Coindexters 2 Year 9-3

Updated 4:58pm

Round 7

Aaron Oravillo vs.
Paul White Lord Of The Rings 17:32:07

Round 12

Jarrett Gaddy vs.
Isaac Grams Iron Maiden 16:17:49



Aaron Oravillo

Brad Booms x


Clare Green

Kat B x


Craig Cainkar

Roy McLaughlin x

Walking Dead

Jarrett Gaddy

Nick Gibson x

Lord Of The Rings

Kyle Condell

Sarah Hager x

Andy Glass x

Jason Simmons


Nick Bates-benitez x

Brad Jones

Terminator 2

Gavin Carrol

Marin Alexander x


Mika Rollin x

Paul White

Iron Maiden

Glenden Hoyt x

Zhonyea Pain


Nic Crowson x

Isaac Grams

Aaron Shervin


Clare Green x

Kyle Condell


Brad Jones x

Jarrett Gaddy

Walking Dead

Craig Cainkar

Jason Simmons x


Gavin Carrol x

Paul White

Terminator 2

Zhonyea Pain

Aaron Oravillo x


Aaron Shervin x

Isaac Grams

Lord Of The Rings

Nick Gibson xx

Andy Glass x


Kat B xx

Mika Rollin x


Nic Crowson xx

Sarah Hager x

Iron Maiden

Roy McLaughlin xx

Marin Alexander x


Glenden Hoyt xx

Nick Bates-benitez x

Brad Booms x


Zhonyea Pain x

Jarrett Gaddy

Iron Maiden

Isaac Grams

Craig Cainkar x

Walking Dead

Kyle Condell

Paul White x


Marin Alexander xx

Mika Rollin x


Andy Glass x

Sarah Hager xx

Terminator 2

Gavin Carrol x

Jason Simmons xx

Lord Of The Rings

Clare Green x

Aaron Shervin xx

Aaron Oravillo x

Brad Jones xx


Brad Booms x

Nick Bates-benitez xx


Roy McLaughlin xx

Kat B xxx


Nick Gibson xxx

Glenden Hoyt xx

Nic Crowson xx

Terminator 2

Isaac Grams

Kyle Condell x


Jarrett Gaddy

Aaron Oravillo xx


Andy Glass x

Brad Booms xx

Mika Rollin x

Clare Green xx


Paul White x

Zhonyea Pain xx


Gavin Carrol xx

Brad Jones xx


Aaron Shervin xx

Sarah Hager xxx

Walking Dead

Nick Bates-benitez xx

Roy McLaughlin xxx


Glenden Hoyt xx

Marin Alexander xxx

Iron Maiden

Nic Crowson xx

Jason Simmons xxx

Craig Cainkar x


Isaac Grams

Jarrett Gaddy x

Iron Maiden

Kyle Condell x

Mika Rollin xx


Andy Glass x

Paul White xx


Craig Cainkar xx

Aaron Oravillo xx


Clare Green xx

Zhonyea Pain xxx

Terminator 2

Brad Jones xx

Nic Crowson xxx


Brad Booms xxx

Gavin Carrol xx


Nick Bates-benitez xxx

Aaron Shervin xx

Glenden Hoyt xx

Walking Dead

Isaac Grams

Andy Glass xx

Jarrett Gaddy xx

Kyle Condell x


Glenden Hoyt xxx

Mika Rollin xx


Paul White xx

Brad Jones xxx


Gavin Carrol xxx

Aaron Oravillo xx


Craig Cainkar xxx

Aaron Shervin xx

Clare Green xx


Isaac Grams

Clare Green xxx


Mika Rollin xxx

Jarrett Gaddy xx

Terminator 2

Aaron Shervin xxx

Andy Glass xx

Lord Of The Rings

Aaron Oravillo xx

Paul White xx

Kyle Condell x


Isaac Grams

Kyle Condell xx


Jarrett Gaddy xx

Andy Glass xxx


Isaac Grams x

Paul White xx


Jarrett Gaddy xx

Kyle Condell xxx

Terminator 2

Jarrett Gaddy xx

Paul White xxx

Isaac Grams x

Lord Of The Rings

Isaac Grams xx

Jarrett Gaddy xx

Iron Maiden

Jarrett Gaddy xx

Isaac Grams xx

Round 11

Isaac Grams L vs.
Jarrett Gaddy W Lord Of The Rings 07:40

Round 10

Jarrett Gaddy W vs.
Paul White L Terminator 2 17:27

Round 9

Isaac Grams L vs.
Paul White W Creature 05:42

Jarrett Gaddy W vs.
Kyle Condell L Funhouse 05:05

Round 8

Isaac Grams W vs.
Kyle Condell L Medieval 16:22

Jarrett Gaddy W vs.
Andy Glass L Pirates 20:34

Round 7

Aaron Shervin L vs.
Andy Glass W Terminator 2 11:30

Isaac Grams W vs.
Clare Green L Skateball 11:37

Mika Rollin L vs.
Jarrett Gaddy W Metallic 20:07

Round 6

Craig Cainkar L vs.
Aaron Shervin W Funhouse 12:59

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Aaron Oravillo W Metallic 11:36

