Babes In Pinlamd 6/1/23

Updated 7:11pm



Nitro Ground Shaker

Lydia Snapp x



Emily Duewiger x

Amber Roy


Chelsie Hulka

Erin Malysa x


Shelby Ostergard x

Marin Alexander


Mika Rollin

Annaliza Mariscal x


Rachel Jarvis x

Hannah Brand

Medieval Madness

Shirley Recinos x

Claire Burke

The Sopranos

Melanie Meyer WA x

Chloe LeGrow

Black Knight

Jane Verwys

Lina Mooney x


Guadalupe Bryan x

Emily Beirne

Dead Pool

Cat Alexander x

Kelsie Sherman-Hall

Indiana Jones

Heather Loudon

Sarah Hager x


Aimee Nedds

Ash Hyatt x

Attack From Mars

Sara Morrison

Liberty Ruderman x


Hannah Hatch x

Liz Brotman


Jess Paquin

Danielle Crowson x

Jurassic Park

Marisa McClintock x

Steph Hanlon

Monster Bash

Anna Neal

Sofia Vargas x

Foo Fighters

Danielle Wilcox

Katie Janis x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Lily Cullee

Alexa Philbeck x


Amber Marie Simon

Nausicaa Warner x

Cactus Canyon

Grace Merrett x

Nikita Lita

Alexis Chura

Medieval Madness

Chloe LeGrow

Hannah Brand x

Cactus Canyon

Mika Rollin

Amber Marie Simon x



Nikita Lita x

The Sopranos

Kelsie Sherman-Hall x

Steph Hanlon

Monster Bash

Heather Loudon x

Jane Verwys


Amber Roy

Lily Cullee x


Aimee Nedds x

Emily Beirne

Foo Fighters

Anna Neal

Chelsie Hulka x


Danielle Wilcox

Claire Burke x

Dead Pool

Jess Paquin

Marin Alexander x

Black Knight

Liz Brotman x

Sara Morrison

Jurassic Park

Alexis Chura x

Alexa Philbeck x


Annaliza Mariscal xx

Grace Merrett x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Erin Malysa xx

Cat Alexander x


Danielle Crowson x

Emily Duewiger xx


Lydia Snapp xx

Ash Hyatt x


Shirley Recinos xx

Katie Janis x

Attack From Mars

Sarah Hager xx

Guadalupe Bryan x


Melanie Meyer WA x

Shelby Ostergard xx

Indiana Jones

Marisa McClintock xx

Hannah Hatch x


Lina Mooney xx

Nausicaa Warner x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Liberty Ruderman xx

Rachel Jarvis x

Sofia Vargas x

Indiana Jones

Jess Paquin

Amber Roy x


Sara Morrison

Emily Beirne x


Steph Hanlon

Nebulosa x


Danielle Wilcox x

Chloe LeGrow


Anna Neal x

Jane Verwys

Monster Bash

Mika Rollin x

Hannah Brand x

Medieval Madness

Aimee Nedds x

Kelsie Sherman-Hall xx

The Sopranos

Lily Cullee xx

Danielle Crowson x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Sofia Vargas xx

Heather Loudon x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Nausicaa Warner x

Grace Merrett xx

Foo Fighters

Cat Alexander xx

Amber Marie Simon x


Alexis Chura xx

Liz Brotman x

Dead Pool

Ash Hyatt xx

Guadalupe Bryan x

Jurassic Park

Claire Burke xx

Melanie Meyer WA x

Black Knight

Katie Janis x

Nikita Lita xx


Alexa Philbeck xx

Marin Alexander x

Dead Pool

Chelsie Hulka x

Rachel Jarvis xx


Hannah Hatch x

Lydia Snapp xxx

Cactus Canyon

Marisa McClintock xxx

Sarah Hager xx


Shirley Recinos xx

Shelby Ostergard xxx

Attack From Mars

Erin Malysa xx

Lina Mooney xxx


Liberty Ruderman xx

Annaliza Mariscal xxx

Emily Duewiger xx


Jess Paquin

Steph Hanlon x

Monster Bash

Chloe LeGrow

Sara Morrison x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Jane Verwys

Melanie Meyer WA xx

Indiana Jones

Danielle Wilcox x

Marin Alexander xx


Mika Rollin xx

Chelsie Hulka x


Nebulosa xx

Hannah Hatch x

Jurassic Park

Danielle Crowson x

Aimee Nedds xx


Heather Loudon xx

Amber Marie Simon x


Katie Janis x

Hannah Brand xx

Foo Fighters

Guadalupe Bryan x

Liz Brotman xx

Medieval Madness

Emily Beirne x

Nausicaa Warner xx

Black Knight

Anna Neal x

Amber Roy xx

Attack From Mars

Nikita Lita xx

Shirley Recinos xxx

Cactus Canyon

Alexis Chura xxx

Liberty Ruderman xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Rachel Jarvis xxx

