Updated 12:58am


Round 1

Born To Corn vs.
Corn Stars

Just Cornhole It vs.
CornHole Loophole

Straight Holes vs.
Kick your AST

Team D Money vs.
Dragon Hole

Round 2

A Town Down vs.
Shucking El-maiz-ing!

Cards of Corn vs.

Children of the Cornhole vs.
Corn in the USA

Dallas Cornboys vs.
1017 Cornhole Squad

Last Bag Standing vs.
Dirt Bags

Mission A-CORN-PLISHED vs.
Corned PMO Mash

Planet Cornhole II with David Attenborough vs.
Sons of Pitches

Santo & Blue Demon vs.
Dragon Balls Z

Shut your Cornhole vs.
SWAT My Corn

Starchky and Husk vs.
Can Of Cornholes

The Cornhole Menace vs.
New York Sack Exchange

The Corny Bandits vs. Cornhole!!
Two Ace Holers On Fire
Just Cornhole It
CornHole Loophole
Dallas Cornboys
1017 Cornhole Squad
Santo & Blue Demon
Dragon Balls Z
The Corny Bandits
(bye) Cornhole!!
Starchky and Husk
Can Of Cornholes
The Cornhole Menace
New York Sack Exchange
Last Bag Standing
Dirt Bags
Born To Corn
Corn Stars
IAM the Great Cornholio
Maized and Cornfused
Straight Holes
Kick your AST
Children of the Cornhole
Corn in the USA
Shut your Cornhole
SWAT My Corn
Planet Cornhole II with David Attenborough
Sons of Pitches
Cards of Corn
Corned PMO Mash
A Town Down
Shucking El-maiz-ing!
Team D Money
Dragon Hole
Drilling Wooden Platforms (DWP)
Two Ace Holers On Fire
Dallas Cornboys
1017 Cornhole Squad
Santo & Blue Demon
Dragon Balls Z
The Corny Bandits Cornhole!!
Starchky and Husk
Can Of Cornholes
The Cornhole Menace
New York Sack Exchange
Last Bag Standing
Dirt Bags
IAM the Great Cornholio
Maized and Cornfused
Children of the Cornhole
Corn in the USA
Shut your Cornhole
SWAT My Corn
Planet Cornhole II with David Attenborough
Sons of Pitches
Cards of Corn
Corned PMO Mash
A Town Down
Shucking El-maiz-ing!
Drilling Wooden Platforms (DWP)


1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20