Wednesday Flip Off 4/17/19

Updated 3:43pm



Surf Champ

Lauren Aquino x

Sean Irby

Scared Stiff

Todd Larsen

Heather Loudon x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Flash Haze

Lucas Arias x

Bad Cats

Steph Hanlon x

Skye Fleming

The Addams Family

Adrian Pavel x

Clayton Stetz

Attack From Mars

Johnny Hill x

Tim Tournay

White Water

Jake Hei x

Neil Oney

Eight Ball Deluxe

Alan Wiley x

Sergey Posrednikov

The Game Show

Matt Golden x

James Frost-Winn

Royal Rumble

Brandon Adkins x

Illirik Smirnov


Geoff Simons x

Molly Ryan

Monster Bash

Jared Baldridge

Ro Chelle x

Batman 66

Stanlo Slasinski x

John Robinson WA


Tim McCool

Emily Gibian x

Raymond Davidson

Medieval Madness

Illirik Smirnov

Clayton Stetz x

Batman 66

Flash Haze x

Molly Ryan

Royal Rumble

Todd Larsen

Raymond Davidson x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

James Frost-Winn x

John Robinson WA

Iron Maiden

Jared Baldridge x

Tim Tournay

Bad Cats

Tim McCool

Sergey Posrednikov x

The Game Show

Neil Oney x

Skye Fleming


Adrian Pavel xx

Heather Loudon x

The Addams Family

Lauren Aquino xx

Steph Hanlon x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Ro Chelle xx

Johnny Hill x


Matt Golden xx

Jake Hei x

Surf Champ

Geoff Simons xx

Emily Gibian x

White Water

Lucas Arias x

Stanlo Slasinski xx


Brandon Adkins xx

Alan Wiley x

Sean Irby


Tim Tournay

Todd Larsen x

Indiana Jones

John Robinson WA x

Tim McCool


Illirik Smirnov x

Sean Irby

The Addams Family

Skye Fleming

Molly Ryan x

Royal Rumble

Jake Hei x

Lucas Arias xx

Surf Champ

Jared Baldridge x

James Frost-Winn xx

Scared Stiff

Raymond Davidson x

Clayton Stetz xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Heather Loudon x

Johnny Hill xx


Neil Oney x

Sergey Posrednikov xx


Flash Haze x

Alan Wiley xx

White Water

Emily Gibian x

Steph Hanlon xx

Attack From Mars

Brandon Adkins xx

Ro Chelle xxx

Medieval Madness

Lauren Aquino xxx

Geoff Simons xx

World Cup Soccer

Matt Golden xxx

Adrian Pavel xx

Stanlo Slasinski xx

World Cup Soccer

Tim McCool x

Tim Tournay

Scared Stiff

Skye Fleming x

Sean Irby

Indiana Jones

Neil Oney x

Heather Loudon xx


Jake Hei xx

Raymond Davidson x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Todd Larsen xx

Illirik Smirnov x

Medieval Madness

John Robinson WA x

Jared Baldridge xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Emily Gibian xx

Flash Haze x


Molly Ryan xx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

The Addams Family

Geoff Simons xxx

Lucas Arias xx

White Water

Johnny Hill xxx

Alan Wiley xx

The Game Show

Stanlo Slasinski xxx

Steph Hanlon xx

Iron Maiden

Brandon Adkins xx

Adrian Pavel xxx

Attack From Mars

James Frost-Winn xxx

Clayton Stetz xx

Indiana Jones

Sean Irby

Tim Tournay x


Flash Haze xx

Tim McCool x


Illirik Smirnov xx

Raymond Davidson x


Skye Fleming xx

John Robinson WA x

Monster Bash

Neil Oney xx

Emily Gibian xx

Medieval Madness

Molly Ryan xxx

Steph Hanlon xx

Surf Champ

Jake Hei xxx

Alan Wiley xx

Royal Rumble

Jared Baldridge xxx

Clayton Stetz xx

Judge Dredd

Todd Larsen xx

Lucas Arias xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Brandon Adkins xxx

Heather Loudon xx

Iron Maiden

Sean Irby

Tim McCool xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Raymond Davidson x

