FFDD 12/26/19

Updated 3:46pm



The Walking Dead

Clinton Peterson

Justina Russo x


Ashley Weaver

Neil Oney x

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Jeremiah Ratledge

Eric Winsor x

Lord of the Rings

Sean Irby

Bryan Eastman x


Tim Collins

Don Weyland x


MK Walker x

Andrea Peterson

Max Davidoff

Cirqus Voltaire

Clinton Peterson x

Tim Collins

The Addams Family

Max Davidoff

Sean Irby x

Total Nuclear Annihilation

Jeremiah Ratledge

Andrea Peterson x

Phantom of the Opera

Ashley Weaver

Eric Winsor xx

Alice Cooper Nightmare Castle

Neil Oney xx

MK Walker x

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Justina Russo xx

Bryan Eastman x

Don Weyland x

Starship Troopers

Jeremiah Ratledge

Tim Collins x

The Walking Dead

Max Davidoff x

Ashley Weaver

The Addams Family

Don Weyland xx

MK Walker x

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factrory

Sean Irby x

Andrea Peterson xx


Bryan Eastman x

Neil Oney xxx

World Cup Soccer

Eric Winsor xxx

Justina Russo xx

Clinton Peterson x

Black Knight 2000

Ashley Weaver

Jeremiah Ratledge x

Phantom of the Opera

Sean Irby x

Clinton Peterson xx

Starship Troopers

MK Walker x

Max Davidoff xx

Grand Lizard

Bryan Eastman x

Don Weyland xxx

Tron: Legacy

Andrea Peterson xxx

Justina Russo xx

Tim Collins x

Alice Cooper Nightmare Castle

Ashley Weaver x

Bryan Eastman x

Iron Maiden

MK Walker xx

Tim Collins x

Elvira’s House of Horrors

Jeremiah Ratledge x

Justina Russo xxx

Lord of the Rings

Max Davidoff xxx

Clinton Peterson xx

Sean Irby x

Phantom of the Opera

Tim Collins x

Bryan Eastman xx

Terminator: 3

Sean Irby xx

Jeremiah Ratledge x

Game of Thrones

MK Walker xxx

Clinton Peterson xx

Ashley Weaver x

Torpedo Alley

Ashley Weaver x

Jeremiah Ratledge xx

Black Knight: Sword of Rage

Tim Collins x

Sean Irby xxx

Tron: Legacy

Bryan Eastman xx

Clinton Peterson xxx


Ashley Weaver x

Tim Collins xx

Game of Thrones

Jeremiah Ratledge xx

Bryan Eastman xxx

The Addams Family

Ashley Weaver x

Tim Collins xxx

Jeremiah Ratledge xx

Iron Maiden

Ashley Weaver x

Jeremiah Ratledge xxx

Ashley Weaver x

Round 10

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Jeremiah Ratledge L Iron Maiden 19:30

Round 9

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Tim Collins L The Addams Family 14:09

Round 8

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Tim Collins L Robocop 09:59

Jeremiah Ratledge W vs.
Bryan Eastman L Game of Thrones 12:48

Round 7

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Jeremiah Ratledge L Torpedo Alley 09:57

Bryan Eastman W vs.
Clinton Peterson L Tron: Legacy 05:40

Tim Collins W vs.
Sean Irby L Black Knight: Sword of Rage 12:17

Round 6

MK Walker L vs.
Clinton Peterson W Game of Thrones 07:13

Sean Irby L vs.
Jeremiah Ratledge W Terminator: 3 13:36

Tim Collins W vs.
Bryan Eastman L Phantom of the Opera 07:50

Round 5

Ashley Weaver L vs.
Bryan Eastman W Alice Cooper Nightmare Castle 11:17

Jeremiah Ratledge W vs.
Justina Russo L Elvira’s House of Horrors 14:10

Max Davidoff L vs.
Clinton Peterson W Lord of the Rings 14:03

MK Walker L vs.
Tim Collins W Iron Maiden 08:03

Round 4

Andrea Peterson L vs.
Justina Russo W Tron: Legacy 07:38

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Jeremiah Ratledge L Black Knight 2000 13:38

Bryan Eastman W vs.
Don Weyland L Grand Lizard 15:19

MK Walker W vs.
Max Davidoff L Starship Troopers 13:15

Sean Irby W vs.
Clinton Peterson L Phantom of the Opera 19:04

Round 3

Bryan Eastman W vs.
Neil Oney L Atlantis 10:28

Don Weyland L vs.
MK Walker W The Addams Family 15:31

Eric Winsor L vs.
Justina Russo W World Cup Soccer 24:56

Jeremiah Ratledge W vs.
Tim Collins L Starship Troopers 08:38

Max Davidoff L vs.
Ashley Weaver W The Walking Dead 15:14

Sean Irby W vs.
Andrea Peterson L Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factrory 10:59

Round 2

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Eric Winsor L Phantom of the Opera 11:49

Clinton Peterson L vs.
Tim Collins W Cirqus Voltaire 12:09

Jeremiah Ratledge W vs.
Andrea Peterson L Total Nuclear Annihilation 09:37

Justina Russo L vs.
Bryan Eastman W Black Knight: Sword of Rage 13:11

Max Davidoff W vs.
Sean Irby L The Addams Family 10:38

Neil Oney L vs.
MK Walker W Alice Cooper Nightmare Castle 12:18

Round 1

Ashley Weaver W vs.
Neil Oney L Earthshaker 17:38

Clinton Peterson W vs.
Justina Russo L The Walking Dead 13:13

Jeremiah Ratledge W vs.
Eric Winsor L Star Trek: The Next Generation 08:40

MK Walker L vs.
Andrea Peterson W Ghostbusters 17:13

Sean Irby W vs.
Bryan Eastman L Lord of the Rings 20:48

Tim Collins W vs.
Don Weyland L Atlantis 12:34

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20