Buffalo Pinball Sept. Selfie Finals

Updated 8:39am




Dave Romanowski (5) x

Dave Koniwczka (13)


Jeff Becker (8) x

Jeffrey Wirth (10)

Nitro Groundshaker

Kevin Manne (12)

Philip Tomczak (2) x

Walking Dead

Summer Galarneau (11)

Gretchen Kamke (14) x


Steve Toth (3)

Greg Lapa (1) x

Gilligans Island

Nick James (7)

Jay Fairbrother (16) x


Nick Lane (6)

Bret Wallace (4) x

Terminator 2

Martha Donovan (15)

Jeff Teolis (9) x

World Cup Soccer

Jeffrey Wirth (10) x

Nick James (7)


Kevin Manne (12)

Summer Galarneau (11) x

Star Trek Next Gen

Dave Koniwczka (13) x

Nick Lane (6)

South Park

Martha Donovan (15)

Steve Toth (3) x


Bret Wallace (4) x

Dave Romanowski (5) xx

Big Buck Hunter

Jeff Teolis (9) xx

Jay Fairbrother (16) x

Game Of Thrones

Philip Tomczak (2) x

Greg Lapa (1) xx


Gretchen Kamke (14) x

Jeff Becker (8) xx

Space Shuttle

Nick James (7)

Kevin Manne (12) x

Ghostbusters Premium

Nick Lane (6)

Martha Donovan (15) x

South Park

Bret Wallace (4) x

Summer Galarneau (11) xx


Steve Toth (3) x

Gretchen Kamke (14) xx

Big Buck Hunter

Jeffrey Wirth (10) x

Dave Koniwczka (13) xx

World Cup Soccer

Philip Tomczak (2) x

Jay Fairbrother (16) xx

No Good Gofers

Dave Romanowski (5) xx

Greg Lapa (1) xxx

Fireball Classic

Jeff Teolis (9) xx

Jeff Becker (8) xxx


Nick James (7) x

Nick Lane (6)