Glenden Hoyt L vs.
Mika Rollin W Medieval 13:10

Isaac Grams W vs.
Andy Glass L Walking Dead 12:42

Jarrett Gaddy L vs.
Kyle Condell W 07:59

Paul White W vs.
Brad Jones L Baywatch 10:58

Round 5

Andy Glass W vs.
Paul White L Metallic 22:35

Brad Booms L vs.
Gavin Carrol W Skateball 12:24

Brad Jones W vs.
Nic Crowson L Terminator 2 08:28

Clare Green W vs.
Zhonyea Pain L Medieval 09:16

Craig Cainkar L vs.
Aaron Oravillo W Pirates 09:56

Isaac Grams W vs.
Jarrett Gaddy L Baywatch 08:39

Kyle Condell W vs.
Mika Rollin L Iron Maiden 12:15

Nick Bates-benitez L vs.
Aaron Shervin W Creature 19:25

Round 4

Aaron Shervin W vs.
Sarah Hager L Metallic 10:36

Andy Glass W vs.
Brad Booms L Funhouse 17:59

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Brad Jones W Creature 20:45

Glenden Hoyt W vs.
Marin Alexander L Pirates 21:08

Isaac Grams W vs.
Kyle Condell L Terminator 2 10:26

Jarrett Gaddy W vs.
Aaron Oravillo L Medieval 14:04

Mika Rollin W vs.
Clare Green L 19:41

Nic Crowson W vs.
Jason Simmons L Iron Maiden 19:15

Nick Bates-benitez W vs.
Roy McLaughlin L Walking Dead 00:28

Paul White W vs.
Zhonyea Pain L Skateball 12:57

Round 3

Aaron Oravillo W vs.
Brad Jones L 09:19

Andy Glass W vs.
Sarah Hager L Baywatch 13:40

Brad Booms W vs.
Nick Bates-benitez L Pirates 15:59

Clare Green W vs.
Aaron Shervin L Lord Of The Rings 14:15

Gavin Carrol W vs.
Jason Simmons L Terminator 2 09:42

Isaac Grams W vs.
Craig Cainkar L Iron Maiden 16:17

Kyle Condell W vs.
Paul White L Walking Dead 18:39

Marin Alexander L vs.
Mika Rollin W Funhouse 17:01

Nick Gibson L vs.
Glenden Hoyt W Skateball 16:33

Roy McLaughlin W vs.
Kat B L Metallic 08:55

Zhonyea Pain L vs.
Jarrett Gaddy W Creature 08:40

Round 2

Aaron Shervin L vs.
Isaac Grams W Pirates 12:52

Brad Jones L vs.
Jarrett Gaddy W Skateball 07:59

Clare Green L vs.
Kyle Condell W Metallic 20:55

Craig Cainkar W vs.
Jason Simmons L Walking Dead 13:24

Gavin Carrol L vs.
Paul White W Medieval 11:00

Glenden Hoyt L vs.
Nick Bates-benitez W Baywatch 12:08

Kat B L vs.
Mika Rollin W Creature 10:56

Nic Crowson L vs.
Sarah Hager W Funhouse 10:41

Nick Gibson L vs.
Andy Glass W Lord Of The Rings 17:58

Roy McLaughlin L vs.
Marin Alexander W Iron Maiden 11:16

Zhonyea Pain W vs.
Aaron Oravillo L Terminator 2 10:35

Round 1

Aaron Oravillo W vs.
Brad Booms L Creature 08:17

Andy Glass L vs.
Jason Simmons W 08:02

Clare Green W vs.
Kat B L Baywatch 18:39

Craig Cainkar W vs.
Roy McLaughlin L Medieval 16:14

Gavin Carrol W vs.
Marin Alexander L Terminator 2 10:45

Glenden Hoyt L vs.
Zhonyea Pain W Iron Maiden 10:05

Jarrett Gaddy W vs.
Nick Gibson L Walking Dead 15:51

Kyle Condell W vs.
Sarah Hager L Lord Of The Rings 21:44

Mika Rollin L vs.
Paul White W Pirates 13:29

Nic Crowson L vs.
Isaac Grams W Metallic 19:33

Nick Bates-benitez L vs.
Brad Jones W Funhouse 10:25

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20