Wednesday Flip Off 9/11/19

Updated 4:57pm



Bride Of Pinbot

Todd Larsen

Lupe Bryan x

Willy Wonka

Geoff Simons

Jared Gamble x

The Addams Family

Paul Elliot x

Clayton Stetz


Johnny Hill x

Tim McCool

Bad Cats

Matt Slater

Zac Petersen x

Eight Ball Deluxe

Tim Grand x

Jesse Mullene

Attack From Mars

James Frost-Winn

Stanlo Slasinski x

The Munsters

Michael Ulmen

Caleb Trujillo x

Guardians Of The Galaxy

John Robinson WA x

Ren Logan

Indiana Jones

Heather Loudon x

Sergey Posrednikov

Sean Irby

Eight Ball Deluxe

Tim McCool

Todd Larsen x

Willy Wonka

Sergey Posrednikov x

Jesse Mullene

The Munsters

Ren Logan x

James Frost-Winn


Clayton Stetz x

Sean Irby

Medieval Madness

Matt Slater x

Geoff Simons

Iron Maiden

Michael Ulmen x

John Robinson WA x

Indiana Jones

Zac Petersen x

Paul Elliot xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Caleb Trujillo xx

Stanlo Slasinski x

Bad Cats

Johnny Hill x

Lupe Bryan xx


Jared Gamble x

Tim Grand xx

Heather Loudon x

Iron Maiden

Geoff Simons x

James Frost-Winn

Bad Cats

Sean Irby

Jesse Mullene x


Ren Logan x

Jared Gamble xx


John Robinson WA x

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Black Rose

Todd Larsen x

Clayton Stetz xx

Indiana Jones

Michael Ulmen x

Johnny Hill xx

Willy Wonka

Stanlo Slasinski x

Matt Slater xx

Medieval Madness

Heather Loudon x

Zac Petersen xx


Caleb Trujillo xx

Paul Elliot xxx

The Addams Family

Lupe Bryan xxx

Tim Grand xx

Tim McCool

Medieval Madness

Sean Irby

Tim McCool x

The Addams Family

James Frost-Winn x

Todd Larsen x

Nitro Ground Shaker

Ren Logan xx

Stanlo Slasinski x


Heather Loudon x

Jesse Mullene xx

Bad Cats

Michael Ulmen xx

Geoff Simons x

Indiana Jones

Clayton Stetz xx

Tim Grand xxx

The Munsters

Zac Petersen xx

Jared Gamble xxx


Johnny Hill xx

Caleb Trujillo xxx

Black Rose

Matt Slater xxx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

John Robinson WA x

Indiana Jones

Sean Irby x

James Frost-Winn x


Todd Larsen x

Heather Loudon xx


John Robinson WA x

Stanlo Slasinski xx

Attack From Mars

Tim McCool x

Geoff Simons xx

Black Rose

Zac Petersen xx

Johnny Hill xxx

Eight Ball Deluxe

Michael Ulmen xxx

Ren Logan xx

The Munsters

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Clayton Stetz xxx

Jesse Mullene xx

Bad Cats

James Frost-Winn xx

Tim McCool x

Willy Wonka

John Robinson WA xx

Sean Irby x

Medieval Madness

Todd Larsen xx

Sergey Posrednikov xx

Indiana Jones

Ren Logan xx

Geoff Simons xxx


Jesse Mullene xxx

Zac Petersen xx

The Addams Family

Stanlo Slasinski xx

Heather Loudon xxx

The Munsters

Tim McCool xx

Sean Irby x

Iron Maiden

Ren Logan xx

Sergey Posrednikov xxx

Attack From Mars

John Robinson WA xxx

Zac Petersen xx

Bad Cats

Todd Larsen xx

Stanlo Slasinski xxx

James Frost-Winn xx

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Sean Irby x

Todd Larsen xxx

Willy Wonka

James Frost-Winn xx

Zac Petersen xxx

The Addams Family

Ren Logan xx

Tim McCool xxx

Nitro Ground Shaker

Sean Irby x

James Frost-Winn xxx

Ren Logan xx

Attack From Mars

Sean Irby x

Ren Logan xxx

Sean Irby x

Round 10

Sean Irby W vs.
Ren Logan L Attack From Mars 19:18

Round 9

Sean Irby W vs.
James Frost-Winn L Nitro Ground Shaker 09:15

Round 8

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Zac Petersen L Willy Wonka 15:01

