GK Stern Army 7.11.22

Updated 3:43pm



Game Of Thrones

Andy Burton

Aeden McRea x

Star Wars

Campbell Hancock x

John Hartman


Phil Bailey x

Chuck Edwards

Ghost Busters

Ben Pownall x

Star Bjorge

Eight Ball Champ

Charles Stewart

Edmund Nash x

Black Knight: Sword Of Rage

Linda Volckening x

Lexi Whittemore


Rhienium x

Kevin Howell

Dialed In

Matt Blodgett

Collin Whittemore x

Fun House

Paul Robertson

Ken Martin x


Abby Eng x

Karlen Burris

White Water

David Morell x

William Kerney

Attack From Mars

Kevin Suenkel x

Jon Jacob


Jason Burton

Bill Volckening x

Judge Dredd

Dennis Ayres x

Mike Smith PDX

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Dana Valatka x

Stuart McPherran

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Mathew Peterson

Leslie J. Martin x

Tron: Legacy

Dylan Snow

Dylan Reiff x

Attack From Mars

Karlen Burris

Matt Blodgett x

White Water

Kevin Howell x

Mathew Peterson

Eight Ball Champ

Andy Burton x

William Kerney

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Chuck Edwards

Charles Stewart x

Star Wars

Paul Robertson

Star Bjorge x

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Jon Jacob x

Dylan Snow

Simpsons Pinball Party

Jason Burton x

Lexi Whittemore

Jurassic Park

Stuart McPherran

Mike Smith PDX x


John Hartman x

David Morell x

Ghost Busters

Ken Martin x

Collin Whittemore xx

Monster Bash

Abby Eng xx

Edmund Nash x


Dana Valatka x

Campbell Hancock xx

Dialed In

Ben Pownall x

Bill Volckening xx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Dylan Reiff x

Linda Volckening xx

Fun House

Kevin Suenkel xx

Aeden McRea x

Judge Dredd

Phil Bailey xx

Leslie J. Martin x

Game Of Thrones

Dennis Ayres x

Rhienium xx

Black Knight: Sword Of Rage

Dylan Snow

Stuart McPherran x

Monster Bash

Lexi Whittemore

Chuck Edwards x

Jurassic Park

Karlen Burris x

William Kerney

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Mathew Peterson x

Paul Robertson

White Water

Dennis Ayres x

Andy Burton xx

Ghost Busters

Dylan Reiff xx

Jon Jacob x

Dialed In

Mike Smith PDX x

Leslie J. Martin xx

Judge Dredd

John Hartman x

Matt Blodgett xx


Edmund Nash xx

Kevin Howell x

Fun House

David Morell x

Star Bjorge xx

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Aeden McRea x

Ben Pownall xx

Simpsons Pinball Party

Ken Martin xx

Dana Valatka x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Charles Stewart xx

Jason Burton x

Eight Ball Champ

Linda Volckening xxx

Collin Whittemore xx


Bill Volckening xxx

Kevin Suenkel xx

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

Campbell Hancock xx

Rhienium xxx

Attack From Mars

Phil Bailey xxx

Abby Eng xx

White Water

Lexi Whittemore x

Dylan Snow

Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast

William Kerney

Paul Robertson x

Monster Bash

Karlen Burris xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Doctor Who

Aeden McRea x

Stuart McPherran xx


Jason Burton x

John Hartman xx

Eight Ball Champ

Dennis Ayres xx

Chuck Edwards x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

David Morell xx

Dana Valatka x

Fun House

Kevin Howell xx

Jon Jacob x

Judge Dredd

Mathew Peterson x

Kevin Suenkel xxx

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Collin Whittemore xx

Ben Pownall xxx

Simpsons Pinball Party

Campbell Hancock xxx

Matt Blodgett xx


Star Bjorge xx

Edmund Nash xxx

Attack From Mars

Charles Stewart xx

Ken Martin xxx


Dylan Reiff xx

Leslie J. Martin xxx

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Andy Burton xx

Abby Eng xxx

Monster Bash

Dylan Snow

William Kerney x

Eight Ball Champ

Jon Jacob xx

Dana Valatka x

Star Wars

Jason Burton xx

Mathew Peterson x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Lexi Whittemore x

Aeden McRea xx

Attack From Mars

Paul Robertson xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Karlen Burris xxx

