Boondox Singles 3/15/20

Updated 3:43pm



Scroll to the right to view bracket. →

Jerry Armstrong (1)
(bye) (64)
Matt Martin (33)
Gary Marlin (32)
Dalton Owens (17)
Roy Pena (48)
(bye) (49)
John Mansfield (16)
Jennifer Frease (9)
(bye) (56)
Peyton Bell (41)
Jack Rye (24)
Trevor Strong (25)
Bradon Tharp (40)
(bye) (57)
Jason Swafford (8)
Lisa Gannon (5)
(bye) (60)
Kyle Fugatt (37)
Don Cross (28)
Chris Reece (21)
John Denby (44)
(bye) (53)
Gary Ferguson (12)
JR Holland (13)
(bye) (52)
Daniel Bluthardt (45)
Seth Hancock (20)
Jerett Scott (29)
Shane Fretwell (36)
(bye) (61)
Cody Thacker (4)
Trevor Toseland (3)
(bye) (62)
Kam Street (35)
Ed Norwood (30)
Reese Giffe (19)
Skip Foster (46)
(bye) (51)
Dalto Jacobs (14)
Jimmy Burdett (11)
(bye) (54)
Danny Rich (43)
David Rankin (22)
Todd Anderson (27)
Jody Bray (38)
(bye) (59)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
Tina Armstrong (7)
(bye) (58)
Blake Carter (39)
Marcus Whybrew (26)
Greg Strong (23)
Jonathan Judkins (42)
(bye) (55)
Buddy Stacey (10)
Jerry Stallions (15)
(bye) (50)
Hagen Cash (47)
Allen Hancock (18)
Derrick Esmond (31)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
(bye) (63)
Dee Knox (2)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Matt Martin (33)
Dalton Owens (17)
John Mansfield (16)
Jennifer Frease (9)
Jack Rye (24)
Trevor Strong (25)
Jason Swafford (8)
Lisa Gannon (5)
Kyle Fugatt (37)
Chris Reece (21)
Gary Ferguson (12)
JR Holland (13)
Seth Hancock (20)
Shane Fretwell (36)
Cody Thacker (4)
Trevor Toseland (3)
Ed Norwood (30)
Reese Giffe (19)
Dalto Jacobs (14)
Jimmy Burdett (11)
David Rankin (22)
Jody Bray (38)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
Tina Armstrong (7)
Marcus Whybrew (26)
Jonathan Judkins (42)
Buddy Stacey (10)
Jerry Stallions (15)
Allen Hancock (18)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
Dee Knox (2)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
John Mansfield (16)
Jennifer Frease (9)
Jason Swafford (8)
Kyle Fugatt (37)
Gary Ferguson (12)
Seth Hancock (20)
Cody Thacker (4)
Trevor Toseland (3)
Reese Giffe (19)
Jimmy Burdett (11)
Jody Bray (38)
Tina Armstrong (7)
Buddy Stacey (10)
Jerry Stallions (15)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
John Mansfield (16)
Jason Swafford (8)
Gary Ferguson (12)
Cody Thacker (4)
Reese Giffe (19)
Jimmy Burdett (11)
Tina Armstrong (7)
Jerry Stallions (15)
Jason Swafford (8)
Gary Ferguson (12)
Reese Giffe (19)
Jerry Stallions (15)
Gary Ferguson (12)
Reese Giffe (19)
Gary Ferguson (12)
Reese Giffe (19)
Gary Ferguson (12)
(bye) (64)
Gary Marlin (32)
Roy Pena (48)
(bye) (49)
(bye) (56)
Peyton Bell (41)
Bradon Tharp (40)
(bye) (57)
(bye) (60)
Don Cross (28)
John Denby (44)
(bye) (53)
(bye) (52)
Daniel Bluthardt (45)
Jerett Scott (29)
(bye) (61)
(bye) (62)
Kam Street (35)
Skip Foster (46)
(bye) (51)
(bye) (54)
Danny Rich (43)
Todd Anderson (27)
(bye) (59)
(bye) (58)
Blake Carter (39)
Greg Strong (23)
(bye) (55)
(bye) (50)
Hagen Cash (47)
Derrick Esmond (31)
(bye) (63)
Gary Marlin (32)
Dee Knox (2)
Roy Pena (48)
Allen Hancock (18)
Peyton Bell (41)
Jonathan Judkins (42)
Bradon Tharp (40)
Marcus Whybrew (26)
Don Cross (28)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
John Denby (44)
David Rankin (22)
Daniel Bluthardt (45)
Dalto Jacobs (14)
Jerett Scott (29)
Ed Norwood (30)
Kam Street (35)
Shane Fretwell (36)
Skip Foster (46)
JR Holland (13)
Danny Rich (43)
Chris Reece (21)
Todd Anderson (27)
Lisa Gannon (5)
Blake Carter (39)
Trevor Strong (25)
Greg Strong (23)
Jack Rye (24)
Hagen Cash (47)
Dalton Owens (17)
Derrick Esmond (31)
Matt Martin (33)
Dee Knox (2)
Allen Hancock (18)
Peyton Bell (41)
Marcus Whybrew (26)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
John Denby (44)
Daniel Bluthardt (45)
Jerett Scott (29)
Shane Fretwell (36)
JR Holland (13)
Chris Reece (21)
Lisa Gannon (5)
Blake Carter (39)
Greg Strong (23)
Dalton Owens (17)
Matt Martin (33)
Dee Knox (2)
Seth Hancock (20)
Peyton Bell (41)
Kyle Fugatt (37)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
Jennifer Frease (9)
Jerett Scott (29)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Shane Fretwell (36)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
Lisa Gannon (5)
Buddy Stacey (10)
Greg Strong (23)
Jody Bray (38)
Dalton Owens (17)
Trevor Toseland (3)
Dee Knox (2)
Peyton Bell (41)
Thomas Sheffield (6)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
Lisa Gannon (5)
Jody Bray (38)
Dalton Owens (17)
Dee Knox (2)
Tina Armstrong (7)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Jimmy Burdett (11)
Dennie Vaughn (34)
Cody Thacker (4)
Jody Bray (38)
John Mansfield (16)
Dee Knox (2)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Cody Thacker (4)
Jody Bray (38)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Jason Swafford (8)
Jody Bray (38)
Jerry Stallions (15)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Jody Bray (38)
Jerry Armstrong (1)
Reese Giffe (19)
Reese Giffe (19)