Ren Logan W vs.
Tim McCool L The Addams Family 10:38

Sean Irby W vs.
Todd Larsen L Guardians Of The Galaxy 14:37

Round 7

John Robinson WA L vs.
Zac Petersen W Attack From Mars 11:48

Ren Logan W vs.
Sergey Posrednikov L Iron Maiden 20:39

Tim McCool L vs.
Sean Irby W The Munsters 15:30

Todd Larsen W vs.
Stanlo Slasinski L Bad Cats 07:31

Round 6

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Tim McCool W Bad Cats 10:57

Jesse Mullene L vs.
Zac Petersen W JackBot 10:11

John Robinson WA L vs.
Sean Irby W Willy Wonka 17:53

Ren Logan W vs.
Geoff Simons L Indiana Jones 13:49

Stanlo Slasinski W vs.
Heather Loudon L The Addams Family 13:40

Todd Larsen L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Medieval Madness 28:47

Round 5

John Robinson WA W vs.
Stanlo Slasinski L Dragonfist 11:56

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Ren Logan W Eight Ball Deluxe 14:06

Sean Irby L vs.
James Frost-Winn W Indiana Jones 12:57

Sergey Posrednikov W vs.
Clayton Stetz L The Munsters 19:24

Tim McCool W vs.
Geoff Simons L Attack From Mars 14:13

Todd Larsen W vs.
Heather Loudon L JackBot 18:54

Zac Petersen W vs.
Johnny Hill L Black Rose 12:16

Round 4

Clayton Stetz W vs.
Tim Grand L Indiana Jones 10:51

Heather Loudon W vs.
Jesse Mullene L Dragonfist 07:20

James Frost-Winn L vs.
Todd Larsen W The Addams Family 18:59

Johnny Hill W vs.
Caleb Trujillo L Fathom 09:30

Matt Slater L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Black Rose 11:40

Michael Ulmen L vs.
Geoff Simons W Bad Cats 11:24

Ren Logan L vs.
Stanlo Slasinski W Nitro Ground Shaker 09:43

Sean Irby W vs.
Tim McCool L Medieval Madness 14:59

Zac Petersen W vs.
Jared Gamble L The Munsters 16:43

Round 3

Caleb Trujillo W vs.
Paul Elliot L Dragonfist 11:25

Geoff Simons L vs.
James Frost-Winn W Iron Maiden 31:13

Heather Loudon W vs.
Zac Petersen L Medieval Madness 17:47

John Robinson WA W vs.
Sergey Posrednikov L JackBot 19:53

Lupe Bryan L vs.
Tim Grand W The Addams Family 09:09

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Johnny Hill L Indiana Jones 09:18

Ren Logan W vs.
Jared Gamble L Fathom 13:28

Sean Irby W vs.
Jesse Mullene L Bad Cats 24:08

Stanlo Slasinski W vs.
Matt Slater L Willy Wonka 18:45

Todd Larsen W vs.
Clayton Stetz L Black Rose 22:07

Round 2

Caleb Trujillo L vs.
Stanlo Slasinski W Guardians Of The Galaxy 12:29

Clayton Stetz L vs.
Sean Irby W Fathom 15:19

Jared Gamble W vs.
Tim Grand L Dragonfist 11:36

Johnny Hill W vs.
Lupe Bryan L Bad Cats 10:07

Matt Slater L vs.
Geoff Simons W Medieval Madness 07:30

Michael Ulmen L vs.
John Robinson WA W Iron Maiden 17:36

Ren Logan L vs.
James Frost-Winn W The Munsters 25:13

Sergey Posrednikov L vs.
Jesse Mullene W Willy Wonka 13:07

Tim McCool W vs.
Todd Larsen L Eight Ball Deluxe 12:59

Zac Petersen W vs.
Paul Elliot L Indiana Jones 12:22

Round 1

Geoff Simons W vs.
Jared Gamble L Willy Wonka 16:24

Heather Loudon L vs.
Sergey Posrednikov W Indiana Jones 12:57

James Frost-Winn W vs.
Stanlo Slasinski L Attack From Mars 12:08

John Robinson WA L vs.
Ren Logan W Guardians Of The Galaxy 11:53

Johnny Hill L vs.
Tim McCool W Dragonfist 07:28

Matt Slater W vs.
Zac Petersen L Bad Cats 08:37

Michael Ulmen W vs.
Caleb Trujillo L The Munsters 10:02

Paul Elliot L vs.
Clayton Stetz W The Addams Family 13:35

Tim Grand L vs.
Jesse Mullene W Eight Ball Deluxe 14:52

Todd Larsen W vs.
Lupe Bryan L Bride Of Pinbot 08:14

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20