Social league hilton

Updated 3:21pm



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Chris George / Jeff Owens (1)
(bye) (32)
Matt Page/Brad (17)
Court 13
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16)
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)
(bye) (28)
Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21)
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)
Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13)
Court 16
Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20)
(bye) (29)
Wrubel (4)
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
(bye) (30)
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19)
Court 14
Ryle/gary Stull (14)
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)
Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22)
(bye) (27)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Frank Pons/Marcel (7)
(bye) (26)
Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23)
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10)
Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15)
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)
(bye) (31)
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Chris George / Jeff Owens (1)
Court 16
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16)
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Court 16
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)
Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13)
Wrubel (4)
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
Court 14
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19)
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Frank Pons/Marcel (7)
Court 13
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10)
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Chris George / Jeff Owens (1)
Court 16
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)
Wrubel (4)
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
Court 14
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)
Frank Pons/Marcel (7)
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Wrubel (4)
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)
Court 16
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Court 13
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Court 14
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Court 14
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)
Tyrell/Mike (2)
(bye) (32)
Matt Page/Brad (17)
(bye) (24)
(bye) (25)
(bye) (28)
Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21)
Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20)
(bye) (29)
(bye) (30)
Ryle/gary Stull (14)
Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22)
(bye) (27)
(bye) (26)
Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23)
Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15)
(bye) (31)
Matt Page/Brad (17)
Court 13
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)
(bye) (25)
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10)
Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21)
Court 16
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20)
Court 13
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19)
Ryle/gary Stull (14)
Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13)
Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22)
Court 13
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)
Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23)
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)
Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15)
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16)
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19)
Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13)
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)
Court 13
Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15)
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)
Court 14
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Chris George / Jeff Owens (1)
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)
Frank Pons/Marcel (7)
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)
Court 14
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Frank Pons/Marcel (7)
Court 13
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Court 16
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
Court 13
Wrubel (4)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Court 16
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)
Court 13
Tyrell/Mike (2)
Tyrell/Mike (2)


  Tyrell/Mike (2)


  Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9)


  ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6)


  Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3)


  John Gollmer/mark angelo (11)

  Wrubel (4)


  Vazquez/Mario borbon (5)

  Frank Pons/Marcel (7)


  Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18)

  Chris George / Jeff Owens (1)

  John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12)

  Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8)


  Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10)

  Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19)

  Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13)

  Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15)


  Matt Page/Brad (17)

  (bye) (25)

  Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21)

  Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20)

  Ryle/gary Stull (14)

  Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22)

  Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23)

  Andrew Socci / Ethan (16)


  (bye) (32)

  (bye) (24)

  (bye) (28)

  (bye) (29)

  (bye) (30)

  (bye) (27)

  (bye) (26)

  (bye) (31)

Final - Match 2

Tyrell/Mike (2) W vs.
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) L Court 14 00:06


Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W Court 14 15:17

Elimination Final

ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W Court 13 10:56

Elimination Semi-final

ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W vs.
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) L Court 16 12:29

Winners Final

Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) W vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) L Court 13 15:09

Elimination 6

Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) W vs.
Wrubel (4) L Court 13 13:43

ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W vs.
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11) L Court 16 10:40

Elimination 5

Frank Pons/Marcel (7) L vs.
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) W Court 13 19:04

Vazquez/Mario borbon (5) L vs.
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W Court 14 09:21

Winners Semi-finals

John Gollmer/mark angelo (11) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W Court 16 19:06

Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) W vs.
Wrubel (4) L 10:55

Elimination 4

Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18) L vs.
Vazquez/Mario borbon (5) W Court 14 20:16

John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12) L vs.
Frank Pons/Marcel (7) W 15:57

ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W vs.
Chris George / Jeff Owens (1) L 14:05

Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8) L vs.
Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) W 12:57

Elimination 3

Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18) W vs.
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10) L 17:58

ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W vs.
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19) L 14:07

Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8) W vs.
Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15) L Court 13 17:47

Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13) L vs.
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12) W 17:34

Winners 2

Chris George / Jeff Owens (1) L vs.
Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) W Court 16 15:33

Frank Pons/Marcel (7) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W 22:11

Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) L vs.
John Gollmer/mark angelo (11) W Court 14 24:16

Vazquez/Mario borbon (5) L vs.
Wrubel (4) W 17:50

Elimination 2

(bye) (25) L vs.
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10) W 11:47

Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22) L vs.
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12) W Court 13 13:07

Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20) L vs.
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19) W Court 13 00:04

Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21) L vs.
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W Court 16 20:40

Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23) L vs.
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8) W 16:12

Matt Page/Brad (17) L vs.
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18) W Court 13 11:04

Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15) W vs.
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16) L 13:02

Ryle/gary Stull (14) L vs.
Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13) W 25:28

Elimination 1

(bye) (24) L vs.
(bye) (25) W 39:50

(bye) (26) L vs.
Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23) W 52:28

(bye) (28) L vs.
Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21) W 06:00

(bye) (30) L vs.
Ryle/gary Stull (14) W 57:14

(bye) (32) L vs.
Matt Page/Brad (17) W 54:59

Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22) W vs.
(bye) (27) L 06:45

Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20) W vs.
(bye) (29) L 29:05

Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15) W vs.
(bye) (31) L 56:09

Winners 1

Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W 14:39

Chris George / Jeff Owens (1) W vs.
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16) L Court 16 14:42

Frank Pons/Marcel (7) W vs.
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10) L Court 13 16:26

Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) W vs.
Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19) L Court 14 15:11

John Gollmer/mark angelo (11) W vs.
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) L 14:00

Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) W vs.
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8) L Court 16 14:59

Vazquez/Mario borbon (5) W vs.
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12) L 10:40

Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13) L vs.
Wrubel (4) W 11:37

Round 1

(bye) (25) L vs.
Richard schweizer/Jason Shannon (8) W 39:50

(bye) (27) L vs.
ken pepperling/Ryan schrode (6) W 39:50

(bye) (29) L vs.
Wrubel (4) W 39:50

(bye) (31) L vs.
Tyrell/Mike (2) W 39:50

Chris George / Jeff Owens (1) W vs.
(bye) (32) L 39:50

Dean Nalaschi/sean Ohler (21) L vs.
John Brozowski/Steve Zapoticky (12) W 28:12

Frank Pons/Marcel (7) W vs.
(bye) (26) L 39:50

Hanna Mucha/ Doug Mucha (19) W vs.
Ryle/gary Stull (14) L Court 14 19:14

Jason Rinker/Joe Rinehammer (23) L vs.
Vinny Stapleton/Steve S (10) W 14:17

Jimmy strickland/Ryan (3) W vs.
(bye) (30) L 39:50

John Gollmer/mark angelo (11) W vs.
Amanda McCann/Lauren Moran (22) L 14:13

Matt Page/Brad (17) L vs.
Andrew Socci / Ethan (16) W Court 13 18:34

Preston Hughes/ Rich Padula (15) L vs.
Aj Gordon/Karl Blight (18) W 17:44

Terry Tate/ Matthew Noss (9) W vs.
(bye) (24) L 39:50

Vazquez/Mario borbon (5) W vs.
(bye) (28) L 39:50

Will reichenbach/Kevin Murphy (13) W vs.
Brett Moran/bob Byczek (20) L Court 16 01:18

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20