  Gary Ferguson (12)


  Reese Giffe (19)


  Jerry Armstrong (1)


  Jody Bray (38)


  Jason Swafford (8)

  Jerry Stallions (15)


  Dee Knox (2)

  Cody Thacker (4)


  Tina Armstrong (7)

  Jimmy Burdett (11)

  Dennie Vaughn (34)

  John Mansfield (16)


  Peyton Bell (41)

  Thomas Sheffield (6)

  Lisa Gannon (5)

  Dalton Owens (17)


  Seth Hancock (20)

  Kyle Fugatt (37)

  Jennifer Frease (9)

  Jerett Scott (29)

  Shane Fretwell (36)

  Buddy Stacey (10)

  Greg Strong (23)

  Trevor Toseland (3)


  Allen Hancock (18)

  Marcus Whybrew (26)

  John Denby (44)

  Daniel Bluthardt (45)

  JR Holland (13)

  Chris Reece (21)

  Blake Carter (39)

  Matt Martin (33)


  Gary Marlin (32)

  Roy Pena (48)

  Jonathan Judkins (42)

  Bradon Tharp (40)

  Don Cross (28)

  David Rankin (22)

  Dalto Jacobs (14)

  Ed Norwood (30)

  Kam Street (35)

  Skip Foster (46)

  Danny Rich (43)

  Todd Anderson (27)

  Trevor Strong (25)

  Jack Rye (24)

  Hagen Cash (47)

  Derrick Esmond (31)


  (bye) (64)

  (bye) (49)

  (bye) (56)

  (bye) (57)

  (bye) (60)

  (bye) (53)

  (bye) (52)

  (bye) (61)

  (bye) (62)

  (bye) (51)

  (bye) (54)

  (bye) (59)

  (bye) (58)

  (bye) (55)

  (bye) (50)

  (bye) (63)