Tim Tournay xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

John Robinson WA xx

Emily Gibian xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Clayton Stetz xxx

Alan Wiley xx


Heather Loudon xx

Skye Fleming xxx

Attack From Mars

Illirik Smirnov xxx

Steph Hanlon xx

Medieval Madness

Todd Larsen xx

Neil Oney xxx

Monster Bash

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Flash Haze xxx


Sean Irby x

Raymond Davidson x

The Game Show

Alan Wiley xxx

Tim McCool xx

World Cup Soccer

Heather Loudon xx

Sergey Posrednikov xxx

Royal Rumble

Tim Tournay xx

John Robinson WA xxx

Iron Maiden

Todd Larsen xx

Steph Hanlon xxx

Emily Gibian xx

The Game Show

Sean Irby x

Raymond Davidson xx

Batman 66

Todd Larsen xx

Tim McCool xxx


Emily Gibian xxx

Heather Loudon xx

Tim Tournay xx

Monster Bash

Sean Irby x

Heather Loudon xxx

Surf Champ

Tim Tournay xxx

Raymond Davidson xx

Todd Larsen xx

White Water

Sean Irby x

Todd Larsen xxx

Raymond Davidson xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Sean Irby xx

Raymond Davidson xx

Attack From Mars

Sean Irby xxx

Raymond Davidson xx

Raymond Davidson xx

Round 12

Sean Irby L vs.
Raymond Davidson W Attack From Mars 23:05

Round 11

Sean Irby L vs.
Raymond Davidson W Nitro Ground Shaker 09:02

Round 10

Sean Irby W vs.
Todd Larsen L White Water 25:35

Round 9

Sean Irby W vs.
Heather Loudon L Monster Bash 10:20

Tim Tournay L vs.
Raymond Davidson W Surf Champ 08:04

Round 8

Emily Gibian L vs.
Heather Loudon W Dragonfist 10:45

Sean Irby W vs.
Raymond Davidson L The Game Show 21:36

Todd Larsen W vs.
Tim McCool L Batman 66 14:05

Round 7

Alan Wiley L vs.
Tim McCool W The Game Show 13:19

Heather Loudon W vs.
Sergey Posrednikov L World Cup Soccer 10:31

Sean Irby L vs.
Raymond Davidson W Fathom 13:42

Tim Tournay W vs.
John Robinson WA L Royal Rumble 11:22

Todd Larsen W vs.
Steph Hanlon L Iron Maiden 12:48

Round 6

Clayton Stetz L vs.
Alan Wiley W Guardians Of The Galaxy 13:13

Heather Loudon W vs.
Skye Fleming L AC⚡️DC 14:39

Illirik Smirnov L vs.
Steph Hanlon W Attack From Mars 04:47

John Robinson WA L vs.
Emily Gibian W Nitro Ground Shaker 12:37

Raymond Davidson W vs.
Tim Tournay L Eight Ball Deluxe 10:28

Sean Irby W vs.
Tim McCool L Iron Maiden 26:42

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Flash Haze L Monster Bash 15:58

Todd Larsen W vs.
Neil Oney L Medieval Madness 21:57

Round 5

Flash Haze L vs.
Tim McCool W JackBot 18:17

Illirik Smirnov L vs.
Raymond Davidson W Dragonfist 09:00

Jake Hei L vs.
Alan Wiley W Surf Champ 10:48

Jared Baldridge L vs.
Clayton Stetz W Royal Rumble 12:57

Molly Ryan L vs.
Steph Hanlon W Medieval Madness 20:18

Neil Oney L vs.
Emily Gibian W Monster Bash 08:04

Sean Irby W vs.
Tim Tournay L Indiana Jones 10:06

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Brandon Adkins L Nitro Ground Shaker 15:31

Skye Fleming L vs.
John Robinson WA W Fathom 15:24

Todd Larsen W vs.
Lucas Arias L Judge Dredd 20:07

Round 4

Brandon Adkins W vs.
Adrian Pavel L Iron Maiden 09:38

Emily Gibian L vs.
Flash Haze W Eight Ball Deluxe 17:46

Geoff Simons L vs.
Lucas Arias W The Addams Family 10:02

Jake Hei L vs.
Raymond Davidson W JackBot 28:20

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Clayton Stetz W Attack From Mars 29:02

