Goat Weekly 7/2/17

Updated 3:31pm

Round 5

Tonya Stenlake vs.
Jeff Sawyer Playboy 18:07:02


Cue Ball Wizard

Todd Larsen x

Brooke Borcherding

Game Show

Geoff Fluegel

Clayton Michael x


Justice x

David Nilson

Tales From The Crypt

J-Eezy Labbe x

Rick Simpson

Pin Bot

Aaron Garberding x

Tonya Stenlake

Jeff Sawyer


David Nilson x

Brooke Borcherding

Viper Night Drivin'

Tonya Stenlake

Geoff Fluegel x

Star Wars

Jeff Sawyer

Rick Simpson x


Clayton Michael xx

Justice x

Pin Bot

J-Eezy Labbe xx

Todd Larsen x

Aaron Garberding x

Tales From The Crypt

Brooke Borcherding

Jeff Sawyer x


Tonya Stenlake

Rick Simpson xx

South Park

Aaron Garberding x

Geoff Fluegel xx

Viper Night Drivin'

Justice xx

Todd Larsen x


David Nilson xx

J-Eezy Labbe xx

Clayton Michael xx


Brooke Borcherding x

Tonya Stenlake


Aaron Garberding x

Todd Larsen xx


Jeff Sawyer x

Justice xxx


David Nilson xx

Geoff Fluegel xxx


J-Eezy Labbe xx

Clayton Michael xxx

Rick Simpson xx


Tonya Stenlake

Jeff Sawyer x

World Cup Soccer

Brooke Borcherding x

Aaron Garberding xx


Rick Simpson xx

Todd Larsen xxx

Viper Night Drivin'

J-Eezy Labbe xx

David Nilson xxx


Brooke Borcherding x

Tonya Stenlake xx

Game Show

Jeff Sawyer xx

J-Eezy Labbe xx

Cue Ball Wizard

Rick Simpson xx

Aaron Garberding xxx

No Fear

Brooke Borcherding x

J-Eezy Labbe xxx


Jeff Sawyer xx

Rick Simpson xxx

Tonya Stenlake xx

Fish Tales

Jeff Sawyer xx

Tonya Stenlake xxx

Brooke Borcherding x

South Park

Brooke Borcherding xx

Jeff Sawyer xx

Viper Night Drivin'

Jeff Sawyer xxx

Brooke Borcherding xx

Brooke Borcherding xx

Round 10

Jeff Sawyer L vs.
Brooke Borcherding W Viper Night Drivin' 18:59

Round 9

Brooke Borcherding L vs.
Jeff Sawyer W South Park 08:55

Round 8

Jeff Sawyer W vs.
Tonya Stenlake L Fish Tales 08:27

Round 7

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
J-Eezy Labbe L No Fear 17:17

Jeff Sawyer W vs.
Rick Simpson L ACDC 17:15

Round 6

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
Tonya Stenlake L Checkpoint 11:06

Jeff Sawyer L vs.
J-Eezy Labbe W Game Show 10:30

Rick Simpson W vs.
Aaron Garberding L Cue Ball Wizard 19:30

Round 5

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
Aaron Garberding L World Cup Soccer 05:26

J-Eezy Labbe W vs.
David Nilson L Viper Night Drivin' 10:47

Rick Simpson W vs.
Todd Larsen L Ghostbusters 10:50

Round 4

Aaron Garberding W vs.
Todd Larsen L Checkpoint 14:41

Brooke Borcherding L vs.
Tonya Stenlake W Aerosmith 14:34

David Nilson W vs.
Geoff Fluegel L ACDC 15:08

J-Eezy Labbe W vs.
Clayton Michael L Playboy 15:40

Jeff Sawyer W vs.
Justice L Ghostbusters 14:37

Round 3

Aaron Garberding W vs.
Geoff Fluegel L South Park 18:08

Brooke Borcherding W vs.
Jeff Sawyer L Tales From The Crypt 13:13

David Nilson L vs.
J-Eezy Labbe W Checkpoint 07:58

Justice L vs.
Todd Larsen W Viper Night Drivin' 25:11

Tonya Stenlake W vs.
Rick Simpson L Breakshot 18:05

Round 2

Clayton Michael L vs.
Justice W Checkpoint 15:20

David Nilson L vs.
Brooke Borcherding W Playboy 15:04

J-Eezy Labbe L vs.
Todd Larsen W Pin Bot 15:17

Jeff Sawyer W vs.
Rick Simpson L Star Wars 15:25

Tonya Stenlake W vs.
Geoff Fluegel L Viper Night Drivin' 09:45

Round 1

Aaron Garberding L vs.
Tonya Stenlake W Pin Bot 13:10

Geoff Fluegel W vs.
Clayton Michael L Game Show 13:38

J-Eezy Labbe L vs.
Rick Simpson W Tales From The Crypt 15:35

Justice L vs.
David Nilson W Aerosmith 13:07

Todd Larsen L vs.
Brooke Borcherding W Cue Ball Wizard 14:59

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20