Flip City Weekly 07/23/24: Sit Tite

Updated 6:18pm



Bram Stoker's Dracula

Peter Durbin x

Zach Singer

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Dawnda Durbin

James Adamson x

The Sopranos

John Hartman

Fuchsia Troutman x


Mikkel Nielsen WA x

Nick Elliott

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

David Morell x

Stephanie Davidson


Mike Smith PDX x

Scott Benoit


Bill Lascher x

Dave Plow


Aeden McRea x

Mathew Peterson


Trish Lockhart

Natalie Jackson x

Mac Frawley

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Trish Lockhart

Dave Plow x


Mac Frawley x

Nick Elliott


Dawnda Durbin

Mathew Peterson x


Scott Benoit x

Zach Singer

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Stephanie Davidson x

John Hartman

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Mike Smith PDX xx

James Adamson x


David Morell x

Fuchsia Troutman xx

The Sopranos

Natalie Jackson x

Mikkel Nielsen WA xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Aeden McRea x

Bill Lascher xx

Peter Durbin x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Zach Singer

Nick Elliott x


Trish Lockhart x

Dawnda Durbin


John Hartman

Scott Benoit xx


James Adamson xx

Aeden McRea x


Dave Plow x

David Morell xx


Stephanie Davidson xx

Natalie Jackson x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Peter Durbin xx

Mathew Peterson x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Mikkel Nielsen WA xx

Fuchsia Troutman xxx

The Sopranos

Bill Lascher xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx


Zach Singer x

John Hartman

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Dawnda Durbin

Natalie Jackson xx


Aeden McRea xx

Dave Plow x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Trish Lockhart xx

Mathew Peterson x

The Sopranos

Nick Elliott xx

Scott Benoit xx


James Adamson xxx

Stephanie Davidson xx


Mikkel Nielsen WA xx

Peter Durbin xxx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

David Morell xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx


Dawnda Durbin x

John Hartman

The Sopranos

Zach Singer xx

Mathew Peterson x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Trish Lockhart xx

Mikkel Nielsen WA xxx


Stephanie Davidson xxx

Scott Benoit xx


Mike Smith PDX xx

Natalie Jackson xxx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Aeden McRea xx

Nick Elliott xxx

Dave Plow x


John Hartman x

Mathew Peterson x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Dawnda Durbin x

Dave Plow xx


Aeden McRea xxx

Zach Singer xx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Scott Benoit xx

Trish Lockhart xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx


Dawnda Durbin xx

Mathew Peterson x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Scott Benoit xx

Dave Plow xxx


Zach Singer xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx

John Hartman x

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Mathew Peterson xx

John Hartman x


Scott Benoit xxx

Mike Smith PDX xx

Dawnda Durbin xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

John Hartman x

Dawnda Durbin xxx

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Mathew Peterson xx

Mike Smith PDX xxx


John Hartman xx

Mathew Peterson xx


John Hartman xx

Mathew Peterson xxx

Round 11

John Hartman W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Godzilla 17:32

Round 10

John Hartman L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Jaws 20:04

Round 9

John Hartman W vs.
Dawnda Durbin L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 09:53

Mathew Peterson W vs.
Mike Smith PDX L Bram Stoker's Dracula 08:22

Round 8

Mathew Peterson L vs.
John Hartman W Bram Stoker's Dracula 10:59

Scott Benoit L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Godzilla 22:02

Round 7

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Godzilla 15:46

Scott Benoit W vs.
Dave Plow L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 11:54

Zach Singer L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Jaws 14:09

Round 6

Aeden McRea L vs.
Zach Singer W Godzilla 08:50

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Dave Plow L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 09:05

John Hartman L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Skateball 10:44

Scott Benoit W vs.
Trish Lockhart L Bram Stoker's Dracula 16:04

Round 5

Aeden McRea W vs.
Nick Elliott L Bram Stoker's Dracula 05:19

Dawnda Durbin L vs.
John Hartman W Godzilla 16:25

Mike Smith PDX W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Skateball 06:13

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Scott Benoit W Jaws 17:41

Trish Lockhart W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 09:20

Zach Singer L vs.
Mathew Peterson W The Sopranos 26:48

Round 4

Aeden McRea L vs.
Dave Plow W Skateball 07:15

David Morell L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:43

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 07:09

James Adamson L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Skateball 07:29

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
Peter Durbin L Godzilla 12:00

Nick Elliott L vs.
Scott Benoit W The Sopranos 28:56

Trish Lockhart L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 14:12

Zach Singer L vs.
John Hartman W Jaws 12:42

Round 3

Bill Lascher L vs.
Mike Smith PDX W The Sopranos 20:36

Dave Plow W vs.
David Morell L Skateball 06:20

James Adamson L vs.
Aeden McRea W Jaws 09:54

John Hartman W vs.
Scott Benoit L Godzilla 24:22

Mikkel Nielsen WA W vs.
Fuchsia Troutman L Bram Stoker's Dracula 13:11

Peter Durbin L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 07:56

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
Natalie Jackson W Jaws 11:45

Trish Lockhart L vs.
Dawnda Durbin W Skateball 07:13

Zach Singer W vs.
Nick Elliott L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 07:13

Round 2

Aeden McRea W vs.
Bill Lascher L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 09:08

David Morell W vs.
Fuchsia Troutman L Godzilla 17:17

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
Mathew Peterson L Jaws 22:06

Mac Frawley L vs.
Nick Elliott W Skateball 00:08

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
James Adamson W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 09:44

Natalie Jackson W vs.
Mikkel Nielsen WA L The Sopranos 14:07

Scott Benoit L vs.
Zach Singer W Skateball 12:02

Stephanie Davidson L vs.
John Hartman W Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:34

Trish Lockhart W vs.
Dave Plow L Bram Stoker's Dracula 09:50

Round 1

Aeden McRea L vs.
Mathew Peterson W Skateball 08:26

Bill Lascher L vs.
Dave Plow W Godzilla 09:41

David Morell L vs.
Stephanie Davidson W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 10:36

Dawnda Durbin W vs.
James Adamson L Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:11

John Hartman W vs.
Fuchsia Troutman L The Sopranos 17:59

Mike Smith PDX L vs.
Scott Benoit W Jaws 23:18

Mikkel Nielsen WA L vs.
Nick Elliott W Skateball 05:42

Peter Durbin L vs.
Zach Singer W Bram Stoker's Dracula 07:46

Trish Lockhart W vs.
Natalie Jackson L Godzilla 08:05

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20