Knights 7-27-21

Updated 4:46am



Lord Of The Rings


James Frost-Winn x

Twilight Zone


Laura N x

Avengers Infinity Quest

Courtney Gomemz

Kim Russell x

Strikes And Spares

Travis Kerr x

Tom Riley

Star Trek

Darren Dorman x

Temple K

Led Zeppelin

Phil Beck x

Will Rubley

Katie Sheehen

Chandler x

Space Invaders

Sam Van Rooy

Ahren Gehrman x

Captain Fantastic

Mahala Shutes x

Sunni Williams

Cory Anderson

Strikes And Spares

Ahren Gehrman xx



Travis Kerr xx

Kim Russell x


Sam Van Rooy

Laura N xx

Lord Of The Rings

Will Rubley

Katie Sheehen x

Twilight Zone

Phil Beck xx

Darren Dorman x

Captain Fantastic

Tom Riley

Cory Anderson x

Dr Who

Chandler xx

Temple K

Banzai Run

James Frost-Winn xx

Sunni Williams

Led Zeppelin


Courtney Gomemz x

Mahala Shutes x

Strikes And Spares

Temple K x

Sam Van Rooy

Banzai Run

Darren Dorman x

Ahren Gehrman xxx

Avengers Infinity Quest

Phil Beck xxx


Conley x

Will Rubley

Dr Who

Mahala Shutes xx

Kim Russell x

Space Invaders

Laura N xx

Chandler xxx

Led Zeppelin

Sunni Williams

Tom Riley x

Captain Fantastic

Katie Sheehen x

Courtney Gomemz xx


James Frost-Winn xx

Cory Anderson xx

Travis Kerr xx


Temple K xx

Katie Sheehen x

Led Zeppelin

Laura N xxx

Travis Kerr xx

Space Invaders

Darren Dorman x

Cory Anderson xxx

Kim Russell xx

Sunni Williams

Dr Who

James Frost-Winn xx

Tom Riley xx

Twilight Zone


Mahala Shutes xxx


Courtney Gomemz xxx

Will Rubley

Avengers Infinity Quest

Sam Van Rooy x

Conley x

Strikes And Spares

James Frost-Winn xxx

Darren Dorman x


Temple K xxx


Space Invaders

Will Rubley

Travis Kerr xxx

Banzai Run

Sam Van Rooy xx

Kim Russell xx


Sunni Williams

Conley xx

Star Trek

Tom Riley xxx

Katie Sheehen x

Captain Fantastic

Conley xx

Kim Russell xxx

Dr Who

Will Rubley x

Darren Dorman x

Twilight Zone

Katie Sheehen xx

Sam Van Rooy xx

Space Invaders

Sunni Williams

Duncan x

Banzai Run

Conley xx

Katie Sheehen xxx


Sam Van Rooy xx

Darren Dorman xx

Star Trek

Will Rubley x

Sunni Williams x

Duncan x

Dr Who

Conley xxx

Duncan x


Sunni Williams x

Darren Dorman xxx

Captain Fantastic

Sam Van Rooy xxx

Will Rubley x

Banzai Run

Will Rubley xx

Duncan x

Sunni Williams x

Strikes And Spares

Duncan xx

Sunni Williams x

Will Rubley xx

Twilight Zone

Will Rubley xx

Sunni Williams xx

Duncan xx

Lord Of The Rings

Duncan xxx

Sunni Williams xx

Will Rubley xx

Avengers Infinity Quest

Will Rubley xxx

Sunni Williams xx

Sunni Williams xx

Round 13

Will Rubley L vs.
Sunni Williams W Avengers Infinity Quest 15:00

Round 12

Duncan L vs.
Sunni Williams W Lord Of The Rings 12:42

Round 11

Will Rubley W vs.
Sunni Williams L Twilight Zone 16:15

Round 10

Duncan L vs.
Sunni Williams W Strikes And Spares 14:03

Round 9

Will Rubley L vs.
Duncan W Banzai Run 07:30

Round 8

Conley L vs.
