March Monthly Tournament 2017

Updated 3:52pm




Dan St. John x

Joe Kollman


Tommy Skinner

Dan Isaacson x


Matt Peace

Tom Vandenberg x

Bobby Orr Power Play

Craig Farner x

Alyssa Mitchem

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Joe Stamper x

Ron Languell

Black Knight

Chris Gartland x

Keith Alyea


Andy Milam x

Terry Schmitt

Laser Cue

Tommy Skinner

Terry Schmitt x


Joe Kollman x

Ron Languell


Matt Peace

Alyssa Mitchem x

Harlem Globetrotters

Keith Alyea

Dan Isaacson xx


Andy Milam xx

Tom Vandenberg x


Craig Farner x

Joe Stamper xx

Bobby Orr Power Play

Chris Gartland xx

Dan St. John x


Tommy Skinner

Ron Languell x

Captain Fantastic

Keith Alyea

Matt Peace x


Alyssa Mitchem xx

Joe Kollman x


Craig Farner x

Tom Vandenberg xx


Dan St. John x

Terry Schmitt xx

The Big Lebowski

Joe Stamper xx

Dan Isaacson xxx

Laser Cue

Chris Gartland xxx

Andy Milam xx

Spanish Eyes

Keith Alyea

Tommy Skinner x

Laser Cue

Craig Farner xx

Matt Peace x


Ron Languell x

Dan St. John xx

Black Knight

Joe Kollman xx

Andy Milam xx


Joe Stamper xxx

Tom Vandenberg xx


Alyssa Mitchem xx

Terry Schmitt xxx

The Big Lebowski

Keith Alyea

Ron Languell xx

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Matt Peace x

Tommy Skinner xx

Spanish Eyes

Alyssa Mitchem xxx

Tom Vandenberg xx


Craig Farner xxx

Joe Kollman xx

Harlem Globetrotters

Andy Milam xxx

Dan St. John xx


Keith Alyea x

Matt Peace x


Ron Languell xxx

Tom Vandenberg xx

Bobby Orr Power Play

Joe Kollman xx

Tommy Skinner xxx

Dan St. John xx


Keith Alyea xx

Matt Peace x


Joe Kollman xx

Dan St. John xxx

Tom Vandenberg xx


Matt Peace x

Joe Kollman xxx


Tom Vandenberg xx

Keith Alyea xxx

Black Knight

Matt Peace x

Tom Vandenberg xxx

Matt Peace x

Round 9

Matt Peace W vs.
Tom Vandenberg L Black Knight 16:53

Round 8

Matt Peace W vs.
Joe Kollman L Funhouse 10:36

Tom Vandenberg W vs.
Keith Alyea L Metallica 11:17

Round 7

Joe Kollman W vs.
Dan St. John L Metallica 10:02

Keith Alyea L vs.
Matt Peace W Tron 12:02

Round 6

Joe Kollman W vs.
Tommy Skinner L Bobby Orr Power Play 03:11

Keith Alyea L vs.
Matt Peace W Monopoly 07:18

Ron Languell L vs.
Tom Vandenberg W Tron 07:22

Round 5

Alyssa Mitchem L vs.
Tom Vandenberg W Spanish Eyes 05:57

Andy Milam L vs.
Dan St. John W Harlem Globetrotters 06:26

Craig Farner L vs.
Joe Kollman W Ghostbusters 11:38

Keith Alyea W vs.
Ron Languell L The Big Lebowski 10:31

Matt Peace W vs.
Tommy Skinner L Creature from the Black Lagoon 05:42

Round 4

Alyssa Mitchem W vs.
Terry Schmitt L Monopoly 06:53

Craig Farner L vs.
Matt Peace W Laser Cue 07:36

Joe Kollman L vs.
Andy Milam W Black Knight 05:51

Joe Stamper L vs.
Tom Vandenberg W Ghostbusters 07:20

Keith Alyea W vs.
Tommy Skinner L Spanish Eyes 06:21

Ron Languell W vs.
Dan St. John L Tri-Zone 08:02

Round 3

Alyssa Mitchem L vs.
Joe Kollman W Tri-Zone 05:23

Chris Gartland L vs.
Andy Milam W Laser Cue 10:05

Craig Farner W vs.
Tom Vandenberg L Monopoly 10:38

Dan St. John W vs.
Terry Schmitt L Funhouse 10:17

Joe Stamper W vs.
Dan Isaacson L The Big Lebowski 10:24

Keith Alyea W vs.
Matt Peace L Captain Fantastic 09:54

Tommy Skinner W vs.
Ron Languell L Metallica 10:46

Round 2

Andy Milam L vs.
Tom Vandenberg W Funhouse 12:34

Chris Gartland L vs.
Dan St. John W Bobby Orr Power Play 08:32

Craig Farner W vs.
Joe Stamper L Metallica 09:57

Joe Kollman L vs.
Ron Languell W Monopoly 07:25

Keith Alyea W vs.
Dan Isaacson L Harlem Globetrotters 05:24

Matt Peace W vs.
Alyssa Mitchem L Ghostbusters 11:16

Tommy Skinner W vs.
Terry Schmitt L Laser Cue 05:37

Round 1

Andy Milam L vs.
Terry Schmitt W Metallica 07:26

Chris Gartland L vs.
Keith Alyea W Black Knight 12:43

Craig Farner L vs.
Alyssa Mitchem W Bobby Orr Power Play 04:22

Dan St. John L vs.
Joe Kollman W Tron 07:31

Joe Stamper L vs.
Ron Languell W Creature from the Black Lagoon 12:25

Matt Peace W vs.
Tom Vandenberg L Tri-Zone 10:39

Tommy Skinner W vs.
Dan Isaacson L Funhouse 06:09

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20