Wednesday Flip Off 9/28/16

Updated 1:04pm


Round 10

Heather Loudon 🏩 vs.
Dave Stewart

Eight Ball Deluxe

Tenee Brockington

Dwayne Collins x

The Lord Of The Rings

Anthony Welters x

Sean DeTore


Gordon Ornelas

Alex Singleterry x

Medieval Madness

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻

John Lim 💱 x

Bride Of Pinbot

John Robinson WA x

Benton "🐞" Seybold

🔪 The Sopranos 🔫

Patrick Law x

Nigel Colbert

Bad Cats

Matt Slater x

Clayton Stetz


Jim Anderson

Keenan Goodall x

Fathom 🐬

Bre Lloyd

Jared Gamble x

Surf Champ

William Gordon x

Geoff Simons 🍄

Night Rider

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared

Todd Larsen x

Evel Knievel

Atomic Sita

Neil Kubath x

Road Show

Justina Russo x

Heather Loudon 🏩

Attack From Mars

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Zach Amador x


Sergey Posrednikov x

Aaron Miller

Congo 🙉🙊🙈

Dave Stewart

Steph Hanlon x


Sean DeTore x

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Bride Of Pinbot

Bre Lloyd

Gordon Ornelas x

Attack From Mars

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻

Nigel Colbert x


Tenee Brockington

Benton "🐞" Seybold x

Fathom 🐬

Atomic Sita x

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared

Medieval Madness

Jim Anderson x

Heather Loudon 🏩


Geoff Simons 🍄

Clayton Stetz x

🔪 The Sopranos 🔫

Dave Stewart

Aaron Miller x

Surf Champ

Alex Singleterry x

Matt Slater xx

Road Show

Patrick Law x

William Gordon xx


John Lim 💱 x

Anthony Welters xx


John Robinson WA x

Zach Amador xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Keenan Goodall x

Jared Gamble xx


Neil Kubath xx

Justina Russo x

The Lord Of The Rings

Steph Hanlon xx

Dwayne Collins x

Indiana Jones Adventure

Sergey Posrednikov x

Todd Larsen xx

Bad Cats

Geoff Simons 🍄 x

Tenee Brockington

The Lord Of The Rings

Bre Lloyd

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 x

Night Rider

Heather Loudon 🏩 x

Dave Stewart

Surf Champ

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared x

Fathom 🐬

Keenan Goodall x

Clayton Stetz xx


John Lim 💱 x

Dwayne Collins xx


Gordon Ornelas xx

Patrick Law x

Bride Of Pinbot

Sean DeTore xx

Nigel Colbert x

Evel Knievel

Alex Singleterry xx

John Robinson WA x

Congo 🙉🙊🙈

Aaron Miller x

Atomic Sita xx

Medieval Madness

Sergey Posrednikov x

Benton "🐞" Seybold xx

Attack From Mars

Justina Russo x

Jim Anderson xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Neil Kubath xx

Steph Hanlon xxx


William Gordon xx

Jared Gamble xxx

🔪 The Sopranos 🔫

Todd Larsen xx

Matt Slater xxx


Zach Amador xx

Anthony Welters xxx

Road Show

Tenee Brockington x

Dave Stewart


Bre Lloyd x

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Adams Family

Sergey Posrednikov x

Nigel Colbert xx


Heather Loudon 🏩 x

Geoff Simons 🍄 xx

Congo 🙉🙊🙈

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared xx

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 x

Attack From Mars

Patrick Law xx

John Robinson WA x

The Lord Of The Rings

Aaron Miller xx

Justina Russo x

Night Rider

John Lim 💱 x

Keenan Goodall xx

Medieval Madness

Clayton Stetz xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Bad Cats

Atomic Sita xx

Sean DeTore xxx

Bride Of Pinbot

Dwayne Collins xxx

Neil Kubath xx


Zach Amador xx

Todd Larsen xxx

Evel Knievel

Gordon Ornelas xxx

Benton "🐞" Seybold xx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Jim Anderson xx