Andy Burton xx


Charles Stewart xx

Matt Blodgett xxx

Ghost Busters

Dennis Ayres xx

Stuart McPherran xxx

Judge Dredd

Star Bjorge xx

Kevin Howell xxx

Fun House

Collin Whittemore xx

John Hartman xxx

Dialed In

Dylan Reiff xxx

David Morell xx

Chuck Edwards x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Dylan Snow x

Mike Smith PDX x

Game Of Thrones

Chuck Edwards xx

William Kerney x


Lexi Whittemore x

Dana Valatka xx

Jurassic Park

Star Bjorge xxx

Jon Jacob xx

Simpsons Pinball Party

Collin Whittemore xx

Paul Robertson xxx

Ghost Busters

Jason Burton xx

Aeden McRea xxx


Andy Burton xx

Charles Stewart xxx

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

David Morell xx

Dennis Ayres xxx

Mathew Peterson x


Mathew Peterson xx

Dylan Snow x

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Lexi Whittemore xx

Mike Smith PDX x

Attack From Mars

William Kerney xx

Collin Whittemore xx

Dialed In

Jason Burton xx

Jon Jacob xxx

Twilight Zone

Dana Valatka xxx

Andy Burton xx

Simpsons Pinball Party

Chuck Edwards xxx

David Morell xx


Mike Smith PDX x

Dylan Snow xx

Eight Ball Champ

Mathew Peterson xxx

David Morell xx

Game Of Thrones

Jason Burton xx

Collin Whittemore xxx

Ghost Busters

William Kerney xxx

Lexi Whittemore xx

Andy Burton xx

Twilight Zone

Mike Smith PDX xx

Jason Burton xx

Jurassic Park

David Morell xxx

Dylan Snow xx

Dialed In

Andy Burton xxx

Lexi Whittemore xx

Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure

Jason Burton xx

Dylan Snow xxx

Eight Ball Champ

Mike Smith PDX xxx

Lexi Whittemore xx

Jurassic Park

Lexi Whittemore xxx

Jason Burton xx

Jason Burton xx

Round 11

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Jason Burton W Jurassic Park 10:38

Round 10

Jason Burton W vs.
Dylan Snow L Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 08:42

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Eight Ball Champ 07:59

Round 9

Andy Burton L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Dialed In 11:52

David Morell L vs.
Dylan Snow W Jurassic Park 14:23

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Jason Burton W Twilight Zone 08:53

Round 8

Jason Burton W vs.
Collin Whittemore L Game Of Thrones 09:52

Mathew Peterson L vs.
David Morell W Eight Ball Champ 09:47

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Dylan Snow L Deadpool 22:29

William Kerney L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Ghost Busters 09:43

Round 7

Chuck Edwards L vs.
David Morell W Simpsons Pinball Party 11:17

Dana Valatka L vs.
Andy Burton W Twilight Zone 08:17

Jason Burton W vs.
Jon Jacob L Dialed In 11:06

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 11:01

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Dylan Snow W Junkyard 14:36

William Kerney L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Attack From Mars 17:06

Round 6

Andy Burton W vs.
Charles Stewart L Junkyard 15:03

Chuck Edwards L vs.
William Kerney W Game Of Thrones 15:16

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Paul Robertson L Simpsons Pinball Party 14:05

David Morell W vs.
Dennis Ayres L Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 08:30

Dylan Snow L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Guardians Of The Galaxy 06:30

Jason Burton W vs.
Aeden McRea L Ghost Busters 10:01

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Dana Valatka L Godzilla 11:40

Star Bjorge L vs.
Jon Jacob W Jurassic Park 12:39

Round 5

Charles Stewart W vs.
Matt Blodgett L Godzilla 19:42

Collin Whittemore W vs.
John Hartman L Fun House 10:54

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Stuart McPherran L Ghost Busters 09:39

Dylan Reiff L vs.
David Morell W Dialed In 13:16

Dylan Snow W vs.
William Kerney L Monster Bash 13:10

Jason Burton L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Star Wars 18:49

Jon Jacob L vs.
Dana Valatka W Eight Ball Champ 13:20

Karlen Burris L vs.
Andy Burton W Guardians Of The Galaxy 14:06

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Aeden McRea L Total Nuclear Annihilation 13:05

Paul Robertson L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Attack From Mars 15:52

Star Bjorge W vs.
Kevin Howell L Judge Dredd 13:26

Round 4

Aeden McRea W vs.
Stuart McPherran L Doctor Who 08:51

Andy Burton W vs.
Abby Eng L Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 17:25

