FC Blackbird

Updated 1:05pm



Evel Knievel

John Gimera

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x


Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice

Greg "Grag" Dunlap x


Mathew Peterson

Paul Schaffer x


Eric Hill

Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk x

Old Chicago

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum x

Kris "Small Berries" Fast


Jill Oppenheim x

James "COW" Adamson


Andy Cobb x

Sinan Ovcina

Future Spa

Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Brandon Bras

The Shadow

Jeff "Jim" Lee

Zoe "Legs" Vrabel x


James Scott x

Sue Brown

Junk Yard

Chris "Coil" Coyle x

Jaime Rodriguez

Future Spa

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn

Erik Graciosa x


Stefan "STEFan" Novak

Todd Robinett x

The Shadow

Drew Mulkey

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone x


Kane "Kanye" MacAniff x

Karl Lind

Evel Knievel

Tim Klaus

David Morell x

Game Of Thrones

Jon Tapper x

Kevin Kerr


Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes x

Mindy "Buttons" Bert

Grand Lizard

Don Goldman

John "Hambone" Hartman x

Grand Lizard

Greg "Illmac" Poe

Ariel Hernandez x

Grand Lizard

John Gimera

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x


Mindy "Buttons" Bert x

Tim Klaus

Future Spa

Kris "Small Berries" Fast

Sinan Ovcina x

The Shadow

Don Goldman

Sue Brown x


James "COW" Adamson

Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice x


Eric Hill x

Jeff "Jim" Lee


Kevin Kerr x

Karl Lind

Game Of Thrones

Mathew Peterson x

Greg "Illmac" Poe

Old Chicago

Brandon Bras

Drew Mulkey x

The Shadow

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn x

Jaime Rodriguez

Evel Knievel

Jon Tapper xx

Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk x


Ariel Hernandez xx

Andy Cobb x

Grand Lizard

Jill Oppenheim xx

Erik Graciosa x


Paul Schaffer xx

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes x


Greg "Grag" Dunlap xx

Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Junk Yard

David Morell xx

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Old Chicago

Chris "Coil" Coyle x

Zoe "Legs" Vrabel xx

Game Of Thrones

James Scott xx

John "Hambone" Hartman x


Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone x

Todd Robinett xx

Future Spa

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum x

Kane "Kanye" MacAniff xx


Kris "Small Berries" Fast

James "COW" Adamson x


Jeff "Jim" Lee x

Brandon Bras

Junk Yard

Karl Lind x

Greg "Illmac" Poe


John Gimera x

Tim Klaus


Don Goldman x

Jaime Rodriguez


Eric Hill xx

Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Future Spa

Sue Brown x

Drew Mulkey xx

Old Chicago

Mindy "Buttons" Bert x

Kevin Kerr xx

The Shadow

Erik Graciosa xx

Sinan Ovcina x

Game Of Thrones

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum xx

Andy Cobb x

Evel Knievel

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes x

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn xx

Future Spa

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice xx

Evel Knievel

Mathew Peterson x

John "Hambone" Hartman xx


Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone xx

Stefan "STEFan" Novak x

The Shadow

Chris "Coil" Coyle xx

Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk x


David Morell xx

James Scott xxx


Kane "Kanye" MacAniff xxx

Ariel Hernandez xx

Grand Lizard

Paul Schaffer xxx

Todd Robinett xx


Jill Oppenheim xx

Zoe "Legs" Vrabel xxx


Jon Tapper xx

Greg "Grag" Dunlap xxx


Brandon Bras

Greg "Illmac" Poe x

Grand Lizard

Kris "Small Berries" Fast

Jaime Rodriguez x

Old Chicago

Tim Klaus

Andy Cobb xx


Don Goldman x

Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Jeff "Jim" Lee xx


Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes xx

