January 18 Blind Draw

Updated 12:53am



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Randy Lee // Trent Full
Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine
Baz // Courtney Thompson
Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley
Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen
Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole
Drew Burgess // Lips
Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley
TK // Todd Hobbs
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy
Ferg // Iron
Jen Phelps // KJ
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Joe Murray // Michael Abell
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Baz // Courtney Thompson
Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley
Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor
Drew Burgess // Lips
Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley
TK // Todd Hobbs
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy
Ferg // Iron
Jen Phelps // KJ
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Joe Murray // Michael Abell
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley
Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen
Drew Burgess // Lips
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy
Jen Phelps // KJ
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Drew Burgess // Lips
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Randy Lee // Trent Full
Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine
Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine
Joe Murray // Michael Abell
Ferg // Iron
Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman
TK // Todd Hobbs
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor
Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Baz // Courtney Thompson
Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine
Ferg // Iron
TK // Todd Hobbs
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor
Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Ferg // Iron
Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Jen Phelps // KJ
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy
Ferg // Iron
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley
Cody Richardson // James Heath
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Ferg // Iron
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow
Drew Burgess // Lips
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum
Drew Burgess // Lips
Drew Burgess // Lips
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly


  Randy Lee // Trent Full


  Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly


  Drew Burgess // Lips


  Smitty // Tom Hochbaum


  Ferg // Iron

  Don Maki // Trent Burtlow


  Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley

  Cody Richardson // James Heath


  Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen

  Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole

  Jen Phelps // KJ

  Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy


  Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine

  TK // Todd Hobbs

  Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor

  Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy


  Joe Murray // Michael Abell

  Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman

  Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley

  Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine

  Baz // Courtney Thompson


Randy Lee // Trent Full W vs.
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly L 3 21:29

Elimination Final

Drew Burgess // Lips L vs.
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly W 17:57

Elimination Semi-final

Smitty // Tom Hochbaum L vs.
Drew Burgess // Lips W 16:00

Winners Final

Randy Lee // Trent Full W vs.
Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly L 29:27

Elimination 6

Don Maki // Trent Burtlow L vs.
Drew Burgess // Lips W 17:33

Ferg // Iron L vs.
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum W 24:26

Elimination 5

Cody Richardson // James Heath L vs.
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow W 17:49

Ferg // Iron W vs.
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley L 22:47

Winners Semi-finals

Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly W vs.
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum L 27:38

Randy Lee // Trent Full W vs.
Drew Burgess // Lips L 23:32

Elimination 4

Cody Richardson // James Heath W vs.
Jen Phelps // KJ L 23:57

Don Maki // Trent Burtlow W vs.
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy L 25:51

Ferg // Iron W vs.
Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen L 33:22

Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole L vs.
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley W 30:21

Elimination 3

Cody Richardson // James Heath W vs.
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor L 17:56

Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy L vs.
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow W 19:30

Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine L vs.
Ferg // Iron W 29:49

TK // Todd Hobbs L vs.
Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole W 28:40

Winners 2

Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly W vs.
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy L 21:32

Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen L vs.
Drew Burgess // Lips W 16:47

Jen Phelps // KJ L vs.
Smitty // Tom Hochbaum W 26:42

Randy Lee // Trent Full W vs.
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley L 20:08

Elimination 2

Cody Richardson // James Heath W vs.
Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine L 16:46

Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman L vs.
TK // Todd Hobbs W 20:03

Don Maki // Trent Burtlow W vs.
Baz // Courtney Thompson L 17:03

Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine W vs.
Joe Murray // Michael Abell L 26:49

Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole W vs.
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley L 18:25

Winners 1

Dan Olson // Shaun Kelly W vs.
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley L 18:53

Drew Burgess // Lips W vs.
Nadeen Vergo // Rusty Gallentine L 22:05

Ferg // Iron L vs.
Jen Phelps // KJ W 17:10

Gonzo // Tami Christoffersen W vs.
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor L 26:59

Jason Heath // Melissa Reedy L vs.
Bill Metzen // Katrina Pasley W 29:40

Randy Lee // Trent Full W vs.
Baz // Courtney Thompson L 17:10

Smitty // Tom Hochbaum W vs.
Joe Murray // Michael Abell L 21:26

TK // Todd Hobbs L vs.
Joe Kirk // Tom Reedy W 17:51

Round 1

Cody Richardson // James Heath L vs.
Dave Schrock // Tyler Nalley W 26:30

Daphne Gallentine // Ethan Sassaman L vs.
Bobby Loomis // Brittney Taylor W 23:12

Jen Morrison // Mikki Jo Perrine L vs.
Baz // Courtney Thompson W 27:27

Keegan Wellman // Vanessa Emmole L vs.
Drew Burgess // Lips W 22:41

Smitty // Tom Hochbaum W vs.
Don Maki // Trent Burtlow L 26:10

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20