Ramsey's Friday Night Pinball Fights!

Updated 3:20pm



No Good Gophers

John Robinson WA x

Jared Baldridge

The Shadow

James Frost-Winn x

Tyler Morgan

The Getaway

Sergey Posrednikov

Ramsey Sierra x

Twilight Zone

Fajita Ray x

Sophie Spickard


Andrew Jamieson x

Jason Shrum

Pistol Poker

Nigel Colbert

Mika Rollin x


Heather Loudon x

Aaron Garberding

Black Jack

Cory Moormeier

Alex Singleterry x

Monster Bash

Bre Lloyd x

Sam Snyder


Nigel Colbert

Aaron Garberding x

Twilight Zone

Cory Moormeier x

Sam Snyder

No Good Gophers

Sergey Posrednikov

Jason Shrum x

Pistol Poker

Jared Baldridge

Sophie Spickard x

Monster Bash

Tyler Morgan x

Heather Loudon x


Alex Singleterry xx

Bre Lloyd x

Black Jack

Ramsey Sierra xx

James Frost-Winn x

The Shadow

Fajita Ray xx

Mika Rollin x

The Getaway

John Robinson WA xx

Andrew Jamieson x

Twilight Zone

Sergey Posrednikov

Jared Baldridge x


Nigel Colbert

Sam Snyder x


Mika Rollin x

James Frost-Winn xx

The Getaway

Bre Lloyd x

Aaron Garberding xx

No Good Gophers

Andrew Jamieson x

Tyler Morgan xx

The Shadow

Sophie Spickard x

Cory Moormeier xx

Black Jack

Jason Shrum x

Heather Loudon xx

Pistol Poker

Alex Singleterry xx

Fajita Ray xxx

Monster Bash

Ramsey Sierra xxx

John Robinson WA xx

Black Jack

Sergey Posrednikov x

Nigel Colbert

No Good Gophers

Mika Rollin xx

Sam Snyder x

Pistol Poker

Bre Lloyd x

Andrew Jamieson xx


Jared Baldridge x

Jason Shrum xx


Sophie Spickard x

John Robinson WA xxx

Monster Bash

Aaron Garberding xxx

Cory Moormeier xx

Twilight Zone

James Frost-Winn xxx

Heather Loudon xx

The Getaway

Tyler Morgan xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Monster Bash

Nigel Colbert x

Sophie Spickard x

Pistol Poker

Sergey Posrednikov x

Sam Snyder xx

The Shadow

Bre Lloyd x

Jared Baldridge xx


Alex Singleterry xx

Jason Shrum xxx

Black Jack

Mika Rollin xx

Andrew Jamieson xxx

No Good Gophers

Heather Loudon xx

Cory Moormeier xxx


Bre Lloyd xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Shadow

Nigel Colbert x

Heather Loudon xxx


Jared Baldridge xxx

Sam Snyder xx

Twilight Zone

Alex Singleterry xx

Mika Rollin xxx

Sophie Spickard x


Sergey Posrednikov x

Sophie Spickard xx

No Good Gophers

Nigel Colbert x

Bre Lloyd xxx


Sam Snyder xx

Alex Singleterry xxx

The Getaway

Nigel Colbert xx

Sergey Posrednikov x

Black Jack

Sophie Spickard xxx

Sam Snyder xx

The Shadow

Sergey Posrednikov x

Sam Snyder xxx

Nigel Colbert xx

Monster Bash

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Nigel Colbert xx


Sergey Posrednikov xx

Nigel Colbert xxx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Round 11

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Nigel Colbert L Whitewater 16:51

Round 10

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Monster Bash 11:01

Round 9

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Sam Snyder L The Shadow 09:35

Round 8

Nigel Colbert L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W The Getaway 08:44

Sophie Spickard L vs.
Sam Snyder W Black Jack 09:44

Round 7

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Bre Lloyd L No Good Gophers 10:06

Sam Snyder W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Flintstones 19:24

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Sophie Spickard L Whitewater 11:54

Round 6

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Mika Rollin L Twilight Zone 14:48

Bre Lloyd L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Dracula 13:33

Jared Baldridge L vs.
Sam Snyder W Whitewater 15:15

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Heather Loudon L The Shadow 11:17

Round 5

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Jason Shrum L Dracula 22:12

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Jared Baldridge L The Shadow 12:15

Heather Loudon W vs.
Cory Moormeier L No Good Gophers 12:02

Mika Rollin W vs.
Andrew Jamieson L Black Jack 14:37

Nigel Colbert L vs.
Sophie Spickard W Monster Bash 09:57

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Sam Snyder L Pistol Poker 19:05

Round 4

Aaron Garberding L vs.
Cory Moormeier W Monster Bash 21:09

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Andrew Jamieson L Pistol Poker 25:06

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Heather Loudon W Twilight Zone 11:15

Jared Baldridge W vs.
Jason Shrum L Flintstones 10:34

Mika Rollin L vs.
Sam Snyder W No Good Gophers 11:21

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Black Jack 13:09

Sophie Spickard W vs.
John Robinson WA L Dracula 12:39

Tyler Morgan L vs.
Alex Singleterry W The Getaway 21:22

Round 3

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Fajita Ray L Pistol Poker 21:58

Andrew Jamieson W vs.
Tyler Morgan L No Good Gophers 11:43

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Aaron Garberding L The Getaway 08:37

Jason Shrum W vs.
Heather Loudon L Black Jack 16:56

Mika Rollin W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Flintstones 16:53

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Sam Snyder L Dracula 17:16

Ramsey Sierra L vs.
John Robinson WA W Monster Bash 15:46

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Jared Baldridge L Twilight Zone 16:38

Sophie Spickard W vs.
Cory Moormeier L The Shadow 09:58

Round 2

Alex Singleterry L vs.
Bre Lloyd W Whitewater 17:16

Cory Moormeier L vs.
Sam Snyder W Twilight Zone 15:11

Fajita Ray L vs.
Mika Rollin W The Shadow 12:19

Jared Baldridge W vs.
Sophie Spickard L Pistol Poker 17:02

John Robinson WA L vs.
Andrew Jamieson W The Getaway 14:23

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Aaron Garberding L Flintstones 14:47

Ramsey Sierra L vs.
James Frost-Winn W Black Jack 12:59

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Jason Shrum L No Good Gophers 15:01

Tyler Morgan L vs.
Heather Loudon W Monster Bash 15:26

Round 1

Andrew Jamieson L vs.
Jason Shrum W Whitewater 17:05

Bre Lloyd L vs.
Sam Snyder W Monster Bash 07:00

Cory Moormeier W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Black Jack 15:15

Fajita Ray L vs.
Sophie Spickard W Twilight Zone 15:43

Heather Loudon L vs.
Aaron Garberding W Dracula 15:00

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Tyler Morgan W The Shadow 12:17

John Robinson WA L vs.
Jared Baldridge W No Good Gophers 09:36

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Mika Rollin L Pistol Poker 10:44

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Ramsey Sierra L The Getaway 08:23

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20