Evel Knievel

Sinan Ovcina x

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xx

The Shadow

Mindy "Buttons" Bert xx

John Gimera x

The Shadow

Mathew Peterson xx

James "COW" Adamson x

Old Chicago

Karl Lind x

Sue Brown xx

Evel Knievel

Ariel Hernandez xx

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum xxx

Junk Yard

Erik Graciosa xx

Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice xxx


David Morell xxx

Drew Mulkey xx

Game Of Thrones

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone xx

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn xxx


Chris "Coil" Coyle xx

Kevin Kerr xxx


John "Hambone" Hartman xxx

Eric Hill xx

Future Spa

Jill Oppenheim xxx

Jon Tapper xx

Todd Robinett xx


Tim Klaus x

Kris "Small Berries" Fast

Grand Lizard

Brandon Bras x

Sinan Ovcina x

Junk Yard

James "COW" Adamson xx

Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Evel Knievel

Greg "Illmac" Poe x

Jaime Rodriguez xx


Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX x

Don Goldman xx


John Gimera x

Karl Lind xx

Old Chicago

Mathew Peterson xxx

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone xx


Todd Robinett xx

Jon Tapper xxx

The Shadow

Eric Hill xxx

Drew Mulkey xx


Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes xxx

Sue Brown xx

The Shadow

Stefan "STEFan" Novak xxx

Erik Graciosa xx

Future Spa

Jeff "Jim" Lee xx

Ariel Hernandez xxx

Grand Lizard

Andy Cobb xx

Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk xxx

Game Of Thrones

Chris "Coil" Coyle xx

Mindy "Buttons" Bert xxx


Kris "Small Berries" Fast

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xx


Chris "Dast" Perlot x

Sinan Ovcina xx

Future Spa

Greg "Illmac" Poe xx

Tim Klaus x

Junk Yard

Brandon Bras x

John Gimera xx

Old Chicago

James "COW" Adamson xxx

Don Goldman xx

Grand Lizard

Jeff "Jim" Lee xx

Karl Lind xxx

Game Of Thrones

Jaime Rodriguez xx

Sue Brown xxx


Todd Robinett xx

Drew Mulkey xxx


Andy Cobb xx

Erik Graciosa xxx

Evel Knievel

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone xxx

Chris "Coil" Coyle xx

The Shadow

Kris "Small Berries" Fast

Chris "Dast" Perlot xx

Game Of Thrones

Tim Klaus x

Brandon Bras xx


Sinan Ovcina xxx

Greg "Illmac" Poe xx

Old Chicago

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX xxx

Jaime Rodriguez xx


Chris "Coil" Coyle xxx

Andy Cobb xx

Evel Knievel

Jeff "Jim" Lee xxx

Don Goldman xx

Future Spa

John Gimera xx

Todd Robinett xxx


Kris "Small Berries" Fast x

Tim Klaus x

Junk Yard

Don Goldman xxx

Andy Cobb xx


Jaime Rodriguez xx

Brandon Bras xxx

Game Of Thrones

Chris "Dast" Perlot xxx

John Gimera xx

Greg "Illmac" Poe xx

Junk Yard

Kris "Small Berries" Fast xx

Tim Klaus x

The Shadow

Greg "Illmac" Poe xxx

Andy Cobb xx


Jaime Rodriguez xxx

John Gimera xx


Tim Klaus x

John Gimera xxx


Andy Cobb xx

Kris "Small Berries" Fast xxx

The Shadow

Tim Klaus x

Andy Cobb xxx

Tim Klaus x

Round 11

Tim Klaus W vs.
Andy Cobb L The Shadow 19:52

Round 10

Andy Cobb W vs.
Kris "Small Berries" Fast L Wizard 08:59

Tim Klaus W vs.
John Gimera L Corvette 06:02

Round 9

Greg "Illmac" Poe L vs.
Andy Cobb W The Shadow 16:11

Jaime Rodriguez L vs.
John Gimera W Jackbot 08:31

Kris "Small Berries" Fast L vs.
Tim Klaus W Junk Yard 15:23

Round 8

Chris "Dast" Perlot L vs.
John Gimera W Game Of Thrones 11:02

Don Goldman L vs.
Andy Cobb W Junk Yard 14:19

Jaime Rodriguez W vs.
Brandon Bras L Metallica 07:18

Kris "Small Berries" Fast L vs.
Tim Klaus W Jackbot 11:27

Round 7

Chris "Coil" Coyle L vs.
Andy Cobb W Metallica 16:06

Jeff "Jim" Lee L vs.
Don Goldman W Evel Knievel 07:47

John Gimera W vs.
Todd Robinett L Future Spa 07:25

Kris "Small Berries" Fast W vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot L The Shadow 09:05

