FCP Scoreboard 10/22/2019

Updated 3:46pm




William "Hypebeast" Kerney

Erik "World Series" Graciosa x

The Beatles

Derek Muertos x

James "COW" Adamson


Connor Stowe

Elizabeth Gerth x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Dana Valatka

Monica Pedraza x

Party Zone

Daniel "Party" Rone

Dylan Reiff x

Time Warp

Andrew Van Roekel x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX


Tyda Chhaysy

Mathew Peterson x

The Flintstones

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob x

Whitney Fentress


Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

Esther Ahronheim x

Party Zone

Melissa Hartman

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

David Morell x

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel


Ryan Scarbery x

Chad Sulloway

The Beatles

Heather Stevenson OR x

Aaron Hand

Time Warp

Rick French x

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff


John Gimera

Lexi Whittemore x

The Sopranos

Jonathan Illig x

Edmund Nash


Alex Miel

Sean Daly x


Traci Nutter x

Matt Fentress

Attack From Mars

Dawnda Durbin x

Nicolette Biskamp

Tis Lais


Aaron Hand

Chad Sulloway x

The Flintstones

Tyda Chhaysy x

Matt Fentress


Melissa Hartman x

Connor Stowe

The Beatles

Edmund Nash x

John Gimera

The Beatles

Dana Valatka

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff x

Party Zone

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

Time Warp

James "COW" Adamson x

Nicolette Biskamp


Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel

Whitney Fentress x


Daniel "Party" Rone x

Tis Lais

The Sopranos

Alex Miel x

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin


Jonathan Illig x

Mathew Peterson xx

The Sopranos

Dylan Reiff x

Elizabeth Gerth xx

Party Zone

Dawnda Durbin xx

Esther Ahronheim x

Attack From Mars

Ryan Scarbery xx

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob x

Attack From Mars

Erik "World Series" Graciosa xx

Monica Pedraza x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Lexi Whittemore x

Derek Muertos xx


Heather Stevenson OR xx

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt x


Traci Nutter xx

Rick French x


Andrew Van Roekel xx

David Morell x

Sean Daly x

Time Warp

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel x

Party Zone

Matt Fentress x

Nicolette Biskamp


Connor Stowe x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

The Flintstones

Dana Valatka x

Tis Lais


Aaron Hand x

John Gimera

Attack From Mars

Daniel "Party" Rone xx

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x


Tyda Chhaysy x

Edmund Nash xx


Dylan Reiff xx

Lexi Whittemore x

The Beatles

Chad Sulloway x

Monica Pedraza xx


Jonathan Illig x

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob xx

The Sopranos

James "COW" Adamson x

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xx

Attack From Mars

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt xx

David Morell x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Esther Ahronheim xx

Sean Daly x


Alex Miel xx

Whitney Fentress x

The Beatles

Melissa Hartman x

Rick French xx


Traci Nutter xx

Derek Muertos xxx

Time Warp

Heather Stevenson OR xx

Ryan Scarbery xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Elizabeth Gerth xx

Erik "World Series" Graciosa xxx

The Sopranos

Mathew Peterson xx

Andrew Van Roekel xxx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Attack From Mars

Tis Lais x

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX

Nicolette Biskamp x


John Gimera x

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel x

The Beatles

Whitney Fentress xx

Lexi Whittemore x

The Sopranos

Matt Fentress xx

Dana Valatka x


James "COW" Adamson x

Aaron Hand xx

Attack From Mars

Sean Daly x

Melissa Hartman xx


Tyda Chhaysy x

Chad Sulloway xx

Party Zone

Jonathan Illig xx

David Morell x

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Connor Stowe x

Dawnda Durbin xxx


Daniel "Party" Rone xx

Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff xxx

The Flintstones

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt xx

Rick French xxx

The Beatles

Alex Miel xx

Traci Nutter xxx


Heather Stevenson OR xx

Elizabeth Gerth xxx

Time Warp

Monica Pedraza xxx

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob xx


Edmund Nash xx

Mathew Peterson xxx


Esther Ahronheim xxx

Dylan Reiff xx

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

The Beatles

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

Party Zone

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

Tyda Chhaysy xx

Party Zone

Connor Stowe xx

Dana Valatka x


Lexi Whittemore x

Nicolette Biskamp xx

The Sopranos

Sean Daly x

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel xx

Time Warp

Tis Lais x

John Gimera xx


James "COW" Adamson x

Jonathan Illig xxx

Attack From Mars

Whitney Fentress xx

Matt Fentress xxx


Edmund Nash xxx

Chad Sulloway xx


Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt xx

Daniel "Party" Rone xxx


Aaron Hand xx

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Heather Stevenson OR xxx

Dylan Reiff xx

The Flintstones

Alex Miel xx

Melissa Hartman xxx

David Morell x

The Flintstones

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

Sean Daly xx


Tis Lais x

Lexi Whittemore xx

Time Warp

David Morell x

Dana Valatka xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

William "Hypebeast" Kerney x

James "COW" Adamson xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Dylan Reiff xxx


Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt xxx

Whitney Fentress xx

Attack From Mars

Connor Stowe xx

Aaron Hand xxx

The Sopranos

Chad Sulloway xx

Nicolette Biskamp xxx


Tyda Chhaysy xxx

John Gimera xx

Party Zone

Alex Miel xx

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel xxx


Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin

William "Hypebeast" Kerney xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Tis Lais xx

The Beatles

David Morell xx

Sean Daly xx

Party Zone

Chad Sulloway xxx

Whitney Fentress xx


Dana Valatka xx

James "COW" Adamson xxx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

John Gimera xxx

Alex Miel xx


Lexi Whittemore xx

Connor Stowe xxx


Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin x

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x


Whitney Fentress xx

Dana Valatka xxx

Time Warp

Lexi Whittemore xxx

Sean Daly xx

The Beatles

Tis Lais xx

William "Hypebeast" Kerney xxx


David Morell xx

Alex Miel xxx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin x

Party Zone

Sean Daly xxx

Tis Lais xx

The Sopranos

Whitney Fentress xxx

David Morell xx

Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin xx

David Morell xx

The Sopranos

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx

Tis Lais xxx

The Flintstones

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin xxx

David Morell xx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xxx

David Morell xx

David Morell xx

Round 12

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
David Morell W Batman 07:33

Round 11

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin L vs.
David Morell W The Flintstones 08:21

Round 10

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin L vs.
David Morell W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 16:04

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Tis Lais L The Sopranos 15:57

Round 9

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W Whirlwind 19:39

Sean Daly L vs.
Tis Lais W Party Zone 06:34

Whitney Fentress L vs.
David Morell W The Sopranos 13:26

Round 8

David Morell W vs.
Alex Miel L Whirlwind 13:17

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Rollergames 14:00

Lexi Whittemore L vs.
Sean Daly W Time Warp 13:25

Tis Lais W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L The Beatles 09:10

Whitney Fentress W vs.
Dana Valatka L Deadpool 08:40

Round 7

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Whitney Fentress W Party Zone 16:34

Dana Valatka W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Rollergames 12:04

David Morell L vs.
Sean Daly W The Beatles 08:39

John Gimera L vs.
Alex Miel W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:11

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney L Batman 12:52

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Connor Stowe L Deadpool 09:33

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Tis Lais L Whirlwind 08:13

Round 6

Alex Miel W vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel L Party Zone 10:11

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt L vs.
Whitney Fentress W Batman 07:35

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L The Sopranos 12:40

Connor Stowe W vs.
Aaron Hand L Attack From Mars 05:13

David Morell W vs.
Dana Valatka L Time Warp 11:44

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W vs.
Sean Daly L The Flintstones 14:14

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Dylan Reiff L Deadpool 07:46

Tis Lais W vs.
Lexi Whittemore L Rollergames 07:17

Tyda Chhaysy L vs.
John Gimera W Whirlwind 12:16

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 13:32

Round 5

Aaron Hand W vs.
Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob L Deadpool 08:21

Alex Miel W vs.
Melissa Hartman L The Flintstones 10:28

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt W vs.
Daniel "Party" Rone L Rollergames 10:15

Connor Stowe L vs.
Dana Valatka W Party Zone 06:37

Edmund Nash L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Metallica 11:08

Heather Stevenson OR L vs.
Dylan Reiff W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 10:09

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Jonathan Illig L Batman 20:47

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Whirlwind 13:31

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W The Beatles 11:40

Sean Daly W vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel L The Sopranos 15:44

Tis Lais W vs.
John Gimera L Time Warp 08:06

Whitney Fentress W vs.
Matt Fentress L Attack From Mars 10:04

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
Tyda Chhaysy L Party Zone 07:12

Round 4

Alex Miel W vs.
Traci Nutter L The Beatles 00:22

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt W vs.
Rick French L The Flintstones 10:17

Connor Stowe W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 05:23

Daniel "Party" Rone W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L Deadpool 22:22

Edmund Nash W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Rollergames 07:07

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Dylan Reiff W Whirlwind 07:20

Heather Stevenson OR W vs.
Elizabeth Gerth L Whirlwind 05:03

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Aaron Hand L Metallica 13:04