Campbell Hancock L vs.
Matt Blodgett W Simpsons Pinball Party 23:32

Charles Stewart W vs.
Ken Martin L Attack From Mars 08:55

Collin Whittemore W vs.
Ben Pownall L Total Nuclear Annihilation 16:54

David Morell L vs.
Dana Valatka W Guardians Of The Galaxy 16:00

Dennis Ayres L vs.
Chuck Edwards W Eight Ball Champ 17:15

Dylan Reiff W vs.
Leslie J. Martin L Deadpool 19:55

Jason Burton W vs.
John Hartman L Junkyard 11:52

Karlen Burris L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Monster Bash 16:08

Kevin Howell L vs.
Jon Jacob W Fun House 16:03

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Dylan Snow W White Water 15:29

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Kevin Suenkel L Judge Dredd 09:40

Star Bjorge W vs.
Edmund Nash L Godzilla 17:20

William Kerney W vs.
Paul Robertson L Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 19:46

Round 3

Aeden McRea W vs.
Ben Pownall L Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 08:22

Bill Volckening L vs.
Kevin Suenkel W Godzilla 12:36

Campbell Hancock W vs.
Rhienium L Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 13:36

Charles Stewart L vs.
Jason Burton W Total Nuclear Annihilation 23:22

David Morell W vs.
Star Bjorge L Fun House 21:45

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Andy Burton L White Water 15:13

Dylan Reiff L vs.
Jon Jacob W Ghost Busters 23:01

Dylan Snow W vs.
Stuart McPherran L Black Knight: Sword Of Rage 12:57

Edmund Nash L vs.
Kevin Howell W Junkyard 14:04

John Hartman W vs.
Matt Blodgett L Judge Dredd 19:00

Karlen Burris L vs.
William Kerney W Jurassic Park 18:09

Ken Martin L vs.
Dana Valatka W Simpsons Pinball Party 24:57

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Chuck Edwards L Monster Bash 10:40

Linda Volckening L vs.
Collin Whittemore W Eight Ball Champ 14:14

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Paul Robertson W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:29

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Leslie J. Martin L Dialed In 11:28

Phil Bailey L vs.
Abby Eng W Attack From Mars 08:01

Round 2

Abby Eng L vs.
Edmund Nash W Monster Bash 18:08

Andy Burton L vs.
William Kerney W Eight Ball Champ 16:34

Ben Pownall W vs.
Bill Volckening L Dialed In 19:45

Chuck Edwards W vs.
Charles Stewart L Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 21:31

Dana Valatka W vs.
Campbell Hancock L AC/DC 17:55

Dennis Ayres W vs.
Rhienium L Game Of Thrones 15:42

Dylan Reiff W vs.
Linda Volckening L Total Nuclear Annihilation 24:56

Jason Burton L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Simpsons Pinball Party 12:49

John Hartman L vs.
David Morell W Godzilla 16:45

Jon Jacob L vs.
Dylan Snow W Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 18:27

Karlen Burris W vs.
Matt Blodgett L Attack From Mars 13:25

Ken Martin W vs.
Collin Whittemore L Ghost Busters 13:35

Kevin Howell L vs.
Mathew Peterson W White Water 14:16

Kevin Suenkel L vs.
Aeden McRea W Fun House 13:32

Paul Robertson W vs.
Star Bjorge L Star Wars 11:00

Phil Bailey L vs.
Leslie J. Martin W Judge Dredd 13:12

Stuart McPherran W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Jurassic Park 19:11

Round 1

Abby Eng L vs.
Karlen Burris W Junkyard 13:10

Andy Burton W vs.
Aeden McRea L Game Of Thrones 15:40

Ben Pownall L vs.
Star Bjorge W Ghost Busters 13:26

Campbell Hancock L vs.
John Hartman W Star Wars 10:21

Charles Stewart W vs.
Edmund Nash L Eight Ball Champ 06:39

Dana Valatka L vs.
Stuart McPherran W Indiana Jones The Pinball Adventure 13:53

David Morell L vs.
William Kerney W White Water 12:15

Dennis Ayres L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Judge Dredd 11:29

Dylan Snow W vs.
Dylan Reiff L Tron: Legacy 07:31

Jason Burton W vs.
Bill Volckening L Deadpool 13:15

Kevin Suenkel L vs.
Jon Jacob W Attack From Mars 09:00

Linda Volckening L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Black Knight: Sword Of Rage 08:36

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Leslie J. Martin L Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast 15:59

Matt Blodgett W vs.
Collin Whittemore L Dialed In 10:54

Paul Robertson W vs.
Ken Martin L Fun House 12:20

Phil Bailey L vs.
Chuck Edwards W AC/DC 10:03

Rhienium L vs.
Kevin Howell W Godzilla 14:12

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20