William Gordon xxx


Dave Stewart x

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

The Hobbit

John Lim 💱 x

Bre Lloyd xx


Heather Loudon 🏩 x

John Robinson WA xx

Indiana Jones Adventure

Tenee Brockington xx

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 x


Sergey Posrednikov xx

Justina Russo x

Bad Cats

Aaron Miller xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Congo 🙉🙊🙈

Neil Kubath xx

Patrick Law xxx


Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared xxx

Keenan Goodall xx

The Lord Of The Rings

Jim Anderson xxx

Benton "🐞" Seybold xx

Medieval Madness

Geoff Simons 🍄 xxx

Atomic Sita xx

Night Rider

Zach Amador xx

Nigel Colbert xxx

Congo 🙉🙊🙈

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Justina Russo xx

Bad Cats

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 xx

Heather Loudon 🏩 x

Evel Knievel

Dave Stewart x

John Lim 💱 xx

Indiana Jones Adventure

John Robinson WA xxx

Atomic Sita xx

Adams Family

Benton "🐞" Seybold xx

Zach Amador xxx


Tenee Brockington xxx

Bre Lloyd xx

The Lord Of The Rings

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Keenan Goodall xxx

Night Rider

Alex Singleterry xx

Neil Kubath xxx

Evel Knievel

Nycole Hyatt 🌎

Heather Loudon 🏩 xx

Adams Family

Alex Singleterry xx

Bre Lloyd xxx

Bride Of Pinbot

Atomic Sita xxx

John Lim 💱 xx

Fathom 🐬

Justina Russo xxx

Benton "🐞" Seybold xx


Sergey Posrednikov xxx

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 xx

Dave Stewart x

The Hobbit

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 x

Dave Stewart x


Benton "🐞" Seybold xxx

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 xx

The Lord Of The Rings

John Lim 💱 xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Heather Loudon 🏩 xx


Nycole Hyatt 🌎 x

Dave Stewart xx

The Hobbit

Heather Loudon 🏩 xx

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 xxx

Alex Singleterry xx

Fathom 🐬

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 x

Alex Singleterry xxx

Heather Loudon 🏩 xx

Dave Stewart xx

Round 12

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 L vs.
Dave Stewart W Indiana Jones Adventure 25:46

Round 10

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Alex Singleterry L Fathom 🐬 11:56

Round 9

Heather Loudon 🏩 W vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 L The Hobbit 13:22

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Dave Stewart L Ali 06:18

Round 8

Benton "🐞" Seybold L vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W Taxi 15:13

John Lim 💱 L vs.
Alex Singleterry W The Lord Of The Rings 24:27

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 L vs.
Dave Stewart W The Hobbit 23:19

Round 7

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Bre Lloyd L Adams Family 11:25

Atomic Sita L vs.
John Lim 💱 W Bride Of Pinbot 14:37

Justina Russo L vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold W Fathom 🐬 08:40

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Heather Loudon 🏩 L Evel Knievel 10:41

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W METEOR 14:15

Round 6

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Neil Kubath L Night Rider 12:41

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 L vs.
Heather Loudon 🏩 W Bad Cats 11:22

Benton "🐞" Seybold W vs.
Zach Amador L Adams Family 12:54

Dave Stewart W vs.
John Lim 💱 L Evel Knievel 11:09

John Robinson WA L vs.
Atomic Sita W Indiana Jones Adventure 07:51

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Justina Russo L Congo 🙉🙊🙈 11:01

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Keenan Goodall L The Lord Of The Rings 26:16

Tenee Brockington L vs.
Bre Lloyd W FunHouse 10:15

Round 5

Aaron Miller L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Bad Cats 16:32

Dave Stewart L vs.
Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W KISS 13:34

Geoff Simons 🍄 L vs.
Atomic Sita W Medieval Madness 15:54

Heather Loudon 🏩 W vs.
John Robinson WA L FunHouse 14:17

Jim Anderson L vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold W The Lord Of The Rings 18:42

John Lim 💱 W vs.
Bre Lloyd L The Hobbit 17:40

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared L vs.
Keenan Goodall W Taxi 13:21

Neil Kubath W vs.
Patrick Law L Congo 🙉🙊🙈 16:11

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Justina Russo W Stars 11:28

Tenee Brockington L vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W Indiana Jones Adventure 13:05

Zach Amador W vs.
Nigel Colbert L Night Rider 12:19

Round 4

Aaron Miller L vs.
Justina Russo W The Lord Of The Rings 18:51

Atomic Sita W vs.
Sean DeTore L Bad Cats 10:45

Bre Lloyd L vs.
Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W Stars 11:48

Clayton Stetz L vs.
Alex Singleterry W Medieval Madness 14:25

Dwayne Collins L vs.
Neil Kubath W Bride Of Pinbot 15:40

Gordon Ornelas L vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold W Evel Knievel 10:55