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L vs.
Jaime Rodriguez W Old Chicago 07:38

Sinan Ovcina L vs.
Greg "Illmac" Poe W KISS 09:42

Tim Klaus W vs.
Brandon Bras L Game Of Thrones 11:17

Round 6

Andy Cobb W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Wizard 07:09

Brandon Bras W vs.
John Gimera L Junk Yard 15:10

Chris "Dast" Perlot W vs.
Sinan Ovcina L Jackbot 10:33

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone L vs.
Chris "Coil" Coyle W Evel Knievel 07:17

Greg "Illmac" Poe L vs.
Tim Klaus W Future Spa 08:18

Jaime Rodriguez W vs.
Sue Brown L Game Of Thrones 15:22

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Don Goldman W Old Chicago 16:09

Jeff "Jim" Lee W vs.
Karl Lind L Grand Lizard 07:59

Kris "Small Berries" Fast W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Metallica 08:45

Todd Robinett W vs.
Drew Mulkey L KISS 07:28

Round 5

Andy Cobb W vs.
Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk L Grand Lizard 10:08

Brandon Bras L vs.
Sinan Ovcina W Grand Lizard 05:30

Chris "Coil" Coyle W vs.
Mindy "Buttons" Bert L Game Of Thrones 14:06

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes L vs.
Sue Brown W Wizard 13:16

Eric Hill L vs.
Drew Mulkey W The Shadow 10:24

Greg "Illmac" Poe W vs.
Jaime Rodriguez L Evel Knievel 06:25

James "COW" Adamson L vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot W Junk Yard 14:40

Jeff "Jim" Lee W vs.
Ariel Hernandez L Future Spa 07:42

John Gimera W vs.
Karl Lind L Corvette 10:57

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone W Old Chicago 10:19

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Don Goldman L Jackbot 06:34

Stefan "STEFan" Novak L vs.
Erik Graciosa W The Shadow 00:09

Tim Klaus L vs.
Kris "Small Berries" Fast W KISS 09:50

Todd Robinett W vs.
Jon Tapper L Metallica 08:32

Round 4

Ariel Hernandez W vs.
Ben "Saucer" Applebaum L Evel Knievel 06:38

Brandon Bras W vs.
Greg "Illmac" Poe L Jackbot 13:35

Chris "Coil" Coyle W vs.
Kevin Kerr L Corvette 07:54

Chris "Dast" Perlot W vs.
Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes L KISS 19:10

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone W vs.
Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn L Game Of Thrones 17:51

David Morell L vs.
Drew Mulkey W Wizard 08:17

Don Goldman W vs.
Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk L Metallica 13:24

Erik Graciosa W vs.
Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice L Junk Yard 17:00

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
Jon Tapper W Future Spa 09:34

John "Hambone" Hartman L vs.
Eric Hill W Corvette 09:26

Karl Lind W vs.
Sue Brown L Old Chicago 07:33

Kris "Small Berries" Fast W vs.
Jaime Rodriguez L Grand Lizard 11:33

Mathew Peterson L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W The Shadow 07:47

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Jeff "Jim" Lee L Wizard 09:27

Mindy "Buttons" Bert L vs.
John Gimera W The Shadow 07:47

Sinan Ovcina W vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak L Evel Knievel 07:49

Tim Klaus W vs.
Andy Cobb L Old Chicago 08:07

Round 3

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum L vs.
Andy Cobb W Game Of Thrones 14:00

Chris "Coil" Coyle L vs.
Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk W The Shadow 08:24

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes W vs.
Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn L Evel Knievel 05:47

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone L vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak W KISS 08:44

David Morell W vs.
James Scott L Metallica 06:02

Don Goldman L vs.
Jaime Rodriguez W KISS 09:03

Eric Hill L vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot W Metallica 13:14