John Robinson WA W vs.
Jared Baldridge L Medieval Madness 15:34

Johnny Hill L vs.
Alan Wiley W White Water 13:09

Molly Ryan L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Dragonfist 28:34

Neil Oney W vs.
Heather Loudon L Indiana Jones 13:45

Skye Fleming L vs.
Sean Irby W Scared Stiff 16:05

Stanlo Slasinski L vs.
Steph Hanlon W The Game Show 12:58

Tim McCool L vs.
Tim Tournay W World Cup Soccer 20:20

Todd Larsen L vs.
Illirik Smirnov W Nitro Ground Shaker 07:39

Round 3

Brandon Adkins W vs.
Ro Chelle L Attack From Mars 11:28

Emily Gibian W vs.
Steph Hanlon L White Water 14:25

Flash Haze W vs.
Alan Wiley L Dragonfist 08:01

Heather Loudon W vs.
Johnny Hill L Nitro Ground Shaker 09:36

Illirik Smirnov L vs.
Sean Irby W AC⚡️DC 15:10

Jake Hei W vs.
Lucas Arias L Royal Rumble 21:22

Jared Baldridge W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Surf Champ 12:04

John Robinson WA L vs.
Tim McCool W Indiana Jones 23:51

Lauren Aquino L vs.
Geoff Simons W Medieval Madness 13:53

Matt Golden L vs.
Adrian Pavel W World Cup Soccer 09:55

Neil Oney W vs.
Sergey Posrednikov L Fathom 09:21

Raymond Davidson W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Scared Stiff 12:19

Skye Fleming W vs.
Molly Ryan L The Addams Family 17:12

Tim Tournay W vs.
Todd Larsen L JackBot 18:21

Round 2

Adrian Pavel L vs.
Heather Loudon W Fathom 08:02

Brandon Adkins L vs.
Alan Wiley W JackBot 12:59

Flash Haze L vs.
Molly Ryan W Batman 66 09:12

Geoff Simons L vs.
Emily Gibian W Surf Champ 09:06

Illirik Smirnov W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Medieval Madness 11:27

James Frost-Winn L vs.
John Robinson WA W Guardians Of The Galaxy 23:29

Jared Baldridge L vs.
Tim Tournay W Iron Maiden 16:53

Lauren Aquino L vs.
Steph Hanlon W The Addams Family 07:02

Lucas Arias W vs.
Stanlo Slasinski L White Water 11:49

Matt Golden L vs.
Jake Hei W Dragonfist 11:22

Neil Oney L vs.
Skye Fleming W The Game Show 14:53

Ro Chelle L vs.
Johnny Hill W Eight Ball Deluxe 17:36

Tim McCool W vs.
Sergey Posrednikov L Bad Cats 10:05

Todd Larsen W vs.
Raymond Davidson L Royal Rumble 11:38

Round 1

Adrian Pavel L vs.
Clayton Stetz W The Addams Family 11:49

Alan Wiley L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Eight Ball Deluxe 23:01

Brandon Adkins L vs.
Illirik Smirnov W Royal Rumble 08:41

Flash Haze W vs.
Lucas Arias L Guardians Of The Galaxy 27:42

Geoff Simons L vs.
Molly Ryan W JackBot 09:49

Jake Hei L vs.
Neil Oney W White Water 25:56

Jared Baldridge W vs.
Ro Chelle L Monster Bash 27:32

Johnny Hill L vs.
Tim Tournay W Attack From Mars 26:38

Lauren Aquino L vs.
Sean Irby W Surf Champ 10:19

Matt Golden L vs.
James Frost-Winn W The Game Show 12:39

Stanlo Slasinski L vs.
John Robinson WA W Batman 66 21:49

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Skye Fleming W Bad Cats 06:26

Tim McCool W vs.
Emily Gibian L Fathom 13:33

Todd Larsen W vs.
Heather Loudon L Scared Stiff 21:09

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20