RJ Billiards 9 Ball Singles 4/19/24

Updated 4:59pm


7 Earl Ross 8 vs.
6 Joseph Temple 7 16:09:34


Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

7 Ronnie Arnold 8
4 Neal Largent 5
7 JJ Johnson 8
4 Kenny Mcminn 5
8 Grease 9
4 Bud Johnson 5
4 Chris Martin 5
6 Joseph Temple 7
3 Jayce Weaver 4
7 Earl Ross 8
3 Kendal Dortch 4
5 Jacob Sheriff 6
7 Ronnie Arnold 8
7 JJ Johnson 8
8 Grease 9
4 Bud Johnson 5
4 Chris Martin 5
6 Joseph Temple 7
7 Earl Ross 8
5 Jacob Sheriff 6
7 Ronnie Arnold 8
8 Grease 9
6 Joseph Temple 7
7 Earl Ross 8
7 Ronnie Arnold 8
7 Earl Ross 8
7 Earl Ross 8
6 Joseph Temple 7
4 Neal Largent 5
4 Kenny Mcminn 5
3 Jayce Weaver 4
3 Kendal Dortch 4
4 Neal Largent 5
5 Jacob Sheriff 6
4 Kenny Mcminn 5
4 Chris Martin 5
3 Jayce Weaver 4
4 Bud Johnson 5
3 Kendal Dortch 4
7 JJ Johnson 8
5 Jacob Sheriff 6
4 Kenny Mcminn 5
4 Bud Johnson 5
3 Kendal Dortch 4
4 Kenny Mcminn 5
8 Grease 9
3 Kendal Dortch 4
6 Joseph Temple 7
8 Grease 9
6 Joseph Temple 7
6 Joseph Temple 7
7 Ronnie Arnold 8
6 Joseph Temple 7


  7 Ronnie Arnold 8


  8 Grease 9


  4 Kenny Mcminn 5

  3 Kendal Dortch 4


  5 Jacob Sheriff 6

  4 Bud Johnson 5


  4 Neal Largent 5

  4 Chris Martin 5

  3 Jayce Weaver 4

  7 JJ Johnson 8

Elimination Final

6 Joseph Temple 7 W vs.
7 Ronnie Arnold 8 L 01:09:05

Elimination Semi-final

8 Grease 9 L vs.
6 Joseph Temple 7 W 29:30

Winners Final

7 Ronnie Arnold 8 L vs.
7 Earl Ross 8 W 38:27

Elimination 4

3 Kendal Dortch 4 L vs.
6 Joseph Temple 7 W 37:52

4 Kenny Mcminn 5 L vs.
8 Grease 9 W 44:41

Elimination 3

4 Bud Johnson 5 L vs.
3 Kendal Dortch 4 W 52:24

5 Jacob Sheriff 6 L vs.
4 Kenny Mcminn 5 W 38:27

Winners Semi-finals

6 Joseph Temple 7 L vs.
7 Earl Ross 8 W 50:24

7 Ronnie Arnold 8 W vs.
8 Grease 9 L 01:08:45

Elimination 2

3 Jayce Weaver 4 L vs.
4 Bud Johnson 5 W 13:42

3 Kendal Dortch 4 W vs.
7 JJ Johnson 8 L 38:45

4 Kenny Mcminn 5 W vs.
4 Chris Martin 5 L 25:53

4 Neal Largent 5 L vs.
5 Jacob Sheriff 6 W 33:57

Winners 1

4 Chris Martin 5 L vs.
6 Joseph Temple 7 W 51:43

7 Earl Ross 8 W vs.
5 Jacob Sheriff 6 L 36:45

7 Ronnie Arnold 8 W vs.
7 JJ Johnson 8 L 01:12:29

8 Grease 9 W vs.
4 Bud Johnson 5 L 33:13

Round 1

4 Kenny Mcminn 5 L vs.
8 Grease 9 W 31:55

4 Neal Largent 5 L vs.
7 JJ Johnson 8 W 50:44

6 Joseph Temple 7 W vs.
3 Jayce Weaver 4 L 30:50

7 Earl Ross 8 W vs.
3 Kendal Dortch 4 L 31:35

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20