L Star Trek TNG 12:39

Round 6

Charlotte L vs.
Kevin Rodriguez W Terminator 2 08:57

David Anderson W vs.
Robert Hoggard L Monster Bash 20:05

Dick Curtis W vs.
Dan Allen L Star Trek TNG 15:51

Everett Talbott L vs.
Dean St Onge W Hobbit 16:23

Garrett Hays L vs.
Joey Gravis W Xmen 12:17

Ian Harrower W vs.
Mike Lonesky L Indiana Jones 14:11

Marion Richards W vs.
Chad Lower L Sopranos 20:28

Round 5

Dan Allen W vs.
Paige Ilsley L Terminator 2 10:38

David Anderson L vs.
Dick Curtis W Hobbit 17:50

Dean St Onge L vs.
Charlotte W Sopranos 10:36

Everett Talbott W vs.
Ian Harrower L Family Guy 21:18

Garrett Hays W vs.
Chad Lower L Monster Bash 20:15

Kevin Rodriguez W vs.
Jake Bondar L Pirates Of The Carribean 08:25

Mike Lonesky W vs.
Leslie Peake L Pirates Of The Carribean 00:12

Robert Hoggard L vs.
Marion Richards W Star Trek TNG 13:38

Round 4

Chad Lower W vs.
Robert Hoggard L Indiana Jones 14:53

David Anderson W vs.
Leslie Peake L Terminator 2 00:08

Dean St Onge W vs.
Paige Ilsley L Scared Stiff 09:41

Everett Talbott W vs.
Dan Allen L Xmen 09:08

Garrett Hays W vs.
Kevin Rodriguez L Hobbit 21:05

Ian Harrower L vs.
Jake Bondar W Monster Bash 11:26

Joey Gravis L vs.
Charlotte W NBA Fast Break 12:12

Lauren McNeil L vs.
Mike Lonesky W Star Trek TNG 10:00

Marion Richards W vs.
Dick Curtis L Pirates Of The Carribean 10:56

Round 3

Chad Lower W vs.
Dan Allen L Family Guy 12:15

Charlotte L vs.
Garrett Hays W Star Trek TNG 13:48

Dean St Onge W vs.
Dick Curtis L Terminator 2 05:05

Everett Talbott L vs.
Robert Hoggard W NBA Fast Break 12:51

Jake Bondar L vs.
Joey Gravis W Hobbit 25:26

Kevin Rodriguez W vs.
David Anderson L Scared Stiff 20:42

Lauren McNeil L vs.
Paige Ilsley W Monster Bash 14:35

Leslie Peake 4 L vs.
Ian Harrower W Sopranos 21:21

Marion Richards W vs.
Mike Lonesky L Xmen 08:08

Round 2

Chad Lower L vs.
Kevin Rodriguez W Xmen 18:17

Charlotte W vs.
Robert Hoggard L Pirates Of The Carribean 07:12

Dan Allen W vs.
Mike Lonesky L Hobbit 22:06

David Anderson L vs.
Jake Bondar W Star Trek TNG 10:01

Dean St Onge W vs.
Marion Richards L Family Guy 13:52

Everett Talbott L vs.
Joey Gravis W Monster Bash 22:32

Garrett Hays W vs.
Leslie Peake L Scared Stiff 21:48

Lauren McNeil L vs.
Ian Harrower W Scared Stiff 07:04

Paige Ilsley L vs.
Dick Curtis W NBA Fast Break 16:45

Round 1

Dan Allen L vs.
David Anderson W Indiana Jones 19:52

Everett Talbott W vs.
Dick Curtis L Sopranos 11:44

Garrett Hays W vs.
Dean St Onge L Pirates Of The Carribean 11:19

Ian Harrower L vs.
Kevin Rodriguez W NBA Fast Break 09:39

Jake Bondar W vs.
Marion Richards L Scared Stiff 14:03

Joey Gravis W vs.
Mike Lonesky L Terminator 2 08:46

Paige Ilsley L vs.
Chad Lower W Star Trek TNG 25:09

Robert Hoggard W vs.
Lauren McNeil L Hobbit 16:39

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20