Duncan W Dr Who 11:17

Sam Van Rooy L vs.
Will Rubley W Captain Fantastic 12:49

Sunni Williams W vs.
Darren Dorman L Skateball 05:51

Round 7

Conley W vs.
Katie Sheehen L Banzai Run 05:20

Sam Van Rooy W vs.
Darren Dorman L Shrek 17:29

Will Rubley W vs.
Sunni Williams L Star Trek 07:25

Round 6

Conley W vs.
Kim Russell L Captain Fantastic 11:34

Katie Sheehen L vs.
Sam Van Rooy W Twilight Zone 18:56

Sunni Williams W vs.
Duncan L Space Invaders 11:10

Will Rubley L vs.
Darren Dorman W Dr Who 10:42

Round 5

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Darren Dorman W Strikes And Spares 11:12

Sam Van Rooy L vs.
Kim Russell W Banzai Run 11:49

Sunni Williams W vs.
Conley L Shrek 12:50

Temple K L vs.
Duncan W Skateball 09:55

Tom Riley L vs.
Katie Sheehen W Star Trek 07:24

Will Rubley W vs.
Travis Kerr L Space Invaders 14:51

Round 4

Courtney Gomemz L vs.
Will Rubley W Skateball 13:44

Darren Dorman W vs.
Cory Anderson L Space Invaders 07:41

Duncan W vs.
Mahala Shutes L Twilight Zone 05:46

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Tom Riley L Dr Who 09:16

Kim Russell L vs.
Sunni Williams W 12:16

Laura N L vs.
Travis Kerr W Led Zeppelin 10:05

Sam Van Rooy L vs.
Conley W Avengers Infinity Quest 11:54

Temple K L vs.
Katie Sheehen W Shrek 11:33

Round 3

Conley L vs.
Will Rubley W 08:43

Darren Dorman W vs.
Ahren Gehrman L Banzai Run 13:39

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Cory Anderson L Shrek 13:45

Katie Sheehen W vs.
Courtney Gomemz L Captain Fantastic 14:16

Laura N W vs.
Chandler L Space Invaders 07:08

Mahala Shutes L vs.
Kim Russell W Dr Who 07:55

Phil Beck L vs.
Duncan W Avengers Infinity Quest 13:27

Sunni Williams W vs.
Tom Riley L Led Zeppelin 13:18

Temple K L vs.
Sam Van Rooy W Strikes And Spares 12:50

Round 2

Ahren Gehrman L vs.
Conley W Strikes And Spares 13:05

Chandler L vs.
Temple K W Dr Who 11:08

Duncan W vs.
Courtney Gomemz L Led Zeppelin 10:36

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Sunni Williams W Banzai Run 13:56

Phil Beck L vs.
Darren Dorman W Twilight Zone 12:13

Sam Van Rooy W vs.
Laura N L Skateball 10:24

Tom Riley W vs.
Cory Anderson L Captain Fantastic 10:31

Travis Kerr L vs.
Kim Russell W Shrek 16:27

Will Rubley W vs.
Katie Sheehen L Lord Of The Rings 15:23

Round 1

Conley W vs.
Laura N L Twilight Zone 08:26

Courtney Gomemz W vs.
Kim Russell L Avengers Infinity Quest 15:21

Darren Dorman L vs.
Temple K W Star Trek 07:40

Duncan W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Lord Of The Rings 16:06

Katie Sheehen W vs.
Chandler L 06:08

Mahala Shutes L vs.
Sunni Williams W Captain Fantastic 07:03

Phil Beck L vs.
Will Rubley W Led Zeppelin 12:07

Sam Van Rooy W vs.
Ahren Gehrman L Space Invaders 07:44

Travis Kerr L vs.
Tom Riley W Strikes And Spares 04:47

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20