Cbar Brewers series 4/16

Updated 3:43am



Doctor Who

John Gimera

Tim Klaus x

World Cup Soccer '94

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee x

Colin Urban

Medieval Madness

Chris "Dast" Perlot

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x


Don Kraper

Thomas Urban x


David Morell

Karen Lee x


Andy Cobb

Chris Coyle x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Melissa Schwegel x

Derek Miazga

Banzai Run

Adam Britanyak x

Stefan Novak


Melissa Kelly

Drew Mulkey x

Banzai Run

Jay Pleyte

Sue Brown x


Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel

Jill Oppenheim x

Walking Dead

Holli Winchell

Mathew Peterson x

Pirates of the Carribean

Brooke Crisp x

Jessica DeNardo

The Addams Family

Randall Lee x

Jeremiah Smith


Rob Iggulden

Stacey Moritz x


Daniel Rone

Paul Schaffer x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Colin Urban x

David Morell


Chris "Dast" Perlot

John Gimera x

Pirates of the Carribean

Stefan Novak x

Andy Cobb

Walking Dead

Daniel Rone x

Jay Pleyte


Holli Winchell x

Derek Miazga


Jeremiah Smith

Melissa Kelly x

The Addams Family

Rob Iggulden x

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel


Don Kraper x

Jessica DeNardo

Banzai Run

Brooke Crisp x

Karen Lee xx

Doctor Who

Melissa Schwegel x

Jill Oppenheim xx

World Cup Soccer '94

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Tim Klaus x


Chris Coyle xx

Stacey Moritz x


Thomas Urban xx

Paul Schaffer x


Adam Britanyak xx

Drew Mulkey x


Sue Brown xx

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee x


Randall Lee xx

Mathew Peterson x

Walking Dead

Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Jessica DeNardo

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Andy Cobb

Jay Pleyte x

Doctor Who

Jeremiah Smith x

David Morell


Derek Miazga x

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel


John Gimera x

Daniel Rone xx


Rob Iggulden x

Drew Mulkey xx

World Cup Soccer '94

Don Kraper x

Stefan Novak xx


Brooke Crisp x

Melissa Kelly xx

The Addams Family

Colin Urban xx

Mathew Peterson x


Paul Schaffer xx

Stacey Moritz x

Banzai Run

Holli Winchell xx

Tim Klaus x


Melissa Schwegel xx

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee x


Sue Brown xxx

Thomas Urban xx


Adam Britanyak xx

Randall Lee xxx

Pirates of the Carribean

Chris Coyle xx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xxx

The Addams Family

Jill Oppenheim xxx

Karen Lee xx

The Addams Family

Andy Cobb x

Jessica DeNardo

Walking Dead

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel

David Morell x


Jay Pleyte xx

John Gimera x


Derek Miazga x

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx

Banzai Run

Don Kraper x

Stacey Moritz xx


Tim Klaus x

Rob Iggulden xx


Brooke Crisp xx

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee x


Jeremiah Smith xx

Mathew Peterson x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Daniel Rone xxx