Kelsie Sherman-Hall xx

The Sopranos

Grace Merrett xxx

Cat Alexander xx


Claire Burke xx

Sarah Hager xxx


Ash Hyatt xxx

Sofia Vargas xx


Alexa Philbeck xx

Erin Malysa xxx

Dead Pool

Lily Cullee xxx

Emily Duewiger xx

Black Knight

Chloe LeGrow x

Jess Paquin

Indiana Jones

Jane Verwys

Guadalupe Bryan xx


Steph Hanlon x

Danielle Wilcox xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Sara Morrison xx

Danielle Crowson x

Attack From Mars

Emily Beirne xx

Chelsie Hulka x

Monster Bash

Amber Marie Simon x

Katie Janis xx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Hannah Hatch x

Anna Neal xx

Cactus Canyon

Heather Loudon xx

Emily Duewiger xxx

Dead Pool

Nausicaa Warner xxx

Nikita Lita xx

Jurassic Park

Cat Alexander xxx

Nebulosa xx


Claire Burke xx

Alexa Philbeck xxx


Liz Brotman xxx

Melanie Meyer WA xx


Kelsie Sherman-Hall xx

Hannah Brand xxx

Medieval Madness

Marin Alexander xxx

Mika Rollin xx

The Sopranos

Liberty Ruderman xx

Aimee Nedds xxx

Foo Fighters

Sofia Vargas xx

Amber Roy xxx


Jess Paquin x

Jane Verwys

Dead Pool

Danielle Crowson x

Amber Marie Simon xx


Chloe LeGrow x

Hannah Hatch xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Steph Hanlon xx

Chelsie Hulka x


Danielle Wilcox xx

Nikita Lita xxx

Cactus Canyon

Katie Janis xxx

Sofia Vargas xx

Foo Fighters

Liberty Ruderman xxx

Emily Beirne xx


Heather Loudon xx

Kelsie Sherman-Hall xxx


Mika Rollin xxx

Anna Neal xx

The Sopranos

Claire Burke xx

Nebulosa xxx


Guadalupe Bryan xxx

Sara Morrison xx

Melanie Meyer WA xx

Cactus Canyon

Jane Verwys x

Chloe LeGrow x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Chelsie Hulka xx

Danielle Crowson x

Foo Fighters

Jess Paquin x

Sara Morrison xxx

Dead Pool

Sofia Vargas xxx

Hannah Hatch xx


Steph Hanlon xxx

Claire Burke xx


Melanie Meyer WA xx

Heather Loudon xxx


Amber Marie Simon xx

Anna Neal xxx

Black Knight

Danielle Wilcox xx

Emily Beirne xxx

Medieval Madness

Jess Paquin xx

Jane Verwys x

Foo Fighters

Chloe LeGrow x

Danielle Crowson xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Amber Marie Simon xx

Claire Burke xxx

Attack From Mars

Melanie Meyer WA xxx

Danielle Wilcox xx

Cactus Canyon

Chelsie Hulka xxx

Hannah Hatch xx

Jurassic Park

Jane Verwys x

Chloe LeGrow xx

Monster Bash

Danielle Crowson xxx

Danielle Wilcox xx

Black Knight

Amber Marie Simon xxx

Hannah Hatch xx

Jess Paquin xx


Jane Verwys xx

Danielle Wilcox xx


Chloe LeGrow xx

Jess Paquin xxx

Hannah Hatch xx


Danielle Wilcox xxx

Chloe LeGrow xx


Jane Verwys xx

Hannah Hatch xxx


Chloe LeGrow xxx

Jane Verwys xx

Jane Verwys xx

Round 12

Chloe LeGrow L vs.
Jane Verwys W Taxi 24:14

Round 11

Danielle Wilcox L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W 007 07:07

Jane Verwys W vs.
Hannah Hatch L Fathom 12:37

Round 10

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Jess Paquin L Godzilla 15:14

Jane Verwys L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Paragon 09:49

Round 9

Amber Marie Simon L vs.
Hannah Hatch W Black Knight 14:16

Danielle Crowson L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Monster Bash 18:16

Jane Verwys W vs.
Chloe LeGrow L Jurassic Park 11:13

Round 8

Amber Marie Simon W vs.
Claire Burke L Eight Ball Deluxe 32:29

Chelsie Hulka L vs.
Hannah Hatch W Cactus Canyon 16:29

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Danielle Crowson L Foo Fighters 12:46

Jess Paquin L vs.
Jane Verwys W Medieval Madness 07:43

Melanie Meyer WA L vs.
Danielle Wilcox W Attack From Mars 14:23

Round 7

Amber Marie Simon W vs.
Anna Neal L Fathom 16:55

Chelsie Hulka L vs.
Danielle Crowson W Nitro Ground Shaker 10:20

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Emily Beirne L Black Knight 25:07

