Pinball Gallery Monthly Tournament

Updated 9:51pm




Rick Prince

Scott Sargent x


Matt Gusler x

Nathaniel Gibson


Craig Genievich

Pete Tsipouras x

Mars God of War

Ashley Minton

Nick Hislop x

Medieval Madness

Gabe Patterson

Joe Oesterling x

Addams Family

Jeff Merten x

Don Roy

Monte Carlo

Bill Sargent

Peter Skowron x


Dave Bartholamew

Bill Disney x

El Dorado City Of Gold

Sarah Hopkins x

Bob Choate

Alien Poker

John Moran NJ x

Dom Carr


Paul Seidurlo x

Ken Martin


Sherry Disney x

Jeffrey Shropshire

Big Guns

Gail Roy x

Brian Mills


Matt Minton

Matt McMahon x


Dave Bartholamew x

Ashley Minton

Time Machine

Bill Sargent

Dom Carr x


Jeffrey Shropshire x

Rick Prince


Bob Choate

Nathaniel Gibson x

No Good Gofers

Craig Genievich x

Brian Mills


Matt Minton x

Gabe Patterson


Don Roy x

Ken Martin


Matt Gusler x

Scott Sargent xx

Alien Poker

Jeff Merten x

Bill Disney xx


Joe Oesterling x

Gail Roy xx

Iron Man

Peter Skowron xx

Nick Hislop x


John Moran NJ x

Paul Seidurlo xx

Medieval Madness

Pete Tsipouras x

Matt McMahon xx


Sherry Disney xx

Sarah Hopkins x

Iron Man

Ashley Minton x

Rick Prince


Brian Mills

Ken Martin x

Bad Girls

Bill Sargent

Bob Choate x


Gabe Patterson

Don Roy xx


Craig Genievich x

Matt Gusler xx

Solar Fire

Nathaniel Gibson xx

Dave Bartholamew x

Big Guns

Jeff Merten x

Jeffrey Shropshire xx


Nick Hislop xx

Pete Tsipouras x

Black Jack

Sarah Hopkins xx

John Moran NJ x


Matt Minton x

Dom Carr xx


Joe Oesterling xx

Matt McMahon xx


Paul Seidurlo xx

Peter Skowron xxx

Addams Family

Gail Roy xxx

Bill Disney xx

No Good Gofers

Sherry Disney xx

Scott Sargent xxx


Brian Mills x

Gabe Patterson


Rick Prince

Bill Sargent x


Jeff Merten x

Ashley Minton xx

Big Guns

Dave Bartholamew xx

Matt Minton x


Bob Choate x

Ken Martin xx

Big Game

John Moran NJ xx

Pete Tsipouras x

Hot Tip

Jeffrey Shropshire xxx

Nick Hislop xx


Matt McMahon xx

Dom Carr xxx


Don Roy xxx

Paul Seidurlo xx

Ice Fever

Sherry Disney xx

Matt Gusler xxx


Joe Oesterling xx

Sarah Hopkins xxx

Black Jack

Nathaniel Gibson xx

Bill Disney xxx

Craig Genievich x

Mars God of War

Rick Prince

Gabe Patterson x

Black Jack

Matt Minton x

Bill Sargent xx


Bob Choate x

Brian Mills xx


Jeff Merten x

Pete Tsipouras xx

Flight 2000

Craig Genievich x

Joe Oesterling xxx

Star Trek

Paul Seidurlo xxx

Nick Hislop xx

Big Game

Sherry Disney xxx

Ashley Minton xx

Cosmic Gunfight

Nathaniel Gibson xx

John Moran NJ xxx


Ken Martin xx

Dave Bartholamew xxx

Matt McMahon xx


Rick Prince x

Jeff Merten x

Time Machine

Craig Genievich x

Matt Minton xx

Ice Fever

Gabe Patterson xx

Bob Choate x


Ashley Minton xxx

Brian Mills xx

El Dorado City Of Gold

Nick Hislop xxx

Matt McMahon xx

Star Trek

Nathaniel Gibson xx

Bill Sargent xxx

Addams Family

Ken Martin xxx

Pete Tsipouras xx

El Dorado City Of Gold

Rick Prince x

Craig Genievich xx


Bob Choate xx

Jeff Merten x


Matt McMahon xx

Brian Mills xxx


Nathaniel Gibson xxx

Gabe Patterson xx


Matt Minton xx

Pete Tsipouras xxx


Rick Prince x

Matt McMahon xxx


Gabe Patterson xx

Craig Genievich xxx

Monte Carlo

Matt Minton xx

Bob Choate xxx

Jeff Merten x


Jeff Merten xx

Rick Prince x


Gabe Patterson xx

Matt Minton xxx


Gabe Patterson xx

Jeff Merten xxx

Rick Prince x

Monte Carlo

Rick Prince xx

Gabe Patterson xx

Flight 2000

Rick Prince xxx

Gabe Patterson xx

Gabe Patterson xx

Round 12

Rick Prince L vs.
Gabe Patterson W Flight 2000 22:59:50

Round 11

Rick Prince L vs.
Gabe Patterson W Monte Carlo 08:52

Round 10

Gabe Patterson W vs.
Jeff Merten L Seawitch 08:05

Round 9

Gabe Patterson W vs.
Matt Minton L Genie 03:55

Jeff Merten L vs.
Rick Prince W Tri-Zone 12:43

Round 8

Gabe Patterson W vs.
Craig Genievich L Vegas 09:51

Matt Minton W vs.
Bob Choate L Monte Carlo 07:45

Rick Prince W vs.
Matt McMahon L Stars 07:13

Round 7

Bob Choate L vs.
Jeff Merten W Funhouse 08:21

