Hounds Tooth Weekly! 8-24

Updated 11:48pm




Sarah Munden

Paul White x

Dirty Harry

Andrew Hopper

Jenny Pickens x

Iron Man

Chad Adams WA

Zachary Peeples x


Jason Roselander

Chaz Simmons x

Hot Wheels

Kyle Condell x

Dan Cevetello

Iron Maiden

Shawn Mandel x

Misha Alexeeff

The Beattles

Aaron Shervin

Jalayna Carter x


Clare Green

Shawnna Kenney x

Dave Stewart


Dan Cevetello x

Dave Stewart

Dirty Harry

Aaron Shervin x

Clare Green

Cactus Canyon

Misha Alexeeff

Sarah Munden x

Iron Maiden

Chad Adams WA x

Jason Roselander


Andrew Hopper

Chaz Simmons xx


Shawn Mandel x

Kyle Condell xx

The Beattles

Jenny Pickens xx

Paul White x

Charlies Angels

Jalayna Carter xx

Zachary Peeples x

Shawnna Kenney x

Iron Man

Andrew Hopper

Misha Alexeeff x

Charlies Angels

Jason Roselander x

Clare Green

Hot Wheels

Dave Stewart x

Shawn Mandel x

Dirty Harry

Paul White xx

Dan Cevetello x

Cactus Canyon

Aaron Shervin xx

Zachary Peeples x

The Beattles

Chad Adams WA xx

Shawnna Kenney x


Sarah Munden xx

Jenny Pickens xx

Iron Maiden

Chaz Simmons xx

Jalayna Carter xxx

Kyle Condell xx


Clare Green x

Andrew Hopper

Charlies Angels

Dan Cevetello x

Shawnna Kenney xx

The Beattles

Jason Roselander xx

Misha Alexeeff x


Shawn Mandel xx

Zachary Peeples x

Cactus Canyon

Dave Stewart xx

Chad Adams WA xx

Dirty Harry

Sarah Munden xxx

Kyle Condell xx

Iron Maiden

Aaron Shervin xx

Paul White xxx

Hot Wheels

Jenny Pickens xx

Chaz Simmons xxx

Hot Wheels

Andrew Hopper

Zachary Peeples xx

Iron Maiden

Clare Green xx

Dan Cevetello x

Charlies Angels

Chad Adams WA xxx

Jenny Pickens xx


Aaron Shervin xx

Shawn Mandel xxx


Jason Roselander xx

Dave Stewart xxx

Iron Man

Kyle Condell xx

Shawnna Kenney xxx

Misha Alexeeff x


Dan Cevetello x

Misha Alexeeff xx

Iron Maiden

Jenny Pickens xxx

Kyle Condell xx

Hot Wheels

Jason Roselander xx

Aaron Shervin xxx

The Beattles

Zachary Peeples xx

Clare Green xxx

Andrew Hopper

Cactus Canyon

Andrew Hopper x

Dan Cevetello x


Kyle Condell xxx

Misha Alexeeff xx


Jason Roselander xxx

Zachary Peeples xx

The Beattles

Dan Cevetello x

Andrew Hopper xx


Misha Alexeeff xxx

Zachary Peeples xx

Iron Maiden

Andrew Hopper xx

Zachary Peeples xxx

Dan Cevetello x

Iron Man

Dan Cevetello xx

Andrew Hopper xx


Dan Cevetello xx

Andrew Hopper xxx

Dan Cevetello xx

Round 11

Dan Cevetello W vs.
Andrew Hopper L Mandalorian 09:53

Round 10

Dan Cevetello L vs.
Andrew Hopper W Iron Man 09:34

Round 9

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Zachary Peeples L Iron Maiden 13:45

Round 8

Dan Cevetello W vs.
Andrew Hopper L The Beattles 09:50

Misha Alexeeff L vs.
Zachary Peeples W Dolly 07:00

Round 7

Andrew Hopper L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Cactus Canyon 18:24

Jason Roselander L vs.
Zachary Peeples W 24 18:41

Kyle Condell L vs.
Misha Alexeeff W Mandalorian 10:05

Round 6

Dan Cevetello W vs.
Misha Alexeeff L 24 18:13

Jason Roselander W vs.
Aaron Shervin L Hot Wheels 15:55

Jenny Pickens L vs.
Kyle Condell W Iron Maiden 15:03

Zachary Peeples W vs.
Clare Green L The Beattles 14:21

Round 5

Clare Green L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Iron Maiden 16:42

Aaron Shervin W vs.
Shawn Mandel L 24 17:23

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Zachary Peeples L Hot Wheels 16:53

Chad Adams WA L vs.
Jenny Pickens W Charlies Angels 17:01

Jason Roselander W vs.
Dave Stewart L Dolly 18:13

Kyle Condell W vs.
Shawnna Kenney L Iron Man 16:29

Round 4

Clare Green L vs.
Andrew Hopper W Dolly 12:13

Aaron Shervin W vs.
Paul White L Iron Maiden 23:42

Dan Cevetello W vs.
Shawnna Kenney L Charlies Angels 19:27

Dave Stewart L vs.
Chad Adams WA W Cactus Canyon 24:11

Jason Roselander L vs.
Misha Alexeeff W The Beattles 14:44

Jenny Pickens W vs.
Chaz Simmons L Hot Wheels 18:30

Sarah Munden L vs.
Kyle Condell W Dirty Harry 20:45

Shawn Mandel L vs.
Zachary Peeples W Mandalorian 13:06

Round 3

Aaron Shervin L vs.
Zachary Peeples W Cactus Canyon 19:46

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Misha Alexeeff L Iron Man 17:07

Chad Adams WA L vs.
Shawnna Kenney W The Beattles 17:18

Chaz Simmons W vs.
Jalayna Carter L Iron Maiden 10:01

Dave Stewart L vs.
Shawn Mandel W Hot Wheels 15:18

Jason Roselander L vs.
Clare Green W Charlies Angels 23:01

Paul White L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Dirty Harry 24:00

Sarah Munden L vs.
Jenny Pickens W 24 19:39

Round 2

Aaron Shervin L vs.
Clare Green W Dirty Harry 15:04

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Chaz Simmons L 24 20:34

Chad Adams WA L vs.
Jason Roselander W Iron Maiden 20:25

Dan Cevetello L vs.
Dave Stewart W Mandalorian 10:28

Jalayna Carter L vs.
Zachary Peeples W Charlies Angels 18:30

Jenny Pickens L vs.
Paul White W The Beattles 17:45

Misha Alexeeff W vs.
Sarah Munden L Cactus Canyon 18:00

Shawn Mandel W vs.
Kyle Condell L Dolly 15:17

Round 1

Clare Green W vs.
Shawnna Kenney L 24 15:32

Aaron Shervin W vs.
Jalayna Carter L The Beattles 16:26

Andrew Hopper W vs.
Jenny Pickens L Dirty Harry 13:49

Chad Adams WA W vs.
Zachary Peeples L Iron Man 21:22

Jason Roselander W vs.
Chaz Simmons L Mandalorian 17:46

Kyle Condell L vs.
Dan Cevetello W Hot Wheels 15:20

Sarah Munden W vs.
Paul White L Dolly 13:18

Shawn Mandel L vs.
Misha Alexeeff W Iron Maiden 13:34

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20