Jane Verwys L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Cactus Canyon 13:05

Jess Paquin W vs.
Sara Morrison L Foo Fighters 09:58

Melanie Meyer WA W vs.
Heather Loudon L Dragonfist 10:40

Sofia Vargas L vs.
Hannah Hatch W Dead Pool 15:44

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Claire Burke W Mandolorian 15:19

Round 6

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Hannah Hatch L Dragonfist 07:58

Claire Burke W vs.
Nebulosa L The Sopranos 16:34

Danielle Crowson W vs.
Amber Marie Simon L Dead Pool 14:58

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Nikita Lita L Godzilla 12:44

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Sara Morrison W 007 18:22

Heather Loudon W vs.
Kelsie Sherman-Hall L Taxi 13:48

Jess Paquin L vs.
Jane Verwys W Radical 12:01

Katie Janis L vs.
Sofia Vargas W Cactus Canyon 11:39

Liberty Ruderman L vs.
Emily Beirne W Foo Fighters 21:35

Mika Rollin L vs.
Anna Neal W Paragon 12:27

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Chelsie Hulka W Eight Ball Deluxe 11:27

Round 5

Amber Marie Simon W vs.
Katie Janis L Monster Bash 14:43

Cat Alexander L vs.
Nebulosa W Jurassic Park 28:36

Chloe LeGrow L vs.
Jess Paquin W Black Knight 15:54

Claire Burke W vs.
Alexa Philbeck L 007 18:18

Emily Beirne L vs.
Chelsie Hulka W Attack From Mars 14:17

Hannah Hatch W vs.
Anna Neal L Nitro Ground Shaker 12:05

Heather Loudon W vs.
Emily Duewiger L Cactus Canyon 14:55

Jane Verwys W vs.
Guadalupe Bryan L Indiana Jones 15:07

Kelsie Sherman-Hall W vs.
Hannah Brand L Fathom 12:58

Liberty Ruderman W vs.
Aimee Nedds L The Sopranos 16:47

Liz Brotman L vs.
Melanie Meyer WA W Godzilla 18:30

Marin Alexander L vs.
Mika Rollin W Medieval Madness 11:02

Nausicaa Warner L vs.
Nikita Lita W Dead Pool 24:54

Sara Morrison L vs.
Danielle Crowson W Eight Ball Deluxe 17:28

Sofia Vargas W vs.
Amber Roy L Foo Fighters 09:10

Steph Hanlon W vs.
Danielle Wilcox L Dragonfist 13:44

Round 4

Alexa Philbeck W vs.
Erin Malysa L Radical 24:50

Alexis Chura L vs.
Liberty Ruderman W Cactus Canyon 17:09

Anna Neal W vs.
Amber Roy L Black Knight 17:34

Ash Hyatt L vs.
Sofia Vargas W Taxi 12:00

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Sara Morrison L Monster Bash 09:53

Claire Burke W vs.
Sarah Hager L Dragonfist 22:35

Danielle Crowson W vs.
Aimee Nedds L Jurassic Park 18:07

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Marin Alexander L Indiana Jones 17:22

Emily Beirne W vs.
Nausicaa Warner L Medieval Madness 05:45

Grace Merrett L vs.
Cat Alexander W The Sopranos 19:09

Guadalupe Bryan W vs.
Liz Brotman L Foo Fighters 13:22

Heather Loudon L vs.
Amber Marie Simon W Godzilla 22:48

Jane Verwys W vs.
Melanie Meyer WA L Nitro Ground Shaker 13:28

Jess Paquin W vs.
Steph Hanlon L 007 14:23

Katie Janis W vs.
Hannah Brand L Mandolorian 24:03

Lily Cullee L vs.
Emily Duewiger W Dead Pool 11:27

Mika Rollin L vs.
Chelsie Hulka W Fathom 09:13

Nebulosa L vs.
Hannah Hatch W Paragon 14:30

Nikita Lita W vs.
Shirley Recinos L Attack From Mars 15:04

Rachel Jarvis L vs.
Kelsie Sherman-Hall W Eight Ball Deluxe 12:55

Round 3

Aimee Nedds W vs.
Kelsie Sherman-Hall L Medieval Madness 18:25

Alexa Philbeck L vs.
Marin Alexander W Paragon 20:43

Alexis Chura L vs.
Liz Brotman W Fathom 05:29

Anna Neal L vs.
Jane Verwys W Mandolorian 20:53

Ash Hyatt L vs.
Guadalupe Bryan W Dead Pool 08:59

Cat Alexander L vs.
Amber Marie Simon W Foo Fighters 15:03

Chelsie Hulka W vs.
Rachel Jarvis L Dead Pool 10:45

Claire Burke L vs.
Melanie Meyer WA W Jurassic Park 16:37

Danielle Wilcox L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W Radical 12:46