Erik Graciosa L vs.
Sinan Ovcina W The Shadow 10:07

Jeff "Jim" Lee L vs.
Brandon Bras W Corvette 06:23

Jill Oppenheim W vs.
Zoe "Legs" Vrabel L Wizard 07:52

John Gimera L vs.
Tim Klaus W Wizard 11:46

Jon Tapper W vs.
Greg "Grag" Dunlap L Jackbot 08:58

Kane "Kanye" MacAniff L vs.
Ariel Hernandez W Jackbot 09:07

Karl Lind L vs.
Greg "Illmac" Poe W Junk Yard 10:05

Kris "Small Berries" Fast W vs.
James "COW" Adamson L Corvette 10:32

Mathew Peterson W vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman L Evel Knievel 12:11

Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W vs.
Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice L Future Spa 04:12

Mindy "Buttons" Bert W vs.
Kevin Kerr L Old Chicago 10:12

Paul Schaffer L vs.
Todd Robinett W Grand Lizard 13:55

Sue Brown W vs.
Drew Mulkey L Future Spa 07:11

Round 2

Ariel Hernandez L vs.
Andy Cobb W KISS 11:25

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum W vs.
Kane "Kanye" MacAniff L Future Spa 06:52

Brandon Bras W vs.
Drew Mulkey L Old Chicago 08:39

Chris "Coil" Coyle W vs.
Zoe "Legs" Vrabel L Old Chicago 08:51

Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone W vs.
Todd Robinett L Corvette 13:53

David Morell L vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX W Junk Yard 12:31

Don Goldman W vs.
Sue Brown L The Shadow 07:01

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn L vs.
Jaime Rodriguez W The Shadow 10:21

Eric Hill L vs.
Jeff "Jim" Lee W Wizard 06:54

Greg "Grag" Dunlap L vs.
Chris "Dast" Perlot W Wizard 05:45

James "COW" Adamson W vs.
Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice L Jackbot 14:17

James Scott L vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman W Game Of Thrones 08:16

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
Erik Graciosa W Grand Lizard 07:18

John Gimera W vs.
Stefan "STEFan" Novak L Grand Lizard 07:04

Jon Tapper L vs.
Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk W Evel Knievel 12:02

Kevin Kerr L vs.
Karl Lind W KISS 11:05

Kris "Small Berries" Fast W vs.
Sinan Ovcina L Future Spa 07:37

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Greg "Illmac" Poe W Game Of Thrones 11:50

Mindy "Buttons" Bert L vs.
Tim Klaus W Metallica 08:34

Paul Schaffer L vs.
Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes W Metallica 08:55

Round 1

Andy Cobb L vs.
Sinan Ovcina W Corvette 06:48

Anthony "Spokanthony" Rice W vs.
Greg "Grag" Dunlap L KISS 06:29

Ben "Saucer" Applebaum L vs.
Kris "Small Berries" Fast W Old Chicago 11:23

Chris "Coil" Coyle L vs.
Jaime Rodriguez W Junk Yard 11:31

Chris "Dast" Perlot L vs.
Brandon Bras W Future Spa 06:09

Chris "Rhodes" Rhodes L vs.
Mindy "Buttons" Bert W Jackbot 09:56

Don Goldman W vs.
John "Hambone" Hartman L Grand Lizard 07:40

Drew Mulkey W vs.
Daniel "Game Of Rones" Rone L The Shadow 09:09

Emma "The Machine" Eichhorn W vs.
Erik Graciosa L Future Spa 08:53

Eric Hill W vs.
Paul "Tall Paul" Kalk L Jackbot 19:04

Greg "Illmac" Poe W vs.
Ariel Hernandez L Grand Lizard 08:40

James Scott L vs.
Sue Brown W Corvette 05:19

Jeff "Jim" Lee W vs.
Zoe "Legs" Vrabel L The Shadow 08:11

Jill Oppenheim L vs.
James "COW" Adamson W Metallica 10:00

John Gimera W vs.
Mike Smith "Pirate Mike" PDX L Evel Knievel 04:57

Jon Tapper L vs.
Kevin Kerr W Game Of Thrones 13:01

Kane "Kanye" MacAniff L vs.
Karl Lind W Metallica 08:44

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Paul Schaffer L KISS 07:25

Stefan "STEFan" Novak W vs.
Todd Robinett L Wizard 11:55

Tim Klaus W vs.
David Morell L Evel Knievel 06:19

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20