Heather Loudon 🏩 W vs.
Geoff Simons 🍄 L Ali 09:48

Jim Anderson W vs.
William Gordon L Eight Ball Deluxe 15:25

John Lim 💱 W vs.
Keenan Goodall L Night Rider 18:46

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared L vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W Congo 🙉🙊🙈 22:37

Patrick Law L vs.
John Robinson WA W Attack From Mars 14:40

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Nigel Colbert L Adams Family 13:44

Tenee Brockington L vs.
Dave Stewart W Road Show 13:07

Zach Amador W vs.
Todd Larsen L KISS 08:36

Round 3

Aaron Miller W vs.
Atomic Sita L Congo 🙉🙊🙈 14:33

Alex Singleterry L vs.
John Robinson WA W Evel Knievel 24:44

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 L The Lord Of The Rings 16:50

Geoff Simons 🍄 L vs.
Tenee Brockington W Bad Cats 13:42

Gordon Ornelas L vs.
Patrick Law W Ali 09:28

Heather Loudon 🏩 L vs.
Dave Stewart W Night Rider 13:13

John Lim 💱 W vs.
Dwayne Collins L FunHouse 23:55

Justina Russo W vs.
Jim Anderson L Attack From Mars 12:30

Keenan Goodall W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Fathom 🐬 14:04

Neil Kubath W vs.
Steph Hanlon L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:02

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared L Surf Champ 11:23

Sean DeTore L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Bride Of Pinbot 14:03

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold L Medieval Madness 24:57

Todd Larsen W vs.
Matt Slater L 🔪 The Sopranos 🔫 11:46

William Gordon W vs.
Jared Gamble L Taxi 26:10

Zach Amador W vs.
Anthony Welters L METEOR 14:24

Round 2

Alex Singleterry W vs.
Matt Slater L Surf Champ 13:24

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W vs.
Nigel Colbert L Attack From Mars 13:13

Atomic Sita L vs.
Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared W Fathom 🐬 10:59

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Gordon Ornelas L Bride Of Pinbot 18:59

Dave Stewart W vs.
Aaron Miller L 🔪 The Sopranos 🔫 20:44

Geoff Simons 🍄 W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Taxi 14:24

Jim Anderson L vs.
Heather Loudon 🏩 W Medieval Madness 15:27

John Lim 💱 W vs.
Anthony Welters L KISS 11:17

John Robinson WA W vs.
Zach Amador L Ali 18:48

Keenan Goodall W vs.
Jared Gamble L Eight Ball Deluxe 20:06

Neil Kubath L vs.
Justina Russo W METEOR 14:20

Patrick Law W vs.
William Gordon L Road Show 18:53

Sean DeTore L vs.
Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W FunHouse 14:37

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Todd Larsen L Indiana Jones Adventure 11:45

Steph Hanlon L vs.
Dwayne Collins W The Lord Of The Rings 15:09

Tenee Brockington W vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold L Stars 10:10

Round 1

Alexa Philbeck 🙅🏻 W vs.
John Lim 💱 L Medieval Madness 23:18

Anthony Welters L vs.
Sean DeTore W The Lord Of The Rings 15:59

Atomic Sita W vs.
Neil Kubath L Evel Knievel 11:49

Bre Lloyd W vs.
Jared Gamble L Fathom 🐬 12:41

Dave Stewart W vs.
Steph Hanlon L Congo 🙉🙊🙈 13:42

Gordon Ornelas W vs.
Alex Singleterry L METEOR 19:44

Jim Anderson W vs.
Keenan Goodall L KISS 16:22

John Robinson WA L vs.
Benton "🐞" Seybold W Bride Of Pinbot 15:25

Jonathan Hawthorne 🌖*jared W vs.
Todd Larsen L Night Rider 15:17

Justina Russo L vs.
Heather Loudon 🏩 W Road Show 18:27

Matt Slater L vs.
Clayton Stetz W Bad Cats 15:31

Nycole Hyatt 🌎 W vs.
Zach Amador L Attack From Mars 14:55

Patrick Law L vs.
Nigel Colbert W 🔪 The Sopranos 🔫 16:52

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Aaron Miller W Ali 22:36

Tenee Brockington W vs.
Dwayne Collins L Eight Ball Deluxe 13:53

William Gordon L vs.
Geoff Simons 🍄 W Surf Champ 14:22

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20