Erin Malysa W vs.
Lina Mooney L Attack From Mars 15:56

Hannah Hatch W vs.
Lydia Snapp L Taxi 18:49

Jess Paquin W vs.
Amber Roy L Indiana Jones 13:30

Katie Janis W vs.
Nikita Lita L Black Knight 15:21

Liberty Ruderman W vs.
Annaliza Mariscal L 007 20:38

Lily Cullee L vs.
Danielle Crowson W The Sopranos 13:39

Marisa McClintock L vs.
Sarah Hager W Cactus Canyon 16:48

Mika Rollin L vs.
Hannah Brand W Monster Bash 18:47

Nausicaa Warner W vs.
Grace Merrett L Nitro Ground Shaker 09:46

Sara Morrison W vs.
Emily Beirne L Dragonfist 16:30

Shirley Recinos W vs.
Shelby Ostergard L Godzilla 24:09

Sofia Vargas L vs.
Heather Loudon W Eight Ball Deluxe 19:29

Steph Hanlon W vs.
Nebulosa L Taxi 08:41

Round 2

Aimee Nedds L vs.
Emily Beirne W Taxi 13:46

Alexis Chura L vs.
Alexa Philbeck W Jurassic Park 19:54

Amber Roy W vs.
Lily Cullee L 007 14:50

Anna Neal W vs.
Chelsie Hulka L Foo Fighters 20:14

Annaliza Mariscal L vs.
Grace Merrett W Paragon 10:48

Chloe LeGrow W vs.
Hannah Brand L Medieval Madness 11:24

Danielle Crowson W vs.
Emily Duewiger L Mandolorian 14:15

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Claire Burke L Fathom 17:41

Erin Malysa L vs.
Cat Alexander W Nitro Ground Shaker 11:55

Heather Loudon L vs.
Jane Verwys W Monster Bash 16:25

Jess Paquin W vs.
Marin Alexander L Dead Pool 15:34

Kelsie Sherman-Hall L vs.
Steph Hanlon W The Sopranos 13:24

Liberty Ruderman L vs.
Rachel Jarvis W Eight Ball Deluxe 11:04

Lina Mooney L vs.
Nausicaa Warner W Fathom 06:12

Liz Brotman L vs.
Sara Morrison W Black Knight 09:07

Lydia Snapp L vs.
Ash Hyatt W Godzilla 08:07

Marisa McClintock L vs.
Hannah Hatch W Indiana Jones 15:26

Melanie Meyer WA W vs.
Shelby Ostergard L Paragon 15:22

Mika Rollin W vs.
Amber Marie Simon L Cactus Canyon 12:05

Nebulosa W vs.
Nikita Lita L Dragonfist 13:32

Sarah Hager L vs.
Guadalupe Bryan W Attack From Mars 17:29

Shirley Recinos L vs.
Katie Janis W Radical 18:02

Round 1

Aimee Nedds W vs.
Ash Hyatt L 007 11:51

Amber Marie Simon W vs.
Nausicaa Warner L Radical 11:36

Anna Neal W vs.
Sofia Vargas L Monster Bash 19:27

Cat Alexander L vs.
Kelsie Sherman-Hall W Dead Pool 14:16

Chelsie Hulka W vs.
Erin Malysa L Paragon 14:25

Danielle Wilcox W vs.
Katie Janis L Foo Fighters 18:34

Emily Duewiger L vs.
Amber Roy W Fathom 08:10

Grace Merrett L vs.
Nikita Lita W Cactus Canyon 15:56

Guadalupe Bryan L vs.
Emily Beirne W Radical 10:38

Hannah Hatch L vs.
Liz Brotman W Mandolorian 13:58

Heather Loudon W vs.
Sarah Hager L Indiana Jones 19:56

Jane Verwys W vs.
Lina Mooney L Black Knight 15:27

Jess Paquin W vs.
Danielle Crowson L Taxi 08:29

Lily Cullee W vs.
Alexa Philbeck L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:26

Lydia Snapp L vs.
Nebulosa W Nitro Ground Shaker 13:31

Marisa McClintock L vs.
Steph Hanlon W Jurassic Park 07:41

Melanie Meyer WA L vs.
Chloe LeGrow W The Sopranos 09:41

Mika Rollin W vs.
Annaliza Mariscal L Dragonfist 13:43

Rachel Jarvis L vs.
Hannah Brand W Godzilla 11:05

Sara Morrison W vs.
Liberty Ruderman L Attack From Mars 14:40

Shelby Ostergard L vs.
Marin Alexander W Taxi 08:58

Shirley Recinos L vs.
Claire Burke W Medieval Madness 14:33

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20