Gary Ferguson (12) W vs.
Reese Giffe (19) L 00:07

Elimination Final

Jerry Armstrong (1) L vs.
Reese Giffe (19) W 16:52

Elimination Semi-final

Jerry Armstrong (1) W vs.
Jody Bray (38) L 14:43

Winners Final

Gary Ferguson (12) W vs.
Reese Giffe (19) L 24:02

Elimination 8

Jerry Armstrong (1) W vs.
Jason Swafford (8) L 11:12

Jody Bray (38) W vs.
Jerry Stallions (15) L 16:17

Elimination 7

Cody Thacker (4) L vs.
Jody Bray (38) W 18:52

Dee Knox (2) L vs.
Jerry Armstrong (1) W 08:31

Winners Semi-finals

Jason Swafford (8) L vs.
Gary Ferguson (12) W 17:14

Reese Giffe (19) W vs.
Jerry Stallions (15) L 27:06

Elimination 6

Dee Knox (2) W vs.
Tina Armstrong (7) L 20:48

Dennie Vaughn (34) L vs.
Cody Thacker (4) W 15:54

Jerry Armstrong (1) W vs.
Jimmy Burdett (11) L 14:09

Jody Bray (38) W vs.
John Mansfield (16) L 15:22

Elimination 5

Dee Knox (2) W vs.
Peyton Bell (41) L 20:18

Dennie Vaughn (34) W vs.
Lisa Gannon (5) L 25:25

Jody Bray (38) W vs.
Dalton Owens (17) L 19:25

Thomas Sheffield (6) L vs.
Jerry Armstrong (1) W 14:38

Winners 3

Gary Ferguson (12) W vs.
Cody Thacker (4) L 25:29

John Mansfield (16) L vs.
Jason Swafford (8) W 24:09

Reese Giffe (19) W vs.
Jimmy Burdett (11) L 16:38

Tina Armstrong (7) L vs.
Jerry Stallions (15) W 04:00

Elimination 4

Dalton Owens (17) W vs.
Trevor Toseland (3) L 12:21

Dee Knox (2) W vs.
Seth Hancock (20) L 14:27

Greg Strong (23) L vs.
Jody Bray (38) W 18:32

Jerett Scott (29) L vs.
Jerry Armstrong (1) W 20:06

Lisa Gannon (5) W vs.
Buddy Stacey (10) L 11:38

Peyton Bell (41) W vs.
Kyle Fugatt (37) L 18:00

Shane Fretwell (36) L vs.
Dennie Vaughn (34) W 22:34

Thomas Sheffield (6) W vs.
Jennifer Frease (9) L 29:34

Elimination 3

Blake Carter (39) L vs.
Greg Strong (23) W 13:58

Chris Reece (21) L vs.
Lisa Gannon (5) W 14:08

Dalton Owens (17) W vs.
Matt Martin (33) L 23:22

Daniel Bluthardt (45) L vs.
Jerett Scott (29) W 23:32

Dee Knox (2) W vs.
Allen Hancock (18) L 23:32

Peyton Bell (41) W vs.
Marcus Whybrew (26) L 18:56

Shane Fretwell (36) W vs.
JR Holland (13) L 28:25

Thomas Sheffield (6) W vs.
John Denby (44) L 24:10

Winners 2

Jennifer Frease (9) L vs.
Jason Swafford (8) W 19:59

Jerry Armstrong (1) L vs.
John Mansfield (16) W 32:55

Jerry Stallions (15) W vs.
Dennie Vaughn (34) L 23:00

Jimmy Burdett (11) W vs.
Jody Bray (38) L 23:59

Kyle Fugatt (37) L vs.
Gary Ferguson (12) W 14:03

Seth Hancock (20) L vs.
Cody Thacker (4) W 17:17

Tina Armstrong (7) W vs.
Buddy Stacey (10) L 19:04

Trevor Toseland (3) L vs.
Reese Giffe (19) W 12:54

Elimination 2

Blake Carter (39) W vs.
Trevor Strong (25) L 16:46

Bradon Tharp (40) L vs.
Marcus Whybrew (26) W 10:53

Daniel Bluthardt (45) W vs.
Dalto Jacobs (14) L 11:18

Danny Rich (43) L vs.
Chris Reece (21) W 07:11

Derrick Esmond (31) L vs.
Matt Martin (33) W 12:29

Don Cross (28) L vs.
Thomas Sheffield (6) W 19:28

Gary Marlin (32) L vs.
Dee Knox (2) W 13:54

Greg Strong (23) W vs.
Jack Rye (24) L 23:27

Hagen Cash (47) L vs.
Dalton Owens (17) W 08:41

Jerett Scott (29) W vs.
Ed Norwood (30) L 18:27

John Denby (44) W vs.
David Rankin (22) L 14:22

Kam Street (35) L vs.
Shane Fretwell (36) W 13:38

Peyton Bell (41) W vs.
Jonathan Judkins (42) L 11:35

Roy Pena (48) L vs.
Allen Hancock (18) W 28:57

Skip Foster (46) L vs.
