Smash Bros

Updated 12:35pm



Trash Cans
Logic_e Sports
Team Slacker
The Broddas
Bombber Men
Penta E Sports
Socialism Doesn't Work
Bible Boys
De Wae Of De Winners
Squishy Retrievers
Barnes Per. 4
A Team Name
Trash Cans
Team Slacker
Penta E Sports
Socialism Doesn't Work
De Wae Of De Winners
Squishy Retrievers
A Team Name
Penta E Sports
Socialism Doesn't Work
A Team Name
A Team Name
A Team Name


Shock L vs.
A Team Name W 00:05


Shock W vs.
Penta E Sports L 00:14

Socialism Doesn't Work L vs.
A Team Name W 00:05


Shock W vs.
Trash Cans L 04:08

Socialism Doesn't Work W vs.
De Wae Of De Winners L 19:29

Squishy Retrievers L vs.
A Team Name W 00:08

Team Slacker L vs.
Penta E Sports W 15:57

Round 1

Bible Boys L vs.
De Wae Of De Winners W 00:30

Bombber Men L vs.
Penta E Sports W 08:21

Squishy Retrievers W vs.
Barnes Per. 4 L 00:13

Team Slacker W vs.
The Broddas L 00:19

Trash Cans W vs.
Logic_e Sports L 00:09

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20