Walking Dead

Steve Toth (3) xx

Bret Wallace (4) x


Martha Donovan (15) xx

Philip Tomczak (2) x

South Park

Kevin Manne (12) xx

Jeffrey Wirth (10) x


Dave Koniwczka (13) xxx

Jeff Teolis (9) xx


Jay Fairbrother (16) xx

Summer Galarneau (11) xxx

No Fear

Dave Romanowski (5) xxx

Gretchen Kamke (14) xx

Walking Dead

Nick Lane (6) x

Jeffrey Wirth (10) x


Philip Tomczak (2) xx

Nick James (7) x

Game Of Thrones

Bret Wallace (4) xx

Martha Donovan (15) xx

Star Trek

Jay Fairbrother (16) xx

Gretchen Kamke (14) xxx


Kevin Manne (12) xx

Jeff Teolis (9) xxx

Steve Toth (3) xx

South Park

Nick James (7) x

Nick Lane (6) xx


Jeffrey Wirth (10) xx

Bret Wallace (4) xx


Steve Toth (3) xx

Philip Tomczak (2) xxx

Nitro Groundshaker

Jay Fairbrother (16) xx

Martha Donovan (15) xxx

Kevin Manne (12) xx


Nick James (7) xx

Steve Toth (3) xx

Judge Dredd

Jeffrey Wirth (10) xxx

Jay Fairbrother (16) xx


Nick Lane (6) xxx

Kevin Manne (12) xx

Bret Wallace (4) xx

Ghostbusters Premium

Bret Wallace (4) xx

Nick James (7) xxx

Iron Man

Kevin Manne (12) xx

Steve Toth (3) xxx

Jay Fairbrother (16) xx

No Fear

Jay Fairbrother (16) xxx

Bret Wallace (4) xx

Kevin Manne (12) xx


Kevin Manne (12) xx

Bret Wallace (4) xxx

Kevin Manne (12) xx

Round 10

Kevin Manne (12) W vs.
Bret Wallace (4) L Avengers 13:24

Round 9

Jay Fairbrother (16) L vs.
Bret Wallace (4) W No Fear 06:22

Round 8

Bret Wallace (4) W vs.
Nick James (7) L Ghostbusters Premium 11:41

Kevin Manne (12) W vs.
Steve Toth (3) L Iron Man 09:18

Round 7

Jeffrey Wirth (10) L vs.
Jay Fairbrother (16) W Judge Dredd 06:54

Nick James (7) L vs.
Steve Toth (3) W Centaur 06:55

Nick Lane (6) L vs.
Kevin Manne (12) W Wrestlemania 10:59

Round 6

Jay Fairbrother (16) W vs.
Martha Donovan (15) L Nitro Groundshaker 06:01

Jeffrey Wirth (10) L vs.
Bret Wallace (4) W Goldeneye 07:43

Nick James (7) W vs.
Nick Lane (6) L South Park 16:21

Steve Toth (3) W vs.
Philip Tomczak (2) L Nascar 17:43

Round 5

Bret Wallace (4) L vs.
Martha Donovan (15) W Game Of Thrones 08:01

Jay Fairbrother (16) W vs.
Gretchen Kamke (14) L Star Trek 10:51

Kevin Manne (12) W vs.
Jeff Teolis (9) L Mustang 40:10

Nick Lane (6) L vs.
Jeffrey Wirth (10) W Walking Dead 07:12

Philip Tomczak (2) L vs.
Nick James (7) W Breakshot 15:03

Round 4

Dave Koniwczka (13) L vs.
Jeff Teolis (9) W Sorcerer 08:37

Dave Romanowski (5) L vs.
Gretchen Kamke (14) W No Fear 07:38

Jay Fairbrother (16) W vs.
Summer Galarneau (11) L Tron 09:00

Kevin Manne (12) L vs.
Jeffrey Wirth (10) W South Park 13:42

Martha Donovan (15) L vs.
Philip Tomczak (2) W Avengers 07:05

Nick James (7) L vs.
Nick Lane (6) W Kiss 09:11

Steve Toth (3) L vs.
Bret Wallace (4) W Walking Dead 10:49

Round 3

Bret Wallace (4) W vs.
Summer Galarneau (11) L South Park 09:33

Dave Romanowski (5) W vs.
Greg Lapa (1) L No Good Gofers 06:32

Jeff Teolis (9) W vs.
Jeff Becker (8) L Fireball Classic 05:14

Jeffrey Wirth (10) W vs.
Dave Koniwczka (13) L Big Buck Hunter 08:53

Nick James (7) W vs.
Kevin Manne (12) L Space Shuttle 06:28

Nick Lane (6) W vs.
Martha Donovan (15) L Ghostbusters Premium 14:30

Philip Tomczak (2) W vs.
Jay Fairbrother (16) L World Cup Soccer 05:09

Steve Toth (3) W vs.
Gretchen Kamke (14) L Avengers 05:53

Round 2

Bret Wallace (4) W vs.
Dave Romanowski (5) L Metallica 11:16

Dave Koniwczka (13) L vs.
Nick Lane (6) W Star Trek Next Gen 09:48

Gretchen Kamke (14) W vs.
Jeff Becker (8) L Spiderman 12:01

Jeff Teolis (9) L vs.
Jay Fairbrother (16) W Big Buck Hunter 12:48

Jeffrey Wirth (10) L vs.
Nick James (7) W World Cup Soccer 10:40

Kevin Manne (12) W vs.
Summer Galarneau (11) L Breakshot 06:15

Martha Donovan (15) W vs.
Steve Toth (3) L South Park 05:22

Philip Tomczak (2) W vs.
Greg Lapa (1) L Game Of Thrones 10:06

Round 1

Dave Romanowski (5) L vs.
Dave Koniwczka (13) W Avengers 08:59

Jeff Becker (8) L vs.
Jeffrey Wirth (10) W Tron 09:20

Kevin Manne (12) W vs.
Philip Tomczak (2) L Nitro Groundshaker 07:14

Martha Donovan (15) W vs.
Jeff Teolis (9) L Terminator 2 05:41

Nick James (7) W vs.
Jay Fairbrother (16) L Gilligans Island 09:36

Nick Lane (6) W vs.
Bret Wallace (4) L Spiderman 13:14

Steve Toth (3) W vs.
Greg Lapa (1) L Metallica 12:31

Summer Galarneau (11) W vs.
Gretchen Kamke (14) L Walking Dead 06:13

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20