Lube 7/6/15

Updated 3:43pm

Round 1

Alesha // Jeff vs.
Brian Blevins // Mara Court 1 23:42:27

John // Kevin vs.
Kerwin // Mike Court 2 23:29:58


Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Spencer // T-roy
Alesha // Jeff
Court 1
Brian Blevins // Mara
John // Kevin
Court 2
Kerwin // Mike
Big B // Chad
Audrey // Tony
Kerry // Nick
Court 1
Buck // Lil B
Andy // Robbie
Court 2
LA // Matt
Austin // Greg
Spencer // T-roy
Court 2
Brian Blevins // Mara
Kerwin // Mike
Court 1
Big B // Chad
Audrey // Tony
Court 2
Buck // Lil B
LA // Matt
Court 2
Austin // Greg
Spencer // T-roy
Court 1
Kerwin // Mike
Buck // Lil B
Court 1
Austin // Greg
Kerwin // Mike
Court 2
Buck // Lil B
Kerwin // Mike
Court 1
Spencer // T-roy
Spencer // T-roy
Court 1
Kerwin // Mike
Spencer // T-roy
Kerry // Nick
Andy // Robbie
Alesha // Jeff
Court 1
LA // Matt
John // Kevin
Court 1
Audrey // Tony
Kerry // Nick
Court 2
Big B // Chad
Andy // Robbie
Court 2
Brian Blevins // Mara
LA // Matt
Court 2
Audrey // Tony
Big B // Chad
Court 2
Brian Blevins // Mara
LA // Matt
Court 1
Spencer // T-roy
Big B // Chad
Court 1
Austin // Greg
Spencer // T-roy
Court 1
Austin // Greg
Spencer // T-roy
Court 2
Buck // Lil B
Spencer // T-roy


  Spencer // T-roy


  Kerwin // Mike


  Buck // Lil B


  Austin // Greg


  LA // Matt

  Big B // Chad


  Audrey // Tony

  Brian Blevins // Mara


  Alesha // Jeff

  John // Kevin

  Kerry // Nick

  Andy // Robbie

Final - Match 2

Spencer // T-roy W vs.
Kerwin // Mike L Court 1 05:58


Kerwin // Mike L vs.
Spencer // T-roy W Court 1 00:07

Elimination Final

Spencer // T-roy W vs.
Buck // Lil B L Court 2 15:53

Elimination Semi-final

Spencer // T-roy W vs.
Austin // Greg L Court 1 11:37

Winners Final

Kerwin // Mike W vs.
Buck // Lil B L Court 2 13:59

Elimination 4

Big B // Chad L vs.
Austin // Greg W Court 1 12:19

LA // Matt L vs.
Spencer // T-roy W Court 1 10:05

Elimination 3

Big B // Chad W vs.
Brian Blevins // Mara L Court 2 09:55

LA // Matt W vs.
Audrey // Tony L Court 2 15:45

Winners Semi-finals

Buck // Lil B W vs.
Austin // Greg L Court 1 08:20

Spencer // T-roy L vs.
Kerwin // Mike W Court 1 12:03

Elimination 2

Alesha // Jeff L vs.
LA // Matt W Court 1 07:49

Andy // Robbie L vs.
Brian Blevins // Mara W Court 2 10:01

John // Kevin L vs.
Audrey // Tony W Court 1 11:45

Kerry // Nick L vs.
Big B // Chad W Court 2 15:01

Winners 1

Audrey // Tony L vs.
Buck // Lil B W Court 2 10:49

Kerwin // Mike W vs.
Big B // Chad L Court 1 16:06

LA // Matt L vs.
Austin // Greg W Court 2 10:47

Spencer // T-roy W vs.
Brian Blevins // Mara L Court 2 14:56

Round 1

Andy // Robbie L vs.
LA // Matt W Court 2 12:02

Kerry // Nick L vs.
Buck // Lil B W Court 1 21:16

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20