John Gimera L vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel W Rollergames 09:56

Jonathan Illig L vs.
David Morell W Party Zone 11:58

Matt Fentress L vs.
Dana Valatka W The Sopranos 09:28

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Nicolette Biskamp L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:09

Monica Pedraza L vs.
Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob W Time Warp 09:54

Sean Daly W vs.
Melissa Hartman L Attack From Mars 07:38

Tis Lais L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W Attack From Mars 06:03

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Batman 08:36

Whitney Fentress L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W The Beatles 08:31

Round 3

Aaron Hand L vs.
John Gimera W Deadpool 10:10

Alex Miel L vs.
Whitney Fentress W Metallica 09:53

Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt L vs.
David Morell W Attack From Mars 08:24

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Monica Pedraza L The Beatles 08:00

Connor Stowe L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Metallica 06:43

Dana Valatka L vs.
Tis Lais W The Flintstones 17:08

Daniel "Party" Rone L vs.
William "Hypebeast" Kerney W Attack From Mars 09:47

Dylan Reiff L vs.
Lexi Whittemore W Batman 12:30

Elizabeth Gerth W vs.
Erik "World Series" Graciosa L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:46

Esther Ahronheim L vs.
Sean Daly W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 08:45

Heather Stevenson OR W vs.
Ryan Scarbery L Time Warp 10:02

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L The Sopranos 09:30

Jonathan Illig W vs.
Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob L Whirlwind 10:50

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel L Time Warp 12:11

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Andrew Van Roekel L The Sopranos 17:53

Matt Fentress L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Party Zone 12:42

Melissa Hartman W vs.
Rick French L The Beatles 08:31

Traci Nutter W vs.
Derek Muertos L Rollergames 17:15

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Edmund Nash L Deadpool 08:34

Round 2

Aaron Hand W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Rollergames 08:21

Alex Miel L vs.
Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W The Sopranos 11:10

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
David Morell W Rollergames 10:07

Dana Valatka W vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff L The Beatles 10:34

Daniel "Party" Rone L vs.
Tis Lais W Batman 20:53

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Esther Ahronheim W Party Zone 10:27

Dylan Reiff W vs.
Elizabeth Gerth L The Sopranos 07:12

Edmund Nash L vs.
John Gimera W The Beatles 10:44

Erik "World Series" Graciosa L vs.
Monica Pedraza W Attack From Mars 04:17

Heather Stevenson OR L vs.
Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt W Metallica 08:06

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Time Warp 11:47

Jonathan Illig W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Deadpool 19:08

Lexi Whittemore W vs.
Derek Muertos L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 12:00

Melissa Hartman L vs.
Connor Stowe W Whirlwind 13:25

Ryan Scarbery L vs.
Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob W Attack From Mars 07:55

Traci Nutter L vs.
Rick French W Metallica 10:46

Tyda Chhaysy L vs.
Matt Fentress W The Flintstones 11:54

William "Hypebeast" Kerney L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Party Zone 08:17

Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel W vs.
Whitney Fentress L Whirlwind 08:20

Round 1

Alex Miel W vs.
Sean Daly L Batman 10:06

Andrew Van Roekel L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Time Warp 07:15

Connor Stowe W vs.
Elizabeth Gerth L Rollergames 11:19

Dana Valatka W vs.
Monica Pedraza L Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 18:42

Daniel "Party" Rone W vs.
Dylan Reiff L Party Zone 08:47

David Morell L vs.
Zoe "Lega-Z Of The Beast" Vrabel W Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 09:48

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Nicolette Biskamp W Attack From Mars 11:30

Derek Muertos L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W The Beatles 06:22

Heather Stevenson OR L vs.
Aaron Hand W The Beatles 10:51

John Gimera W vs.
Lexi Whittemore L Metallica 15:15

Jon "Jon Jacob" Jacob L vs.
Whitney Fentress W The Flintstones 13:45

Jonathan Illig L vs.
Edmund Nash W The Sopranos 11:54

Ken "Media Ken-Sation" Martin W vs.
Esther Ahronheim L Deadpool 14:35

Melissa Hartman W vs.
Brianne "Brivenge From Mars" Hunt L Party Zone 06:53

Rick French L vs.
Kane "HurriKane" MacAniff W Time Warp 14:32

Ryan Scarbery L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Deadpool 09:04

Traci Nutter L vs.
Matt Fentress W Batman 08:28

Tyda Chhaysy W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Metallica 07:44

William "Hypebeast" Kerney W vs.
Erik "World Series" Graciosa L Whirlwind 23:24

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20