Flip City MFP 7/9/24

Updated 6:11pm



The Walking Dead

David Morell x

Natalie Jackson

Lord of the Rings

Jeff Hart x

Mathew Peterson


Doug Mandell x

Vincent Poudrier

Theatre of Magic

Melissa Hartman

Aeden McRea x

Attack From Mars

Steven Studdard x

Mikkel Nielsen WA

Iron Maiden

John Hartman x

Stephanie Davidson

The Sopranos

Nick Elliott x

Ben Pownall

Johnny Mnemonic

Chad Sulloway

Dawnda Durbin x


William Kerney

Derrek Dominguez x

Phil Bailey

Johnny Mnemonic

Mathew Peterson

Phil Bailey x

Stranger Things

Chad Sulloway

Ben Pownall x


Melissa Hartman x

Natalie Jackson

The Sopranos

Vincent Poudrier x

Stephanie Davidson

Iron Maiden

Mikkel Nielsen WA

David Morell xx

Foo Fighters

Steven Studdard xx

Jeff Hart x

Attack From Mars

Derrek Dominguez xx

Aeden McRea x

Theatre of Magic

Nick Elliott x

Dawnda Durbin xx


John Hartman xx

Doug Mandell x

William Kerney

Attack From Mars

William Kerney x

Stephanie Davidson

Stranger Things

Natalie Jackson x

Mathew Peterson


Chad Sulloway x

Mikkel Nielsen WA


Jeff Hart x

Nick Elliott xx

Johnny Mnemonic

Ben Pownall xx

Melissa Hartman x


Phil Bailey x

Vincent Poudrier xx

Iron Maiden

Doug Mandell xx

Aeden McRea x

The Walking Dead

Steven Studdard xxx

John Hartman xx

The Sopranos

Dawnda Durbin xx

David Morell xxx

Derrek Dominguez xx

Johnny Mnemonic

Stephanie Davidson

Mikkel Nielsen WA x


Jeff Hart x

Melissa Hartman xx

The Sopranos

Aeden McRea x

Natalie Jackson xx


William Kerney xx

Chad Sulloway x

Attack From Mars

Phil Bailey xx

Nick Elliott xx

Foo Fighters

Vincent Poudrier xxx

John Hartman xx

Stranger Things

Doug Mandell xx

Derrek Dominguez xxx

Iron Maiden

Ben Pownall xxx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Mathew Peterson

The Walking Dead

Mathew Peterson

Stephanie Davidson x

Foo Fighters

Mikkel Nielsen WA x

Aeden McRea xx

Theatre of Magic

Chad Sulloway x

Jeff Hart xx


Dawnda Durbin xxx

John Hartman xx

Johnny Mnemonic

Natalie Jackson xx

William Kerney xxx

Stranger Things

Nick Elliott xx

Melissa Hartman xxx

The Sopranos

Phil Bailey xxx

Doug Mandell xx

The Sopranos

Mathew Peterson

Mikkel Nielsen WA xx

Foo Fighters

Stephanie Davidson x

Chad Sulloway xx

The Walking Dead

Jeff Hart xx

Doug Mandell xxx


Aeden McRea xx

Nick Elliott xxx

Theatre of Magic

Natalie Jackson xxx

John Hartman xx


Mathew Peterson x

Stephanie Davidson x

The Walking Dead

Chad Sulloway xx

Aeden McRea xxx

Stranger Things

Mikkel Nielsen WA xxx

Jeff Hart xx

John Hartman xx


Stephanie Davidson xx

Mathew Peterson x

The Sopranos

John Hartman xx

Chad Sulloway xxx

Jeff Hart xx

Attack From Mars

Mathew Peterson x

John Hartman xxx


Jeff Hart xx

Stephanie Davidson xxx

Iron Maiden

Mathew Peterson x

Jeff Hart xxx

Round 10

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Jeff Hart L Iron Maiden 54:23

Round 9

Jeff Hart W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L Deadpool 15:45

Mathew Peterson W vs.
John Hartman L Attack From Mars 15:48

Round 8

John Hartman W vs.
Chad Sulloway L The Sopranos 21:48

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Spider-Man 14:45

Round 7

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Aeden McRea L The Walking Dead 13:45

Mathew Peterson L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Pinbot 06:21

Mikkel Nielsen WA L vs.
Jeff Hart W Stranger Things 13:27

Round 6

Aeden McRea W vs.
Nick Elliott L Spider-Man 12:58

Jeff Hart W vs.
Doug Mandell L The Walking Dead 08:51

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L The Sopranos 18:47

Natalie Jackson L vs.
John Hartman W Theatre of Magic 11:39

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Chad Sulloway L Foo Fighters 05:23

Round 5

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Jeff Hart L Theatre of Magic 08:05

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
John Hartman W Deadpool 18:58

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Stephanie Davidson L The Walking Dead 08:30

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
Aeden McRea L Foo Fighters 10:20

Natalie Jackson W vs.
William Kerney L Johnny Mnemonic 19:42

Nick Elliott W vs.
Melissa Hartman L Stranger Things 18:08

Phil Bailey L vs.
Doug Mandell W The Sopranos 11:37

Round 4

Aeden McRea W vs.
Natalie Jackson L The Sopranos 11:41

Ben Pownall L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Iron Maiden 19:45

Doug Mandell W vs.
Derrek Dominguez L Stranger Things 10:12

Jeff Hart W vs.
Melissa Hartman L Spider-Man 10:17

Phil Bailey L vs.
Nick Elliott W Attack From Mars 12:06

Stephanie Davidson W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L Johnny Mnemonic 09:29

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
John Hartman W Foo Fighters 20:02

William Kerney L vs.
Chad Sulloway W Pinbot 11:16

Round 3

Ben Pownall L vs.
Melissa Hartman W Johnny Mnemonic 18:55

Chad Sulloway L vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA W Deadpool 17:47

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
David Morell L The Sopranos 16:40

Doug Mandell L vs.
Aeden McRea W Iron Maiden 11:52

Jeff Hart W vs.
Nick Elliott L Pinbot 14:43

Natalie Jackson L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Stranger Things 11:34

Phil Bailey W vs.
Vincent Poudrier L Spider-Man 12:27

Steven Studdard L vs.
John Hartman W The Walking Dead 15:38

William Kerney L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Attack From Mars 12:32

Round 2

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Ben Pownall L Stranger Things 12:45

Derrek Dominguez L vs.
Aeden McRea W Attack From Mars 13:25

John Hartman L vs.
Doug Mandell W Spider-Man 21:30

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Phil Bailey L Johnny Mnemonic 16:21

Melissa Hartman L vs.
Natalie Jackson W Deadpool 14:29

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
David Morell L Iron Maiden 14:08

Nick Elliott W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Theatre of Magic 10:22

Steven Studdard L vs.
Jeff Hart W Foo Fighters 12:53

Vincent Poudrier L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W The Sopranos 18:44

Round 1

Chad Sulloway W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Johnny Mnemonic 17:07

David Morell L vs.
Natalie Jackson W The Walking Dead 13:22

Doug Mandell L vs.
Vincent Poudrier W Pinbot 18:13

Jeff Hart L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Lord of the Rings 29:36

John Hartman L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Iron Maiden 18:09

Melissa Hartman W vs.
Aeden McRea L Theatre of Magic 17:58

Nick Elliott L vs.
Ben Pownall W The Sopranos 15:07

Steven Studdard L vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA W Attack From Mars 08:47

William Kerney W vs.
Derrek Dominguez L Spider-Man 13:44

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20