Matt McMahon W vs.
Brian Mills L Spider-Man 08:02

Matt Minton W vs.
Pete Tsipouras L Sharpshooter 08:17

Nathaniel Gibson L vs.
Gabe Patterson W Stars 08:49

Rick Prince W vs.
Craig Genievich L El Dorado City Of Gold 07:38

Round 6

Ashley Minton L vs.
Brian Mills W Vegas 07:57

Craig Genievich W vs.
Matt Minton L Time Machine 05:39

Gabe Patterson L vs.
Bob Choate W Ice Fever 05:59

Ken Martin L vs.
Pete Tsipouras W Addams Family 13:37

Nathaniel Gibson W vs.
Bill Sargent L Star Trek 12:13

Nick Hislop L vs.
Matt McMahon W El Dorado City Of Gold 04:39

Rick Prince L vs.
Jeff Merten W Metallica 07:15

Round 5

Bob Choate W vs.
Brian Mills L Stars 09:57

Craig Genievich W vs.
Joe Oesterling L Flight 2000 09:53

Jeff Merten W vs.
Pete Tsipouras L X-Men 12:38

Ken Martin W vs.
Dave Bartholamew L Blackout 06:14

Matt Minton W vs.
Bill Sargent L Black Jack 05:24

Nathaniel Gibson W vs.
John Moran NJ L Cosmic Gunfight 05:03

Paul Seidurlo L vs.
Nick Hislop W Star Trek 12:34

Rick Prince W vs.
Gabe Patterson L Mars God of War 04:36

Sherry Disney L vs.
Ashley Minton W Big Game 11:18

Round 4

Bob Choate W vs.
Ken Martin L Count-Down 05:24

Brian Mills L vs.
Gabe Patterson W Pin-Bot 08:38

Dave Bartholamew L vs.
Matt Minton W Big Guns 06:58

Don Roy L vs.
Paul Seidurlo W Centaur 03:59

Jeff Merten W vs.
Ashley Minton L Genie 05:10

Jeffrey Shropshire L vs.
Nick Hislop W Hot Tip 04:06

Joe Oesterling W vs.
Sarah Hopkins L Metallica 11:25

John Moran NJ L vs.
Pete Tsipouras W Big Game 08:52

Matt McMahon W vs.
Dom Carr L Stargate 10:25

Nathaniel Gibson W vs.
Bill Disney L Black Jack 07:22

Rick Prince W vs.
Bill Sargent L Spider-Man 07:34

Sherry Disney W vs.
Matt Gusler L Ice Fever 07:08

Round 3

Ashley Minton L vs.
Rick Prince W Iron Man 08:33

Bill Sargent W vs.
Bob Choate L Bad Girls 06:44

Brian Mills W vs.
Ken Martin L Sharpshooter 08:05

Craig Genievich W vs.
Matt Gusler L Spider-Man 05:10

Gabe Patterson W vs.
Don Roy L Cyclone 06:33

Gail Roy L vs.
Bill Disney W Addams Family 08:21

Jeff Merten W vs.
Jeffrey Shropshire L Big Guns 06:17

Joe Oesterling L vs.
Matt McMahon W Earthshaker 05:00

Matt Minton W vs.
Dom Carr L Seawitch 04:13

Nathaniel Gibson L vs.
Dave Bartholamew W Solar Fire 06:19

Nick Hislop L vs.
Pete Tsipouras W Stargate 10:35

Paul Seidurlo W vs.
Peter Skowron L Vegas 09:20

Sarah Hopkins L vs.
John Moran NJ W Black Jack 06:44

Sherry Disney W vs.
Scott Sargent L No Good Gofers 09:52

Round 2

Bill Sargent W vs.
Dom Carr L Time Machine 05:52

Bob Choate W vs.
Nathaniel Gibson L Fireball 02:30

Craig Genievich L vs.
Brian Mills W No Good Gofers 12:43

Dave Bartholamew L vs.
Ashley Minton W Cyclone 05:49

Don Roy L vs.
Ken Martin W Stargate 11:01

Jeff Merten W vs.
Bill Disney L Alien Poker 08:51

Jeffrey Shropshire L vs.
Rick Prince W Earthshaker 08:17

Joe Oesterling W vs.
Gail Roy L Stars 05:01

John Moran NJ W vs.
Paul Seidurlo L Funhouse 09:05

Matt Gusler W vs.
Scott Sargent L Centaur 05:20

Matt Minton L vs.
Gabe Patterson W Tri-Zone 10:53

Pete Tsipouras W vs.
Matt McMahon L Medieval Madness 09:34

Peter Skowron L vs.
Nick Hislop W Iron Man 08:51

Sherry Disney L vs.
Sarah Hopkins W Sharpshooter 04:55

Round 1

Ashley Minton W vs.
Nick Hislop L Mars God of War 03:28

Bill Sargent W vs.
Peter Skowron L Monte Carlo 08:47

Craig Genievich W vs.
Pete Tsipouras L Tri-Zone 05:17

Dave Bartholamew W vs.
Bill Disney L TX-Sector 05:51

Gabe Patterson W vs.
Joe Oesterling L Medieval Madness 16:41

Gail Roy L vs.
Brian Mills W Big Guns 06:47

Jeff Merten L vs.
Don Roy W Addams Family 07:05

John Moran NJ L vs.
Dom Carr W Alien Poker 05:34

Matt Gusler L vs.
Nathaniel Gibson W Stargate 06:52

Matt Minton W vs.
Matt McMahon L Pin-Bot 05:22

Paul Seidurlo L vs.
Ken Martin W Rollergames 10:06

Rick Prince W vs.
Scott Sargent L Count-Down 06:49

Sarah Hopkins L vs.
Bob Choate W El Dorado City Of Gold 05:57

Sherry Disney L vs.
Jeffrey Shropshire W Genesis 08:04

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20