Thomas Urban xx

Pirates of the Carribean

Drew Mulkey xx

Melissa Schwegel xxx

World Cup Soccer '94

Holli Winchell xx

Karen Lee xxx


Stefan Novak xx

Melissa Kelly xxx


Chris Coyle xxx

Paul Schaffer xx

Doctor Who

Adam Britanyak xxx

Colin Urban xx


Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel x

Jessica DeNardo

Walking Dead

Andy Cobb x

Don Kraper xx

Banzai Run

Derek Miazga xx

Tim Klaus x

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Mathew Peterson xx

John Gimera x


David Morell x

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee xx


Colin Urban xx

Jay Pleyte xxx


Holli Winchell xx

Rob Iggulden xxx

The Addams Family

Paul Schaffer xxx

Drew Mulkey xx

Doctor Who

Stefan Novak xx

Brooke Crisp xxx

World Cup Soccer '94

Jeremiah Smith xx

Stacey Moritz xxx

Pirates of the Carribean

Thomas Urban xxx

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx


Jessica DeNardo x

Tim Klaus x

Pirates of the Carribean

John Gimera xx

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel x

World Cup Soccer '94

David Morell x

Andy Cobb xx

Doctor Who

Holli Winchell xxx

Drew Mulkey xx


Stefan Novak xxx

Mathew Peterson xx

Banzai Run

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx

Colin Urban xxx


Derek Miazga xxx

Don Kraper xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee xx

Jeremiah Smith xxx


Tim Klaus x

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel xx

World Cup Soccer '94

Jessica DeNardo x

John Gimera xxx

Banzai Run

Drew Mulkey xxx

Andy Cobb xx


Don Kraper xxx

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx

Pirates of the Carribean

Mathew Peterson xx

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee xxx

David Morell x


David Morell x

Jessica DeNardo xx


Tim Klaus xx

Andy Cobb xx

World Cup Soccer '94

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx

Pirates of the Carribean

David Morell xx

Tim Klaus xx

Doctor Who

Andy Cobb xx

Chris "Dast" Perlot xxx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Jessica DeNardo xxx

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel xx


Tim Klaus xxx

Andy Cobb xx

Banzai Run

David Morell xx

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel xxx


David Morell xx

Andy Cobb xxx

David Morell xx

Round 11

David Morell W vs.
Andy Cobb L Metallica 18:55

Round 10

David Morell W vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel L Banzai Run 05:39

Tim Klaus L vs.
Andy Cobb W AC/DC 10:14

Round 9

Andy Cobb W vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot L Doctor Who 09:55

David Morell L vs.
Tim Klaus W Pirates of the Carribean 08:40

Jessica DeNardo L vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W Creature from the Black Lagoon 07:52

Round 8

David Morell W vs.
Jessica DeNardo L Jackbot 05:09

Tim Klaus L vs.
Andy Cobb W Seawitch 11:54

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W vs.
Mathew Peterson L World Cup Soccer '94 09:35

Round 7

Don Kraper L vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot W Jackbot 06:13

Drew Mulkey L vs.
Andy Cobb W Banzai Run 06:35

Jessica DeNardo W vs.
John Gimera L World Cup Soccer '94 09:31

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee L Pirates of the Carribean 08:17

Tim Klaus W vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel L Firepower 08:14

Round 6

Chris "Dast" Perlot W vs.
Colin Urban L Banzai Run 10:36

David Morell W vs.
Andy Cobb L World Cup Soccer '94 10:23

Derek Miazga L vs.
Don Kraper W Firepower 08:04

Holli Winchell L vs.
Drew Mulkey W Doctor Who 06:29

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee W vs.
Jeremiah Smith L Creature from the Black Lagoon 16:20

Jessica DeNardo L vs.
Tim Klaus W Metallica 06:58

John Gimera L vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W Pirates of the Carribean 10:00

Stefan Novak L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Jackbot 14:20

Round 5

Andy Cobb W vs.
Don Kraper L Walking Dead 14:29

Colin Urban W vs.
Jay Pleyte L Seawitch 06:42

David Morell W vs.
Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee L Firepower 04:06

Derek Miazga L vs.
Tim Klaus W Banzai Run 06:24

Holli Winchell W vs.
Rob Iggulden L Metallica 10:38

Jeremiah Smith W vs.
Stacey Moritz L World Cup Soccer '94 11:27

Mathew Peterson L vs.
John Gimera W Creature from the Black Lagoon 08:15

Paul Schaffer L vs.
Drew Mulkey W The Addams Family 09:59

Stefan Novak W vs.
Brooke Crisp L Doctor Who 10:17

Thomas Urban L vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot W Pirates of the Carribean 13:48

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel L vs.
Jessica DeNardo W AC/DC 08:46

Round 4

Adam Britanyak L vs.
Colin Urban W Doctor Who 07:49

Andy Cobb L vs.
Jessica DeNardo W The Addams Family 11:34

Brooke Crisp L vs.
Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee W Seawitch 05:14

Chris Coyle L vs.
Paul Schaffer W AC/DC 10:28

Daniel Rone L vs.
Thomas Urban W Creature from the Black Lagoon 06:41

Derek Miazga W vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot L Simpsons 11:17

