Ballard Weekly x2

Updated 4:08am



Lord Of The Rings

Jeremy Edwards x

Nigel Colbert

Iron Man

Levi Dittebrandt

Heather Willott x


Bobby Conover

Aaron Bendickson x


Aaron McAbee x

Kayla Greet

Paul Mainard

No Good Gofers

Bobby Conover

Paul Mainard x

The Shadow

Levi Dittebrandt

Kayla Greet x

World Cup Soccer

Nigel Colbert

Aaron Bendickson xx


Heather Willott x

Aaron McAbee xx

Jeremy Edwards x


Nigel Colbert x

Bobby Conover


Levi Dittebrandt x

Paul Mainard x

No Good Gofers

Jeremy Edwards x

Heather Willott xx

Kayla Greet x


Bobby Conover

Nigel Colbert xx

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Kayla Greet x

Jeremy Edwards xx


Paul Mainard xx

Levi Dittebrandt x


Levi Dittebrandt x

Kayla Greet xx

Bobby Conover

Creature From The Black Lagoon

Bobby Conover

Levi Dittebrandt xx

Bobby Conover

Round 6

Bobby Conover W vs.
Levi Dittebrandt L Creature From The Black Lagoon 11:53

Round 5

Levi Dittebrandt W vs.
Kayla Greet L Taxi 08:12

Round 4

Bobby Conover W vs.
Nigel Colbert L Whitewater 07:41

Kayla Greet W vs.
Jeremy Edwards L Creature From The Black Lagoon 09:13

Paul Mainard L vs.
Levi Dittebrandt W Batman 07:41

Round 3

Jeremy Edwards W vs.
Heather Willott L No Good Gofers 08:33

Levi Dittebrandt L vs.
Paul Mainard W Dracula 11:01

Nigel Colbert L vs.
Bobby Conover W Taxi 08:38

Round 2

Bobby Conover W vs.
Paul Mainard L No Good Gofers 10:51

Heather Willott W vs.
Aaron McAbee L Whitewater 10:45

Levi Dittebrandt W vs.
Kayla Greet L The Shadow 10:49

Nigel Colbert W vs.
Aaron Bendickson L World Cup Soccer 11:17

Round 1

Aaron McAbee L vs.
Kayla Greet W Whirlwind 12:25

Bobby Conover W vs.
Aaron Bendickson L Batman 11:56

Jeremy Edwards L vs.
Nigel Colbert W Lord Of The Rings 13:26

Levi Dittebrandt W vs.
Heather Willott L Iron Man 09:19

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20