9/25 Awesome Ammy

Updated 3:21pm




Joshua Barnes x

Lefty Sitaras

Star Wars DE

Anthony Welters

Evan Adkins x


John Peters x

Sandy Magallanes

Big Guns

Justina Russo

Tim Shere x

Medieval Madness

Clifton Miller

Norm Byrd x

Tales From The Crypt

Neil Kubath x

Stacey Wilson

Ramsey Sierra

Addams Family

Sandy Magallanes

Ramsey Sierra x

The Sopranos

Justina Russo x

Clifton Miller

Pirates Of The Carribean

Anthony Welters x

Stacey Wilson


Lefty Sitaras

Norm Byrd xx


Tim Shere xx

Neil Kubath x

Star Trek TNG

Joshua Barnes xx

Evan Adkins x

John Peters x

Medieval Madness

Lefty Sitaras

Sandy Magallanes x

Star Trek TNG

Clifton Miller

Stacey Wilson x


Justina Russo x

John Peters xx

Star Wars DE

Ramsey Sierra x

Neil Kubath xx


Anthony Welters x

Tim Shere xxx


Norm Byrd xx

Joshua Barnes xxx

Evan Adkins x


Lefty Sitaras

Clifton Miller x


Stacey Wilson xx

Evan Adkins x

Party Zone

Sandy Magallanes x

Justina Russo xx


Ramsey Sierra xx

John Peters xx


Neil Kubath xxx

Norm Byrd xx

Anthony Welters x


Lefty Sitaras x

Anthony Welters x

Tales From The Crypt

Clifton Miller xx

Sandy Magallanes x


Evan Adkins x

Ramsey Sierra xxx

Eight Ball

Justina Russo xxx

Norm Byrd xx

Big Guns

Stacey Wilson xxx

John Peters xx

Addams Family

Evan Adkins xx

Lefty Sitaras x

Revenge From Mars

Anthony Welters xx

Clifton Miller xx

Party Zone

John Peters xxx

Norm Byrd xx

Sandy Magallanes x

The Getaway

Sandy Magallanes xx

Lefty Sitaras x

Big Guns

Norm Byrd xx

Anthony Welters xxx

Pirates Of The Carribean

Evan Adkins xxx

Clifton Miller xx

Star Wars DE

Lefty Sitaras xx

Clifton Miller xx

Revenge From Mars

Norm Byrd xx

Sandy Magallanes xxx

Tales From The Crypt

Lefty Sitaras xx

Norm Byrd xxx

Clifton Miller xx

Big Guns

Clifton Miller xx

Lefty Sitaras xxx

Clifton Miller xx

Round 10

Clifton Miller W vs.
Lefty Sitaras L Big Guns 12:36

Round 9

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
Norm Byrd L Tales From The Crypt 06:38

Round 8

Lefty Sitaras L vs.
Clifton Miller W Star Wars DE 17:22

Norm Byrd W vs.
Sandy Magallanes L Revenge From Mars 07:17

Round 7

Evan Adkins L vs.
Clifton Miller W Pirates Of The Carribean 11:43

Norm Byrd W vs.
Anthony Welters L Big Guns 09:21

Sandy Magallanes L vs.
Lefty Sitaras W The Getaway 14:45

Round 6

Anthony Welters L vs.
Clifton Miller W Revenge From Mars 14:53

Evan Adkins L vs.
Lefty Sitaras W Addams Family 16:34

John Peters L vs.
Norm Byrd W Party Zone 17:50

Round 5

Clifton Miller L vs.
Sandy Magallanes W Tales From The Crypt 07:47

Evan Adkins W vs.
Ramsey Sierra L Jackbot 08:49

Justina Russo L vs.
Norm Byrd W Eight Ball 13:41

Lefty Sitaras L vs.
Anthony Welters W Elvira 15:18

Stacey Wilson L vs.
John Peters W Big Guns 14:18

Round 4

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
Clifton Miller L Jackbot 14:26

Neil Kubath L vs.
Norm Byrd W Ghostbusters 19:01

Ramsey Sierra L vs.
John Peters W T2 09:25

Sandy Magallanes W vs.
Justina Russo L Party Zone 08:32

Stacey Wilson L vs.
Evan Adkins W Simpsons 08:30

Round 3

Anthony Welters W vs.
Tim Shere L Simpsons 11:17

Clifton Miller W vs.
Stacey Wilson L Star Trek TNG 08:28

Justina Russo W vs.
John Peters L Elvira 09:11

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
Sandy Magallanes L Medieval Madness 13:09

Norm Byrd W vs.
Joshua Barnes L Jackbot 11:52

Ramsey Sierra W vs.
Neil Kubath L Star Wars DE 12:50

Round 2

Anthony Welters L vs.
Stacey Wilson W Pirates Of The Carribean 08:30

Joshua Barnes L vs.
Evan Adkins W Star Trek TNG 10:26

Justina Russo L vs.
Clifton Miller W The Sopranos 19:44

Lefty Sitaras W vs.
Norm Byrd L Earthshaker 15:08

Sandy Magallanes W vs.
Ramsey Sierra L Addams Family 11:22

Tim Shere L vs.
Neil Kubath W Elvira 08:54

Round 1

Anthony Welters W vs.
Evan Adkins L Star Wars DE 17:32

Clifton Miller W vs.
Norm Byrd L Medieval Madness 19:19

John Peters L vs.
Sandy Magallanes W Jackbot 13:31

Joshua Barnes L vs.
Lefty Sitaras W Ripleys 18:25

Justina Russo W vs.
Tim Shere L Big Guns 13:06

Neil Kubath L vs.
Stacey Wilson W Tales From The Crypt 12:54

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20