Don Kraper W vs.
Stacey Moritz L Banzai Run 06:05

Drew Mulkey W vs.
Melissa Schwegel L Pirates of the Carribean 09:13

Holli Winchell W vs.
Karen Lee L World Cup Soccer '94 11:19

Jay Pleyte L vs.
John Gimera W Metallica 07:05

Jeremiah Smith L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Firepower 09:11

Stefan Novak W vs.
Melissa Kelly L Sopranos 13:54

Tim Klaus W vs.
Rob Iggulden L Jackbot 07:44

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W vs.
David Morell L Walking Dead 11:40

Round 3

Adam Britanyak W vs.
Randall Lee L Jackbot 07:10

Andy Cobb W vs.
Jay Pleyte L Creature from the Black Lagoon 09:00

Brooke Crisp W vs.
Melissa Kelly L Simpsons 19:25

Chris "Dast" Perlot L vs.
Jessica DeNardo W Walking Dead 10:08

Chris Coyle W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Pirates of the Carribean 13:53

Colin Urban L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Addams Family 08:24

Derek Miazga L vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W Jackbot 11:47

Don Kraper W vs.
Stefan Novak L World Cup Soccer '94 09:01

Holli Winchell L vs.
Tim Klaus W Banzai Run 17:13

Jeremiah Smith L vs.
David Morell W Doctor Who 08:35

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
Karen Lee W The Addams Family 05:02

John Gimera W vs.
Daniel Rone L Sopranos 11:24

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee W AC/DC 11:26

Paul Schaffer L vs.
Stacey Moritz W Metallica 08:11

Rob Iggulden W vs.
Drew Mulkey L Seawitch 09:09

Sue Brown L vs.
Thomas Urban W Firepower 13:54

Round 2

Adam Britanyak L vs.
Drew Mulkey W AC/DC 04:39

Brooke Crisp W vs.
Karen Lee L Banzai Run 05:51

Chris "Dast" Perlot W vs.
John Gimera L Firepower 07:44

Chris Coyle L vs.
Stacey Moritz W Firepower 07:44

Colin Urban L vs.
David Morell W Creature from the Black Lagoon 09:19

Daniel Rone L vs.
Jay Pleyte W Walking Dead 11:41

Don Kraper L vs.
Jessica DeNardo W Seawitch 08:01

Holli Winchell L vs.
Derek Miazga W AC/DC 10:32

Jeremiah Smith W vs.
Melissa Kelly L Metallica 10:37

Melissa Schwegel W vs.
Jill Oppenheim L Doctor Who 08:45

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Tim Klaus W World Cup Soccer '94 09:17

Randall Lee L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Sopranos 15:43

Rob Iggulden L vs.
Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W The Addams Family 10:35

Stefan Novak L vs.
Andy Cobb W Pirates of the Carribean 14:31

Sue Brown L vs.
Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee W Simpsons 09:47

Thomas Urban L vs.
Paul Schaffer W Jackbot 08:03

Round 1

Adam Britanyak L vs.
Stefan Novak W Banzai Run 08:34

Andy Cobb W vs.
Chris Coyle L Jackbot 05:35

Brooke Crisp L vs.
Jessica DeNardo W Pirates of the Carribean 07:26

Chris "Dast" Perlot W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Medieval Madness 11:44

Daniel Rone W vs.
Paul Schaffer L Seawitch 06:41

David Morell W vs.
Karen Lee L Simpsons 09:04

Don Kraper W vs.
Thomas Urban L AC/DC 09:15

Holli Winchell W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Walking Dead 15:16

Jake "Rev-Test" Mcghee L vs.
Colin Urban W World Cup Soccer '94 14:10

Jay Pleyte W vs.
Sue Brown L Banzai Run 05:27

John Gimera W vs.
Tim Klaus L Doctor Who 08:48

Melissa Kelly W vs.
Drew Mulkey L Firepower 07:10

Melissa Schwegel L vs.
Derek Miazga W Creature from the Black Lagoon 08:36

Randall Lee L vs.
Jeremiah Smith W The Addams Family 17:47

Rob Iggulden W vs.
Stacey Moritz L Sopranos 12:16

Zoe "Spice World" Vrabel W vs.
Jill Oppenheim L Metallica 05:38

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20