JR Holland (13) W 23:02

Todd Anderson (27) L vs.
Lisa Gannon (5) W 18:51

Elimination 1

(bye) (50) L vs.
Hagen Cash (47) W 20:38

(bye) (52) L vs.
Daniel Bluthardt (45) W 54:27

(bye) (54) L vs.
Danny Rich (43) W 31:20

(bye) (56) L vs.
Peyton Bell (41) W 33:39

(bye) (58) L vs.
Blake Carter (39) W 03:35

(bye) (60) L vs.
Don Cross (28) W 47:14

(bye) (62) L vs.
Kam Street (35) W 30:47

(bye) (64) L vs.
Gary Marlin (32) W 19:44

Bradon Tharp (40) W vs.
(bye) (57) L 08:57

Derrick Esmond (31) W vs.
(bye) (63) L 42:52

Greg Strong (23) W vs.
(bye) (55) L 20:13

Jerett Scott (29) W vs.
(bye) (61) L 46:04

John Denby (44) W vs.
(bye) (53) L 11:57

Roy Pena (48) W vs.
(bye) (49) L 00:09

Skip Foster (46) W vs.
(bye) (51) L 41:02

Todd Anderson (27) W vs.
(bye) (59) L 18:40

Winners 1

Chris Reece (21) L vs.
Gary Ferguson (12) W 15:01

Dalton Owens (17) L vs.
John Mansfield (16) W 13:12

Dennie Vaughn (34) W vs.
Dee Knox (2) L 19:46

Jennifer Frease (9) W vs.
Jack Rye (24) L 09:06

Jerry Armstrong (1) W vs.
Matt Martin (33) L 14:51

Jerry Stallions (15) W vs.
Allen Hancock (18) L 21:42

Jimmy Burdett (11) W vs.
David Rankin (22) L 14:15

Jody Bray (38) W vs.
Thomas Sheffield (6) L 21:00

Jonathan Judkins (42) L vs.
Buddy Stacey (10) W 14:47

JR Holland (13) L vs.
Seth Hancock (20) W 19:30

Lisa Gannon (5) L vs.
Kyle Fugatt (37) W 28:25

Reese Giffe (19) W vs.
Dalto Jacobs (14) L 10:26

Shane Fretwell (36) L vs.
Cody Thacker (4) W 15:00

Tina Armstrong (7) W vs.
Marcus Whybrew (26) L 22:39

Trevor Strong (25) L vs.
Jason Swafford (8) W 16:30

Trevor Toseland (3) W vs.
Ed Norwood (30) L 07:10

Round 1

(bye) (49) L vs.
John Mansfield (16) W 45:01

(bye) (51) L vs.
Dalto Jacobs (14) W 45:01

(bye) (53) L vs.
Gary Ferguson (12) W 45:01

(bye) (55) L vs.
Buddy Stacey (10) W 45:01

(bye) (57) L vs.
Jason Swafford (8) W 45:01

(bye) (59) L vs.
Thomas Sheffield (6) W 45:01

(bye) (61) L vs.
Cody Thacker (4) W 45:00

(bye) (63) L vs.
Dee Knox (2) W 45:00

Blake Carter (39) L vs.
Marcus Whybrew (26) W 18:24

Chris Reece (21) W vs.
John Denby (44) L 26:38

Dalton Owens (17) W vs.
Roy Pena (48) L 14:40

Daniel Bluthardt (45) L vs.
Seth Hancock (20) W 08:48

Danny Rich (43) L vs.
David Rankin (22) W 12:36

Derrick Esmond (31) L vs.
Dennie Vaughn (34) W 11:58

Greg Strong (23) L vs.
Jonathan Judkins (42) W 16:35

Hagen Cash (47) L vs.
Allen Hancock (18) W 08:34

Jennifer Frease (9) W vs.
(bye) (56) L 45:00

Jerett Scott (29) L vs.
Shane Fretwell (36) W 26:17

Jerry Armstrong (1) W vs.
(bye) (64) L 45:00

Jerry Stallions (15) W vs.
(bye) (50) L 45:01

Jimmy Burdett (11) W vs.
(bye) (54) L 45:00

JR Holland (13) W vs.
(bye) (52) L 45:01

Kam Street (35) L vs.
Ed Norwood (30) W 10:31

Kyle Fugatt (37) W vs.
Don Cross (28) L 13:32

Lisa Gannon (5) W vs.
(bye) (60) L 45:00

Matt Martin (33) W vs.
Gary Marlin (32) L 19:29

Peyton Bell (41) L vs.
Jack Rye (24) W 12:58

Reese Giffe (19) W vs.
Skip Foster (46) L 09:38

Tina Armstrong (7) W vs.
(bye) (58) L 45:01

Todd Anderson (27) L vs.
Jody Bray (38) W 09:39

Trevor Strong (25) W vs.
Bradon Tharp (40) L 14:26

Trevor Toseland (3) W vs.
(bye) (62) L 45:01

1st - Flash (Williams,1979)

2nd - $360

3rd - $240

4th - $120

5th (2-way tie) - $90

7th (2-way tie) - $50

9th (4-way tie) - $30

13th (4-way tie) - $20